UI using OpenGL ES in BB10 - c++

I want to draw button, menu etc. (UI related things) using OpenGL ES in BB10.
How I can accomplish this task?? Any source code reference, tutorial or developer guide will be highly appriciated.
Thanks for your help.

Check the Gameplay - the open-source cross-platform 3D engine that is aimed at the indie game developer ecosystem. It also comes with the UI components.


Can I use OpenGL context in React Native for Windows?

I wonder if I can write my own native module, render something with using OpenGL in C++ and finally display rendered picture on react native side ( by simply using component).
If so, can I use that to render an animation in for example 60fps?
My case is that I've got the custom, let's say, game renderer written in OpenGL, and I looking for some fancy solution to create an editor detached from engine code.
I've already analyzed some react-native video libraries and I've discovered that frames are injecting as the texture of components, but I'm not sure is it the best solution (I can't find any documentation of those low-level mechanisms in react native).
Any advice? Thanks in advance!

What is difference between OpenGL programing with GLUT and Without GLUT

I want to start developing graphic programing using OpenGl
To kick start I am following OpenGL
I came across programing with GLUT and without GLUT but as being new to OpenGL in am even more confuse how to go with it?
GLUT is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
It does stuff like this:
Multiple windows for OpenGL rendering
Callback driven event processing
Sophisticated input devices
An 'idle' routine and timers
A simple, cascading pop-up menu facility
Utility routines to generate various solid and wire frame objects
Support for bitmap and stroke fonts
Miscellaneous window management functions
You can find more about it here.
GLUT was designed as a lib for simple demos and tutorials. Maybe one cannot create full AAA game title using it... but for learning/teaching it is a great tool.
GLUT is very old right now, so look for FreeGlut which is an alternative that handles not only basic GLUT features but also gives some more advanced features: like fullscreen game mode, etc.

Metro style app with DirectX portion

Will the Windows 8 APIs allow me to write an app that uses XAML for the UI and DirectX for rendering 3D objects? Say I am writing a 3D modeling app. There are a lot of dialogs and UI elements that I would like to make in XAML, and a single rectangular window that I would render with DirectX. I prefer using C++. Is this possible?
Good news! It seems that the release version of Windows 8 will allow Metro/XAML and DirectX Interop!
This is a common theme that we heard after we released the Developer Preview. Developers like you wanted to combine the high-performance immediate-mode rendering capabilities of DirectX with the rich interactivity, control model, and design-time experience of XAML.
We heard you. With the Consumer Preview, you can now smoothly integrate XAML and DirectX 11 in the same Metro style app to create a fast and fluid experience. For example, you can now create a DirectX game and use XAML to process input, create graphics for heads-up displays and menus, or bind to your app’s data model.
To this end, we added 3 new XAML types to support a broad range of DirectX interop scenarios, each with different capabilities:
SurfaceImageSource enables full composition of DirectX content into a XAML app. This allows drawing DirectX content into the XAML
visual tree, useful for complex image effects, data visualization,
and other immediate-mode drawing scenarios.
VirtualSurfaceImageSource is used for large-scale virtualized content. This is targeted toward apps that require panning and
zooming of large content, like maps and document viewers.
SwapChainBackgroundPanel targets full-screen, DirectX-focused scenarios. This is great for games and other low-latency, full-screen
DirectX apps with a XAML overlay.
Take a look at this msdn page for more detail.
Depending on how well (or badly) this turns out, you still have the option of abandoning Metro for WPF, because WPF and Direct3D can interop.

Need cross-platform GUI toolkit with OpenGL support

I need a cross-platform GUI toolkit with OpenGL support. I also need to be able to draw on a canvas or panel from an image buffer. The candidates I've chosen so far are FLTK (it can do OpenGL windows -- I don't know about canvases), Qt, and wxWidgets.
Any idea which would be the best?
I would say Qt. But that might be argumentative question...
Hey Deep, XVT support openGL. It's a GUI cross-platform toolkit for C and C++ www.xvt.com
For simple things I would suggest GLUT or something similar. But for anything above a simple window into which you render some OpenGL, I strongly recommend Qt. But as tibur said, its probably a matter of taste.
Checkout the Ecere SDK. It's a feature rich cross-platform GUI toolkit, and it supports a variety of graphics driver (e.g. GDI, X11, OpenGL, Direct3D). It has a built-in 3D engine, but you can mix it with your own OpenGL code as well, there are samples showing you how to do just that. It was originally designed as a GUI system for in-game menus, so it supports full screen mdoe as well as windowed mode, but is now a general purpose SDK.

Game development with Qt: where to look first?

So, I'm going to develop a Pac-Man clone with Qt. The problem is that I do not really know where to start.
I quickly take a look at the documentation and some demo. I also downloaded some game sources on qt-apps.org. And it seems that there is a lot of ways to develop a game with Qt!
In your experience, which part of Qt should I consider to develop a Pac-Mac clone ?
The Animation Framework
The Graphics View Framework
The Paint System
Qt Declarative
Any help would be appreciated.
I think that QGraphicsView framework is the best way. Create a QGraphicsScene, some QGraphicsItems for the elements of the game. You have collision detection for free.
Most of KDE games are based on the QGraphicsView framework. It is a good fit for simple game development.
I'm currently working on a project providing gaming-specific Qt Quick Components for cross-platform game development, might be of interest: http://v-play.net :)
At the very minimum you will want to look at QGLWidget. You can get an OpenGL program up in a few minutes by deriving from QGLWidget, it will create the window, context, handle mouse and keyboard input, etc. Create a QTimer to trigger updateGL() every 10-15 ms or so and your good to go. I think there is a demo somewhere for setting this up, but it has been awhile since I saw it.
If you want to embed widgets into the window, I would look at QGraphicsView. There is a demo of this called boxes. Just beware the demo is a tad hard to learn from as several classes are thrown into the same file and it might take a few moments of tracing to figure out where the flow is.
Since you are doing a 2d game, you might want to look at using QPainter on top of OpenGL. This allows you to draw primitives easily instead of doing them with OpenGL calls. I never could get this to stop flickering in fullscreen though.
There's a book about game development in Qt here, it's a bit old, but it might give you some ideas. But IMHO, Qt is widget based and is a bit slow for a game, you might consider using SDL or OpenGL.
I'm developing a simulation of rigid bodies with Qt and OpenGL using the PhysX API from Nvidia. If you want to see this approach, look at my project at github: http://github.com/lucassimao/Simulacao-Estereologica
Well, one place to look could be the Gluon game development framework, which is currently under development. It depends on what you're really aiming for with your PacMan clone, but Gluon may well be what you're after: https://github.com/KDE/gluon
If anyone else is interested in learning how to make GAMES using C++ and Qt, have a look at my YouTube tutorial series. It explains the graphics view framework through a series of videos which build upon a single game that we start in tutorial 1.
C++ Qt Game Tutorial 8 - Adding Graphics
If you are not comfortable with Qt yet, then I REALLY loved VoidRealm's Qt tutorial series, also on youtube (C++ Qt 1 - Introduction to QT programming).
A good start would be:
Qt Examples And Tutorials
Perhaps if you need to cheat you may want to look here