how to separate concerns in the below fn - clojure

The function below does 2 things -
Checks if the atom is nil or fetch-agin is true, and then fetches the data.
It processes the data by calling (add-date-strings).
What is a better pattern to separate out the above two concerns ?
(def retrieved-data (atom nil))
(defn fetch-it!
(if (or fetch-again?
(nil? #retrieved-data))
(->> (exec-services)
(map #(add-date-strings (:time %)))
(reset! retrieved-data))

One possible refactoring would be:
(def retrieved-data (atom nil))
(defn fetch []
(->> (exec-services)
(map #(add-date-strings (:time %)))))
(defn fetch-it!
(fetch-it! false))
(if (or force (nil? #retrieved-data))
(reset! retrieved-data (fetch))
By the way, the pattern to seperate out concerns is called "functions" :)

To really separate the concerns I think it might be better to define a separate fetch and process function. So that in no way they are complected.
(def retrieved-data (atom nil))
(defn fetcher []
(->> (exec-services)
(map #(add-date-strings (:time %)))))
(defn fetch-again? [force]
(fn [data] (or force (nil? data))))
(defn fetch-it! [fetch-fn data fetch-again?]
(when (fetch-again? #data))
(reset! data (fetch-fn))))
(fetch-it! fetcher retrieved-data (fetch-again? true))
Notice that I also gave the data atom as an argument.


Read each entry lazily from a zip file

I want to read file entries in a zip file into a sequence of strings if possible. Currently I'm doing something like this to print out directory names for example:
(defn entries [zipfile]
(if-let [entry (.getNextEntry zipfile)]
(cons entry (entries zipfile)))))
(defn with-each-entry [fileName f]
(with-open [z (ZipInputStream. (FileInputStream. fileName))]
(doseq [e (entries z)]
; (println (.getName e))
(f e)
(.closeEntry z))))
(with-each-entry "tmp/"
(fn [e] (if (.isDirectory e)
(println (.getName e)))))
However this will iterate through the entire zip file. How could I change this so I could take the first few entries say something like:
(take 10 (zip-entries "tmp/"
(fn [e] (if (.isDirectory e)
(println (.getName e)))))
This seems like a pretty natural fit for the new transducers in CLJ 1.7.
You just build up the transformations you want as a transducer using comp and the usual seq-transforming fns with no seq/collection argument. In your example cases,
(comp (map #(.getName %)) (take 10)) and
(comp (filter #(.isDirectory %)) (map #(-> % .getName println))).
This returns a function of multiple arities which you can use in a lot of ways. In this case you want to eagerly reduce it over the entries sequence (to ensure realization of the entries happens inside with-open), so you use transduce (example zip data made by zipping one of my clojure project folders):
(with-open [z (-> "" FileInputStream. ZipInputStream.)]
(let[transform (comp (map #(.getName %)) (take 10))]
(transduce transform conj (entries z))))
;;return value: [".gitignore" ".lein-failures" ".midje-grading-config.clj" ".nrepl-port" ".travis.yml" "project.clj" "" "target/" "target/classes/" "target/repl-port"]
Here I'm transducing with base function conj which makes a vector of the names. If you instead want your transducer to perform side-effects and not return a value, you can do that with a base function like (constantly nil):
(with-open [z (-> "" FileInputStream. ZipInputStream.)]
(let[transform (comp (filter #(.isDirectory %)) (map #(-> % .getName println)))]
(transduce transform (constantly nil) (entries z))))
which gives output:
A potential downside with this is that you'll probably have to manually incorporate .closeEntry calls into each transducer you use here to prevent holding those resources, because you can't in the general case know when each transducer is done reading the entry.

DSL syntax with optional parameters

I'm trying to handle following DSL:
(is :category "car/audi/80")
(is :price 15000))
that went quite smooth, so I added one more thing - options passed to the query:
(simple-query {:page 1 :limit 100}
(is :category "car/audi/80")
(is :price 15000))
and now I have a problem how to handle this case in most civilized way. as you can see simple-query may get hash-map as a first element (followed by long list of criteria) or may have no hash-mapped options at all. moreover, I would like to have defaults as a default set of options in case when some (or all) of them are not provided explicite in query.
this is what I figured out:
(def ^{:dynamic true} *defaults* {:page 1
:limit 50})
(defn simple-query [& body]
(let [opts (first body)
[params criteria] (if (map? opts)
[(merge *defaults* opts) (rest body)]
[*defaults* body])]
(execute-query params criteria)))
I feel it's kind of messy. any idea how to simplify this construction?
To solve this problem in my own code, I have a handy function I'd like you to meet... take-when.
user> (defn take-when [pred [x & more :as fail]]
(if (pred x) [x more] [nil fail]))
user> (take-when map? [{:foo :bar} 1 2 3])
[{:foo :bar} (1 2 3)]
user> (take-when map? [1 2 3])
[nil [1 2 3]]
So we can use this to implement a parser for your optional map first argument...
user> (defn maybe-first-map [& args]
(let [defaults {:foo :bar}
[maybe-map args] (take-when map? args)
options (merge defaults maybe-map)]
... ;; do work
So as far as I'm concerned, your proposed solution is more or less spot on, I would just clean it up by factoring out parser for grabbing the options map (here into my take-when helper) and by factoring out the merging of defaults into its own binding statement.
As a general matter, using a dynamic var for storing configurations is an antipattern due to potential missbehavior when evaluated lazily.
What about something like this?
(defn simple-query
[& body]
(if (map? (first body))
(execute-query (merge *defaults* (first body)) (rest body))
(execute-query *defaults* body)))

Idiomatic way of finding functions in a namesspace containing specific metadata?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to troll a namespace for functions that contain a specific bit of metadata. I've come up with a solution, but it feels a little awkward and I'm not at all sure I'm going about it the right way. There's a second component to this as well: I don't just want the names of the functions, I want to find them and then execute them. Here's a snippet of what I'm doing presently:
(defn wrap-routes
[req from-ns]
(let [publics (ns-publics from-ns)
routes (->>
(keys publics)
(map #(meta (% publics)))
(filter #(= (:route-handler %) true))
(map #(:name %)))
resp (first
(map #((% publics) req) routes)
(filter #(:status %))))]
(or resp not-found)))
As you can see, I'm doing all sorts of gymnastics to see if my metadata is attached to any functions in a given namespace and then am doing extra work after that to get the actual function back. I'm sure there must be a better way. So my question is, how would you do this?
(defn wrap-routes [req from-ns]
(or (first (filter :status
(for [[name f] (ns-publics from-ns)
:when (:route-handler (meta f))]
(f req))))
You can do something like this:
(defn wrap-routes
[req from-ns]
(->> (ns-publics from-ns)
(filter #(:route-handler (meta (%1 1))))
(map #((%1 1) req))
(filter #(:status %))
(#(or % not-found))))

How to do hooks in Clojure

I have a situation where I am creating and destroying objects in one clojure namespace, and want another namespace to co-ordinate. However I do not want the first namespace to have to call the second explicitly on object destruction.
In Java, I could use a listener. Unfortunately the underlying java libraries do not signal events on object destruction. If I were in Emacs-Lisp, then I'd use hooks which do the trick.
Now, in clojure I am not so sure. I have found the Robert Hooke library But this is more like defadvice in elisp terms -- I am composing functions. More over the documentation says:
"Hooks are meant to extend functions you don't control; if you own the target function there are obviously better ways to change its behaviour."
Sadly, I am not finding it so obvious.
Another possibility would be to use add-watch, but this is marked as alpha.
Am I missing another obvious solution?
Example Added:
So First namespace....
(ns scratch-clj.first
(:require [scratch-clj.another]))
(def listf (ref ()))
(defn add-object []
(ref-set listf (conj
#listf (Object.))))
(println listf))
(defn remove-object []
(scratch-clj.another/do-something-useful (first #listf))
(ref-set listf (rest #listf)))
(println listf))
Second namespace
(ns scratch-clj.another)
(defn do-something-useful [object]
(println "object removed is:" object))
The problem here is that scratch-clj.first has to require another and explicitly push removal events across. This is a bit clunky, but also doesn't work if I had "yet-another" namespace, which also wanted to listen.
Hence I thought of hooking the first function.
Is this solution suitable to your requirements?
(ns scratch-clj.first)
(def listf (atom []))
(def destroy-listeners (atom []))
(def add-listeners (atom []))
(defn add-destroy-listener [f]
(swap! destroy-listeners conj f))
(defn add-add-listener [f]
(swap! add-listeners conj f))
(defn add-object []
(let [o (Object.)]
(doseq [f #add-listeners] (f o))
(swap! listf conj o)
(println #listf)))
(defn remove-object []
(doseq [f #destroy-listeners] (f (first #listf)))
(swap! listf rest)
(println #listf))
Some listeners:
(ns scratch-clj.another
(:require [scratch-clj.first :as fst]))
(defn do-something-useful-on-remove [object]
(println "object removed is:" object))
(defn do-something-useful-on-add [object]
(println "object added is:" object))
Init binds:
(ns scratch-clj.testit
(require [scratch-clj.another :as another]
[scratch-clj.first :as fst]))
(defn add-listeners []
(fst/add-destroy-listener another/do-something-useful-on-remove)
(fst/add-add-listener another/do-something-useful-on-add))
(defn test-it []
=> object added is: #<Object java.lang.Object#c7aaef>
[#<Object java.lang.Object#c7aaef>]
object removed is: #<Object java.lang.Object#c7aaef>
It sounds a lot like what you're describing is callbacks.
Something like:
(defn make-object
{:destructor destructor-fn :other-data "data"})
(defn destroy-object
((:destructor obj) obj))
; somewhere at the calling code...
user> (defn my-callback [o] (pr [:destroying o]))
user> (destroy-object (make-object my-callback))
[:destroying {:destructor #<user$my_callback user$my_callback#73b8cdd5>, :other-data "data"}]
So, here is my final solution following mobytes suggestion. A bit more work, but
I suspect that I will want this in future.
Thanks for all the help
;; hook system
(defn make-hook []
(atom []))
(defn add-hook [hook func]
(some #{func} #hook)
(swap! hook conj func))
(defn remove-hook [hook func]
(swap! hook
remove #{func})))
(defn clear-hook [hook]
(reset! hook []))
(defn run-hook
(doseq [func #hook] (func)))
([hook & rest]
(doseq [func #hook] (apply func rest))))
(defn phils-hook []
(println "Phils hook"))
(defn phils-hook2 []
(println "Phils hook2"))
(def test-hook (make-hook))
(add-hook test-hook phils-hook)
(add-hook test-hook phils-hook2)
(run-hook test-hook)
(remove-hook test-hook phils-hook)
(run-hook test-hook)

Let over lambda block-scanner in clojure

I have just start reading Let over lambda and I thought I would try and write a clojure version of the block-scanner in the closures chapter.
I have the following so far:
(defn block-scanner [trigger-string]
(let [curr (ref trigger-string) trig trigger-string]
(fn [data]
(doseq [c data]
(if (not (empty? #curr))
(dosync(ref-set curr
(if (= (first #curr) c)
(rest #curr)
(empty? #curr))))
(def sc (block-scanner "jihad"))
This works I think, but I would like know what I did right and what I could do better.
I would not use ref-set but alter because you don't reset the state to a completely new value, but update it to a new value which is obtained from the old one.
(defn block-scanner
(let [curr (ref trigger-string)
trig trigger-string]
(fn [data]
(doseq [c data]
(when (seq #curr)
(alter curr
#(if (-> % first (= c))
(rest %)
(empty? #curr))))
Then it is not necessary to use refs since you don't have to coordinate changes. Here an atom is a better fit, since it can be changed without all the STM ceremony.
(defn block-scanner
(let [curr (atom trigger-string)
trig trigger-string]
(fn [data]
(doseq [c data]
(when (seq #curr)
(swap! curr
#(if (-> % first (= c))
(rest %)
(empty? #curr))))
Next I would get rid of the imperative style.
it does more than it should: it traverses all data - even if we found a match already. We should stop early.
it is not thread-safe, since we access the atom multiple times - it might change in between. So we must touch the atom only once. (Although this is probably not interesting in this case, but it's good to make it a habit.)
it's ugly. We can do all the work functionally and just save the state, when we come to a result.
(defn block-scanner
(let [state (atom trigger-string)
advance (fn [trigger d]
(when trigger
(condp = d
(first trigger) (next trigger)
; This is maybe a bug in the book. The book code
; matches "foojihad", but not "jijihad".
(first trigger-string) (next trigger-string)
update (fn [trigger data]
(if-let [data (seq data)]
(when-let [trigger (advance trigger (first data))]
(recur trigger (rest data)))
(fn [data]
(nil? (swap! state update data)))))