django or yii for building a production web app with db and with custom forms and reports [closed] - django

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to choose between django and yii for scalable, maintainable enterprise grade web-app with a database (preferably mysql) backend. The app is mainly focused with data entry but with custom workflows (beyond your basic autogenerated crud forms ) and custom reports. I have a CS background, familiar with MVC, programming background in c++, C#. 8 years ago built a similar app using php, mysql, perl/cgi and remember it being painful (doing everything from scratch with steep learning curve). Need to learn either python or php syntax again but I pick up languages fairly quickly. Read extensively online about django vs yii. Cannot go the .net mvc route due to need for open source. Dabbled in RoR , loved the language but i am not very comfortable with the magic that happens yet, especially for a production grade app. May be in the future. So back to Django vs yii -
Decision factors are:
1) easier learning curve
2)better suited framework for specific tasks that I would need - heavy db manipulations, custom UI flow (nothing too gfx intensive, just regular form elements but where i need to manipulate data over multiple tables via joins etc)
3)no nasty surprises with db connects (read but not fully understood all the gotchas with django orm and mysql).
4) something where I am not fighting the framework/language for basic things
5) scalable and fast run time (i know lot depends on how one architect the solution)
Please advice. Looking for help from someone familiar with having worked in both frameworks. thanks a lot

I know this is old but I feel like I can add to this, having used both frameworks.
Yii is a solid, fast framework. It isn't quite as secure out of the box as Django due to certain things (cross-site request forgery protection, for example) not being enabled or enforced by default. For me the single biggest advantage was the built-in code generator, because once you figure it out and start using it, it basically spits out a full-featured CRUD application in minutes.
Django is my framework of choice, because Python is Django's single biggest advantage. Not busting on PHP, I actually really like the language, but Python's clean object-oriented-ness (that a word?), class inheritance, etc. really shines with a framework like Django. There is no built-in code generator in Django, which was a deliberate choice by the developers. That is both a strength and a weakness. Yii's code generator can become a bit of a crutch if you're really trying to learn the framework, but with Django, once you learn how it works, you can go in and change anything, because you built it yourself, and it forces you to learn the framework well. With Yii, when you have your generated code and have to do a customization, THEN you may quickly begin fighting the framework.
Django's ORM is highly flexible, I'm a SQL guy myself and I think I've used raw SQL in my applications exactly once. Yii's is pretty good but I give Django a leg up in this regard as well, and Django's is extremely well documented.
Installation of Yii is slightly easier than Django, in my experience. Django takes a bit more work to get up and running. Django's tutorial is much, much stronger than that of Yii, at least it was when I started.

My suggestion would be Django. Forms in Django are classes, and of all the frameworks I've worked in over the past 16 years, from classic ASP to .NET, Rails and Java, I'd put Django's way of doing forms up against any of them.
South makes it ridiculously simple to do schema and data migrations.
I would recommend using Postgres over MySQL, especially if you're going to be leveraging Django ORM, as it's a bit more fine-tuned for Postgres. If you don't need Django admin and you have to use MySQL, you might take a look at SQLAlchemy and Alembic.
Django's learning curve is very flat. It's incredibly easy to learn and is extremely well documented.
My $0.02.

Yii is superb. I could learn it and get going within a couple of hours. I struggled to setup Django because of confusing configuration and URL mapping that is needed to get anything working. I have no doubt Django is excellent once you learn it but in my experience Yii was a lot easier to learn.
I really wish someone would port Yii to python.

Here are some comparisons on both frameworks...


What are the differences between django-tastypie and djangorestframework? [closed]

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Why would you use one over the other, for exposing an API for your Django app?
As the author of django-rest-framework, I've got an obvious bias ;) but my hopefully-fairly-objective opinion on this is something like:
As Torsten noted, you're not going to go far wrong with something written by the same peeps as the awesome django-haystack. From what I've seen on their mailing list Daniel Lindsey et al are super-helpful, and Tastypie is stable, comprehensive and well documented
Excels in giving you a sensible set of default behaviour and making building an API with that style incredibly easy.
Django REST framework
Gives you HTML browse-able self-describing APIs. (EG, see the tutorial API.) Being able to navigate and interact with the API directly in the browser is a big usability win.
Tries to stay close to Django idioms throughout - built on top of Django's class based views, etc... (Whereas TastyPie came along before Django's CBVs existed, so uses it's own class-based views implementation)
I'd like to think that the underlying architecture is pretty nicely built, decoupled etc...
In any case, both are good. I would probably characterise Tastypie as giving you a sensible set of defaults out of the box, and REST framework as being very nicely decoupled and flexible. If you're planning on investing a lot of time in the API, I'd def recommend browsing through the docs & codebase of each and trying to get a feel for which suits you more.
Obviously, there's also the 'Why TastyPie?' section in it's README, and the 'REST framework 3'.
See also Daniel Greenfeld's blog post on Choosing an API framework for Django, from May 2012 (Worth noting that this was still a few months before the big REST framework 2.0 release).
Also a couple of threads on Reddit with folks asking this same question, from Dec 2013 and July 2013.
Both are good choices.
For filters, tastypie is more powerful out-of-the-box. If you have a view that exposes a model, you can do Django-style inequality filters:
or OR queries:
these are possible with djangorestframework, but you have to write custom filters for each model.
For tracebacks, I've been more impressed with django-rest-framework. Tastypie tries to email settings.ADMINS on exceptions when DEBUG = False. When DEBUG = True, the default error message is serialised JSON, which is harder to read.
EDIT Outdated answer, tastypie is not really maintained anymore. Use Django REST framework if you have to choose a framework to do REST.
For an overview about the actual differences between both of them you should read their documentation. They are both more or less complete and quite mature.
I personally tend to tastypie though. It seems to be easier to set it up. It's done from the same people which created django-haystack which is awesome and according to django-packages it is used more than Django REST framework.
It's worth noting that since this was first asked DRF has gone from strength to strength.
It's the more active of the two on github (both in terms of commits, stars, forks and contributors)
DRF has OAuth 2 support and the browsable API.
Honestly for me that last feature is the killer. Being able to point all my front-end devs at the browsable API when they aren't sure how something works and say 'Go play; find out' is fantastic.
Not least because it means they get to understand it on their own terms and know that the API really, definitely, absolutely does what the 'documentation' says it does. In the world of integrating with APIs, that fact alone makes DRF the framework to beat.
Well, Tastypie and DRF both are excellent choices. You simply can’t go wrong with either of them. (I haven’t worked on Piston ever; and its kind of not trending anymore now a days so won’t / can’t comment on it. Taken for Granted.).
In my humble opinion: Choice should be made on yours (and your tech team’s) skills, knowledge and capabilities. Rather than on what TastyPie and DRF offers, unless off-course you are building something really big like Quora, Facebook or Google.
Personally, I ended up starting working first on TastyPie at a time when I didn’t even know django properly. It all made sense at that time, only knowing REST and HTTP very well but with almost no or little knowledge about django. Because my only intention was to build RESTful APIs in no time which were to be consumed in mobile devices. So if you are just like ‘I happen to be at that time called django-new-bie’, Don’t think more go for TastyPie.
But if you have many years of experience working with Django, knows it inside out and very comfortable using advanced concepts (like Class Based Views, Forms, Model Validator, QuerySet, Manager and Model Instances and how all they interact with one another), **go for DRF. **DFR is bases on django’s class based views.
DRF is idiomatic django. Its like you are writing model forms, validators etc. (Well, idiomatic django is no where near to idiomatic python. If you are python expert but have no experience with Django then you might be having hard time initially fit into idiomatic django philosophy and for that matter DRF as well).
DRF comes with lots of inbuilt magic methods just like django. If you love the django magical methods and philosophy **DRF **is just for you.
Now, just to answer the exact question:
Easy to get started with and provide basic functionalities OOB (out of the box)
Most of the time you won’t be dealing with Advanced Django concepts like CBVs, Forms etc
More readable code and less of magic!
If your models are NON-ORM, go for it.
Doesn’t strictly follow idiomatic Django (mind well python and django’s philosophies are quite different)
Probably bit tough to customize APIs once you go big
No O-Auth
Follow idiomatic django. (If you know django inside out, and very comfortable with CBV, Forms etc without any doubt go for it)
Provides out of the box REST functionality using ModelViewSets. At the same time, provides greater control for customization using CustomSerializer, APIView, GenericViews etc.
Better authentication. Easier to write custom permission classes. Work very well and importantly very easy to make it work with 3rd party libraries and OAuth. DJANGO-REST-AUTH is worth mentioning LIBRARY for Auth/SocialAuthentication/Registration. (
If you don’t know Django very well, don’t go for this.
Magic! Some time very hard to understand magic. Because its been written on top of django’s CBV which are in turn quite complex in nature. (
Has steep learning curve.
Personally what would I use in my next project?
Now, I am no more a fan of MAGIC and Out-of-box functionalities. Because all they come at a *great cost. * Assuming I have all choices and control over project time and budget, I would start with something light weight like RESTLess ( (created by the creator of TastyPie and django-haystack ( And for the same matter probably/definately choose the lightweight web framework like Flask.
But why? - More readable, simple and manageable idiomatic python (aka pythonic) code. Though more code but eventually provide great flexibility and customization.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
What if you have only no choice but Django and one of TastyPie and DRF?
Now, knowing the Django reasonably well, I will go with **DRF. **
Why? - idiomatic djagno! (I don’t love it though). Better OAuth and 3rd party integration (django-rest-auth is my favorite).
Then why you chose the DRF/TastyPie at first place?
Mostly I have worked with startups and small firms, which are tight on budget and time; and need to deliver something quick and usable. Django serve this purpose very well. (I am not at all saying that django is not scalable. There are websites like Quora, Disquss, Youtube etc run on it. But all it require time and more then average skills)
I hope, it will help you to take better decision.
Other references -
1. The State of Tastypie (
2. What are the differences between django-tastypie and djangorestframework? (What are the differences between django-tastypie and djangorestframework?)
Having used both, one thing that I liked (preferred) about Django Rest Framwork is that is is very consistent with Django.
Writing model serializers is very similar to writing model forms. The built in Generic Views are very similar to Django's generic views for HTML.
Django-tastypie is no longer maintained by it's original creator and he created a new light weight framework of his own.
At present you should use django-rest-framework with django if you are willing to expose your API.
Large corporations are using it. django-rest-framework is a core member of django team and he get funding to maintain django-rest-framework.
django-rest-framework also have huge number of ever growing 3rd arty packages too which will help you build your API's more easily with less hassles.
Some part of drf will also be merged in django proper.
drf provide more better patterns and tools then django-tastypie.
In short it's well designed, well maintained, funded, provide huge 3rd party apps, trusted by large organisations, easier and less boilerplate etc over tastypie.

CMS+blog+e-commerce: django or web2py [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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At the moment we are running few smaller PHP sites (small company, private, non-profit org, friends...) and would like to migrate them to Python in order to be able to tweak them more easily and/or extend their functionality due to being familiar with Python although without real experience using some of the Python frameworks.
In order not to write everything from the scratch, we'd need decent CMS, blog and some e-commerce module.
We did some research, installed and tried few apps in Django world and so far have arrived to the two possibilities:
Django-CMS as CMS, Zinnia as blog engine and Django shop as e-commerce or
Mezzanine which integrates CMS+blog and Cartridge as shopping cart application.
Both combinations are nice, although not perfect...At the moment there is problem integrating released versions of django-cms & zinnia due to their usage of non-compatible versions of django-mptt or e.g. Mezzanine is missing some features like linkback support in blog etc.
While playing with the above two sets of apps, we heard about Web2py and must say that we like lot of things there...
We are aware it's younger project with smaller community, less apps etc., but wonder if there is some set of web2py applications which can compare with the two above-mentioned Django sets so that we can choose to start with Web2py, learn it and in that process replace PHP sites with it?
So, we would like to have some capable CMS+blog with the following features:
tag cloud, categories
spam protection
RSS feeds
multiple authors
threaded comments (optional)
linkback (pingback/trackback) support
(easily) theme-able
markdown/reST markup for writing content/posting
multi-lingual support
As far as e-commerce is concerned, besides easy integration with CMS+blog apps we do not need anything spectacular - our 'company' is selling 'services', so no need for thousands of products (only 10s of them), no complicated shipping options so something like:
multi-lingual support
basic infrastructure for payment methods (e.g.) PayPal and we would need to write a custom module for form-based API
simple shopping cart able to handle simple product descriptions
tax calculations and
(optional) PDF support
would be everything what we would need.
Considering the features we would like to have, our (non)experience working with any framework, which one - Django or Web2py - you consider is more suitable in terms of ease of learning, ease of use, application support etc. ?
I've sent two posts to web2py list and (maybe) because my query was not specific-enough (or some other reason) I did not receive any reply there and I saw there are some apps like KPAX CMS which looks old/non-maintained. Otoh, there is Powerpack which incorporates Instant Press but I'm not sure about availability of e-commerce component. Finally, I've found out about plugin_wiki which seems to be new/young app, but, considering we found* out about possibilities in Django-world, we would like to learn about the situation on the Web2py scene in order to be able to evaluate both options better.
p.s. it would be nice if Appliances list would be organized a bit better so that it's easy to find out what is maintained, where is project page etc.
I've had a lot of success with Django-CMS. It's very, very easy to write custom content-type plugins, extend menu nodes with custom nav elements, such as a list of product categories, etc. It's dead-simple to hook custom application code to any page in the navigation hierarchy.
As you mentioned in your question, Zinnia also plugs into Django-CMS for a nice blogging solution that is also extensible. Adding a cart app, whether it's from the DIVIO team or not should be an easy task.
Django, DjangoCMS and Python in general, have very low learning curves in my opinion. In 14 years of development, Django is the only web framework that hasn't gotten in my way, and Python is an absolute pleasure to work with on a daily basis.
I think you'll find that the Django ecosystem is much more holistic than any of the other Python frameworks, it's also very, very well documented and there are literally hundreds of 3rd party apps. Plus, Django admin can potentially save you many weeks of dev time, and you can override, skin and extend it to do just about anything.
My $0.02 :)
-- EDIT --+
Yeah, right after I posted I realized I was heavy on comparison of frameworks but light on suggested solutions to your problem (i.e. existing appliances). I think that Django probably has more matured addins/apps. That being said, crafting your own blog in web2py (a simple blog) is probably only a little harder than configuring one for another framework.
There is the wordpressclone appliance:
(you can extract existing wordpress data and get it in here, i'm pretty sure there's a WP export and an import function on this appliance)
There is an e-store (haven't used it):
There is KPax CMS, as you said, but i think this one might be out of date, unless it was updated recently. The integration between these should be possible, you can share sessions across apps and I think if you have the same auth_user db, it should work.
I would try installing these and see if they are close to meeting your needs -- especially KPax since I'm not sure the state it's in.
-- END EDIT --
Both Django and Web2py are very good frameworks in my opinion. I think you would be happy with either. That being said, having not used frameworks I would say to with web2py, unless you NEED certain modules that only exist in the django world. Web2py probably has a little more gradual learning curve. Also, it can do RSS out of the box, there's a screencast somewhere showing how to create a blog app in about 5 minutes (including comments), and the community is (usually) very responsive. I don't think there is anything that web2py can do that django can't (except DB migrations -- but i think you can make django do them with some 3rd party code), or vice versa.
Django favors a "explicit is better than implicit" development methodology, which requires to you import various modules and doesn't have all the "magic" of web2py. Using django, you will be more aware of exactly what is going on under the hood. The django templating language is easy to learn and provides a lot of functionality for common markup tasks. Their is a LOT of documentation, a larger user-base and tons of 3rd party modules/plugins/whatever.
Web2py favors a "everything should have a default" approach, and enables to to focus on the big picture without getting bogged down by the minutia of web development. I'm not saying this is in contrast to django, but rather that web2py is very strong on this point. It allows you to rapidly develop applications, and takes the headache out of things like updating a table schema (i.e. it does database migrations). I also prefer web2py's templating language to django's, as it allows pure python and does not require one to learn a separate templating language at all.
I think both frameworks have decent internationalization/localization features. I'm not sure if Django's is still under development or not? Web2py's is easy to use, but I think you might have to provide a lot of the translations yourself.
As for the lack of replies on the web2py list, maybe it's because this topic is becoming more and more frequent? I'm not sure. You could ask people on the web2py freenode channel.
Also, definitely check out this link:
Django vs web2py for a beginner developer
The first response is from the lead developer of web2py, but I think he makes a fairly balanced comparison.
Also, the previous thread includes a link to here (the good and bad of web2py):
web2py is a great framework, but currently light on reusable CMS, blog, and particularly e-commerce applications. It sounds like you have already stumbled upon the main options -- plugin_wiki, Powerpack, and Instant Press.
I don't think there is a mature and currently maintained e-commerce application, but you may be able to make use of web2py-estore. There are also some options for accepting credit card payments (see also).
plugin_wiki includes comment functionality, and there is also plugin_comments. For PDFs, pyfpdf comes with web2py, and there is also web2py_appreport. web2py also includes RSS support.
EDIT: Also, another web2py CMS under development, to be released soon: SimplrCMS

Django or Zope?

I want to create a website and I am confused which web framework to use. Please recommend me which framework is better: Django or Zope. I am using Python.
If you mean plain Zope2 by zope then I'd go for Django. Most interesting stuff in the Zope world takes place with either Plone or Grok (which is Zope3, which is actually quite different from Zope2).
Grok works nice with relational databases, Plone doesn't really, so if you depend on an RDBMS, either go with Grok or Django.
Zope and Plone have a rather steep learning curve so you'll get started more quickly with Django.
The largest downside about Django is, in my opinion, that it tries do do everything by itself (templating, object publishing, ORM, and so on) while there are many excellent existing components out there. If you want to be able to use your code / knowledge outside of the web framework you're using, consider Pylons or BFG
Many options, no clear answer, sorry :)
I have no idea what sort of website you're trying to create, so it's hard to recommend a specific framework.
I'd recommend getting through some tutorials to see which one you like best (There's also pylons and TurboGears to pick from).
Django seems to be the most popular starting kit these days though.
If your website is very hierarchical and needs fine grained permissions, I'd use Zope. (Don't use Zope if you intend to store your data almost exclusively in an SQL database.)
If you have large datasets that can be put into (sql)tables and need many forms, I'd use Django. (Don't use Django if you need very fine grained access control, and hierarchical data)
You see: both have their weaknesses and strengths (although I am only developing in Django these days. The Zope community seems to be a bit in dispute these days about the way it should develop)
Zope is dead. As is TurboGears, Pylons, BFG, Repoze, CherryPy etc.
Active and popular Python web frameworks include:
* django
* flask
* bottle
Big, medium and small. Take your pick.
Here is a good comparison of Django and Zope (and Rails);filename=Comparison.html;version=3
They preferred Django. I, personally, use Django too, so I don't know much about Zope.
Another good thing about Django is that they have very good documentation (though I don't know that of Zope). Many people praise that very much.
Also I found Django quite easy to use, and also they have a ready 'administrator panel', which allows quick web-oriented site management from the first steps. More important for me, however, is its fine integration with python and the simple organisation (in the link above they complained that Zope uses very much of its own features, while Django is closer to pure Python).
If you are starting from scratch I will suggest you should go for Django. You will get lots of features and suppost from django. Easy to debug and best suited for rapid developement. In the other hand, You should only choose Zope, if you have experienced developers familiar with Zope or have existing projects based on Zope and the cost of switching is too high for the potential value gain.
In zope's website it self it is written, It is no longer recommended to start new projects based on it, unless you are intimately familiar with the technology stack.

Web Application Frameworks: C++ vs Python

I am familiar with both Python and C++ as a programmer. I was thinking of writing my own simple web application and I wanted to know which language would be more appropriate for server-side web development.
Some things I'm looking for:
It has to be intuitive. I recognize that Wt exists and it follows the model of Qt. The one thing I hate about Qt is that they encourage strange syntax through obfuscated means (e.g. the "public slots:" idiom). If I'm going to write C++, I need it to be standard, recognizable, clean code. No fancy shmancy silliness that Qt provides.
The less non-C++ or Python code I have to write, the better. The thing about Django (Python web framework) is that it requires you pretty much write the HTML by hand. I think it would be great if HTML forms took more of a wxWidgets approach. Wt is close to this but follows the Qt model instead of wxWidgets.
I'm typically writing video games with C++ and I have no experience in web development. I want to write a nice web site for many reasons. I want it to be a learning experience, I want it to be fun, and I want to easily be able to concentrate on "fun stuff" (e.g. less boilerplate, more meat of the app).
Any tips for a newbie web developer? I'm guessing web app frameworks are the way to go, but it's just a matter of picking one.
I would go with Wt because:
You already know C++
It has a nice layout system, so you don't need to know lots of HTML
It is very well written and a pleasure to code in
Your deployed apps will handle 50 times the load of the python app on less hardware (from experience with pylons apps, 10,000 times the load of a plone app :P)
It has all the libraries that the guy in the first question says it doesn't and more
In built development webserver
Templating language
unit testing help
open-id and user+password authentication
A brilliant widget library
Web 2.0 isn't an after thought; it wasn't designed on a Request+Response model like all the python frameworks (as far as I know), but on an event driven interactive model.
It uses WebSockets if available
Falls back to normal ajax gracefully if not
Falls back to http for browsers like linx
It is more like coding a gui app than a web app, which is probably what you're used to
It is statically typed and therefore less error prone. Does def delete(id): take an int or a string ?
The unit tests (on my apps at least) take 10-100 times less time than my python app unit tests to run (including the compile time)
It has a strong and friendly community. All my email list posts are answered in 0-3 days.
If you'd like to avoid writing HTML, you could try GWT. However, in my experience, using an intermediate framework to generate HTML and ECMAScript never works anywhere near as well as hand-writing the pages.
[edit] nikow mentions in the comments that Pyjamas is a port of GWT to Python.
Regarding the language, if given the choice between C++ and Python I would pick Python 100% of the time. Even ignoring the obvious difference in abstraction between those languages, Python simply has more useful libraries than C++. You don't have to write your own development-oriented web server -- Django comes with one. You don't need to write a custom template library -- Python has Genshi. Django comes with a capable ORM layer, or for even more control you can use SQLAlchemy. It's barely a contest.
Django is good point to start web development it is great framework
If you look for C++ take a look on CppCMS, it is much more close to Django, it is not like Wt that mimics Qt.
In any case, it is really depends on your needs. C++ can be used for embedded or high performance web applications, but for medium range web sites Django would be better. (and I'm developer of CppCMS)
I think you better go firt python in your case, meanwhile you can extend cppCMS functionalities and write your own framework arround it.
wt was a good idea design, but somehow not that suitable.
If you are exploring Python frameworks (based on the excepted answer I think you are) I think you really owe it to yourself to check out CherryPy. When you write CherryPy apps, you really are just writing Python apps. The framework gets out of your way in a real hurry. Your free to choose your own templating, ORM (if you choose to use ORM), etc. Seriously, take 10 or 20 minutes and give it a look.
The only reason you might want to use C++ over Python is when speed is paramount.
If this is going to be your first web-app, you'll probably be ok with just Python, and your development speed will be orders of magnitude better than with CPP.
Django's templating language is far from powerless, to me it actually seems very pythonic. You actually can write pure python in a template(although this is generally not recommended).
Even better, it's possible to replace Django's templating system with the one you like.
My personal favourite language for this is HAML.
Here's some data on this:
Is there a HAML implementation for use with Python and Django
Having looked several ones, like django, pylos, web2py, wt. My recommendation is web2py. It's a python version of "ruby on rails" and easy to learn.

What is the difference between Django and Joomla? [closed]

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What is the difference between Django and Joomla?
Or better still what is the difference between CMSs (Joomla, Drupal, etc) and Web Frameworks (Django, Symphony, Zend, etc)?
Using toy construction kit analogy-
CMS: Comparable to a doll house kit. You can customize it quite a bit, but it's well suited for building mainly one kind of toy.
Web Application Framework: Comparable to a Lego set. you can build various kind of toy structures rapidly as you don't need to make the left bricks yourself.
no Framework: Developing web apps only with a programming language's standard library is like making toys out of plain clay. It offers most freedom, but you also pay the price of making all the pieces yourself.
Django (and web frameworks) provide common functionality needed to build most common websites. This functionality is mostly technical and a novice user (read: non programmer) has little knowledge on how to utilize it.
Where as Joomla (and CMSes in general) are packages aimed at non programmers (but still technical users, somewhat at least) to deploy and run websites using them.
If you install Joomla, you can add content to your website
If you install Django, you can start programming something that will allow you to add content
Straight off the Django website:
Is Django a content-management-system (CMS)?
No, Django is not a CMS, or any sort of “turnkey product” in and of itself. It’s a Web framework; it’s a programming tool that lets you build Web sites.
For example, it doesn’t make much sense to compare Django to something like Drupal, because Django is something you use to create things like Drupal.
Of course, Django’s automatic admin site is fantastic and timesaving – but the admin site is one module of Django the framework. Furthermore, although Django has special conveniences for building “CMS-y” apps, that doesn’t mean it’s not just as appropriate for building “non-CMS-y” apps (whatever that means!).
Web frameworks are programmer tools that help build content managers and similar web applications.
Just as content managers can be categorized from simple & easy (Wordpress? and Joomla?) to highly customizable & complex (Typo3?), frameworks can be best for certain tasks (and not so graceful at others). Some web frameworks (Rails?, Django? and TurboGears?) are more geared towards CMS-like applications, some others (Werkzeug? and Twisted?) try to provide foundation for more complex applications. And there are others (Pylons?) trying to find the middleground.
NOTE: Project names in parenthesis all have a question mark because the categorization is my personal opinion. They may or may not be correct examples.