I've wrote a subroutine with some if..else nested
Unfortunately i can't understand why my code are executed before and after the "ELSE" (!!)
I read it for hours, but i don't find any error.. can you help me?
I copied the code (with a lot of echo-debugs) and the output
This is my little code:
set debug=echo
%debug% # %~0: %*
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims=;" %%a in ('"%*"') do (set dir=%%~a& set own=%%~b)
%debug% - dir="!dir!"
%debug% - own="!own!"
%debug% -+ analisi cartella: "!dir!"
if exist "!dir!" (
%debug% x la cartella esiste già, passo oltre
) else (
%debug% - la cartella non esite quindi la creo
mkdir "!dir!" || echo [E] non sono riuscito a creare la cartella&& echo %err3_txt% [dir:!dir!] 1>&2 && exit %err3_id%
%debug% -+ analisi proprietario: "!own!"
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=\" %%x in ('"!own!\\"') do (set own1=%%~x& set own2=%%~y)
if [!own!] equ [!own:~0,1! ] (
%debug% x il proprietario non è stato specificato quindi non va cambiato, passo oltre
) else (
%debug% - own1: "!own1!"
%debug% - own2: "!own2!"
if [%own2%] equ [] (
%debug% - il proprietario ha un dominio implicito, lo calcolo
set ownn=%own1%
set ownd=%userdomain%
) else (
%debug% - il proprietario ha un dominio esplicitamente indicato
set ownd="input non valido"
if /i [!own1!] equ [L] set ownd=%computername%
if /i [!own1!] equ [D] set ownd=%userdomain%
if "%ownd%" equ "input non valido" (echo [E] il dominio esplitamente indicato non è riconosciuto: !own1!& echo %err4_txt% [dir:!dir!][own:!own!] 1>&2 & exit %err4_id%)
%debug% - la configurazione prevede l'impostazione del seguente proprietario: !ownd!\!ownn!
%debug% x done.
this is my output :
# :CSG_check_fs: C:; ;
- dir="C:"
- own=" "
-+ analisi cartella: "C:"
x la cartella esiste giÓ, passo oltre
-+ analisi proprietario: " "
x il proprietario non Þ stato specificato quindi non va cambiato, passo oltre
- own1: " "
- own2: ""
- il proprietario ha un dominio implicito, lo calcolo
- la configurazione prevede l'impostazione del seguente proprietario: CSG\
x done.
in particular, let us appropriate commands are executed BEFORE and AFTER the else clause!!!
why??? this thing is incredible!! or am i too tired?
It is certainly very odd. CMD seems to be having a real problem with this very complex statement (and so do I...) :
if [!own!] equ [!own:~0,1! ] (
%debug% x il proprietario non è stato specificato quindi non va cambiato, passo oltre
) else (
%debug% - own1: "!own1!"
%debug% - own2: "!own2!"
if [%own2%] equ [] (
%debug% - il proprietario ha un dominio implicito, lo calcolo
set ownn=%own1%
set ownd=%userdomain%
) else (
%debug% - il proprietario ha un dominio esplicitamente indicato
set ownd="input non valido"
if /i [!own1!] equ [L] set ownd=%computername%
if /i [!own1!] equ [D] set ownd=%userdomain%
if "%ownd%" equ "input non valido" (echo [E] il dominio esplitamente indicato non è riconosciuto: !own1!& echo %err4_txt% [dir:!dir!][own:!own!] 1>&2 & exit %err4_id%)
%debug% - la configurazione prevede l'impostazione del seguente proprietario: !ownd!\!ownn!
Looking at
if [!own!] equ [!own:~0,1! ] (
You may think that this should be evaluated, with OWN set to a single space, as
if [ ] equ [ ] (
Which should generate a syntax error because the third token in the command is ] and that's not a valid comparison-operator. The !var! confuses matters because it can't be evaluated until EXECUTION TIME - and by then, the parser has finished its work.
The correct form is
if "%own%" equ "%own:~0,1% " (
because the parser can then substitute the CURRENT (ie. PARSE-TIME) value of own and the syntax is "quoted string" operator "another quoted string"
I'm sure that this change would solve the major part of the problem.
if [%own2%] equ [] (
should be
if "%own2%" equ "" (
or even (my preference)
if not defined own2
and the same goes for the other IF [..] equ [...] constructs.
Finally, in the sequence
set ownd="input non valido"
if /i [!own1!] equ [L] set ownd=%computername%
if /i [!own1!] equ [D] set ownd=%userdomain%
if "%ownd%" equ "input non valido" (echo [E] il dominio ...
there's a small problem (other than the if..[...
ownd may be SET within the code, but the %ownd% in the last of these lines will have the PARSE-TIME value of ownd substituted, so it's unlikely to contain the target string. Here's where you NEED !var! because the value of var is being changed by the code and you want the changed value, not the value as it stood when the statement was parsed.
Imo this might be not perfect, but please keep in mind, this is no de-bugging service here & I'm not your father, Luke.
# echo off&setlocal
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims=;" %%a in ("%*") do (set dir=%%~a& set own=%%~b)
if not exist "%dir%" mkdir "%dir%" || echo [E] non sono riuscito a creare la cartella&& echo %err3_txt% [dir:%dir%]&& exit %err3_id%
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=\" %%x in ("%own%\\") do (set own1=%%~x& set own2=%%~y)
if not [%own%] equ [%own:~0,1%] (
if [%own2%] equ [] (
set ownn=%own1%
set ownd=%userdomain%
) else (
set "ownd=input non valido"
if /i [%own1%] equ [L] set ownd=%computername%
if /i [%own1%] equ [D] set ownd=%userdomain%
if "%ownd%" equ "input non valido" (echo [E] il dominio esplitamente indicato non è riconosciuto: %own1%& echo %err4_txt% [dir:%dir%][own:%own%]& exit %err4_id%)
I have the following code (in batch) to test part of a larger code that isnt working:
#echo off
set /a slotted55=8
set /a place=55
set /a key3=8
set /a key1=0
set /a key2=0
set /a key4=0
set /a key5=0
set /a key6=0
set /a strike=0
if %place%==55 (
if %key1%==%slotted55% (
set key1=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else (
if %key2%==%slotted55% (
set key2=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else (
if %key3%==%slotted55% (
set key3=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else (
if %key4%==%slotted55% (
set key4=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else (
if %key5%==%slotted55% (
set key5=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else (
if %key6%==%slotted55% (
set key6=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else (
set /a strike=%strike% +1
if %strike%==3 goto gameover
set %slotted55%=X
goto 5x5one
echo gameover
echo good
For some reason, it keeps crashing. I've looked at multiple other questions, but none of them seem to fit this situation. All the variables seem correct, and there are no missing operands, but its not like batch gives you an error message. Can anyone help me?
As I stated in my comment, you do not require any of the else statements, also as your opening if statement does not have an else, you should begin by using the opposite comparison, thus not having everything nested into one set of parentheses.
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions
Set "place=55"
Set /A "key3=slotted55=8"
Set /A "key1=key2=key4=key5=key6=strike=0"
If "%place%" NEq "55" GoTo gameover
If "%key1%" == "%slotted55%" (
Set "key1=V"
Set "slotted55=V"
GoTo 5x5one
If "%key2%" == "%slotted55%" (
Set "key2=V"
Set "slotted55=V"
GoTo 5x5one
If "%key3%" == "%slotted55%" (
Set "key3=V"
Set "slotted55=V"
GoTo 5x5one
If "%key4%" == "%slotted55%" (
Set "key4=V"
Set "slotted55=V"
GoTo 5x5one
If "%key5%" == "%slotted55%" (
Set "key5=V"
Set "slotted55=V"
GoTo 5x5one
If "%key6%" == "%slotted55%" (
Set "key6=V"
Set "slotted55=V"
GoTo 5x5one
Set /A strike += 1
If %strike% Equ 3 GoTo gameover
Set "slotted55=X"
GoTo 5x5one
Echo gameover
Exit /B
Echo good
Because of where you put your )s, all of your else statements are looking at each other instead of the other if statements that you've written. Right now, your logic looks something like this:
if "%x%"=="5" (
echo X is 5
) else (
echo X is not 5
) else (
echo X is somehow neither 5 nor is it not 5
If you combine your else with the next if, your logic makes sense again.
set /a strike=0
if %place%==55 (
if %key1%==%slotted55% (
set key1=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else if %key2%==%slotted55% (
set key2=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else if %key3%==%slotted55% (
set key3=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else if %key4%==%slotted55% (
set key4=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else if %key5%==%slotted55% (
set key5=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else if %key6%==%slotted55% (
set key6=V
set slotted55=V
goto 5x5one
) else (
set /a strike=%strike% +1
if %strike%==3 goto gameover
set %slotted55%=X
goto 5x5one
You are working with incrementing numbers here, you can just use a for loop and have a single if statement inside a for loop:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a slotted55=8, place=55, key3=8, key1=0, key2=0, key4=0, key5=0, key6=0, strike=0
if %place% neq %slotted55% goto :gameover
for /L %%i in (1,1,6) do (
if !key%%i! equ %slotted55% (
set "key%%i=V"
set "slotted55=V"
goto :5x5one
set /a strike+=1
if %strike% equ 3 (
echo gameover
set "slotted55=X"
echo good
For now, there seems to be something missing here though, you will never reach strike=3 unless you have a goto to return to the loop. So this code will work as yours would have without all the else statements.
When I execute the following Windows batch script on Windows Server 2012:
#echo off
SET v=()
IF 1 == 2 (
echo hi
echo %v:~0%
echo 1 equals 2
) ELSE (
echo 1 does not equal 2
IF 1 == 2 (
echo %v:0%
echo 1 equals 2
) ELSE (
echo 1 does not equal 2
I get the following output:
1 equals 2
1 does not equal 2
1 does not equal 2
Can anybody tell me why this happens? I don't want to go into the block starting with echo hi even if the value of v is ().
I'm not quite sure what your intention is, but here's how I think your issue can be fixed.
The variable %v% is parsed before the IF command is run, and that contains a problematic closing parenthesis. What happens therefore is that the code reads, echo %v:~0% as echo ( and closes the IF with ) It then parses the next line which is echo 1 equals 2, and prints it as expected.
To prevent that, either escape that parenthesis, when you define that variable:
#echo off
SET "v=(^)"
IF 1 == 2 (
echo hi
echo %v:~0%
echo 1 equals 2
) ELSE (
echo 1 does not equal 2
IF 1 == 2 (
echo %v:0%
echo 1 equals 2
) ELSE (
echo 1 does not equal 2
Or, better still enable delayed expansion, so that the variable content is not parsed before the command is run, only when it is:
#echo off
SET "v=()"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
IF 1 == 2 (
echo hi
echo !v:~0!
echo 1 equals 2
) ELSE (
echo 1 does not equal 2
IF 1 == 2 (
echo !v:0!
echo 1 equals 2
) ELSE (
echo 1 does not equal 2
Essentially I'm working on a project in command line, and I'm trying to have multiple if statements with multiple conditions to end up with something, in this case, echo displaying something. Here's an example:
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 1 2
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 2 2
Now this works fine, displaying what's shown beside echo, and when I add a second one, it also works fine, like so:
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 1 2
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 2 2
if %piece%==2 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 2 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 2 1 2
if %piece%==2 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 2 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 2 2 2
But once I add a third one which has a different second condition, instead of haut it's pantalon, it suddenly crashes the program instead of giving the answer.
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 1 2
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 2 2
if %piece%==2 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 2 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 2 1 2
if %piece%==2 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 2 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 2 2 2
if %piece%==3 if %pantalon%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo pantalon 3 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo pantalon 3 1 2
if %piece%==3 if %pantalon%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo pantalon 3 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo pantalon 3 2 2
I've also tried doing it without the else if, and just having many if statements stacked, but the same problem arises. I'll add the entire code at the end just in case it's needed, but I really don't know what the issue is here and why this is being caused. If someone could help me out, it'd be really appreciated!
Here's the full code:
#echo off
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Quelle piece vestimentaire voulez-vous?
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo -------
echo Hommes
echo -------
echo Haut (1)
echo Haut (2)
echo Pantalon (3)
echo -------
echo Femmes/Tous genres confondus
echo -------
echo Haut (4)
echo Jupe (5)
echo Pantalon (6)
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
set /p piece=
if %piece%==1 goto haut
if %piece%==2 goto haut
if %piece%==3 goto pantalon
if %piece%==4 goto haut
if %piece%==5 goto jupe
if %piece%==6 goto pantalon
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Quelle style d'haut voulez-vous?
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Haut (1)
echo Haut (2)
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
set /p haut=
goto couleur
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Quelle style de pantalon voulez-vous?
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Pantalon (1)
echo Pantalon (2)
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
set /p pantalon=
goto couleur
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Quelle style de jupe voulez-vous?
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Jupe (1)
echo Jupe (2)
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
set /p jupe=
goto couleur
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Quelle couleurs voulez-vous?
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Rouge et noir (1)
echo Blue et noir (2)
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
set /p couleur=
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 1 2
if %piece%==1 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 1 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 1 2 2
if %piece%==2 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 2 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 2 1 2
if %piece%==2 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 2 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 2 2 2
if %piece%==3 if %pantalon%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo pantalon 3 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo pantalon 3 1 2
if %piece%==3 if %pantalon%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo pantalon 3 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo pantalon 3 2 2
if %piece%==4 if %haut%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 4 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 4 1 2
if %piece%==4 if %haut%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 4 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 4 2 2
if %piece%==5 if %jupe%==1 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 4 1 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 4 1 2
if %piece%==5 if %jupe%==2 (
if %couleur%==1 (
echo haut 4 2 1
) else if %couleur%==2 (
echo haut 4 2 2
goto menu
If there's any other information you need I'll be happy to give it!
I would advise that you do not use Set /P to receive expected single digit known input, and instead use the more appropriate and built-in choice.exe utility. This will guarantee that the end user can only provide input from your known list.
As for your if / else, structure, I have removed some unnecessary things, because if many of the options are not 1, they must by default, be 2, so there's no need to ask a second if.
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions
Set /A haut=pantalon=jupe=couleur=0
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle piece vestimentaire voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo -------
Echo Hommes
Echo -------
Echo Haut (1)
Echo Haut (2)
Echo Pantalon (3)
Echo -------
Echo Femmes/Tous genres confondus
Echo -------
Echo Haut (4)
Echo Jupe (5)
Echo Pantalon (6)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 123456
Set "piece=%ERRORLEVEL%"
If %piece%==1 GoTo Haut
If %piece%==2 GoTo Haut
If %piece%==3 GoTo Pantalon
If %piece%==4 GoTo Haut
If %piece%==5 GoTo Jupe
If %piece%==6 GoTo Pantalon
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle style d'haut voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Haut (1)
Echo Haut (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "haut=%ERRORLEVEL%"
GoTo Couleur
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle style de pantalon voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Pantalon (1)
Echo Pantalon (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "pantalon=%ERRORLEVEL%"
GoTo Couleur
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle style de jupe voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Jupe (1)
Echo Jupe (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "jupe=%ERRORLEVEL%"
GoTo Couleur
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle couleurs voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Rouge et noir (1)
Echo Blue et noir (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "couleur=%ERRORLEVEL%"
If %piece%==1 (
If %haut%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo haut 1 1 1
) Else (
Echo haut 1 1 2
) Else (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo haut 1 2 1
) Else (
Echo haut 1 2 2
If %piece%==2 (
If %haut%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo haut 2 1 1
) Else (
Echo haut 2 1 2
) Else (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo haut 2 2 1
) Else (
Echo haut 2 2 2
If %piece%==3 (
If %pantalon%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo pantalon 3 1 1
) Else (
Echo pantalon 3 1 2
) Else (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo pantalon 3 2 1
) Else (
Echo pantalon 3 2 2
If %piece%==4 (
If %haut%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo haut 4 1 1
) Else (
Echo haut 4 1 2
) Else (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo haut 4 2 1
) Else (
Echo haut 4 2 2
If %piece%==5 (
If %jupe%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo jupe 5 1 1
) Else (
Echo jupe 5 1 2
) Else (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo jupe 5 2 1
) Else (
Echo jupe 5 2 2
If %piece%==6 (
If %pantalon%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo pantalon 6 1 1
) Else (
Echo pantalon 6 1 2
) Else (
If %couleur%==1 (
Echo pantalon 6 2 1
) Else (
Echo pantalon 6 2 2
Pause 1>NUL
GoTo Menu
Personally however, I'd perform the if section more like this:
If %piece%==1 If %haut%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (Echo haut 1 1 1) Else Echo haut 1 1 2
) Else If %couleur%==1 (Echo haut 1 2 1) Else Echo haut 1 2 2
If %piece%==2 If %haut%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (Echo haut 2 1 1) Else Echo haut 2 1 2
) Else If %couleur%==1 (Echo haut 2 2 1) Else Echo haut 2 2 2
If %piece%==3 If %pantalon%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (Echo pantalon 3 1 1) Else Echo pantalon 3 1 2
) Else If %couleur%==1 (Echo pantalon 3 2 1) Else Echo pantalon 3 2 2
If %piece%==4 If %haut%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (Echo haut 4 1 1) Else Echo haut 4 1 2
) Else If %couleur%==1 (Echo haut 4 2 1) Else Echo haut 4 2 2
If %piece%==5 If %jupe%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (Echo jupe 5 1 1) Else Echo jupe 5 1 2
) Else If %couleur%==1 (Echo jupe 5 2 1) Else Echo jupe 5 2 2
If %piece%==6 If %pantalon%==1 (
If %couleur%==1 (Echo pantalon 6 1 1) Else Echo pantalon 6 1 2
) Else If %couleur%==1 (Echo pantalon 6 2 1) Else Echo pantalon 6 2 2
If all you are doing is really just echoing those values, I'd offer the following modified script, (without changing your screen layout).
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Set /A haut=pantalon=jupe=couleur=0
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle piece vestimentaire voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo -------
Echo Hommes
Echo -------
Echo Haut (1)
Echo Haut (2)
Echo Pantalon (3)
Echo -------
Echo Femmes/Tous genres confondus
Echo -------
Echo Haut (4)
Echo Jupe (5)
Echo Pantalon (6)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 123456
Set "piece=%ERRORLEVEL%"
If %piece%==1 GoTo Haut
If %piece%==2 GoTo Haut
If %piece%==3 GoTo Pantalon
If %piece%==4 GoTo Haut
If %piece%==5 GoTo Jupe
If %piece%==6 GoTo Pantalon
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle style d'haut voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Haut (1)
Echo Haut (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "haut=%ERRORLEVEL%"
GoTo Couleur
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle style de pantalon voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Pantalon (1)
Echo Pantalon (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "pantalon=%ERRORLEVEL%"
GoTo Couleur
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle style de jupe voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Jupe (1)
Echo Jupe (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "jupe=%ERRORLEVEL%"
GoTo Couleur
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Quelle couleurs voulez-vous?
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Echo Rouge et noir (1)
Echo Blue et noir (2)
Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12
Set "couleur=%ERRORLEVEL%"
For %%G In (haut pantalon jupe) Do (SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For %%H In (!%%G!) Do EndLocal & If %%H Gtr 0 Set "var=%%G" & Set "val=%%H")
Echo %var% %piece% %val% %couleur%
Pause 1> NUL
GoTo :Menu
FOR %%b IN (haut pantalon jupe couleur) DO SET /a %%b=0
CALL :accepter piece "piece vestimentaire" 123456 2 "Hommes" "Femmes/Tous genres confondus" 3 "Haut" "Haut" "Pantalon" 3 "Haut" "Jupe" "Pantalon"
GOTO piece%piece%
CALL :accepter haut "style d'haut" 12 0 2 "Haut" "Haut"
goto couleur
CALL :accepter pantalon "style de pantalon" 12 0 2 "Pantalon" "Pantalon"
goto couleur
CALL :accepter jupe "style de jupe" 12 0 2 "Jupe" "Jupe"
goto couleur
CALL :accepter couleur "couleurs" 12 0 2 "Rouge et noir" "Blue et noir"
ECHO haut %haut% pantalon %pantalon% jupe %jupe% couleur %couleur%
goto menu
:: receive user input
:: %1 : receiving variable
:: %2 : Menu prompt
:: %3 : options list
:: %4 : number of groups
:: %5 : name of group (repeats %4 times)
:: %then : number of options within group
:: %followedby : Option name
:: %then, %followedby may be repeated
:: remove variables starting groupname
For %%b IN (groupname) DO FOR /F "delims==" %%a In ('set %%b 2^>Nul') DO SET "%%a="
SET "value=%1"
SET "menuprompt=%~1"
SET "options=%1"
SET "groups=%1"
SET /a groupcount=%groups%
SET /a groupindex=0
IF %groupcount% neq 0 SET /a groupindex+=1&SET "groupname[!groupindex!]=%~1"&SHIFT&IF !groupindex! neq %groupcount% GOTO getgroupname
SET groupname
SET /a groupindex=0
SET /a option=0
SET "unusedoptions=%options%"
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Quelle %menuprompt% voulez-vous?
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:: Display group
SET /a groupindex+=1
IF DEFINED groupname[%groupindex%] (
echo -------
echo !groupname[%groupindex%]!
echo -------
SET numoptionsingroup=%1&SHIFT
IF %numoptionsingroup% gtr 0 (
ECHO %~1 (!unusedoptions:~0,1!^)
SET "unusedoptions=!unusedoptions:~1!"
SET /a numoptionsingroup-=1
GOTO showoption
IF DEFINED unusedoptions GOTO displaygroup
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
choice /c %options% /M "%menuprompt%"
endlocal&SET %value%=%errorlevel%
GOTO :eof
I'm trying to format in a better way a text. I want to join conditionally two subsequent line in awk: if the line end in "." print the line as it is, if the line doesn't end in "." join this and the subsequent line if the latter begin in lowercase.
i have tried this calling awk -f scriptfile textfile
{ if ( $NF ~ /.*\./ )
print $0;
else {
if ( $0 ~ /^[ a-z]+/ )
print line_p, $0;
else {
print line_p;
print $0
I've tried on this:
io sono un segno
cavallo come un cammello.
Il mio vitello si chiama segno di
Budd chiari. Se non fosse così:
-cavalli eterni
-eterni cavalli
opere incompiute
but the output is this:
io sono un segno cavallo come un cammello.
Il mio vitello si chiama segno di
Budd chiari. Se non fosse così:
-cavalli eterni
-eterni cavalli
opere incompiute opere incompiute
i don't understand the last repetition and why line 6 and 7 are not joined together
io sono un segno cavallo come un cammello.
Il mio vitello si chiama segno di
Budd chiari. Se non fosse così:
-cavalli eterni
-eterni cavalli opere incompiute
$ awk '{printf "%s%s", (/^[[:lower:]]/ && (p !~ /\.$/) ? ofs : ors), $0; ofs=OFS; ors=ORS} {p=$0} END{print ""}' file
io sono un segno cavallo come un cammello.
Il mio vitello si chiama segno di
Budd chiari. Se non fosse così:
-cavalli eterni
-eterni cavalli opere incompiute
You can set the output record separator to an empty string and set a flag based on whether the current line ends with a ., so that when you processing the next line you can manually output either a space or a newline based on the flag and whether the current line starts with a lowercase letter before printing the current line:
awk 'BEGIN{ORS=""}{if(/\.$/){print" ";a=2}else{if(a==2||/^[^a-z]/){print "\n"}else{if(a)print" "};a=1}}END{print"\n"}1' textfile
This outputs:
io sono un segno cavallo come un cammello.
Il mio vitello si chiama segno di
Budd chiari. Se non fosse così:
-cavalli eterni
-eterni cavalli opere incompiute
Below is the content of my $file_path
if **{**[info exists ABC] && $ABC == "xyz"} **{**
# constraints
echo "do something"
I want the contents of this file to be printed as it is in dofile.tcl. But somehow with the below code begin and end open brackets "{" highligted in bold are getting omitted.
Result :
if [info exists ABC] && $ABC == "xyz"} **#Notice the missing { both in begin and end**
# constraints
echo "do something"
set fp [open "$file_path" r]
set file_data [read $fp]
close $fp
echo "D1 : file data is $file_data" >> abc.log
set data [split $file_data "\n"]
foreach line $data {
echo "D2: Line is $line" >> abc.log
if { ! [regexp {^\#} $line] } {
echo "$line" >> dofile.tcl
D1 prints the entire data with "{" as required while D2 omits "{"
Try using puts instead of echo, as in:
set lf [open "abc.log" w]
set tf [open "dofile.tcl" w]
set fp [open "$file_path" r]
set file_data [read $fp]
close $fp
puts $lf "D1 : file data is $file_data"
set data [split $file_data "\n"]
foreach line $data {
puts $lf "D2: Line is $line"
if { ! [regexp {^\#} $line] } {
puts $tf "$line"
close $lf
close $tf
My output looks like this:
if **{**[info exists ABC] && $ABC == "xyz"} **{**
# constraints
echo "do something"