Easiest way to convert UnicodeString to const char* in c++? - c++

I'm new in c++ and have problem with converting UnicodeString to string, so now searching for easiest method to convert from one type to other.
I want to use basic windows function which needs string with UnicodeString, how to make code work?
UnicodeString Exec = "notepad";
WinExec(Exec.c_str(), 0);
Environment used is c++ builder xe2

A std::string can not store unicode data. You will need a std::wstring for that.
I've never heard of UnicodeString before, but looking at the API here:
It has a function called .c_str() which returns a wchar_t* which you can then use to construct a std::wstring
If you really need a std::string, then have a look at this answer.
How to convert wstring into string?

If you are looking for complete unicode support in C++ go for ICU API. Here is the website where you can find everything about it. http://site.icu-project.org/


What type of string is best to use for Win32 and DirectX?

I am in the process of developing a small game in DirectX 10 and C++ and I'm finding it hell with the various different types of strings that are required for the various different directx / win32 function calls.
Can anyone recommend which of the various strings are available are the best to use, ideally it would be one type of string that gives a good cast to the other types (LPCWSTR and LPCSTR mostly). Thus far I have been using std::string and std::wstring and doing the .c_str() function to get it in to the correct format.
I would like to get just 1 type of string that I use to pass in to all functions and then doing the cast inside the function.
Use std::wstring with c_str() exactly as you have been doing. I see no reason to use std::string on Windows, your code may as well always use the native UTF-16 encoding.
I would stick to std::wstring as well. If you really need to pass std::string somewhere, you can still convert it on the fly:
std::string s = "Hello, World";
std::wstring ws(s.begin(), s.end());
It works the other way around as well.
If you're using Native COM (the stuff of #import <type_library>), then _bstr_t. It natively typecasts to both LPCWSTR and LPCSTR, and it meshes nicely with COM's memory allocation model. No need for .c_str() calls.

How to convert unicode QString to an std::string?

I need convert a QString to an std::string. However, if this string contains unicode symbols, I get ????. How can I convert the string with the proper encoding?
Thank you.
How did you try to convert the string so far?
According to documentation std::string QString::toStdString () should convert the unicode-data to an ascii-string
But be warned that you loose special-chars which ascii can't handle.
According to Qt documentation, QString::toStdString internally uses toAscii() function: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qstring.html#toStdString
Basically, you'll need to make your own converter function that would use QString::toUtf8() instead.

Convert ICU UnicodeString to platform dependent char * (or std::string)

In my application I use ICU UnicodeString to store my strings. Since I use some libraries incompatible with ICU, I need to convert UnicodeString to its platform dependent representation.
Basicly what I need to do is reverse process form creating new UnicodeString object - new UnicodeString("string encoded in system locale").
I found out this topic - so I know it can be done with use of stringstream.
So my answer is, can it be done in some other simpler way, without using stringstream to convert?
i use
std::string converted;
us is (ICU) UnicodeString
You could use UnicodeString::extract() with a codepage (or a converter). Actually passing NULL for the codepage will use what ICU detected as the default codepage.
You could use the functions in ucnv.h -- namely void ucnv_fromUnicode (UConverter *converter, char **target, const char *targetLimit, const UChar **source, const UChar *sourceLimit, int32_t *offsets, UBool flush, UErrorCode *err). It's not a nice C++ API like UnicodeString, but it will work.
I'd recommend just sticking with the operator<< you're already using if at all possible. It's the standard way to handle lexical conversions (i.e. string to/from integers) in C++ in any case.

UnicodeString to char* (UTF-8)

I am using the ICU library in C++ on OS X. All of my strings are UnicodeStrings, but I need to use system calls like fopen, fread and so forth. These functions take const char* or char* as arguments. I have read that OS X supports UTF-8 internally, so that all I need to do is convert my UnicodeString to UTF-8, but I don't know how to do that.
UnicodeString has a toUTF8() member function, but it returns a ByteSink. I've also found these examples: http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/trunk/source/samples/ucnv/convsamp.cpp and read about using a converter, but I'm still confused. Any help would be much appreciated.
call UnicodeString::extract(...) to extract into a char*, pass NULL for the converter to get the default converter (which is in the charset which your OS will be using).
ICU User Guide > UTF-8 provides methods and descriptions of doing that.
The simplest way to use UTF-8 strings in UTF-16 APIs is via the C++ icu::UnicodeString methods fromUTF8(const StringPiece &utf8) and toUTF8String(StringClass &result). There is also toUTF8(ByteSink &sink).
And extract() is not prefered now.
Note: icu::UnicodeString has constructors, setTo() and extract() methods which take either a converter object or a charset name. These can be used for UTF-8, but are not as efficient or convenient as the fromUTF8()/toUTF8()/toUTF8String() methods mentioned above.
This will work:
std::string utf8;

CFileImageLoader(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);

I have a class which expects a LPCTSTR.
When i call :
new CFileImageLoader(_T("Splash02.png"))
new CFileImageLoader("Splash02.png")
both don't work.
Why ?
I'm new to cpp...
Jonathan d.
This issue is a combination of C++ issues and Windows specific issues.
C++ defines two types of strings, regular and wide. A regular string looks like:
const char *str = "regular string";
while a wide string looks like:
const wchar_t *wstr = L"wide string";
With just standard C++, you have to decide when you write your library whether to use regular or wide strings.
Windows has defined a pseudo type called tchar. With tchar you write something like:
LPCTSTR tstr = _T("regular or wide string");
Whether this is actually a regular (char *) or a wide (wchar_t *) string depends on whether you compile your code for Unicode or not.
Since the function is specified as taking an LPCTSTR, it needs to be called with the appropriate type for how you are compiling.
If you know you are only going to be building with or without Unicode support, you can skip all the TCHAR stuff and directly use either wchar_t or char respectively.
Since CFileImageLoader("Splash02.png") is not working, you must be compiling with Unicode support enabled. You can change that to CFileImageLoader(L"Splash02.png") and commit to always using Unicode or you can change it to CFileImageLoader(_T("Splash02.png")) and let the macro magic do the work.
"both don't work" - could you maybe be a tiny, tiny little bit more specific?
If you compile with _UNICODE defined, then the second shouldn't even compile.
You're also just passing a filename, not a full path. Maybe your image loader class can't find the file because it uses a differen CWD path as you expect. Try passing the full path instead.
Maybe your image library can't support to open PNG format file.
Try passing the full path instead.
Maybe you need to call some initialization functions which provide by your image library