Use AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer behind Proxy - amazon-web-services

We are currently setting up a private Cloud by using Heat in combination with Openstack. But we are struggling with the "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer"-Resource when setting up a Loadbalancer with Heat because this Resource-Type has no User-Data and seems to use the F17-x86_64-cfntools-Image by default (can I change it?). Since we are behind a proxy and cfn-init starts trying to install some packages via yum (like haproxy) when Bootstrapping the Image we need to set a proxy before cfn-init starts. Is there any solution for this problem (except of patching the above Image while keeping its name unchanged)?

This question is answered here: (no, you can't change it, but you can try using the quantum LBaaS instead)
And for people following along, the current version of the Heat source code that I've just looked at requires that the F20-x86_64-cfntools tools image be present.


How can you find out Azure-pipeline image content?

I'm new to Azure-Pipeline and struggling to put together a C++ oriented pipeline that uses camke which properly compiles, run tests and build documentation on Ubuntu, macOS, and Windows.
I managed the macOS and Ubuntu cases rather easily but am struggling with the Windows case not knowing what's installed and what's in system PATH for the given image & container I've selected.
Not being super familiar with the Azure-Platform I'm basically relying on commit-push-run-pipeline every single little change to my YAML file thus wasting time and resources.
I can't imagine that the only way is to blindly try out commands by commit, push and run the pipeline.
I managed to find a basic description of the currently (hopefully) available images here following the included software link for Windows link yoou end up on a comprehensive list of what's supposedly installed (I have some doubts on whether this documentation actually matches the content of the image). Calling some of those tools like cmake and choco, present in the above list, failed. Whether or not they're actually installed and in system PATH I have no idea.
Q1: Is there any way to locally test out an Azure-Pipeline YAML?
Q2: Is there any way to figure what is actually installed on a given image/container (without issuing a DIR /s from the root folder??)
Q3: Is it possible to connect to a running container (or is it a VM???) instance and directly tinker with it?
Q4: Alternatively, is it possible to run such an image locally (Docker)? Does it imply execution on a Windows machine or is that a standalone VM image?
EDIT: Found out about this question, although doesn't quite answer mine: Is there a tool to validate an Azure DevOps Pipeline locally?
Q1: Is there any way to locally test out an Azure-Pipeline YAML?
The answer is yes. You could create your private agent to execute the Azure-Pipeline YAML.
Self-hosted agents
Q2: Is there any way to figure what is actually installed on a given
image/container (without issuing a DIR /s from the root folder??)
Just as you know, we could check the document Software for the software installed on the agent. If you want to know the install the path of some software, you could check the debug log from the build task. For example, cmake. We could check the build log from the cmake task:
Q3: Is it possible to connect to a running container (or is it a
VM???) instance and directly tinker with it?
For the hosted agent, I am afraid the answer is not.
Q4: Alternatively, is it possible to run such an image locally
(Docker)? Does it imply execution on a Windows machine or is that a
standalone VM image?
The answer is yes, we could Run a self-hosted agent in Docker. And it imply execution on a Windows machine.

How to check whether my code runs in a container on AWS EC2 or not

My (python) code runs inside a docker container.
The container is deployed on AWS EC2 for our production and testing purposes, but sometimes on our local machines or other cloud vendors for development and CICD purposes.
For some functionality, I want my python code to be able to distinguish between an EC2 deployment and non-EC2. Is this possible?
I found this answer which uses the EC2 instance metadata endpoint, But I'm wondering:
a) Would this also work from within a docker container?
b) Isn't there a more elegant solution? Issuing an HTTP request and waiting for it seems a bit too much.
(I'm aware that a simple solution is probably to add some proprietary environment variable or flag, trying to find a more native to check this)
I recommend you to go with a custom environment variable. This way you will be able to easily reproduce the required behaviour outside of AWS (on your workstation or using other cloud provider).
Using curl or checking for presence of /etc/cloud would make your application behaviour dependent on third-party services/tools. Beside logic complexity (you'd have to handle possible curl errors, like invalid response codes) that can lead to bugs you surely don't want to meet.

How to apply rolling updates in VM instances instead of using Managed Instance group in GCP?

Problem: I want to apply patch updates in a VM instance which is not a part of a Managed Instance Group. The patch update could be-
A change in the version of the current OS of a VM instance, that is, change from Ubuntu-16-v1 to Ubuntu-16-v2.
An upgrade of the OS boot, that is, changing from Ubuntu-16 OS to Ubuntu-18 OS.
Installation of a new package in the existing machine.
For Problem 1 & 2 stated above
I have explored and tried the rolling update feature present in Managed Instance Group in the Google Cloud Platform and this seems to be a good approach for the problem stated, but what should be the best approach with best practices if someone is not using a Managed Instance Group? You may find the details here.
For Problem 3 stated above
I have tried the Os-patch Management service of GCP but is there any other method that I could use?
Create an "image" from the boot disks of your existing Compute Engine instances.
For updating with newer configurations and software, group images in "image family" which always points to the latest image.
For your use case, I think you should use IAC script like terraform to recreate similar VMs with the same name, disk, internal address, etc..and call the script from the repo directly on a scheduled date automatically or provide self patch instructions.
Here is the likely process:
Send Email Notification to all the VM owners that Auto-Patch is
scheduled on XYZ.
Email content should include an Instance list going to be
patched/update, list of action, patch team contact details.
An email should also include a link for skipping this auto-update and perform "Self Patching instruction"
Self patching documents should have a command to call autopatch
wrapper script like: "curl -u "encrypted-auth:x-oauth-basic" -k -H 'Accept:
|bash -s -- -q"
The above script can also have other options like to query patchset available for particular VM or scan the VM for pending updates

create instance template from private repo

I'm trying to create a GCP instance template which has the most recent version of my repo on it. My repository is private and I cant figure out how to clone it in the instance groups. I don't think I can use SSH because the machines will be randomly destroyed and created and therefore the generated keys will be inconsistent. Whats the best way to do this?
An Instance Template is based on an Image. This image can be a clean Ubuntu/Windows/Debian copy or a custom image created by you.
Saying that, I can think of 2 ways for you to get your repository inside there.
Using a custom image.
In essence, A snapshot of an instance with your latest code and dependencies installed on it.
There are two paths you can go with here.
a. Create a custom image when you clone the repository to the instance. You might need to that for every update in the code.
b. An alternative is to use some sort of Network File System (NFS/SMB). This will usually require more resources like another server that is always available.
If you want to avoid creating images, or as a solution to the issue mentioned in 1a you can set up a Startup Script to run on the server at boot(creation) time to clone/pull the latest copy.
There are Pros and Cons for both. I guess only you can tell what is best for you. I hope it gets you in the right direction.
Read more about creating an image here.
Read more about startup scripts here.

How Docker and Ansible fit together to implement Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment

I'm new to the configuration management and deployment tools. I have to implement a Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment tool for one of the most interesting projects I've ever put my hands on.
First of all, individually, I'm comfortable with AWS, I know what Ansible is, the logic behind it and its purpose. I do not have same level of understanding of Docker but I got the idea. I went through a lot of Internet resources, but I can't get the the big picture.
What I've been struggling is how they fit together. Using Ansible, I can manage my Infrastructure as Code; building EC2 instances, installing packages... I can even deploy a full application by pulling its code, modify config files and start web server. Docker is, itself, a tool that packages an application and ensures that it can be run wherever you deploy it.
My problems are:
How does Docker (or Ansible and Docker) extend the Continuous Integration process!?
Suppose we have a source code repository, the team members finish working on a feature and they push their work. Jenkins detects this, runs all the acceptance/unit/integration test suites and if they all passed, it declares it as a stable build. How Docker fits here? I mean when the team pushes their work, does Jenkins have to pull the Docker file source coded within the app, build the image of the application, start the container and run all the tests against it or it runs the tests the classic way and if all is good then it builds the Docker image from the Docker file and saves it in a private place?
Should Jenkins tag the final image using x.y.z for example!?
Docker containers configuration :
Suppose we have an image built by Jenkins stored somewhere, how to handle deploying the same image into different environments, and even, different configurations parameters ( Vhosts config, DB hosts, Queues URLs, S3 endpoints, etc...) What is the most flexible way to deal with this issue without breaking Docker principles? Are these configurations backed in the image when it gets build or when the container based on it is started, if so how are they injected?
Ansible and Docker:
Ansible provides a Docker module to manage Docker containers. Assuming I solved the problems mentioned above, when I want to deploy a new version x.t.z of my app, I tell Ansible to pull that image from where it was stored on, start the app container, so how to inject the configuration settings!? Does Ansible have to log in the Docker image, before it's running ( this sounds insane to me ) and use its Jinja2 templates the same way with a classic host!? If not, how is this handled?!
Excuse me if it was a long question or if I misspelled something, but this is my thinking out loud. I'm blocked for the past two weeks and I can't figure out the correct workflow. I want this to be a reference for future readers.
Please, it would very helpful to read your experiences and solutions because this looks like a common workflow.
I would like to answer in parts
How does Docker (or Ansible and Docker) extend the Continuous Integration process!?
Since docker images same everywhere, you use your docker images as if they are production images. Therefore, when somebody committed a code, you build your docker image. You run tests against it. When all tests pass, you tag that image accordingly. Since docker is fast, this is a feasible workflow.
Also docker changes are incremental; therefore, your images will have minimal impact on storage. Also when your tests fail, you may also choose to save that image too. In this way, developer will pull that image and investigate easily why your tests failed. Developer may choose to run tests in their machine too since docker images in jenkins and their machine are not different.
What this brings that all developers will have same environment, same version of all software since you decide which one will be used in docker images. I have come across to bugs that are due to differences between developer machines. For example in the same operating system, unicode settings may affect your code. But in docker images all developers will test against same settings, same version software.
Docker containers configuration :
If you are using a private repository, and you should use one, then configuration changes will not affect hard disk space much. Therefore except security configurations, such as db passwords, you can apply configuration changes to docker images(Baking the Configuration into the Container). Then you can use ansible to apply not-stored configurations to deployed images before/after startup using environment variables or Docker Volumes.
Does Ansible have to log in the Docker image, before it's running (
this sounds insane to me ) and use its Jinja2 templates the same way
with a classic host!? If not, how is this handled?!
No, ansible will not log in the Docker image, but ansible with Jinja2 templates can be used to change dockerfile. You can change dockerfile with templates and can inject your configuration to different files. Tag your files accordingly and you have configured images to spin up.
Regarding your question about handling multiple environment configurations using the same Docker image, I have been planning on using a Service Discovery tool like Consul as a centralized config/property management tool. So, when you start your container up, you set an ENV var that tells it what application it is (appID), and what environment config it should use (ex: MyApplication:Dev) and it will pull its config from Consul at startup. I still have to investigate the security around Consul (as if we are storing DB connection credentials in there for example, how do we restrict who can query/update those values). I don't want to just use this for containers, but all apps in general. Another cool capability is to change the config value in Consul and have a hook back into your app to apply the changes immediately (maybe like a REST endpoint on your app to push changes down to and dynamically apply it). Of course your app has to be written to support this!
You might be interested in checking out Martin Fowler's blog articles on immutable infrastructure and on Phoenix servers.
Although not a complete solution, I have suggestions for two of your issues. Although they might not be perfect, these are the practices we are using in our workflow, and prove themselves so far.
Defining different environments - supposing you've written a different Ansible role for each environment you launch, we define an environment variable setting the environment we wish the container to belong to. We then download the suitable configuration file from an S3 bucket using the env variable set before into the container (which should be possible if you supply AWS creds or give your server an IAM role) and inject these parameters into the code when building it.
Ansible doesn't need to log into the docker app, but the solution is a bit tricky. I've tried two ways of tackling this problem, and both aren't ideal. The first one is to download the configuration file as part of the docker image command line, and build the app on container startup. While this solution works - it breaches the Docker philosophy and makes the image highly prone to build errors.
Another solution is pushing several images to your docker hub repo, and then pulling the appropriate image according to the environment at hand.
In a broader stroke, I've tried launching our app completely with Ansible and it was hell, many configuration steps are tricky and get trickier when you try to implement them as a playbook. When I switched to maintaining the severs alone with Ansible, and deploying the app itself with Docker things got a lot easier.