Which is faster: STL queue or STL stack? - c++

I am implementing a variant of toposort, which needs a structure to hold elements with no incoming edges. Both queue and stack seem fine for this purpose, as the order in which they are taken out does not matter. The question is: is any of them significantly faster than the other?

queue and stack are both container adaptors, not complete containers in their own right.
Both stack and queue are implemented on top of a std::deque by default, they should have similar performance if you did not change this setup.
It really depends on what kind of application you are coding and you may select the underlying container which benefits those operations you want the most.

Answer to your main question: I don't know. I don't think any of them is significantly faster, because for std::deque (the default internal container for both stack and queue) the push_back and push_front (and pop_back and pop_front) are symmetric. None should be faster. I would however suggest using plain old std::vector with push_back and pop_back, or equivalently
std::stack<T, std::vector<T>>
See here for the reasons why stack uses deque by default.

they both have constant complexity ... you'll just need to time it to determine whether any of the constants is higher

While queue and stack aren't wildly different in performance, they obviously induce a different node-visiting order. One of them may give a more cache-friendly order than the other, depending on how your nodes are laid out in memory.

queue and stack are different.
First is FIFO and stack is FILO


STL iterable container like priority_queue

I'm new to STL containers (and C++ in general) so thought I would reach out to the community for help. I basically want to have a priority_queue that supports constant iteration. Now, it seems that std::priority_queue doesn't support iteration, so I'm going to have to use something else, but I'm not sure exactly what.
Maintains order on insertion (like a priority queue)
Pop from top of list
Get const access to each element of the list (don't care about the order in the queue for this stage)
One option would be to keep a priority_queue and separately have an unordered_set of references, but I'd rather not have two containers floating around. I could also use a deque and search through for the right insertion position, but I'd rather have the container manage the sorting for me if possible (and constant-time insertion would be nicer than linear-time). Any suggestions?
There are two options that come to mind:
1) Implement your own iterable priority queue, using std::vector and the heap operation algorithms (see Heap Operations here).
2) derive (privately) from priority_queue. This gives you access to the underlying container via data member c. You can then expose iteration, random access, and other methods of interest in your public interface.
Using a std::vector might be enough as others already pointed, but if you want already-ready implementation, maybe use Boost.Heap (which is a library with several priority queue containers): http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/doc/html/heap.html
Boost is a collection of libraries that basically complete the standard library (which is not really big). A lot of C++ developers have boost ready on their dev computer to use it when needed. Just be careful in your choices of libraries.
You can use (ordered) set as a queue. set.begin() will be your top element, and you can pop it via erase(set.begin()).
Have you observed heap (std::make_heap) ? It hasn't order inside of queue, but has priority "pop from top of list" which you need.

Does changing a priority queue element result in resorting the queue?

I have a priority_queue, and I want to modify some of it's contents (the priority value), will the queue be resorted then?
It depends if it resorts on push/pop (more probable, becouse you just need to "insert", not resort whole), or when accessing top or pop.
I really want to change some elements in the queue. Something like that:
priority_queue<int> q;
int a=2,b=3,c=5;
int *ca=&a, *cb=&b, cc=&c;
q.push(c); //q is now {2,3,5}
//what happens to q?
// 1) {3,4,5}
// 2) {4,2,5}
// 3) crash
priority_queue copies the values you push into it. Your assignment at the end there will have zero effect on the order of the priority queue, nor the values stored inside of it.
Unfortunately, the std::priority_queue class doesn't support the increase/decrease_key operations that you're looking for. Of course it's possible to find the element within the heap you want to update, and then call make_heap to restore the binary heap invariants, but this can't be done as efficiently as it should be with the std:: container/algorithms. Scanning the heap to find the item is O(N) and then make_heap is O(N) on top of that - it should be possible to do increase/decrease_key in O(log(N)) for binary heaps that properly support updates.
Boost provides a set of priority queue implementations, which are potentially more efficient than the std::priority_queue (pairing heaps, Fibonacci heaps, etc) and also offer mutability, so you can efficiently perform dynamic updates. So all round, using the boost containers is potentially a much better option.
Okay, after searching a bit I found out how to "resort" queue, so after each priority value change you need to call:
const_cast<Type**>(&queue.top()) + queue.size(),
And queue must be then
std::priority_queue<Type*,vector<Type*>,ComparerClass> queue;
Hope this helps.
I stumbled on this issue while considering the use of priority queues for an A* algorithm.
Basically, C++ priority queues are a very limited toy.
Dynamically changing the priority of a queued element requires to perform a complete reconstruction of the underlying heap manually, which is not even guaranteed to work on a given STL implementation and is grossly inefficient.
Besides, reconstructing the heap requires butt-ugly code, which would have to be hidden in yet another obfuscated class/template.
As for so many other things in C++, you'll have to reinvent the wheel, or find whatever fashionable library that reinvented it for you.

Advantages of Setting priority_queue Container

With the stl priority_queue you can set the underlying container, such as a vector. What are some of the advantages of specifying a container for the stl priority_queue?
Setting the underlying container makes it possible to separate out two logically separate concerns:
How do you store the actual elements that make up the priority queue (the container), and
How do you organize those elements to efficiently implement a priority queue (the priority_queue adapter class).
As an example, the standard implementation of vector is not required to shrink itself down when its capacity is vastly greater than its actual size. This means that if you have a priority queue backed by a vector, you might end up wasting memory if you enqueue a lot of elements and then dequeue all of them, since the vector will keep its old capacity. If, on the other hand, you implement your own shrinking_vector class that does actually decrease its capacity when needed, you can get all the benefits of the priority_queue interface while having the storage be used more efficiently.
Another possible example - you might want to change the allocator being used so that the elements of the priority queue are allocated from a special pool of resources. You can do this by just setting the container type of the priority_queue to be a vector with a custom allocator.
One more thought - suppose that you are storing a priority_queue of very large objects whose copy time is very great. In that case, the fact that the vector dynamically resizes itself and copies its old elements (or at least, in a C++03 compiler) might be something you're not willing to pay for. You could thus switch to some other type, perhaps a deque, that makes an effort not to copy elements when resizing and could realize some big performance wins.
Hope this helps!
The priority_queue class is an example of the adapter pattern. It provides a way of providing the services of a priority queue over an existing data set. As an adapter, it actually requires an underlying container. By default, it specifies a vector. (from here).
In terms of the advantages, it's simply a more flexible. The priority_queue uses the following methods of the backing store and requires it to support random access iterators.
By providing it as an adapter, you can control the performance characteristics by supplying a different implementation.
Two examples that implement this in STL are vector and deque. These both have different performance characteristics. For example, a vector typically is continguous in memory, whereas a deque typically isn't. The push_back operation in a vector is only amortized constant time (it might have to reallocate the vector), whereas for the deque it's specified in constant time.

Quickest Queue Container (C++)

I'm using queue's and priority queues, through which I plan on pumping a lot of data quite quickly.
Therefore, I want my q's and pq's to be responsive to additions and subtractions.
What are the relative merits of using a vector, list, or deque as the underlying container?
At the time of writing, both Mike Seymour and Steve Townsend's answers below are worth reading. Thanks both!
The only way to be sure how the choice effects performance is to measure it, in a situation similar to your expected use cases. That said, here are some observations:
For std::queue:
std::deque is usually the best choice; it supports all the necessary operations in constant time, and allocates memory in chunks as it grows.
std::list also supports the necessary operations, but may be slower due to more memory allocations; in special circumstances, you might be able to get good results by allocating from a dedicated object pool, but that's not entirely straightforward.
std::vector can't be used as it doesn't have a pop_front() operation; such an operation would be slow, as it would have to move all the remaining elements.
A potentially faster, but less flexible, alternative is to implement a circular buffer over a fixed-size array (e.g. std::array, or a std::vector that you don't resize). You'll need to deal with the case of it filling up, either by reporting an error, or allocating a larger buffer and copying all the data.
For std::priority_queue:
std::vector is usually the best choice; it grows exponentially (reducing the number of memory allocations), and is a simple data structure that's very fast to access - an iterator can be implemented simply as a wrapper around a pointer.
std::deque may be slower as it typically grows linearly (requiring more memory allocation), and access is more complicated than with a vector.
std::list can't be used as it doesn't provide random access.
To summarise - the defaults are usually the best choice, but if speed really is important, then measure the alternatives.
I would use std::queue for your basic queue which is (by default at least) a wrapper on deque. Do something more special-purpose if that does not work for you.
std::priority_queue also exists (over vector by default) but the added semantics make it more likely that you could have to roll your own here, depending on perf observed for your particular access pattern.
vector has storage characteristics which make it very ill-suited to removal from front of the dataset. A lot of shuffling down to be done every time you pop_front. For a simple queue, avoid this.
list is likely to be too expensive for any high-hit queue, because by contract it has to offer function you don't need. It could be a candidate for use as a priority queue but my instinct is always to trust the STL.
vector would implement a stack as your fast insertion is at the end and fast removal is also at the end. If you want a FIFO queue, vector would be the wrong implementation to use.
deque or list both provide constant time insertion at either end. list is good for LRU caches where you want to move elements out of the middle fast and where you want your iterators to remain valid no matter how much you move them about. deque is generally used when insertions and deletions are at the end.
The main thing I need to ask about your collection is whether they are accessed by multiple threads. I sort-of assume they are, in which case one of your primary aims is to reduce locking. This is best done if you at least have a multi_push and multi_get feature so that you can put more than one element on at a time without any locking.
There are also lock-free containers or semi-lock-free containers.
You will probably find that your locking strategy is more important than any performance in the collection itself as long as your operations are all constant-time.

Need some advice to choose the proper container

I'm trying to design a task scheduler to a game engine. A task could be an animation, a trigger controller, etc.
My problem is what container to choose. The idea is: when you insert a new task, the container must reorder and put the task in the proper place. Once executed, task could change and be scheduled again or deleted. This is mainly push and pop.
But, if possible, it would be nice if I could have random access to an element, but not vital. No matter if the container supports one or more elements with the same key.
I think that priority queue fits my needs but I saw that is based on vector implementation, and I think that this container must be somehow optimized to push and pop.
(source: adrinael.net)
(original source: Liam Devine)
A priority queue seems to be the best option for you.
As you can see, the pop functions has a constant complexity and the push function is logarithmic in time.
std::vector is pretty good for this task, especially if the "steady-state" size of the container remains reasonably constant (you have a number of tasks on the queue doesn't differ widely).
If you need an updatable queue (and std::priority_queue is not), I would suggest you use the d_ary_heap_indirect (which can be found in the Boost.Graph "detail" folder). This is a priority queue used a lot for Dijkstra and A* algorithms that require an updatable priority queue. Random-access is necessary, anyways. Also, using an indirect makes the insertion and deletion from the queue quite efficient. Finally, you can choose your container (as a template argument), but it has to be random-access (so, you can try either vector or deque). Pop is constant-time, push and/or update is log-time, and the proper choice of container will make the container insertion constant-amortized (and the d_ary_heap_indirect amortizes a second time as well, so I wouldn't worry about that).
The vector is optimized for push and pop at one end. :-)
To prioritize you will have to sort the tasks. A vector isn't that bad, if the number of objects is reasonably small, even if it means copying objects during the sort.
Other containers, like linked lists, instead suffer from the need to allocate a new node for each object.
You can specify the container type you want with std::priority_queue.
However: you're storing pointers (I presume, since it sounds like what you're is
polymorphic and has identity), so copying is cheap. You're managing it
as a heap (that's what std::priority_queue does), so insertions are done
using push_back and a number of swaps (lg(n) max). I can't see any
reason to even consider another structure than std::vector.
std::priority_queue does hide all of the direct access operators (e.g.
operator[]). It does this because if you modify an entry, you're
likely to invalidate the heap (which is a class invariant of the class).
If you do want to provide direct read access, however, the underlying
container is only protected, not private, so you can derive from it
and add the operators you want. I'd very much limit it to const
operators, however.
Depends on how often you're going to be adding tasks and pulling tasks off (and presumably executing them) and how many there are.
If you're going to have tons of little tasks, then prefer priority queue because the cost of node allocation will probably not hurt you as much as the asymptotic growth of n log n for the sort.
If you're going to have a small number of tasks that constantly keep changing priority, then sorting a vector might be reasonable, but you want to use an sorting algorithm that works well when the list is almost sorted.
Scheduling is an art though and you're going to have to profile it once you build it. There's probably too little information at this point so say. I'd lean towards a priority queue, but keep other options in mind if performance isn't adequate.