Storing classes in a boost::property_tree - c++

I'm working on a program to record information about the variables within a program. I'd like to group this information by file -> function -> variable.
The boost::property_tree seemed like a good fit for this as I could store an Access object at a path in the tree (file.function.variable) and then easily convert the tree to XML, JSON, etc.
Say I'm recording the number of uses of a variable. I can have a class Access that keeps track of the number of writes and reads to a variable. I can then store this object at file.function.variable in the tree. Each time the variable is accessed I can find the variable in the tree and update information about it.
However, I cannot figure out how to store a class in the tree. I assume there is something I need to implement or subclass, but the documentation doesn't address what I'm trying to do.
Is there a solution to my problem? Is there a better alternative to boost::property_tree?
Thank you.

boost::property_tree is designed to hold text data. That's what makes it suitable for exporting to XML, JSON, etc.
Modify your class Access so it includes methods for converting to/from text and store that text in the tree.

You could drop the idea of the tree and just stick with a flat map of key value pairs.
std::map<std::string, Access> accesses;
// add one access
accesses["file.function.variable"] += 1;
You just need to write a routine that produces the JSON from its content, which should be straightforward. (Assuming the first part of the key is always the file, the second is always the function, the third is always the variable.)


Creating a generalized resource map without using strings?

Let's assume I want to create an object that will hold some arbitrary data.
// Pseudocode
class MyContainer {
map<key, pair<void*, size>>;
The key in this case also identifies the kind of data stored in the void* (e.g an image, a struct of some kind, maybe even a function).
The most general way to del with this is have the key be a string. Then you can put whatever on earth you want and then you can just read it. As a silly example, the key can just be:
"I am storing a png image and the source file was at location/assets/image.png and today is sunday".
i.e you can encode whatever you want. This is however slow. A much faster alternative is using enumerators and your keys are then IMAGE, HASHMAP, FUNCTION, THE_ANSWER_TO_LIFE...
However that requires you know every single case you need to handle beforehand and create an enumerator for it manually (which is tedious and not very extensible).
Is there a compromise that can be made? i.e something that uses only one key but is faster than strings and more extensible than enums?
The exact use case I am trying to use this for is as a generalized storage for rendering data. This includes images, vertex buffers, volumetric data, lighting information... Or any other conceivable thing you may need.
The only way I know to create "absolute polymorphism" (i.e represent literally any form of conceivable data) is to use void pointers and rely on algorithms to understand the data.
Say our key is a JSON string where the key of each element is the name of a field in a compact struct and the value is the offset in bytes.
m_field1: 0,
m_field2: 32,
m_field3: 128,
Then to access any of the elements in the void* all you need to do is do symbol manipulation to get the number and then ptr + offset.
You can do the same with a set of unique identifiers (enums) and associated functions that get you the fields based on the identifier (hard coded approach).
Hopefully this makes the question less obscure.

Abstract data structure design: save and retrieve specific key/value pair information

I was asked the question: design a data structure that can save and retrieve specific key/value pair information in C++. The question is pretty vague.
The first thing comes to my mind is Hash table or Linked Hash table. Firstly, I am asking for other possible data structure that can be used here according to the limited information.
Secondly, I want to know what should I include into the data structure. As far as I am concerned, a class, associated constructor, destructor, add, delete, lookup, traversal, sorting. Is there anything else that could be used in this kind of data structure?
To create a map of key/value pairs, you'll probably want to use a hash table or binary search tree.
You could ask for more specification for whoever asked you to design that, but if you implement everything you stated, your data structure will save (add) and retrieve specific key/value pairs(lookup).
you can use multimap , here is the link

how to find the available memory before store a file?

I want to save some files in a particular folder (/tmp/) using C++ code.
Before store the file
I need to check whether enough memory is available or not. If not, I need to delete the oldest file from the storage and then I need to store a new one.
I also need to know the stored file details in my code to access them.
My implementation is:
std::map<string IfileName, int iDetail>
I created a Map instance and whenever I create a file data, I stored the details in the map.
Problems with the map are:
Map automatically sort the filename. So I am not able to identify the oldest file.
Suppose, file is deleted in the storage, then also map has the detail about that file.
For the first your question try to read here. And about second part of your question. Why you do not want to use vector of pairs. In this case you can use push_back.
At some point I used a combination of a map and deque to solve a similar problem. The trick is that each value_type (in both map and deque) need to be extended with cross pointers. So that when you run map.find() using a certain key, the value that you receive has a pointer to an element in the deque. And vice versa. To locate the oldest (LRU) file you just execute deque.pop_back(), dereference the pointer that you get into the map, view the details and decide if you need to remove one more file or not.

Could not Understand the usage of map in c++

Map is a container class that is used to store the aggregate data... Its very easy to retreive the datas stored in it as it uses hash algorithm for retrieval.
map is a key value pair...The data can be retrieved with the corresponding key...
Here in this declaration below I'm defining that the key has to be integer(4 bytes) and data as the string value...
typedef map<INT32U,string> EventMapType;
I searched for the example program of using map in wikipedia... But i could not understand the example given over there..I need to know how the datas and keys are stored in the map and how it is retreived through the key...I am new to MFC...
I just did a quick google and came up with I won't just copy paste that code here... it's only about 50 lines.
I suggest you read through that code, and then compile and run it (as is). If you run into problems or just stuff that doesn't make sense to you, then ask specific questions here. K?
Cheers. Keith.
map does not use hashing. It can't, because the constraints do not require hashable keys. It is ordinarily implemented as a binary search tree, sorted by key. Thus, it requires keys be <-comparable
In contrast, C++0x will provide an unordered_map, which does use hashing.
If you want specific help, you should tell us what code you've tried so far, and which examples you don't understand.
the STL's map class allows you to store data by any type of key instead of simply by a numerical key, the way you must access an array or vector. So instead of having to compute a hash function and then access an array, you can just let the map class do it for you.
typedef map<INT32U,string> MyEventMapType;
MyEventMapType EventMapType;
Use below as reference code.
To Store values :
EventMapType[key1] = string1 ;
EventMapType[key2] = string2 ;
EventMapType[key3] = string3 ;
To check the value at key1 ...
if(EventMapType.find("key1") == EventMapType.end())
std::cout<<"string1 is not in the map!"<<endl;
For more read the documentation
Iterators can also be used as a general means for accessing the data stored in a map; you can use the basic technique from before of getting an iterator:

Most efficient data structure to store an XML tree in C++

I'm doing some work with XML in C++, and I would like to know what the best data structure to store XML data is. Please don't just tell me what you've heard of in the past; I'd like to know what the most efficient structure is. I would like to be able to store any arbitrary XML tree (assuming it is valid), with minimal memory overhead and lookup time.
My initial thought was a hash, but I couldn't figure out how to handle multiple children of the same tag, as well as how attributes would be handled.
Qt solutions are acceptable, but I'm more concerned with the overall structure than the specific library. Thanks for your input.
The most efficient structure would a set of classes derived from the DTD or the Schema that defines the particular XML instances you intend to process. (Surely you aren't going to process arbitrary XML?) Tags are represented by classes. Single children can be represented by fields. Childen with min...max arity can be represented by a field containing an array. Children with indefinite arity can be represented by a dynamically allocated array. Attributes and children can be stored as fields, often with an inferred data type (if an attribute represents a number, why store it as a string?). Using this approach, you can often navigate to a particular place in an XML document using native C++ accesspaths, e.g.,
All of the can be generated automatically from the Schema or the DTD. There are tools to do this.
Altova offers some. I have no specific experience with this (although I have built similar tools for Java and COBOL).
You should first determine what the requirement for efficiency is, in terms of storage, speed etc. in concrete numbers. Without knowing this information, you can't tell if your implementation satisfies the requirement.
And, if you have this requirement, you will probably find that the DOM satisfies it, and has the advantage of zero code to maintain.
It will be a nightmare for future programmers as they wonder why someone wrote an alternate implementation of the DOM.
Actually, pretty much anything you do will just be a DOM implementation, but possibly incomplete, and with optimizations for indexing etc. My personal feelig is that re-inventing the wheel should be the last thing you consider.
there is a C++ XML library already built: xerces.
there are some tree structures in \include\boost-1_46_1\boost\intrusive\
there is a red-black and an avl tree, but not having looked at those in a long time, I don't know if those are especially usable, I think not.
XML is a tree structure. you don't know what the structure is going to be unless it has a DTD defined and included in a (although the validator at validrome breaks on !DOCTYPEs and it shouldn't).
see for a tree example.
you may get something that doesn't follow a DTD or schema. totally unstructured. like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<e b="4"/>
<c a="">text</c>
<z><b /><xy/></z>
<zook flag="true"/>
I know that queriable XML databases do exist, but I don't know much about them, except that they can handle unstructured data.
PHP has an XML parser which sticks it into what PHP calls an array (not quite like a C/C++ array, because the arrays can have arrays), you can tinker with it to see an example of what an XML data structure should have in it.
what you basically want is a very flexible tree where the root pointer points to a list. each of those nodes in the list contains a pointer that can point to a list. it should be an ordered list, so make it a . If your purpose is to be able to remove data, use a instead of a - it's ordered, while having the capability of easy manipulation.
word of warning: .erase(iterator i) erases everything starting at and after i.
.erase(iterator i1, iterator i2) erases everything from i1 up to but not including i2.
.end() is an iterator that points 1 after the end of the list, essentially at nothing.
.begin() is an iterator that points to the start of the list.
learn to use for_each(start,end,function) { } in or use a regular for statement.
iterators are like pointers. treat them as such.
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
list<class node> nodelist;
list<class node>::iterator nli;
for (nli=nodelist.begin(); nli!=nodelist.end(); nli++) {
the nodes need to have an optional list of attributes and note that the DTD could possibly be contained within the XML document, so you have to be able to read it to parse the document (or you could throw it away). you may also run into XML Schema, the successor of the DTD.
I think the most efficient data struture to store xml in is probably vtd-xml, which uses array of longs instead of lots of interconnected structs/classes. The main idea is that structs/classes are based on small memory allocators which incurs severe overhead in a normal circumstance. See this article for further detail.
I'm not sure what the most efficient method is, but since the DOM already exists why re-invent the wheel?
It may make sense to hash all nodes by name for lookup, but you should still use the DOM as the basic representation.
I've been exploring this problem myself. And, these are my thoughts.
a) every element in xml is either a node or a (key, value) pair.
b) store every element in a Hash. assign each element a type i.e "node","key,value".
c)every element will have a parent. assign a value to each of them.
d) every element may, or may, not have children/References. store the children in a btree which will define, the references.
Search time for any key will be O(1).A reference traversal can have a list of all the children inside the element.
Please review and suggest what I've missed.
Just use DOM to store the parsed XML file . Surely there are C++ DOM library .
You can query DOM with XPath expressions.