Issues deploying django [django, git, heroku] - django

I created a heroku app:
$ heroku create olp-website
Creating olp-website... done, stack is cedar
Then I tried to push my git branch to the app:
git push heroku deploy
Counting objects: 25, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
Writing objects: 100% (25/25), 8.48 KiB, done.
Total 25 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
Pushed to non-master branch, skipping build.
* [new branch] deploy -> deploy
Then,I tried to add addons to the app:
$ heroku addons:add cloudamqp:panda
! No app specified.
! Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP.
So this is both a general and a specific question. Does the branch have to be the master branch (see "Pushed to non-master branch, skipping build")? And is it possible to be inside a specific heroku app or do you have to specify the app for each addon?

Yes - check out Heroku's Dev Center. The article tells you how to do it:
git push heroku yourbranch:master
As for the add-on, just specify the app. So something like
heroku addons:add cloudamqp:panda -a myappname


How to retrieve the docker image of a deployment on heroku via circleci

I have a django application running locally and i've set up the project on CircleCi with python and postgres images.
If I understand correctly what is happening, CircleCi would use the images to build a container to test my application with code database.
Then I'm using the job heroku/deploy-via-git to deploy it to Heroku when the tests are passed.
Now I think Heroku is using some images too to run the application.
I would like to get the image used by heroku to run my site locally on another machine.
So pull the image then push it to Docker Hub and finally download it back to my computer to only have to use a docker compose up.
Here is my CircleCi configuration's file
version: 2.1
docker-auth: &docker-auth
python: circleci/python#1.5.0
heroku: circleci/heroku#0.0.10
- image: cimg/python:3.10.2
- image: cimg/postgres:14.1
POSTGRES_USER: theophile
- checkout
- run:
command: pip install -r requirements.txt
name: Install Deps
- run:
name: Run MIGRATE
command: python migrate
- run:
name: Run loaddata from Json
command: python loaddata datadump.json
- run:
name: Run tests
command: pytest
- build-and-test
- heroku/deploy-via-git:
- build-and-test
I don't know if it is possible, if not, what should be the best way to proceed ? (I assume that there is a lot of possibilites)
I was considering to build an image from my local directory with docker compose up then use this image direclty on CircleCi, then i would be able to use this image an on other computer. But building images into images with CircleCi seems really messy and I'm not sure how I should proceed.
I've tried to pull images from Heroku but it seems I can only pull the code or get/modify the database but I can't get the image builds itself.
I hope this question is relevant and clear, as the CircleCi and Heroku documentation seems not clear and it's my first post on stackoverflow !
Thanks in advance
Heroku's platform is proprietary, so we can't be sure how it works internally.
We know that their stacks are based on Ubuntu LTS releases, and we know that they use open-source buildpacks to compile application slugs from source code, but details about the underlying infrastructure are murky. They certainly don't provide base images like heroku/python:3.11.0 for you to download.
If you want to use the same image locally, on CircleCI, and Heroku, a better option would be to start deploying with Heroku's Container Registry instead of Git. This allows you to build an image locally, push it into the container registry, and release it as the next version of your application.
I suggest you read the entire documentation page linked above, but the short version is:
Log into the container registry using the Heroku CLI:
heroku container:login
Assuming you already have a Dockerfile for your application, build and push an image:
heroku container:push web
In this case we are building from Dockerfile and pushing the resulting image to be used as a web process.
Release your application:
heroku container:release web
That's a basic Docker deployment from your local machine, and even if that's not your final plan I suggest you start by getting that working.
From there, you have options. One option would be to move this flow to CircleCI—continue to build images there, but have CircleCI push the resulting container to Heroku's Container Registry.
Another option might be as you suggest in your question: to build images locally and use them with both CircleCI and Heroku.

Reuse a cloudfoundry app without having to rebuild from sratch

I deploy a Django Application with Cloudfoundry. Building the app takes some time, however I need to launch the application with different start commands and the only solution I have today is fully to rebuild each time the application.
With Docker, changing the start command is very easy and it doesn't require to rebuild to the whole container, there must be a more efficient way to do this:
Here are the applications launched:
FrontEndApp-Prod: The Django App using gunicorn
OrchesterApp-Prod: The Django Celery Camera & Heartbeat
WorkerApp-Prod: The Django Celery Workers
All these apps are basically identical, they just use different routes, configurations and start commands.
Below is the file manifest.yml I use:
defaults: &defaults
timeout: 120
memory: 768M
disk_quota: 2G
path: .
stack: cflinuxfs2
- PostgresDB-Prod
- RabbitMQ-Prod
- Redis-Prod
- name: FrontEndApp-Prod
<<: *defaults
- route:
instances: 2
command: chmod +x ./ && ./
- name: OrchesterApp-Prod
<<: *defaults
memory: 1G
instances: 1
command: chmod +x ./ && ./
health-check-type: process
no-route: true
- name: WorkerApp-Prod
<<: *defaults
instances: 3
command: chmod +x ./ && ./
health-check-type: process
no-route: true
Two options I can think of for this:
You can use some of the new v3 API features and take advantage of their support for multiple processes in a Procfile. With that, you'd essentially have a Profile like this:
web: ./
worker: ./
worker: ./
The platform should then stage your app once, but deploy it three times based on the droplet that is produced from staging. It's slick because you end up with only one application that has multiple processes running off of it. The drawback is that this is a experimental API at the time of me writing this, so it still has some rough edges, plus the exact support you get could vary depending on how quickly your CF provider installs new versions of the Cloud Controller API.
You can read all the details about this here:
You can use cf local. This is a cf cli plugin which allows you to build a droplet locally (staging occurs in a docker container on your local machine). You can then take that droplet and deploy it as much as you want.
The process would look roughly like this, you'll just need to fill in some options/flags (hint run cf local -h to see all the options):
cf local stage
cf local push FrontEndApp-Prod
cf local push OrchesterApp-Prod
cf local push WorkerApp-Prod
The first command will create a file ending in .droplet in your current directory, the subsequent three commands will deploy that droplet to your provider and run it. The net result is that you should end up with three applications, like you have now, that are all deployed from the same droplet.
The drawback is that your droplet is local, so you're uploading it three times once for each app.
I suppose you also have a third option which is to just use a docker container. That has it's own advantages & drawbacks though.
Hope that helps!

Changes to Loopback App Not Being Deployed via slc deploy

I am attempting to deploy some changes to a loopback app running on a remote Ubuntu box on top of strong-pm.
The changes that I make locally are not being reflected in what gets deployed to the server. Here are the commands I execute:
$slc build
$slc deploy http://IPADDRESS deploy
to which I get a successful deploy message which looks like this:
peter#peters-MacBook-Pro  ~/Desktop/projects/www/places-api   master  slc deploy http://PADDRESS deploy
Counting objects: 5740, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (5207/5207), done.
Writing objects: 100% (5740/5740), 7.14 MiB | 2.80 MiB/s, done.
Total 5740 (delta 1555), reused 150 (delta 75)
To http://PADDRESS:8701/api/services/1/deploy/default
* [new branch] deploy -> deploy
Deployed `deploy` as `placesAPI` to `http://IPADDRESS:8701/`
Checking the deployed files on the server here :
I can see that the changes I made to the local app are not reflected in what has just been deployed to the server.
In order to check that the changes are reflected in the build, I checked out the deploy git repository, like so:
git checkout deploy
Inspecting the files here, I can see that the changes I made are present.
**does anyone know why the changes are not reflected in what is deployed to the server ? **
I know this is a old post but for anyone getting this issue I just encountered the same problem.
Finally I used slc arc and tried to Build from there.
Make sure that the "Fully qualified path to archive" has a correct value
It should be something like

Unable to push local changes live using Git Push Heroku Master

I'm new to GitHub and have gotten myself into a tangle. I've been successfully deploying code to a Heroku / Django app. However, my last commit was unsuccessful. This is my flow...
- Git add .
- Git commit -m "social media icons"
- Git push heroku master
The last command returns....
Fetching repository, done.
Everything up-to-date
Everything is not up to date. One thing I've discovered on my GitHub app is that I have 2 branches "production" and "master". Master was last updated Sept 8th. I've run a few commands including "git pull origin master" and "git push -f" based on other Stack answers. The latter did seem to push something but not the changes in local. Sorry, I'm trying to find my feet here!
If you're on production branch then you will need to do
git push heroku production:master
Heroku will only deploy the master branch so this command is you pushing your local production branch into the master branch on the remote.
So you are on branch production but your other branch master is up to date. If you want to push the current branch you are on, you should explicitly say so: git push heroku production.
I would highly advise you to try git, it's an excellent resource.

error: failed to push some refs to ''

Here what i am getting :
Counting objects: 10, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 3.60 KiB, done.
Total 10 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Heroku receiving push
! Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
Earlier i thought it was problem of .gitignore file but that also working fine . I have ingnored my virutal env and *.pyc as given in documentation.
I tried :
heroku create --stack cedar
also I had to add my pub key to heroku.
heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/
this is also not able solve my problem.
I don't know much about the heroku implementation. Anything specific I should check or try?
Please help me as i referred many documents but still getting same error . Thanks in advance :)
I believe cedar recognizes django apps by the existance of a requirements.txt file.
Pleaee check is to be sure you have created 'requirements.txt' and 'Procfile' in the root of your source tree that is being pushed. The names are case sensitive.
This tutorial includes instructions on creating them: