C WinAPI and C++ MFC resource [closed] - c++

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to ask you guys if you know what are the best(comprehensive) books for the following topics:
C Win32/WinAPI programming;
Book or Catalog of windows functions in windows.h and all the other windows library for c;
Book or Catalog of standard C library;
C++ MFC books;
I did my homework, but google does not certify nor guarantee professional answers, i hope Stack Overflow does.
thank you.

Petzold for learning the raw windows API
This will give you a good foundation for groking how things work under the hood. This is important because MFC is essentially a wrapper and and sometimes you have to get lower level. You'll be a much stronger developer if you don't depend on the IDE and wizards for everything. Petzold strongly emphasizes this.
Prosise is good for MFC:


Visual C++ Library for windows programing [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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which library is best for windows programing today in Visual C++, which one is most used today, etc
ATL, MFC, WTL and others.. and how many exist ?
I'll start the answer "from the back": there are many libraries for doing UI on Windows :)
Having said that I do have a few recommendations for you:
If you want to do cross-platform UI development then I suggest you look into Qt framework
If your goal is to do modern Universal Windows Apps - look no further than the UWP technology
For creating COM components I would recommend ATL
If you choose MFC you will probably get outdated in the near future (definitely within the 10 years time frame)
But ultimately the technology stack you chose greatly depends on your language of choice and your expertise as a software engineer

How to create gui in C++ [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new in C++ and looking for a way to create gui just like windowbuilder under eclipse (java).
I will appreciate if someone can help me to find tool like windowbuilder.
OS : Linux
Thank you
Personally I'm a fan of Qt.
However, it depends entirely on what you want to do. Qt is primarily for cross platform development, so it'll look and act mostly the same between any platform, it also has a large library that may require a bit of a learning curve at first - but the licencing options make it look pretty. Also the documentation is very awesome.
There are of course a lot of other options like:
GTKmm (based on GTK+), wxWidgets, FLTK, etc...
Also this is a duplicate question, so look at some of these other answers:
How do I create a GUI for a windows application using C++?
How do I build a GUI in C++?

Good books for Interpreter and Compiler using C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm planning to write a simple interpreter ( like TI-BASIC language for TI-89 ) or compiler ( C compiler ) using C++. I'm currently taking a course about programming languages, and learning the basic of BNF, EBNF. I wonder is it good enough to start on this project? In addition, could anyone know some good books about this area? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
The Dragon Book is a must read if you want to write a compiler.
Everyone I know rants and raves about Modern Compiler Construction in C, although the Java version usually gets more credit. However if you want a more C++ focused book you can't go wrong with Writing Compiler and Interpreters.

Total beginner looking for tutorials programming outlook add ins in c++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm an absolute beginner in Outlook programming and Windows GUI programming in general. But I have lots of years experience in C++ programming in general (not GUI)
I need to develop a Outlook plug-in and my question is where to start?
What do I need to know to let me start?
Can you please give me some useful links to learn ?
OutlookCode.com and it's forums are always my first point of call with Outlook related programming. Also see the Office Developer Centre.
For your specific scenario the COM Add-ins page links to the following ATL/C++ sample.
you can use Outlook ActiveX library or CDO COM library, the best choose is to use the first one if you are sure user has installed outlook

Open Source C++ Data Visualization Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We want to include data visualization in our desktop GUI (mostly timelines and graphs; clickable, draggable). We want to restrict to open-source, non-copyleft C++ libraries that allow commercial use and are portable across many platforms. Which library can I use? Our GUI is based on WxWidgets.
there is VTK.
And if data visualization is your thing, have a look at opendx too.
I think this question would be easier to answer if you also stated which other GUI components you use. Perhaps that limits the choice of available libraries. Since you're C++ and cross-platform, maybe wxWindows? Would be good not to have to guess.