How do I create a rest web service in Grails? - web-services

The idea is to call a method from a website(in php) to my application (in Grails). The application will serve data in json format.
The website and the application are hosted in two different servers. The website is on Yahoo and the application is on Rackspace.
Now, I want to create a web service in my Grails application which serves list of cities in json format.
City Class
class City {
String name
String code
How do i write the web service method?

Try the grails jaxrs plugin ( which will do excactly what you want without any hassle.
Simply install it, create a Resource object with the introduced create-resource command and create and annotate the methods as you wish. all other things are managed by the plugin so you don't have to worry about Controller or UrlMapping...

You need only the annotation #Resource(uri='/cities') on your domain and call the url/cities.json (but, its'n RESTful)

You will want to use a few tools, first you will create a controller that deals with the requests and pushes them off to your service layer.
You can use URL Mappings to make it more RESTFul check out the doc that way all the http methods will be mapped to actions in your controller.
Also if you will be doing a fair bit of json I would recomend starting with the gson plugin it has a fuller feature set then the built in JSON support.
The link from the comment above is a great resource to read as well.
I have found that I most of the time want to support the accept header as well in which case you will need to update your config with the following code. See withFormat doc for more info.
grails.mime.use.accept.header = true


How to define URLs only once for server and client?

everyone! I am building a web application, i.e. a server-client application. For the interaction between the two, I have to define the URLs twice (hard-coded strings), both on the backend and the frontend, which makes future changes hard, because it would require changing the code in two places, rather than just one.
I am using Django and Angular and so I am looking for a way to specify the back end endpoints once, then ideally read them and use them for the Angular production build. Therefore changes to the endpoints will only require a new build, but no further changes.
Should these be defined in some .cfg file and be read by the back end on server startup and maybe somehow add them to the Angular's build process? Any suggestion would help because this redundancy comes in almost every webapp project and there has to be a more clever solution!
Thanks for the help in advance!
Here, it is the backend application that owns and defines url mappings to entities. It is possible that multiple clients can consume from the same API, like a web client, an Android client and an iOS client. In this setup, your backend is the point of truth for the url mappings, and client applications should be configured to use the url mappings defined in the backend application.
One possible way to do this is to serve defined urls in the backend on a path of the backend application, and have your client applications configure themselves using the data provided there. For example, if you use Django Rest Framework, by default, on the root path of the API ("/"), resources along with url mappings for the resources are served. You can use such a mechanism to configure your client applications on build time.
How many endpoints and how likely are you to alter them? Most likely you will always have to make more changes than just in 1 place as the reason behind changing an endpoint is normally you are trying to POST or GET new data structures. This would mean you will have to alter that request process anyway to handle the new data type or what was being posted.
Also, consider some of the publicly available api's out there - they don't give you an endpoint that serves a config file of available routes. When they make a change to their endpoints they usually create a versioned api so that consumers can upgrade in their own time.
In my opinion, unless you are planning a large scale web app, I wouldn't be too worried about trying to implement something like this.

Building a multi page serverless application using AWS Lambdas Serverless application model

I am new to the serverless application model for the web and want to understand a few things. I went through the AWS Building your first serverless tutorial and have a couple of questions. I am used to the MVC model of LEMP or using .NET.
In the tutorial all the pages that were accessed were static html like and Is this the way things are done in the serverless world? I get it that the lamdba and rest api add the dynamic content.
How do I name the pages in my browser to go from to instead?
Is Lamdba essentially like just writing Node.js?
Is there a way if they are all individual html pages to make one global layout? Any layout template advice would be helpful.
I want a multi page application like say this site vs Gmail (less ajaxy) and more like a blog. How is this accomplished? A tutorial on this would be helfpul.
1) you can use a modern front end framework like Angular, React, Vue, etc. and host your website statically on S3. Check
Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3 for more info. Your static website will then interact via HTTP with API Gateway. You then map your lambda functions to events from API Gateway. Check this tutorial
2) depends on how the framework chosen on step 1) deals with it
3) it can be NodeJS, Go, Python and other supported languages if you wish. Each microservice (lambda function) can be written in a separate language. For more info, see the supported languages at
Lambda FAQ
4) again, depends on the framework of your choice
5) this you’ll have to lookup for yourself, but anything like "Blog Tutorial in {Framework of Choice} should do it. Here's an example using React
Let's now say you have deployed your application, you can then make use of other Events supported by AWS. Since you're creating a Blog example, you may want to upload pictures to your Post itself so it looks fancy, but you don't want users on mobile phones to load these high resolution pictures when they are only browsing through your Blog, so you could make use of an S3 Event to generate a thumbnail for your picture, so they can have a preview before actually clicking to see the content. The possibilities are endless.
Using a Serverless model to create applications also enables building event-driven applications out of the box. These applications are highly available and auto-scalable by default.

How to mock SOAP web service without SoapUI

I have a web service that I want to mock in following way: I will have a list of given IDs, and a set of response items for them, and if user will send a request with ID from the list, proper response should be sent back.
How to do it without tools like SoapUI (I don't want to install any additional software on the server that will be tested if possible).
Thanks in advance for any help.
SoapUI open source provides exactly what you want to achieve, without any need to install SoapUI on the server.
I consider this approach very efficient:
Create your mock service inside SoapUI.
Test the mock on your computer with SoapUI.
Create a WAR with the mock service (or more services) - just click on the project and choose "Deploy As WAR"
Deploy the WAR to the target server.
The resulting WAR is standalone and you do not need to deploy any other software.
I recommend this tutorial:
The easiest way I could find is . Hope it helps.
You might have to build an actual mock for this.
This could range from just a different implementation for an existing interface (say IOrderQuerier, with the old OrderQuerier and the new MockOrderQuerier), to a different project altogether (say MockOrderApi).
In both scenarios, the Mock would just return a set of predefined values depending on the input, but you'll need to provide some sort of switch mechanism (for example a flag in the config file, which is read by the DI container).
You'll have to provide more details about the server if you need more targeted answers on this.
If you can manage to mock this using mockito, I've just added a simple project which does most of the heavy lifting: mockito-soap-cxf

calling web services from UNIX

I have a requirement to kickoff a workflow which is in thorugh web service from UNIX box. Can any one suggest me options or guide lines to achive this scenario?
I don't think you can just "kick off workflows". You'll have to perform an insert or update of records in Salesforce that will satisfy the workflow's entry criteria.
There's a Java tool called Data Loader for your basic data manipulation activities (you can download it from your own production org)
and it can be scripted for scheduled runs, has config file where you can store user's password in secure way etc. Check out the pdf guide for more ("Command Line Quick Start" chapter)
So I don't think you really need a webservice call...
Unless I misunderstood and you're talking about calling an Apex class' method that has "webservice" keyword and it will somehow perform the updates?
In that case you'll need to download the WSDL file generated for this class (Setup->Develop->Classes) and well, consume it in language of your choice (Java, PHP, Python... this link will help, steps aren't too different), then do your command line magic? has tons of resources for you :)
Salesforce uses SOAP for their web service. They don't have restful web services now. Just request them to give the wsdl file.
Use this wsdl file to generate the java code. After that get their webService url so that you can proceed with your data pulling
This link may help you..
Hope this helps

Should my web based app be a consumer of my api?

I will be developing a mobile app (iPhone) and a web based app (Django) soon. For the mobile app I will be creating a REST api (most likely using Django) to send data back and forth from phone to server.
When I comes time to create the web based version does it make sense to just create it as any other client of the api. In other words both the mobile app and the web app will get there data from an external API over HTTP. Or should the web based app have direct access to the database that the api is using and just get its data that way?
Break it into three "sections". The first uses a Python API to manipulate the database. The second interfaces your REST API with your Python API. The third talks web and uses the Python API.
I would create the web application to serve the API to the mobile client. That is, give the web based application direct access to the database. This will simplify your XML / JSON RESTful resource access.
I would say no, don't use the API for the HTML version. If you design your Django well, you can end up with less code than using the API for the HTML version. You also get to retain the ability to have a web designer work with the Django templates whenever the boss wants the spelling changed on something.
I'd suggest trying to define a base app for your iPhone app to interface with, and then extend that within a second app for the HTML version. App1 would have all of your models (including business logic), and a for processing the data to/from the iPhone. Then create App2 which uses App1.models, but creates its own With any luck, you'll find yourself with the ability to change nothing but the template used to render the output, so you can reuse your views by passing the template as an argument.
For example:
def list(request, template="list.json"):
list = Model.objects.filter(deleted=False).filter(user=request.user)
## Lots of other logic to work on the list.
return render_to_response(template, {list: list,})
def list(request, template="list.html"):
return App1.views.list(request, template=template)
I think the answer to this question has changed over time. A year ago when asked it was probably still too much hassle to do this, but now I'd definitely say yes - using your API as the basis is the smart thing to do. As Web sites use more HTML5 and Mobile apps get smarter it really makes sense to have all your "UIs" read/writing from the same API layer. This will give you much more flexibility in the future.