Redmine: notify when commented issue is updated - redmine

Is there any plugin/patch/anything for notifying me by email, when issue which I commented in, is updated? Now I only receive notifications on my own issues, or ones that assigned to me. I know about "Watch" action, but is there a way to do it automatically?

Try this:
Simple plugin to make autowatch on issue update.


Why Suggestion issue cannot go to Verifying or Testing status?

Bug issue is done and goes from In Progress to Verifying status.
Feature issue is done and goes from In Progress to Testing status.
When one accepts Suggestion issue and start implementing it, one change issue's status from New to In Progress status.
When a Suggestion issue is implemented, only Pending and Closed status can go next. Why? Does not Suggestion issue need to go verified or tested?
You can configure the next allowed status for an issue based on the issue's tracker, its current status and the role of the user who performs the change. This can be configured globally in Administration -> Workflows. Make sure to check all transitions you want to allow there.
See for more information about configuring workflows in Redmine.

Item updated via CSOM will not fire remote event receiver

We have a remote event receiver associated to a list and hooked on all events there. When you update any list item using OOB SharePoint page, the event receiver is executed; a web service which is taking care of the afterward actions works nicely. However when you update item use CSOM code e.g. in simple console application, nothing happens. The event receiver is not called at all. I found this issue on both SP 2013 and 2016.
I will not post any code while it is irrelevant: item is updated using standard approach and values are actually changed in the list item, only the event receiver is not fired. To put it simply:
item updated manually from site -> event receiver fired
item updated via CSOM -> event receiver not fired.
I remember similar issue on SharePoint 2010 when using server side code and system account. Could it be that behind the scene web service called by CSOM (e.g. list.asmx) is using system account to make changes as well? It's just hypothesis...
So after deeper investigation and many try/fails we found out it was indeed issue with code in our event receiver. For some strange reason original developers were checking Title field in after properties and cancelling code if not present. I guess it was probably an attempt to prevent looping calls.
One lesson learned: When using CSOM after event properties contains only those fields which were altered by CSOM code. Keep it in a mind in case you need to use other values than those you want to update. You may need to stupidly copy and assign them again just because of this.

Google Admin SDK user push notifications and renaming of users

I want to ask about the situation that is related to the renaming of a user by an administrator. It can take up to 10 minutes (from the disclaimer) to get user's name changed, but the notification about update event is sent immediately. There is no way to understand whether user's data is changed or not at the moment when notification is received. The only way to process it correctly is to delay processing by 10 minutes which is not good for me.
Is there something that I've missed to handle this? Otherwise it is quite useless API.

I receive the email notificaction instantly(VTiger doesn't wait for the date to arrive to send it)

When I create a ToDo(or an event), and activate the "Send Notification" box, and set a future date for it to begin(for example in two days), I receive the email notification instantly(VTiger doesn't wait for the date to arrive to send it).
I've tried to find answers by myself and online, but I haven't been able to solve it. Mi cron is working OK, and I have my correct timezone configured in
I'm using Vtiger CRM 6.2.0.
Do you have any idea of why this is happening, or what can I do to find out or solve it?
Thanks for your time!
It seems that this is the correct way in which VTiger works. Send notification tells the user that a ToDo was created and assigned to him.
Im not sure how can I email a user when a task is due.

Flask-Mail not sending emails, no error is being reported

All, I'm trying to setup flask-mail to send notifications to my email when a user registers.
I'm getting no error messages from the script used to send the email, but nothing is actually being sent, or at least, nothing is being received.
Is there a log file which can show if an email was sent, rejected, or maybe if there was even a problem logging onto the server? How does on track this problem?
Any ideas here?
Flask-Email use smtplib which can set debug level: You can set it with MAIL_DEBUG = True or DEBUG = True. Also check that MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND = False and TESTING = False.
With debug I can see in stdout mail progress: success, fail, recipients and etc.
See details:
tbicr has the most likely fix, check MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND first.
What ended up burning me (being new to flask) is that when you instantiate your Mail() object, be sure it's after you've set your app.config values. The Mail() object doesn't go back and look at these values after the fact, so they will default to bad values. What's frustrating is that you won't see any errors when you try to send messages with the default/bad values. At least not as of my posting.
I know this post is from a while ago, but I just ran into the same issue. Like #tbicr mentioned make sure that app.testing is set to False. As it states in the Flask-Maildocs here:
"If the setting TESTING is set to True, emails will be suppressed. Calling send() on your messages will not result in any messages being actually sent."
This was exactly my problem. I implemented Google reCAPTCHA into one of my forms and the app.testing was set to True so I did not have to hit the reCAPTCHA box every time. By removing the app.testing or by setting it to False, the emails were able to be sent.