I have some problems with boost serialization when serializing derived class through base class pointer. I need a system which serializes some objects as they are being received in the system, so I need to serialize over time. This is not really a problem since I can open a boost::archive::binary_oarchive and serialize objects when required. Rapidly I noticed that boost was performing object tracking by memory address, so the first problem was that different objects in time that share the same memory address were saved as the same object. This can be fixed by using the following macro in the required derived class:
BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(className, boost::serialization::track_never)
This works fine, but again, when the base class is not abstract, the base class is not serialized properly. In the following example, the base class serialization method is only called once with the first object. In the following, boost assumes that this object has been serialized before although the object has different type.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/list.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/map.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/archive_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
using namespace std;
class AClass{
virtual ~AClass(){}
double a;
double b;
//virtual void virtualMethod() = 0;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & a;
ar & b;
cout << "A" << endl;
//BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(AClass, boost::serialization::track_never)
class BClass : public AClass{
virtual ~BClass(){}
double c;
double d;
virtual void virtualMethod(){};
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<AClass>(*this);
ar & c;
ar & d;
cout << "B" << endl;
// define export to be able to serialize through base class pointer
BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(BClass, boost::serialization::track_never)
class CClass : public AClass{
virtual ~CClass(){}
double c;
double d;
virtual void virtualMethod(){};
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<AClass>(*this);
ar & c;
ar & d;
cout << "C" << endl;
// define export to be able to serialize through base class pointer
BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(CClass, boost::serialization::track_never)
int main() {
cout << "Serializing...." << endl;
ofstream ofs("serialization.dat");
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs);
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
AClass* baseClassPointer = new BClass();
// serialize object through base pointer
oa << baseClassPointer;
// free the pointer so next allocation can reuse memory address
delete baseClassPointer;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
AClass* baseClassPointer = new CClass();
// serialize object through base pointer
oa << baseClassPointer;
// free the pointer so next allocation can reuse memory address
delete baseClassPointer;
cout << "Deserializing..." << endl;
ifstream ifs("serialization.dat");
boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(ifs);
AClass* a;
ia >> a;
delete a;
}catch(boost::archive::archive_exception const& e)
return 0;
When executing this piece of code, the result is as follow:
So the base class is only being serialized once, although the derived class has explicitly the track_never flag. There are two different workarounds to fix this behaviour. The first one is to make the base class abstract with a pure virtual method and calling the macro BOOST_SERIALIZATION_ASSUME_ABSTRACT(Aclass), and the second one is to put the track_never flag also in the base class (commented in code).
None of these solutions meets my requirements, since I want to do in the future punctual serializations of the system state, which would require tracking features for a given DClass extending A (not B or C), and also the AClass should not be abstract.
Any hints? Is there any way to call explicitly the base class serialization method avoiding the tracking feature in the base class (that already has been disabled in the derived class)?
After having a little closer look to boost::serialization I'm also convinced there is no straightforward solution for you request.
As you already mentioned the tracking behavior for the serialization is declared on a class by class base with BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING.
This const global information is than interpret in the virtual method tracking from class oserializer.
virtual bool tracking(const unsigned int /* flags */)
Because this is a template class you can explicitly instantiate this method for your classes.
namespace boost {
namespace archive {
namespace detail {
virtual bool oserializer<class binary_oarchive, class AClass >::tracking(const unsigned int f /* flags */) const {
return do_your_own_tracking_decision();
Now you can try to e.g have something like a global variable and change the tracking behavior from time to time. (E.g depending on which derivate class is written to the archive.)
This seems to wok for “Serializing“ but the “Deserializing“ than throw an exception.
The reason for this is, that the state of “tracking” for each class is only written ones to the archive. Therefore the deserialize does always expect the data for AClass if BClass or CClass is read (at leased if the first write attempt for AClass was with tracking disabled).
One possible solution could be to use the flags parameter in tracking() method.
This parameter represent the flags the archive is created with, default “0”.
binary_oarchive(std::ostream & os, unsigned int flags = 0)
The archive flags are declared in basic_archive.hpp
enum archive_flags {
no_header = 1, // suppress archive header info
no_codecvt = 2, // suppress alteration of codecvt facet
no_xml_tag_checking = 4, // suppress checking of xml tags
no_tracking = 8, // suppress ALL tracking
flags_last = 8
no_tracking seems currently not to be supported, but you can now add this behavior to tracking.
virtual bool oserializer<class binary_oarchive, class AClass >::tracking(const unsigned int f /* flags */) const {
return !(f & no_tracking);
Now you can at leased decide for different archives whether AClass should be tracked or not.
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa_nt(ofs, boost::archive::archive_flags::no_tracking);
And this are the changes in your example.
int main() {
cout << "Serializing...." << endl;
ofstream ofs("serialization1.dat");
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa_nt(ofs, boost::archive::archive_flags::no_tracking);
//boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs);
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
AClass* baseClassPointer = new BClass();
// serialize object through base pointer
oa_nt << baseClassPointer;
// free the pointer so next allocation can reuse memory address
delete baseClassPointer;
ofstream ofs2("serialization2.dat");
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs2);
//boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs);
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
AClass* baseClassPointer = new CClass();
// serialize object through base pointer
oa << baseClassPointer;
// free the pointer so next allocation can reuse memory address
delete baseClassPointer;
cout << "Deserializing..." << endl;
ifstream ifs("serialization1.dat");
boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(ifs);
AClass* a;
ia >> a;
delete a;
}catch(boost::archive::archive_exception const& e)
ifstream ifs2("serialization2.dat");
boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia2(ifs2);
AClass* a;
ia2 >> a;
delete a;
}catch(boost::archive::archive_exception const& e)
return 0;
namespace boost {
namespace archive {
namespace detail {
virtual bool oserializer<class binary_oarchive, class AClass >::tracking(const unsigned int f /* flags */) const {
return !(f & no_tracking);
This still may not be what you are looking for. There are lot more methods which could be adapted with an own implementation. Or your have to derivate your own archive class.
Ultimately the problem seems to be that a boost::serialization archive represents state at a single point in time, and you want your archive to contain state that has changed, i.e. pointers that have been reused. I don't think there is a simple boost::serialization flag that induces the behavior you want.
However, I think there are other workarounds that might be sufficient. You can encapsulate the serialization for a class into its own archive, and then archive the encapsulation. That is, you can implement the serialization for B like this (note that you have to split serialize() into save() and load()):
// #include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
// #include <boost/serialization/string.hpp>
// Replace serialize() member function with this.
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) const {
// Serialize instance to a string (or other container).
// std::stringstream used here for simplicity. You can avoid
// some buffer copying with alternative stream classes that
// directly access an external container or iterator range.
std::ostringstream os;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(os);
oa << boost::serialization::base_object<AClass>(*this);
oa << c;
oa << d;
// Archive string to top level.
const std::string s = os.str();
ar & s;
cout << "B" << endl;
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) {
// Unarchive string from top level.
std::string s;
ar & s;
// Deserialize instance from string.
std::istringstream is(s);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(is);
ia >> boost::serialization::base_object<AClass>(*this);
ia >> c;
ia >> d;
cout << "B" << endl;
Because each instance of B is serialized into its own archive, A is effectively not tracked because there is only one reference per archive of B. This produces:
A potential objection to this technique is the storage overhead of encapsulation. The result of the original test program are 319 bytes while the modified test program produces 664 bytes. However, if gzip is applied to both output files then the sizes are 113 bytes for the original and 116 bytes for the modification. If space is a concern then I would recommend adding compression to the outer serialization, which can be easily done with boost::iostreams.
Another possible workaround is to extend the life of instances to the lifespan of the archive so pointers are not reused. You could do this by associating a container of shared_ptr instances to your archive, or by allocating instances from a memory pool.
I'm facing maybe a non-problem with some C++ class design, mostly because I need to integrate a database into my system. I've got a base class that has some child classes. I find it redundant to have a member called type which is an enum which described the type of child it is. Example
enum FooTypes {
class Foo {
Foo(FooTypes type):type(type){}
FooTypes type;
class FooA : public Foo {
class FooB : public Foo {
FooB() :Foo(kFooTypeB) {}
The reason that I feel forced to maintain an enum is because owners of Foos want to store what they have created into a database table. If the system reboots, they should be able to look into their own table and say, "Oh yeah, I have a FooA that I need to initialize", and that can only really be done by setting a column called "FooType" to 1 in this case.
I'm just wondering if this way of giving child classes a type that is part of an enum that they then must know about is bad design. It seems redundant among other things.
You could use polymorphism and use overridden streaming functions for the derived classes.
You'd then need a factory function to create different derived object depending on what you read from the database.
Here's a small example where the database is an std::istringstream holding what has previously been saved.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
// An abstract base class for all entities you can store in the database
struct Foo {
virtual ~Foo() = default;
virtual void serialize(std::ostream&) const = 0; // must be overridden
virtual void deserialize(std::istream&) = 0; // must be overridden
// streaming proxies, calling the overridden serialize/deserialize member functions
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Foo& f) {
return os;
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Foo& f) {
return is;
class FooA : public Foo {
void serialize(std::ostream& os) const override {
// serializing by streaming its name and its properties
os << "FooA\n" << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << c << '\n';
void deserialize(std::istream& is) override {
// deserializing by reading its properties
if(std::string line; std::getline(is, line)) {
std::istringstream iss(line);
if(not (iss >> a >> b >> c)) is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
int a, b, c;
class FooB : public Foo {
void serialize(std::ostream& os) const override {
os << "FooB\n" << str << '\n';
void deserialize(std::istream& is) override {
std::getline(is, str);
std::string str;
// A factory function to create derived objects from a string by looking it up in a map
// and calling the mapped functor.
std::unique_ptr<Foo> make_foo(const std::string& type) {
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Foo>(*)()> fm = {
{"FooA", []() -> std::unique_ptr<Foo> { return std::make_unique<FooA>(); }},
{"FooB", []() -> std::unique_ptr<Foo> { return std::make_unique<FooB>(); }},
if(auto it = fm.find(type); it != fm.end()) return it->second(); // call the functor
throw std::runtime_error(type + ": unknown type");
// Deserialize all Foos from a stream
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Foo>> read_foos(std::istream& is) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Foo>> entities;
std::string type;
while(std::getline(is, type)) { // type is for example "FooA" here
// Call make_foo(type), put the result in the vector and
// stream directly to the added element (C++17 or later required)
if(not (is >> *entities.emplace_back(make_foo(type)))) {
throw std::runtime_error(type + ": deserializing failure");
return entities;
int main() {
std::istringstream db(
"1 2 3\n"
"Hello world\n"
auto entities = read_foos(db);
std::cout << "serialize what we got:\n";
for(auto& fooptr : entities) {
std::cout << *fooptr;
serialize what we got:
1 2 3
Hello world
This is fine. Generally you want to avoid the need to "know" a type in a polymorphic hierarchy ‐ if you're fine with the performance of virtual dispatch, it should be all you need in a good design.
But sometimes you do need a strong mapping (say, for passing to some external resource), and having an enum identify the actual "type" of an instance saves you having a string of dynamic_cast to do the same job.
You could have the best of both worlds, and make a virtual function that returns the right enum for the class. But then frankly you're forcing a loss of performance for nothing.
In short, I'd like to know how boost::serialization allocates memory for an object when deserializing through a pointer. Below, you'll find an example of my question, clearly illustrated alongside companion code. This code should be fully functional and compile fine, there are no errors, per se, just a question on how the code actually works.
#include <cstddef> // NULL
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
class non_default_constructor; // Forward declaration for boost serialization namespacing below
// In order to "teach" boost how to save and load your class with a non-default-constructor, you must override these functions
// in the boost::serialization namespace. Prototype them here.
namespace boost { namespace serialization {
template<class Archive>
inline void save_construct_data(Archive& ar, const non_default_constructor* ndc, const unsigned int version);
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive& ar, non_default_constructor* ndc, const unsigned int version);
// Here is the actual class definition with no default constructor
class non_default_constructor
explicit non_default_constructor(std::string initial)
: some_initial_value{initial}, state{0}
std::string get_initial_value() const { return some_initial_value; } // For save_construct_data
std::string some_initial_value;
int state;
// Notice that we only serialize state here, not the
// some_initial_value passed into the ctor
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
std::cout << "serialize called" << std::endl;
ar & state;
// Define the save and load overides here.
namespace boost { namespace serialization {
template<class Archive>
inline void save_construct_data(Archive& ar, const non_default_constructor* ndc, const unsigned int version)
std::cout << "save_construct_data called." << std::endl;
ar << ndc->get_initial_value();
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive& ar, non_default_constructor* ndc, const unsigned int version)
std::cout << "load_construct_data called." << std::endl;
std::string some_initial_value;
ar >> some_initial_value;
// Use placement new to construct a non_default_constructor class at the address of ndc
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Now lets say that we want to save and load a non_default_constructor class through a pointer.
non_default_constructor* my_non_default_constructor = new non_default_constructor{"initial value"};
std::ofstream outputStream("non_default_constructor.dat");
boost::archive::text_oarchive outputArchive(outputStream);
outputArchive << my_non_default_constructor;
// The above is all fine and dandy. We've serialized an object through a pointer.
// non_default_constructor will call save_construct_data then will call serialize()
// The output archive file will look exactly like this:
22 serialization::archive 17 0 1 0
0 13 initial value 0
/*If I want to load that class back into an object at a later time
I'd declare a pointer to a non_default_constructor */
non_default_constructor* load_from_archive;
// Notice load_from_archive was not initialized with any value. It doesn't make
// sense to intialize it with a value, because we're trying to load from
// a file, not create a whole new object with "new".
std::ifstream inputStream("non_default_constructor.dat");
boost::archive::text_iarchive inputArchive(inputStream);
// <><><> HERE IS WHERE I'M CONFUSED <><><>
inputArchive >> load_from_archive;
// The above should call load_construct_data which will attempt to
// construct a non_default_constructor object at the address of
// class uses?? Placement new just constructs at the address, assuming
// memory at the passed address has been allocated for construction.
// So my question is this:
// I want to verify that *something* is (or isn't) allocating memory for a non_default_constructor
// class to be constructed at the address of load_from_archive.
std::cout << load_from_archive->get_initial_value() << std::endl; // This works.
return 0;
Per the boost::serialization documentation when a class with a non-default constructor is to be (de)serialized, the load/save_construct_data is used, but I'm not actually seeing a place where memory is being allocated for the object to be loaded into, just where placement new is constructing an object at a memory address. But what allocated the memory at that address?
It's probably a misunderstanding with how this line works:
but I'd like to know where my misunderstanding lies. This is my first question, so I apologize if I've made some sort of mistake on how I've asked my question. Thanks for your time.
That's one excellent example program, with very apt comments. Let's dig in.
// In order to "teach" boost how to save and load your class with a
// non-default-constructor, you must override these functions in the
// boost::serialization namespace. Prototype them here.
You don't have to. Any overload (not override) accessible via ADL suffices, apart from the in-class option.
Skipping to the meat of it:
// So my question is this: I want to verify that *something* is (or isn't)
// allocating memory for a non_default_constructor
// class to be constructed at the address of load_from_archive.
Yes. The documentation states this. But it's a little bit trickier, because it's conditional. The reason is object tracking. Say, we serialize multiple pointers to the same object, they will get serialized once.
On deserialization, the objects will be represented in the archive stream with the object tracking-id. Only the first instance will lead to allocation.
See documentation.
Here's a simplified counter-example:
demonstrating ADL
demonstrating Object Tracking
removing all forward declarations (they're unnecessary due to template POI)
It serializes a vector with 10 copies of the pointer. I used unique_ptr to avoid leaking the instances (both the one manually created in main, as well as the one created by the deserialization).
Live On Coliru
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
namespace mylib {
// Here is the actual class definition with no default constructor
class non_default_constructor {
explicit non_default_constructor(std::string initial)
: some_initial_value{ initial }, state{ 0 } {}
std::string get_initial_value() const {
return some_initial_value;
} // For save_construct_data
std::string some_initial_value;
int state;
// Notice that we only serialize state here, not the some_initial_value
// passed into the ctor
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, unsigned) {
std::cout << "serialize called" << std::endl;
ar& state;
// Define the save and load overides here.
template<class Archive>
inline void save_construct_data(Archive& ar, const non_default_constructor* ndc, unsigned)
std::cout << "save_construct_data called." << std::endl;
ar << ndc->get_initial_value();
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive& ar, non_default_constructor* ndc, unsigned)
std::cout << "load_construct_data called." << std::endl;
std::string some_initial_value;
ar >> some_initial_value;
// Use placement new to construct a non_default_constructor class at the address of ndc
int main() {
using NDC = mylib::non_default_constructor;
auto owned = std::make_unique<NDC>("initial value");
std::ofstream outputStream("vector.dat");
boost::archive::text_oarchive outputArchive(outputStream);
// serialize 10 copues, for fun
std::vector v(10, owned.get());
outputArchive << v;
22 serialization::archive 17 0 0 10 0 1 1 0
0 13 initial value 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
std::vector<NDC*> restore;
std::ifstream inputStream("vector.dat");
boost::archive::text_iarchive inputArchive(inputStream);
inputArchive >> restore;
std::unique_ptr<NDC> take_ownership(restore.front());
for (auto& el : restore) {
assert(el == take_ownership.get());
std::cout << "restored: " << restore.size() << " copies with " <<
std::quoted(take_ownership->get_initial_value()) << "\n";
save_construct_data called.
serialize called
load_construct_data called.
serialize called
restored: 10 copies with "initial value"
The vector.dat file contains:
22 serialization::archive 17 0 0 10 0 1 1 0
0 13 initial value 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
The Library Internals
You shouldn't really care, but you can of course read the source code. Predictably, it's way more involved than you'd naively expect, after all: this is C++.
The library deals with types that have overloaded operator new. In that case it calls T::operator new instead of the globale operator new. It always passes sizeof(T) as you correctly surmised.
The code lives in the exception-safe wrapper: detail/iserializer.hpp
struct heap_allocation {
explicit heap_allocation() { m_p = invoke_new(); }
~heap_allocation() {
if (0 != m_p)
T* get() const { return m_p; }
T* release() {
T* p = m_p;
m_p = 0;
return p;
T* m_p;
Yes, this code be simplified a lot with C++11 or later. Also, the NULL-guard in the destructor is redunant for compliant implementations of operator delete.
Now of course, invoke_new and invoke_delete are where it's at. Presenting condensed:
static T* invoke_new() {
typedef typename mpl::eval_if<boost::has_new_operator<T>,
mpl::identity<doesnt_have_new_operator>>::type typex;
return typex::invoke_new();
static void invoke_delete(T* t) {
typedef typename mpl::eval_if<boost::has_new_operator<T>,
mpl::identity<doesnt_have_new_operator>>::type typex;
struct has_new_operator {
static T* invoke_new() { return static_cast<T*>((T::operator new)(sizeof(T))); }
static void invoke_delete(T* t) { (operator delete)(t); }
struct doesnt_have_new_operator {
static T* invoke_new() { return static_cast<T*>(operator new(sizeof(T))); }
static void invoke_delete(T* t) { (operator delete)(t); }
There's some conditional compilation and verbose comments, so per-use the source code if you want the full picture.
I am trying to work with boost::serialisation for saving and loading some objects.
So far from the boost::tutorial I have managed to do things work for all the different stl stuff (vectors, pairs, lists etc), for derived classes, for boost multi-arrays and other things, but I am stuck trying to work around how to serialize a boost::any vector.
Let me say in advance that I found and checked in the forum some posts for boost::varian serialization and even one for boost::any (which even has an almost identical title) but yet again I didn't manage to solve my problems.
So let me go with a small example:
Say I have this class:
class class_2
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & degrees;
ar & minutes;
ar & seconds;
for( std::vector<boost::any>::iterator it = v_any.begin() ; it != v_any.end() ; ++it ) {
//Trying to cast all the possible types that may enter the
//boost any vector, for the sake of this example let's just
//say that we will only pass a second class called name class_1
//to the boost::any vector and we only have to cast this class
if (it->type() == typeid(class_1)){
class_1 lan = boost::any_cast< class_1 > (*it );
ar & (lan);
}// for boost::any*/
} //serialization
int degrees;
int minutes;
float seconds;
class_2(int d, int m, float s) :
degrees(d), minutes(m), seconds(s)
std::vector<boost::any> v_any;
And to be more precise the class_1 that we expect for this small example to exist inside the boost::any vector is the following class:
class class_1
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & a;
int a;
So when I compile the above code with a main function where I save and load an object of class_2 that containts inside the boost::any vector an object of class_1 everything compiles and even runs:
int main() {
class_1 alpha;
class_2 beta;
std::ofstream ofs("file");
// save data to archive
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);
// write class instance to archive
oa << beta;
// archive and stream closed when destructors are called
// ... some time later restore the class instance to its orginal state
class_2 newclass;
// create and open an archive for input
std::ifstream ifs("file");
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
// read class state from archive
ia >> newclass;
// archive and stream closed when destructors are called
return 0;
Yet again the loaded newclass object has an empty boost::any vector with nothing saved inside.
So my question is what am I doing wrong in the above code and what should I change in order to serialize the boost::any vector correctly..?
Any help/suggestion would be very appreciated.
I have two classes that will represent two very simple databases, and each has a "Save" function which will write what's in the class to a file. Since the code within the "Save" function is very similar, I was wondering if I could factor it out.
One of my colleagues said this might be possible with inheritance and/or metadata, so I tried looking into it myself with Google. However, I couldn't find anything that was helpful and am still unsure if what I want to do is even possible.
If it's possible to factor out, then I think I'd need to have another class or function know about each class's types and iterate through them somehow (metadata?). It would check the type of every data, and depending on what the type is, it would make sure that it's correctly output to the text file.
(I know data like name, age, etc. should be private, but to keep this simple I just had everything be public)
class A
A() : name(""), age(0) {};
void Save(void)
std::string filename = "A.txt";
std::string data;
data += name + "\n";
data += std::to_string(age) + "\n";
std::ofstream outfile(filename);
outfile.write(data.c_str(), data.size());
std::string name;
int age;
class B
B() : ID(0), points(0) {};
void Save(void)
std::string filename = "B.txt";
std::string data;
data += std::to_string(ID) + "\n";
data += std::to_string(points) + "\n";
std::ofstream outfile(filename);
outfile.write(data.c_str(), data.size());
int ID;
int points;
int main(void)
A a;
B b;
a.name = "Bob"; a.age = 20;
b.ID = 4; b.points = 95;
return 0;
A possible solution could be to use metaprogramming (not sure what you mean by metadata), i.e. templates to reuse the common parts
template<typename T1, typename T2>
void TSave(const std::string fname, const T1& p1, const T2& p2) {
std::string filename = fname;
std::stringstream data;
data << p1 << "\n";
data << p2 << "\n";
std::ofstream outfile(filename);
outfile.write(data.str().c_str(), data.str().size());
class A {
void Save(void) {
TSave("A.txt", name, age);
std::string name;
int age;
class B {
void Save(void) {
TSave("B.txt", ID, points);
int ID;
int points;
Live Example
What you are looking for is serialization: saving objects to a file (and one day or another, restore the objects).
Of course, you could write your own serialization framework, and Marco's answer is an interesting start in that direction. But alternatively, you could consider existing libraries, such as boost::serialization :
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
class A {
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & name;
ar & age;
class B {
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & ID;
ar & points;
main() {
A a;
B b;
std::ofstream ofs("myfile");
boost::archive::text_oarchive arch(ofs);
arch << a << b;
As you see, it's still needed to say what's to be written to the file. However, the code is simplified : you don't have to worry about file management and transformation of data. And it works also with standard containers.
You won't find a C++ trick that automatically determines for a class what's to be saved. Two reasons for that:
C++ allows metaprogramming, but it is not reflexive: there are no standard process to find out at execution time which members compose a class.
In an object, some data can be transient, i.e. it means only something at the time of the execution and depends on the context. For example pointers: you could save the value of a pointer to a file, but it will mean nothing when you reload it later (the pointer is only valid until you free the object). The proper way would be to save the object that is pointed to (but where, when, how?).
In C++, the T q = dynamic_cast<T>(p); construction performs a runtime cast of a pointer p to some other pointer type T that must appear in the inheritance hierarchy of the dynamic type of *p in order to succeed. That is all fine and well.
However, it is also possible to perform dynamic_cast<void*>(p), which will simply return a pointer to the "most derived object" (see 5.2.7::7 in C++11). I understand that this feature probably comes out for free in the implementation of the dynamic cast, but is it useful in practice? After all, its return type is at best void*, so what good is this?
The dynamic_cast<void*>() can indeed be used to check for identity, even if dealing with multiple inheritance.
Try this code:
#include <iostream>
class B {
virtual ~B() {}
class D1 : public B {
class D2 : public B {
class DD : public D1, public D2 {
namespace {
bool eq(B* b1, B* b2) {
return b1 == b2;
bool eqdc(B* b1, B *b2) {
return dynamic_cast<void*>(b1) == dynamic_cast<void*>(b2);
main() {
DD *dd = new DD();
D1 *d1 = dynamic_cast<D1*>(dd);
D2 *d2 = dynamic_cast<D2*>(dd);
std::cout << "eq: " << eq(d1, d2) << ", eqdc: " << eqdc(d1, d2) << "\n";
return 0;
eq: 0, eqdc: 1
Bear in mind that C++ lets you do things the old C way.
Suppose I have some API in which I'm forced to smuggle an object pointer through the type void*, but where the callback it's eventually passed to will know its dynamic type:
struct BaseClass {
typedef void(*callback_type)(void*);
virtual callback_type get_callback(void) = 0;
virtual ~BaseClass() {}
struct ActualType: BaseClass {
callback_type get_callback(void) { return my_callback; }
static void my_callback(void *p) {
ActualType *self = static_cast<ActualType*>(p);
void register_callback(BaseClass *p) {
// service.register_listener(p->get_callback(), p); // WRONG!
service.register_listener(p->get_callback(), dynamic_cast<void*>(p));
The WRONG! code is wrong because it fails in the presence of multiple inheritance (and isn't guaranteed to work in the absence, either).
Of course, the API isn't very C++-style, and even the "right" code can go wrong if I inherit from ActualType. So I wouldn't claim that this is a brilliant use of dynamic_cast<void*>, but it's a use.
Casting pointers to void* has its importance since way back in C days.
Most suitable place is inside the memory manager of Operating System. It has to store all the pointer and the object of what you create. By storing it in void* they generalize it to store any object on to the memory manager data structure which could be heap/B+Tree or simple arraylist.
For simplicity take example of creating a list of generic items(List contains items of completely different classes). That would be possible only using void*.
standard says that dynamic_cast should return null for illegal type casting and standard also guarantees that any pointer should be able to type cast it to void* and back from it with only exception of function pointers.
Normal application level practical usage is very less for void* typecasting but it is used extensively in low level/embedded systems.
Normally you would want to use reinterpret_cast for low level stuff, like in 8086 it is used to offset pointer of same base to get the address but not restricted to this.
Standard says that you can convert any pointer to void* even with dynamic_cast<> but it no where states that you can not convert the void* back to the object.
For most usage, its a one way street but there are some unavoidable usage.
It just says that dynamic_cast<> needs type information for converting it back to the requested type.
There are many API's that require you to pass void* to some object eg. java/Jni Code passes the object as void*.
Without type info you cannot do the casting.If you are confident enough that type requested is correct you can ask compiler to do the dynmaic_cast<> with a trick.
Look at this code:
class Base_Class {public : virtual void dummy() { cout<<"Base\n";} };
class Derived_Class: public Base_Class { int a; public: void dummy() { cout<<"Derived\n";} };
class MostDerivedObject : public Derived_Class {int b; public: void dummy() { cout<<"Most\n";} };
class AnotherMostDerivedObject : public Derived_Class {int c; public: void dummy() { cout<<"AnotherMost\n";} };
int main () {
try {
Base_Class * ptr_a = new Derived_Class;
Base_Class * ptr_b = new MostDerivedObject;
Derived_Class * ptr_c,*ptr_d;
ptr_c = dynamic_cast< Derived_Class *>(ptr_a);
ptr_d = dynamic_cast< Derived_Class *>(ptr_b);
void* testDerived = dynamic_cast<void*>(ptr_c);
void* testMost = dynamic_cast<void*>(ptr_d);
Base_Class* tptrDerived = dynamic_cast<Derived_Class*>(static_cast<Base_Class*>(testDerived));
Base_Class* tptrMost = dynamic_cast<Derived_Class*>(static_cast<Base_Class*>(testMost));
//tptrMost = dynamic_cast<AnotherMostDerivedObject*>(static_cast<Base_Class*>(testMost));
//tptrMost->dummy(); //fails
} catch (exception& my_ex) {cout << "Exception: " << my_ex.what();}
return 0;
Please correct me if this is not correct in any way.
it is usefull when we put the storage back to memory pool but we only keep a pointer to the base class. This case we should figure out the original address.
Expanding on #BruceAdi's answer and inspired by this discussion, here's a polymorphic situation which may require pointer adjustment. Suppose we have this factory-type setup:
struct Base { virtual ~Base() = default; /* ... */ };
struct Derived : Base { /* ... */ };
template <typename ...Args>
Base * Factory(Args &&... args)
return ::new Derived(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename ...Args>
Base * InplaceFactory(void * location, Args &&... args)
return ::new (location) Derived(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Now I could say:
Base * p = Factory();
But how would I clean this up manually? I need the actual memory address to call ::operator delete:
void * addr = dynamic_cast<void*>(p);
p->~Base(); // OK thanks to virtual destructor
// ::operator delete(p); // Error, wrong address!
::operator delete(addr); // OK
Or I could re-use the memory:
void * addr = dynamic_cast<void*>(p);
p = InplaceFactory(addr, "some", "arguments");
delete p; // OK now
Don't do that at home
struct Base {
virtual ~Base ();
struct D : Base {};
Base *create () {
D *p = new D;
return p;
void *destroy1 (Base *b) {
void *p = dynamic_cast<void*> (b);
b->~Base ();
return p;
void destroy2 (void *p) {
operator delete (p);
int i = (destroy2 (destroy1 (create ())), i);
Warning: This will not work if D is defined as:
struct D : Base {
void* operator new (size_t);
void operator delete (void*);
and there is no way to make it work.
This might be one way to provide an Opaque Pointer through an ABI. Opaque Pointers -- and, more generally, Opaque Data Types -- are used to pass objects and other resources around between library code and client code in such a way that the client code can be isolated from the implementation details of the library. There are other ways to accomplish this, to be sure, and maybe some of them would be better for a particular use case.
Windows makes a lot of use of Opaque Pointers in its API. HANDLE is, I believe, generally an opaque pointer to the actual resource you have a HANDLE to, for example. HANDLEs can be Kernel Objects like files, GDI objects, and all sorts of User Objects of various kinds -- all of which must be vastly different in implementation, but all are returned as a HANDLE to the user.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
/*** LIBRARY.H ***/
namespace lib
typedef void* MYHANDLE;
void ShowObject(MYHANDLE h);
MYHANDLE CreateObject();
void DestroyObject(MYHANDLE);
/*** CLIENT CODE ***/
int main()
for( int i = 0; i < 25; ++i )
cout << "[" << setw(2) << i << "] :";
lib::MYHANDLE h = lib::CreateObject();
cout << "\n";
/*** LIBRARY.CPP ***/
namespace impl
class Base { public: virtual ~Base() { cout << "[~Base]"; } };
class Foo : public Base { public: virtual ~Foo() { cout << "[~Foo]"; } };
class Bar : public Base { public: virtual ~Bar() { cout << "[~Bar]"; } };
lib::MYHANDLE lib::CreateObject()
static bool init = false;
if( !init )
init = true;
if( rand() % 2 )
return static_cast<impl::Base*>(new impl::Foo);
return static_cast<impl::Base*>(new impl::Bar);
void lib::DestroyObject(lib::MYHANDLE h)
delete static_cast<impl::Base*>(h);
void lib::ShowObject(lib::MYHANDLE h)
impl::Foo* foo = dynamic_cast<impl::Foo*>(static_cast<impl::Base*>(h));
impl::Bar* bar = dynamic_cast<impl::Bar*>(static_cast<impl::Base*>(h));
if( foo )
cout << "FOO";
if( bar )
cout << "BAR";