std::vector to hold much more than 2^32 elements - c++

std::vector::size returns a size_t so I guess it can hold up to 2^32 elements.
Is there a standard container than can hold much more elements, e.g. 2^64 OR a way to tweak std::vector to be "indexed" by e.g. a unsigned long long?

Sure. Compile a 64-bit program. size_t will be 64 bits wide then.
But really, what you should be doing is take a step back, and consider why you need such a big vector. Because most likely, you don't, and there's a better way to solve whatever problem you're working on.

size_t doesn't have a predefined size, although it is often capped at 232 on 32 bit computers.
Since a std::vector must hold contiguous memory for all elements, you will run out of memory before exceeding the size.
Compile your program for a 64 bit computer and you'll have more space.
Better still, reconsider if std::vector is appropriate. Why do you want to hold trillions of adjacent objects directly in memory?
Consider a std::map<unsigned long long, YourData> if you only want large indexes and aren't really trying to store trillions of objects.


avoiding array index promotion in hopes of better performance

I have a huge array of integers and those integers are not greater than 0xFFFF. Therefore I would like save some space and store them as unsigned short.
unsigned short addresses[50000 /* big number over here */];
Later I would use this array as follows
When I use only 2 bytes to store my integers, they are being promoted to either 4 or 8 bytes (depending on architecture) when used as array indices. Speed is very important to me, therefore should I rather store my integers as unsigned int to avoid wasting time on type promotion? This array may get absolutely massive and I would also like to save some space, but not at the cost of performance. What should I do?
EDIT: If I was to use address-type for my integers, which type should I use? size_t, maybe something else?
Anything to do with C style arrays usually gets compiled in to machine instructions that use the memory addressing of the architecture for which you compile, thus trying to save space on array indexes will not work.
If anything, you might break whatever optimizations your compiler might want to implement.
5 Million integer values, even on a 64bit machine, comes to about 40 MB RAM.
While I am sure your code does other things, this is not that much memory to sacrifice performance.
Since you chose to keep all those values in RAM in the first place, presumably for speed, don't ruin it.

C++ creating huge vector

For a process I'm trying to run I need to have a std::vector of std::tuple<long unsigned int, long unsigned int>. The test I'm doing right now should create a vector of 47,614,527,250 (around 47 billion) tuples but actually crashes right there on creation with the error terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'. My goal is to use this script with a vector roughly twice that size. The code is this:
arc_vector = std::vector<std::tuple<long unsigned int, long unsigned int>>(arcs);
where arcs is a long unsigned int with the cited value.
Can I, and in that case how do I, increase the memory size? This script is running on a 40-core machine with something like 200GB of memory so I know memory itself is not an issue.
47 billion tuples times 16 bytes each tuple is 780 billion bytes, which is about 760 gb. Your machine has less than 1/3 of the memory required for that, so you really need another approach, regardless of the reason your program crashes.
A proposal I can give you is to use a memory mapped file of 1TB to store that array, and if you really need to use a vector as interface you might write a custom allocator for it that uses the mapped memory. That should sort out your lack of main memory in a quasi-transparent way. If your interface requires a standard vector, with standard allocators, you are better re-designing that.
Another point to add, check what value you have for ulimit for the user running the process, because it might have a more strict limit of virtual memory than 760 gb.
You may well have a machine with a lot of memory but the problem is that you require that memory to be contiguous.
Even with memory virtualisation, that's unlikely.
For that amount of data, you'll need to use a different storage container. You could roll your own based on a linked list of vectors that subdivide the data, a vector of pointers to subdivided vectors of your tuples, or find a library that has such a construction already built.

c++ boost::multi_array index too large

I'm using a two-dimensional boost::multi_array to store objects of a custom struct. The problem is that I have a huge amount of these objects so that the index of the array I would need exceeds the range of an integer. Is there any possibility to use long as an index of a multi-array or do you have any other suggestions on how to store a dataset this big and still keep it accessible at a decent speed?
The official documentation states that the index type is unspecified, but looking into the repository, one sees that the definition most likely is typedef std::ptrdiff_t index;
So if you compile for an x86 32-bit system, you will surely run out of addressable memory anyways, so the limited size of indicies is not your real problem. Your only option would be to chose a system with enough memory, which has to be one with more than 2^32 bytes and thus has to be a 64 bit one. 2^64 will be certainly enough to represent the dimensions of your multiarray.

should I use a bit set or a vector? C++

I need to be able to store an array of binary numbers in c++ which will be passed through different methods and eventually outputted to file and terminal,
What are the key differences between vectors and bit sets and which would be easiest and/or more efficient to use?
(I do not know how many bits I need to store)
std::bitset size should be known at compile time, so your choice is obvious - use std::vector<bool>.
Since it's implemented not the same as std::vector<char> (since a single element takes a bit, not a full char), it should be a good solution in terms of memory use.
It all depends on what you want to do binary.
You could also use boost.dynamic_bitset which is like std::bitset but not with fixed bits.
The main drawback is dependency on boost if you don't already use it.
You could also store your input in std::vector<char> and use a bitset per char to convert binary notation.
As others already told: std::bitset uses a fixed number of bits.
std::vector<bool> is not always advised because it has its quirks, as it is not a real container (gotw).
If you don't know how many bits you need to store at compilation time, you cannot use bitset, as it's size is fixed. Because of this, you should you vector<bool>, as it can be resized dynamically. If you want an array of bits saved like this, you can then use vector< vector<bool> >.
If you don't have any specific upper bound for the size of the numbers you need to store, then you need to store your data in two different dimensions:
The first dimension will be the number, whose size varies.
The second dimension will be your array of numbers.
For the latter, using std:vector is fine if you require your values to be contiguous in memory. For the numbers themselves you don't need any data structure at all: just allocate memory using new and an unsigned primitive type such as unsigned char, uint8_t or any other if you have alignment constraints.
If, on the other hand, you know that your numbers won't be larger than let's say 64 bits, then use a data type that you know will hold this amount of data such as uint64_t.
PS: remember that what you store are numbers. The computer will store them in binary whether you use them as such or with any other representation.
I think that in your case you should use std::vector with the value type of std::bitset. Using such an approach you can consider your "binary numbers" either like strings or like objects of some integer type and at the same time it is easy to do binary operations like setting or resetting bits.

Casting size_t to allow more elements in a std::vector

I need to store a huge number of elements in a std::vector (more that the 2^32-1 allowed by unsigned int) in 32 bits. As far as I know this quantity is limited by the std::size_t unsigned int type. May I change this std::size_t by casting to an unsigned long? Would it resolve the problem?
If that's not possible, suppose I compile in 64 bits. Would that solve the problem without any modification?
size_t is a type that can hold size of any allocable chunk of memory. It follows that you can't allocate more memory than what fits in your size_t and thus can't store more elements in any way.
Compiling in 64-bits will allow it, but realize that the array still needs to fit in memory. 232 is 4 billion, so you are going to go over 4 * sizeof(element) GiB of memory. More than 8 GiB of RAM is still rare, so that does not look reasonable.
I suggest replacing the vector with the one from STXXL. It uses external storage, so your vector is not limited by amount of RAM. The library claims to handle terabytes of data easily.
(edit) Pedantic note: size_t needs to hold size of maximal single object, not necessarily size of all available memory. In segmented memory models it only needs to accommodate the offset when each object has to live in single segment, but with different segments more memory may be accessible. It is even possible to use it on x86 with PAE, the "long" memory model. However I've not seen anybody actually use it.
There are a number of things to say.
First, about the size of std::size_t on 32-bit systems and 64-bit systems, respectively. This is what the standard says about std::size_t (§18.2/6,7):
6 The type size_t is an implementation-defined unsigned integer type that is large enough to contain the size
in bytes of any object.
7 [ Note: It is recommended that implementations choose types for ptrdiff_t and size_t whose integer
conversion ranks (4.13) are no greater than that of signed long int unless a larger size is necessary to
contain all the possible values. — end note ]
From this it follows that std::size_t will be at least 32 bits in size on a 32-bit system, and at least 64 bits on a 64-bit system. It could be larger, but that would obviously not make any sense.
Second, about the idea of type casting: For this to work, even in theory, you would have to cast (or rather: redefine) the type inside the implementation of std::vector itself, wherever it occurs.
Third, when you say you need this super-large vector "in 32 bits", does that mean you want to use it on a 32-bit system? In that case, as the others have pointed out already, what you want is impossible, because a 32-bit system simply doesn't have that much memory.
But, fourth, if what you want is to run your program on a 64-bit machine, and use only a 32-bit data type to refer to the number of elements, but possibly a 64-bit type to refer to the total size in bytes, then std::size_t is not relevant because that is used to refer to the total number of elements, and the index of individual elements, but not the size in bytes.
Finally, if you are on a 64-bit system and want to use something of extreme proportions that works like a std::vector, that is certainly possible. Systems with 32 GB, 64 GB, or even 1 TB of main memory are perhaps not extremely common, but definitely available.
However, to implement such a data type, it is generally not a good idea to simply allocate gigabytes of memory in one contiguous block (which is what a std::vector does), because of reasons like the following:
Unless the total size of the vector is determined once and for all at initialization time, the vector will be resized, and quite likely re-allocated, possibly many times as you add elements. Re-allocating an extremely large vector can be a time-consuming operation. [ I have added this item as an edit to my original answer. ]
The OS will have difficulties providing such a large portion of unfragmented memory, as other processes running in parallel require memory, too. [Edit: As correctly pointed out in the comments, this isn't really an issue on any standard OS in use today.]
On very large servers you also have tens of CPUs and typically NUMA-type memory architectures, where it is clearly preferable to work with relatively smaller chunks of memory, and have multiple threads (possibly each running on a different core) access various chunks of the vector in parallel.
A) If you are on a 32-bit system and want to use a vector that large, using disk-based methods such as the one suggested by #JanHudec is the only thing that is feasible.
B) If you have access to a large 64-bit system with tens or hundreds of GB, you should look into an implementation that divides the entire memory area into chunks. Essentially something that works like a std::vector<std::vector<T>>, where each nested vector represents one chunk. If all chunks are full, you append a new chunk, etc. It is straight-forward to implement an iterator type for this, too. Of course, if you want to optimize this further to take advantage of multi-threading and NUMA features, it will get increasingly complex, but that is unavoidable.
A vector might be the wrong data structure for you. It requires storage in a single block of memory, which is limited by the size of size_t. This you can increase by compiling for 64 bit systems, but then you can't run on 32 bit systems which might be a requirement.
If you don't need vector's particular characteristics (particularly O(1) lookup and contiguous memory layout), another structure such as a std::list might suit you, which has no size limits except what the computer can physically handle as it's a linked list instead of a conveniently-wrapped array.