Change C++ application icon in Visual Studio 2012 - c++

I've been searching for an answer for an hour with no luck. I'm using the Express edition of Visual Studio 2012 and I want to add an icon to my C++ application. How can I do this? Also how do I change the description of the application? Thanks.


I upgraded C++ projects from Visual Studio 2010 to 2015 still its showing Visual Studio (2010)

The configuration window image. Just click on it.
I upgraded C++ projects from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2015, but it's still showing (Visual Studio 2010) in the Solution Explorer.
Please inform me if there is any change I need to do to solve this error.
This is displayed in the Solution Explorer:
This is not an error, it simply means that the project is using the toolkit that came with Visual Studio 2010. This doesn't prevent your projects from being compiled however.
To upgrade the project to the Visual Studio 2015 toolkit right click on the projects showing (Visual Studio 2010) and select the desired toolkit under General->Platform Toolset.

visual studio 2017 xaml visual designer hidden when debugging

When debugging in Visual Studio 2017 it hides the xaml visual designer when opening a xaml document, showing only the xaml text. Is it still possible to show the visual designer when debugging?
I've just started using Visual Studio 2017 Community edition. I was previously using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate.
This is by design (
"This is by design starting with 2017. We do not want people to interact with the designer while in a debugging session.", Charles Bissonnette [MSFT]
With the UI Debugging Tools for XAML your running application is the Designer.

(Visual Studio 2015) Unable to create Win32 C++ app

I have visual studio 2015 community Update 2.
I've installed Visual C++ for windows and also for mobile platforms as you can see in this picture:
The problem is that when I try to create a C++ Win32 app and click on these two templates
nothing happens and I get stuck at that screen.
As Cheers and hth Alf said, I had to reinstall the whole Visual Studio 2015 to get it working again.

How to create an "ATL Project" in Visual Studio Community 2015?

This 2004 tutorial tells me to choose Visual C++ Project / ATL Project in the Visual Studio new project wizard.
PROBLEM: The ATL project type does not seem to exist in my Visual Studio Community 2015.
QUESTION: How to make this option appear? If impossible, what is the nearest option? Tho goal is to write a shell extension in C++.
ATL project support was not installed. To fix this:
Click on the Install Visual C++ 2015 Tools seen in the screenshot above.
Let the download and installation happen
Open the New Project dialog again: The New ATL Project option should appear.
It is doable with the Community version.

How do I set an icon for my c++ application? I'm using visual studio 2013 express

How do I set an icon for my c++ application? I'm using visual studio 2013 express. all the questions like this that have been on the same topic were all visual studio 2008 and i don't know if there's any different with the way the icons work.
Not 100% sure, but I believe if you click on the title bar in the design tab, in the properties panel, you would be able to select one.