siginfo anonymous unions - c++

I am trying to get the address of a system call that generates a sigsys signal! But I am getting the following error from gcc :
gcc emulator.c -fms-extensions
error: ‘siginfo_t’ has no member named ‘si_call_addr’
the code I am using is :
static void emulator(int nr, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *void_context)
ucontext_t *ctx = (ucontext_t *)(void_context);
int syscall;
char *buf;
ssize_t bytes;
size_t len;
if (siginfo->si_code != SYS_SECCOMP)
if (!ctx)
syscall = ctx->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_SYSCALL];
printf("System call %d ADDR %X\n", syscall, siginfo->si_call_addr);
the si_call_addr is defined as an anonymous structure in siginfo_t.

There's no si_call_addr in siginfo_t. You might be looking for the si_addr member.
Here's the siginfo_t provided by linux:
siginfo_t {
int si_signo; /* Signal number */
int si_errno; /* An errno value */
int si_code; /* Signal code */
int si_trapno; /* Trap number that caused
hardware-generated signal
(unused on most architectures) */
pid_t si_pid; /* Sending process ID */
uid_t si_uid; /* Real user ID of sending process */
int si_status; /* Exit value or signal */
clock_t si_utime; /* User time consumed */
clock_t si_stime; /* System time consumed */
sigval_t si_value; /* Signal value */
int si_int; /* POSIX.1b signal */
void *si_ptr; /* POSIX.1b signal */
int si_overrun; /* Timer overrun count; POSIX.1b timers */
int si_timerid; /* Timer ID; POSIX.1b timers */
void *si_addr; /* Memory location which caused fault */
long si_band; /* Band event (was int in
glibc 2.3.2 and earlier) */
int si_fd; /* File descriptor */
short si_addr_lsb; /* Least significant bit of address
(since kernel 2.6.32) */


Create an array at different memory locations for each loop

Good morning everyone,
I am currently working on a data acquisition project, where I have to read sensors (at around 10 kHz) and transmit the data via Wi-Fi and the MQTT-protocol. I am using an ESP32 for both of these tasks.
One core is doing the sensor reading and the other core does the transmitting stuff. I also use the FreeRTOS for this.
Now, I want to pass the data as efficient as possible between the task. Currently I'm using the xQueue function built in the FreeRtos. I pass pointers in the Queue which point to an array, where one datapackage is stored.
Task one:
*sensor reading*
data_array[x] = sensor_data;
if {packageSize == 120}
xQueueSend(Queue1, &data_pointer, 0);
Task two:
if( uxQueueMessagesWaiting(Queue1) >= 1)
xQueueReceive(Queue1, &received_pointer, 0);
memcpy(data_send, received_pointer, packageSize);
* MQTT-Client sending data_send *
You see, my problem isn't the creation of the array with different pointers. The sensor reading task needs to create an array for every package, without overwritting the previous one.
My initial idea was to use the new and delete combination but it gave me strange results.
Is there any way I can change the location of the array on the memory at every loop of task one?
/* general variables*/
const int len = 150;
uint8_t data_received[len];
uint8_t data_send[len];
uint8_t *queue_pointer = 0;
uint8_t *received_pointer = 0;
uint8_t *to_delete_pointer = 0;
uint8_t dummy_data = 0;
int v = 0;
/* multithreading variables */
TaskHandle_t SPI_COM;
TaskHandle_t WIFI;
QueueHandle_t buffer_daten;
/* --------------------- Fake-SPI-Kommunikation auf Core 1 -------------------- */
void SPI_COM_code(void *pvParameters)
for (;;)
while (v <= 10000)
//queue_pointer = new int[len]; // creates a new array
queue_pointer = data_received;
queue_pointer[dummy_data] = dummy_data;
delayMicroseconds(100); // Dummy-Interrupt
if (dummy_data == len - 1)
dummy_data = 0;
xQueueSend(buffer_daten, &queue_pointer, 0);
/* --------------------- WiFi-Übertragung auf Core 0 --------------------- */
void WIFI_code(void *pvParameters)
for (;;)
if (uxQueueMessagesWaiting(buffer_daten) > 0)
xQueueReceive(buffer_daten, &received_pointer, 0);
to_delete_pointer = received_pointer;
memcpy(data_send, received_pointer, len);
// Data gets published by MQTT-Client
//delete[] to_delete_pointer; // deletes array, which was send
/* ----------------------------------- Setup ---------------------------------- */
void setup()
disableCore0WDT(); // <----- MÖGLICHE PROBLEMQUELLE
buffer_daten = xQueueCreate(1000, sizeof(int));
SPI_COM_code, /* Task function. */
"SPI_COM", /* name of task. */
10000, /* Stack size of task */
NULL, /* parameter of the task */
1, /* priority of the task */
&SPI_COM, /* Task handle to keep track of created task */
1); /* pin task to core 0 */
WIFI_code, /* Task function. */
"WIFI", /* name of task. */
10000, /* Stack size of task */
NULL, /* parameter of the task */
2, /* priority of the task */
&WIFI, /* Task handle to keep track of created task */
0); /* pin task to core 1 */
void loop()
I would suggest you use a RTOS Message Buffers for this task
With this functions you could copy your array into the buffer and the second task could get it, when the data is available.
In both cases the consumer task should use the timeout '0' to request the data.
If the MQTT task is faster than the data acquisition (and it should be or your buffers will overflow sooner or later) this will lead to invalid pointers:
xQueueReceive(buffer_daten, &received_pointer, 0);
If the is no data available the function will return immediately giving you an invalid received_pointer.
You should either check the return value of xQueueReceive or set the timeout to portMAX_DELAY.

no matching function for call unresolved overloaded function type

First I'm a newbie to C++ so my question might be already answered somewhere but I couldn't find a straightforward answer to it.
I'm creating a simple library for my hardware. I'm using a Scheduler library which is working fine on Arduino IDE (here is the example), but when I compile the code with my own IDE (Atom+PlatformIO) this error comes up:
lib\SRF08\SRF08.cpp:43:30: error: no matching function for call to 'SchedulerClass::startLoop(<unresolved overloaded functi
on type>)'
I removed some of the codes but if you need the rest I can put it.
#ifndef SRF08_h
#define SRF08_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class SRF08
//main constructor
SRF08(uint8_t address=address_1);
// init the sensor
void begin(void);
//change sensor address from oldAddress to newAddress
void changeAddress(uint16_t oldAddress, uint16_t newAddress);
// scan for a single sensor address
int8_t scanner(void);
// scan for multiple sensors and return the table of addresses
struct table_value scan_all(void);
uint16_t output_value;
void read(void);
// the main I2C address of Sensor
uint16_t _address;
//read sansor value base on centimiter
#include "Wire.h"
#include "SRF08.h"
// Include Scheduler since we want to manage multiple tasks.
#include "Scheduler.h"
SRF08::SRF08(uint8_t address)
//main constructor, address is the sensor address if u dont know it try scanner first
//address must be an integer number between 1 to 9
if (address == 1) _address = address_1;
else _address = address_1;
void SRF08::begin(){
//initilize I2C
output_value = 0;
Scheduler.startLoop(SRF08::read); //here is my error
void SRF08::read(){
int reading = 0;
// step 1: instruct sensor to read echoes
Wire.beginTransmission(_address); // transmit to device #112 (0x70)
// the address specified in the datasheet is 224 (0xE0)
// but i2c adressing uses the high 7 bits so it's 112
Wire.write(byte(0x00)); // sets register pointer to the command register (0x00)
Wire.write(byte(0x51)); // command sensor to measure in "inches" (0x50)
// use 0x51 for centimeters
// use 0x52 for ping microseconds
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 2: wait for readings to happen
delay(70); // datasheet suggests at least 65 milliseconds
// step 3: instruct sensor to return a particular echo reading
Wire.beginTransmission(_address); // transmit to device #112
Wire.write(byte(0x02)); // sets register pointer to echo #1 register (0x02)
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 4: request reading from sensor
Wire.requestFrom(_address, 2); // request 2 bytes from slave device #112
// step 5: receive reading from sensor
if (2 <= Wire.available()) { // if two bytes were received
reading =; // receive high byte (overwrites previous reading)
reading = reading << 8; // shift high byte to be high 8 bits
reading |=; // receive low byte as lower 8 bits
output_value = reading; // print the reading
#ifndef _SCHEDULER_H_
#define _SCHEDULER_H_
#include <Arduino.h>
extern "C" {
typedef void (*SchedulerTask)(void);
typedef void (*SchedulerParametricTask)(void *);
class SchedulerClass {
static void startLoop(SchedulerTask task, uint32_t stackSize = 1024);
static void start(SchedulerTask task, uint32_t stackSize = 1024);
static void start(SchedulerParametricTask task, void *data, uint32_t stackSize = 1024);
static void yield() { ::yield(); };
extern SchedulerClass Scheduler;
#include "Scheduler.h"
extern "C" {
#define NUM_REGS 10 // r4-r11, sp, pc
typedef struct CoopTask {
uint32_t regs[NUM_REGS];
void* stackPtr;
struct CoopTask* next;
struct CoopTask* prev;
} CoopTask;
static CoopTask *cur = 0;
void yield(void) {
}; // extern "C"
SchedulerClass::SchedulerClass() {
static void startLoopHelper(void *taskData) {
SchedulerTask task = reinterpret_cast<SchedulerTask>(taskData);
while (true)
void SchedulerClass::startLoop(SchedulerTask task, uint32_t stackSize) {
coopSpawn(startLoopHelper, reinterpret_cast<void *>(task), stackSize);
static void startTaskHelper(void *taskData) {
SchedulerTask task = reinterpret_cast<SchedulerTask>(taskData);
void SchedulerClass::start(SchedulerTask task, uint32_t stackSize) {
coopSpawn(startTaskHelper, reinterpret_cast<void *>(task), stackSize);
void SchedulerClass::start(SchedulerParametricTask task, void *taskData, uint32_t stackSize) {
coopSpawn(task, taskData, stackSize);
SchedulerClass Scheduler;
Thanks to #Someprogrammerdude to help. I needed to declare the read function as static.
#ifndef SRF08_h
#define SRF08_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class SRF08
//main constructor
SRF08(uint8_t address=address_1);
// init the sensor
void begin(void);
//change sensor address from oldAddress to newAddress
void changeAddress(uint16_t oldAddress, uint16_t newAddress);
// scan for a single sensor address
int8_t scanner(void);
// scan for multiple sensors and return the table of addresses
struct table_value scan_all(void);
static uint16_t output_value;
static void read(void);
static uint16_t static_address;
// the main I2C address of Sensor
uint16_t _address;
//read sansor value base on centimiter
#include "Wire.h"
#include "SRF08.h"
// Include Scheduler since we want to manage multiple tasks.
#include "Scheduler.h"
//initilize static members
uint16_t SRF08::output_value;
uint16_t SRF08::static_address;
SRF08::SRF08(uint8_t address)
//main constructor, address is the sensor address if u dont know it try scanner first
//address must be an integer number between 1 to 9
if (address == 1) _address = address_1;
else _address = address_1;
static_address = _address;
void SRF08::begin(){
//initilize I2C
output_value = 0;
Scheduler.startLoop(read); //here is my error
void SRF08::read(){
int reading = 0;
// step 1: instruct sensor to read echoes
Wire.beginTransmission(static_address); // transmit to device #112 (0x70)
// the address specified in the datasheet is 224 (0xE0)
// but i2c adressing uses the high 7 bits so it's 112
Wire.write(byte(0x00)); // sets register pointer to the command register (0x00)
Wire.write(byte(0x51)); // command sensor to measure in "inches" (0x50)
// use 0x51 for centimeters
// use 0x52 for ping microseconds
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 2: wait for readings to happen
delay(70); // datasheet suggests at least 65 milliseconds
// step 3: instruct sensor to return a particular echo reading
Wire.beginTransmission(static_address); // transmit to device #112
Wire.write(byte(0x02)); // sets register pointer to echo #1 register (0x02)
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 4: request reading from sensor
Wire.requestFrom(static_address, 2); // request 2 bytes from slave device #112
// step 5: receive reading from sensor
if (2 <= Wire.available()) { // if two bytes were received
reading =; // receive high byte (overwrites previous reading)
reading = reading << 8; // shift high byte to be high 8 bits
reading |=; // receive low byte as lower 8 bits
output_value = reading; // print the reading
//output_value = reading;

piping the result of execl command, which is directory list, to parent process?

I'm doing some practice on process management in Linux and how to use system calls and communication between child and parent processes. I need to implement a pipe to get the string provided by child process, which is the directory list as string and pass it to the parent process to count the number of lines in that string and find the number of files in that directory by doing that. The problem i faced is here:
error: initializer fails to determine size of ‘dirFileList’
char dirFileList[] = read(tunnel[0],buf,MAX_BUF)
Also my code is down below:
#define die(e) do { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0);
#define MAX_BUF 2024
int main()
const char *path = (char *)"/"; /* Root path */
const char *childCommand = (char *)"ls |"; /* Command to be executed by the child process */
const char *parentCommand = (char *)"wc -l"; /* Command to be executed by the parent process */
int i = 0; /* A simple loop counter :) */
int counter = 0; /* Counts the number of lines in the string provided in the child process */
int dirFileNum; /* Keeps the list of files in the directory */
int tunnel[2]; /* Defining an array of integer to let the child process store a number and parent process to pick that number */
pid_t pID = fork();
char buf[MAX_BUF]; /* Fork from the main process */
if (pipe(tunnel) == -1) /* Pipe from the parent to the child */
die("pipe died.");
if(pID == -1) /* Check if the fork result is valid */
die("fork died.");
else if(pID == 0) /* Check if we are in the child process */
dup2 (tunnel[1], STDOUT_FILENO); /* Redirect standard output */
execl(childCommand, path); /* Execute the child command */
die("execl died.");
else /* When we are still in the main process */
char dirFileList[] = read(tunnel[0],buf,MAX_BUF); /* Read the list of directories provided by the child process */
for(i;i<strlen(dirFileList);i++) /* Find the number of lines in the list provided by the child process */
if(dirFileList[i] == '\n')
printf("Root contains %d files.", counter); /* Print the result */
wait(NULL); /* Wait until the job is done by the child process */
return 0;
If you'd shown us the whole error message, we'd see it's referring to this line:
char dirFileList[] = read(tunnel[0],buf,MAX_BUF);
You can't declare an indeterminate array like that. And if you read the man page of read(2), you'll see that the return value is
On success, the number of bytes read ...
On error, -1 ...
So you want something like
int bytes_read = read(...);
if (bytes_read < 0) {
Some additional review (which you didn't ask for, but may be instructive):
Don't cast string literals to char*, especially when you're then assigning to const char* variables.
Instead of just printing a fixed message on error, you can be more informative after a call that has set errno if you use perror() - see my sample above.
die() could be implemented as a function, which will make it easier to debug and to use correctly than a macro.

In C, can't change a struct attribute except using #define val

In Minix 3.1.2a I've a struct "struct proc" where the PCB of any process stored,
but I've a problem when adding new attribute "p_currenthash" in the code below to this struct. I can't change its value except using a constant defined by #define directive; otherwise, the system stops responding. For clarity here is the structure:
struct proc {
struct stackframe_s p_reg; /* process' registers saved in stack frame */
#if (CHIP == INTEL)
reg_t p_ldt_sel; /* selector in gdt with ldt base and limit */
struct segdesc_s p_ldt[2+NR_REMOTE_SEGS]; /* CS, DS and remote segments */
#if (CHIP == M68000)
/* M68000 specific registers and FPU details go here. */
proc_nr_t p_nr; /* number of this process (for fast access) */
struct priv *p_priv; /* system privileges structure */
short p_rts_flags; /* process is runnable only if zero */
short p_misc_flags; /* flags that do suspend the process */
char p_priority; /* current scheduling priority */
char p_max_priority; /* maximum scheduling priority */
char p_ticks_left; /* number of scheduling ticks left */
char p_quantum_size; /* quantum size in ticks */
struct mem_map p_memmap[NR_LOCAL_SEGS]; /* memory map (T, D, S) */
clock_t p_user_time; /* user time in ticks */
clock_t p_sys_time; /* sys time in ticks */
struct proc *p_nextready; /* pointer to next ready process */
struct proc *p_caller_q; /* head of list of procs wishing to send */
struct proc *p_q_link; /* link to next proc wishing to send */
message *p_messbuf; /* pointer to passed message buffer */
int p_getfrom_e; /* from whom does process want to receive? */
int p_sendto_e; /* to whom does process want to send? */
sigset_t p_pending; /* bit map for pending kernel signals */
char p_name[P_NAME_LEN]; /* name of the process, including \0 */
int p_endpoint; /* endpoint number, generation-aware */
int p_ready, p_found;
char p_currenthash; /* hash */
Now, suppose I want to set its value. Initially I use the constant defined below.
#define NONE -1
register struct proc *rp;
That works fine, but this: rp->p_currenthash=0 ; will cause the program to stop responding.
Any suggestions will be appreciated
Here's the main initialization in main():
/* Start the ball rolling. */
struct boot_image *ip; /* boot image pointer */
register struct proc *rp; /* process pointer */
register struct priv *sp; /* privilege structure pointer */
register int i, s;
int hdrindex; /* index to array of a.out headers */
phys_clicks text_base;
vir_clicks text_clicks, data_clicks;
reg_t ktsb; /* kernel task stack base */
struct exec e_hdr; /* for a copy of an a.out header */
/* Initialize the interrupt controller. */
/* Clear the process table. Anounce each slot as empty and set up mappings
* for proc_addr() and proc_nr() macros. Do the same for the table with
* privilege structures for the system processes.
for (rp = BEG_PROC_ADDR, i = -NR_TASKS; rp < END_PROC_ADDR; ++rp, ++i) {
rp->p_rts_flags = SLOT_FREE; /* initialize free slot */
rp->p_nr = i; /* proc number from ptr */
rp->p_endpoint = _ENDPOINT(0, rp->p_nr); /* generation no. 0 */
(pproc_addr + NR_TASKS)[i] = rp; /* proc ptr from number */
for (sp = BEG_PRIV_ADDR, i = 0; sp < END_PRIV_ADDR; ++sp, ++i) {
sp->s_proc_nr = NONE; /* initialize as free */
sp->s_id = i; /* priv structure index */
ppriv_addr[i] = sp; /* priv ptr from number */
/* Set up proc table entries for processes in boot image. The stacks of the
* kernel tasks are initialized to an array in data space. The stacks
* of the servers have been added to the data segment by the monitor, so
* the stack pointer is set to the end of the data segment. All the
* processes are in low memory on the 8086. On the 386 only the kernel
* is in low memory, the rest is loaded in extended memory.
/* Task stacks. */
ktsb = (reg_t) t_stack;
for (i=0; i < NR_BOOT_PROCS; ++i) {
ip = &image[i]; /* process' attributes */
rp = proc_addr(ip->proc_nr); /* get process pointer */
ip->endpoint = rp->p_endpoint; /* ipc endpoint */
rp->p_max_priority = ip->priority; /* max scheduling priority */
rp->p_priority = ip->priority; /* current priority */
rp->p_quantum_size = ip->quantum; /* quantum size in ticks */
rp->p_ticks_left = ip->quantum; /* current credit */
strncpy(rp->p_name, ip->proc_name, P_NAME_LEN); /* set process name */
(void) get_priv(rp, (ip->flags & SYS_PROC)); /* assign structure */
priv(rp)->s_flags = ip->flags; /* process flags */
priv(rp)->s_trap_mask = ip->trap_mask; /* allowed traps */
priv(rp)->s_call_mask = ip->call_mask; /* kernel call mask */
priv(rp)->s_ipc_to.chunk[0] = ip->ipc_to; /* restrict targets */
if (iskerneln(proc_nr(rp))) { /* part of the kernel? */
if (ip->stksize > 0) { /* HARDWARE stack size is 0 */
rp->p_priv->s_stack_guard = (reg_t *) ktsb;
*rp->p_priv->s_stack_guard = STACK_GUARD;
ktsb += ip->stksize; /* point to high end of stack */
rp->p_reg.sp = ktsb; /* this task's initial stack ptr */
text_base = kinfo.code_base >> CLICK_SHIFT;
/* processes that are in the kernel */
hdrindex = 0; /* all use the first a.out header */
} else {
hdrindex = 1 + i-NR_TASKS; /* servers, drivers, INIT */
/* The bootstrap loader created an array of the a.out headers at
* absolute address 'aout'. Get one element to e_hdr.
phys_copy(aout + hdrindex * A_MINHDR, vir2phys(&e_hdr),
(phys_bytes) A_MINHDR);
/* Convert addresses to clicks and build process memory map */
text_base = e_hdr.a_syms >> CLICK_SHIFT;
text_clicks = (e_hdr.a_text + CLICK_SIZE-1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
if (!(e_hdr.a_flags & A_SEP)) text_clicks = 0; /* common I&D */
data_clicks = (e_hdr.a_total + CLICK_SIZE-1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
rp->p_memmap[T].mem_phys = text_base;
rp->p_memmap[T].mem_len = text_clicks;
rp->p_memmap[D].mem_phys = text_base + text_clicks;
rp->p_memmap[D].mem_len = data_clicks;
rp->p_memmap[S].mem_phys = text_base + text_clicks + data_clicks;
rp->p_memmap[S].mem_vir = data_clicks; /* empty - stack is in data */
/* Set initial register values. The processor status word for tasks
* is different from that of other processes because tasks can
* access I/O; this is not allowed to less-privileged processes
rp->p_reg.pc = (reg_t) ip->initial_pc;
rp->p_reg.psw = (iskernelp(rp)) ? INIT_TASK_PSW : INIT_PSW;
/* Initialize the server stack pointer. Take it down one word
* to give crtso.s something to use as "argc".
if (isusern(proc_nr(rp))) { /* user-space process? */
rp->p_reg.sp = (rp->p_memmap[S].mem_vir +
rp->p_memmap[S].mem_len) << CLICK_SHIFT;
rp->p_reg.sp -= sizeof(reg_t);
/* Set ready. The HARDWARE task is never ready. */
if (rp->p_nr != HARDWARE) {
rp->p_rts_flags = 0; /* runnable if no flags */
lock_enqueue(rp); /* add to scheduling queues */
} else {
rp->p_rts_flags = NO_MAP; /* prevent from running */
/* Code and data segments must be allocated in protected mode. */
register struct proc *rp;
rp is an uninitialized pointer; it isn't pointing to a valid struct proc object, and so dereferencing it leads to undefined behavior. The fact that this didn't crash when assigning -1 was pure luck. (bad luck, because it misled you to believe you were doing something meaningful)
acutually the problem not solved ,first the "p_currenthash" initialized in the main as shown above ,later in a function called pic_proc ,i've this code :
register struct proc **xpp; /* iterate over queue */
register struct proc *rp; /* process to run */
int q;
for (q=0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++)
if ( (rp = rdy_head[q]) != NIL_PROC)
for (xpp = &rdy_head[q]; *xpp != NIL_PROC; xpp = &(*xpp)->p_nextready)
if ((*xpp)->p_currenthash==NONE)
that code works fine ,no inside the if if i changed the attribute "p_currenthash" the problem ocuured as bellow:
register struct proc **xpp; /* iterate over queue */
register struct proc *rp; /* process to run */
int q;
for (q=0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++)
if ( (rp = rdy_head[q]) != NIL_PROC)
for (xpp = &rdy_head[q]; *xpp != NIL_PROC; xpp = &(*xpp)->p_nextready)
if ((*xpp)->p_currenthash==NONE)
i really can't realize the problem.

Why doesn't this keyboard intercepting kernel extension work?

my fellow developers! I hope very much that at least some of you will not get frightened by the amount of text this question contains (I simply did my best to be as descriptive as humanely possible). :)
To those who think I've asked this question to write malware or something. I want to write an application that will allow users to select applications to be launched after the OS will finish launching. The whole idea is to allow user to select these apps BEFORE the OS finished launching by pressing hotkeys previously binded to the apps. For example user turns on his Mac, types SMTV and goes away, when the system finishes launching my app recovers the input and launches Safari, Mail, Tweetie and Vuze. I'm new to SO but I do my best to help others by answering their questions - I think I can expect the same in return. Check my profile and my activity and after that start screaming about malware.
This question is a follow-up to the question Is it possible to recover keyboard input that was done while Mac OS was starting up?.
Guided by Pekka's advice, I've stumbled upon an article Intercepting Keyboard Events by Christian Starkjohann that describes how he and the Objective Development team succeeded in reassigning iBook's CDROM eject key from F12 to Shift+F12. The main part is that they actually intercepted keyboard events, which is what I need. In the end Christian has written this article exactly for developers like me to use the idea of iJect as a prototype for similar functionality.
To start with, I decided to create a simple kernel extension to simply log the user's keyboard input to /var/log/kernel.log. I've started a new Generic Kernel Extension project in XCode, followed the instructions of the Hello Kernel: Creating a Kernel Extension With Xcode tutorial found in Mac Dev Center's Kernel Extension Concepts to create a Hello World project and then stuffed it with code taken from iJect sources. Here are the results:
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
extern int HidHackLoad(void);
extern int HidHackUnload(void);
kern_return_t MacOSSCKEXT_start (kmod_info_t * ki, void * d) {
return HidHackLoad() == 0 ? KERN_SUCCESS : KERN_FAILURE;
kern_return_t MacOSSCKEXT_stop (kmod_info_t * ki, void * d) {
return HidHackUnload() == 0 ? KERN_SUCCESS : KERN_FAILURE;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
extern int HidHackLoad(void);
extern int HidHackUnload(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <IOKit/system.h>
#include <IOKit/assert.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDSystem.h>
class HIDHack : public IOHIDSystem {
virtual void keyboardEvent(unsigned eventType,
/* flags */ unsigned flags,
/* keyCode */ unsigned key,
/* charCode */ unsigned charCode,
/* charSet */ unsigned charSet,
/* originalCharCode */ unsigned origCharCode,
/* originalCharSet */ unsigned origCharSet,
/* keyboardType */ unsigned keyboardType,
/* repeat */ bool repeat,
/* atTime */ AbsoluteTime ts);
virtual void keyboardSpecialEvent(unsigned eventType,
/* flags */ unsigned flags,
/* keyCode */ unsigned key,
/* specialty */ unsigned flavor,
/* guid */ UInt64 guid,
/* repeat */ bool repeat,
/* atTime */ AbsoluteTime ts);
#include "HIDHack.h"
static void *oldVtable = NULL;
static void *myVtable = NULL;
int HidHackLoad(void) {
IOHIDSystem *p;
HIDHack *sub;
if (oldVtable != NULL) {
printf("###0 KEXT is already loaded\n");
return 1;
if (myVtable == NULL) {
sub = new HIDHack();
myVtable = *(void **)sub;
p = IOHIDSystem::instance();
oldVtable = *(void **)p;
*(void **)p = myVtable;
printf("###1 KEXT has been successfully loaded\n");
return 0;
int HidHackUnload(void) {
IOHIDSystem *p;
if (oldVtable != NULL) {
p = IOHIDSystem::instance();
if (*(void **)p != myVtable) {
printf("###2 KEXT is not loaded\n");
return 1;
*(void **)p = oldVtable;
oldVtable = NULL;
printf("###3 KEXT has been successfully unloaded\n");
return 0;
void HIDHack::keyboardEvent(unsigned eventType, unsigned flags, unsigned key, unsigned charCode, unsigned charSet, unsigned origCharCode, unsigned origCharSet, unsigned keyboardType, bool repeat,
AbsoluteTime ts) {
printf("###4 hid event type %d flags 0x%x key %d kbdType %d\n", eventType, flags, key, keyboardType);
IOHIDSystem::keyboardEvent(eventType, flags, key, charCode, charSet, origCharCode, origCharSet, keyboardType, repeat, ts);
void HIDHack::keyboardSpecialEvent( unsigned eventType,
/* flags */ unsigned flags,
/* keyCode */ unsigned key,
/* specialty */ unsigned flavor,
/* guid */ UInt64 guid,
/* repeat */ bool repeat,
/* atTime */ AbsoluteTime ts) {
printf("###5 special event type %d flags 0x%x key %d flavor %d\n", eventType, flags, key, flavor);
IOHIDSystem::keyboardSpecialEvent(eventType, flags, key, flavor, guid, repeat, ts);
The resulting kernel extension gets successfully loaded/unloaded by kextload/kextunload programs, but doesn't actually intercept any of the keyboard events. I've tried doing lots of things to get it working, but without any errors or other problems with it in the way I can't google anything useful and ask your help.
The problem is not with how you are overriding the existing IOHIDSystem instance. That works just fine.
The problem is that when IOHIKeyboard is opened, it is passed a callback function to the IOHIDSystem for processing events. The callback is a static private function of IOHIDSystem, called _keyboardEvent:
success = ((IOHIKeyboard*)source)->open(this, kIOServiceSeize,0,
(KeyboardEventCallback) _keyboardEvent,
(KeyboardSpecialEventCallback) _keyboardSpecialEvent,
(UpdateEventFlagsCallback) _updateEventFlags);
The callback then calls keyboardEvent function in the IOHIDSystem instance:
self->keyboardEvent(eventType, flags, key, charCode, charSet,
origCharCode, origCharSet, keyboardType, repeat, ts, sender);
It does not call the ten parameter one, which is virtual (and which you are overriding). Instead, what is being called is the 11 parameter non-virtual one. So even if you tried to override the 11 parameter one, it would not work as the call never goes through the vtable.