django sorl-thumbnail json - django

I am using Sorl-Thumbnail to generate thumbnails within pages via template tags.
This all works perfectly fine.
However I have now added a store locator function to the site which feeds into my Google Maps JS via JSON.
In the infowindow popups I would like to put a tiny image of the storefront.
So I need to create another size of thumbnail and I need to include the URL for this within my JSON.
It seemed initially that Sorl doesnt support this due to its requirement for Tags within a page.
I have looked at the low level API version "get_thumbnail" and have tried to implement this within my Model without much luck so far.
I have no problem with my JSON and serialisation, just getting the thumbnail generated and into the model prior to this.
Has anyone had any experience with this scenario previously?


Django model React

I'm trying some Django + React stuff and I'm a bit confused with the particular role of Django model in this scheme.
As I can understand Django model provide smooth way to create some typical forms by users of the site (please correct me). And I can't feel the edge of what should be hardcoded and what I need to store in model.
In case of React (I'm trying to connect react with django through api via djangorestframework) should I create a model for Header? And store bg image with it and my slogans. I feel it's should be purely in frontend. But next section with 3 typical screens (they will be listed horizontally and swap each other). They are just copy of each other with different data (title, bg, fg, text, link), for me it seems closer to model usage. But model initially empty and if I want to get this data from model I firstly need to somehow store this data to model.
So in general my question is what the right cases for using Django models and when it's no needed. And if it possible with applying to my example to better understanding for me )
ofc I searched this info widely but so far can't create clear understanding by myself.
Thanks )
You might actually be in search of a headless CMS.
To combine React and Django and still use a CMS to allow administrating text blocks and images, Django Wagtail's StreamField is a good choice.
See for example our company's homepage: It runs on Django Wagtail, having JS animated text blocks that are administered in the CMS (just jQuery and other JS libs, no React, in this case).
Django Wagtail offers a JSON API, as well, that can be used in React:
It also offers a GraphQL API.

Previewing unpublished drafts in Wagtail when frontend relies on headless wagtail API

Suppose I have the following setup:
A backend CMS in Wagtail which uses the Wagtail API to expose the data
A frontend that takes aforementioned API and using React, generates HTML & JS
This would break Wagtail's preview as it uses the templates by default. Unfortunately, the preview functionality is important to this particular project, so I need to find a mechanism to keep it.
So far I managed to create a template that outputs a custom-serialized JSON which is read by a specially built front-end.
Unfortunately, this solution is far from ideal as maintaining two serializers - rest_framework and Wagtail's endpoints (with api_fields on the models themselves).
I have not been able to generate JSON from Wagtail's BaseEndpoint (using .as_view or otherwise), but that could be a possible solution.
I've also considered generating an endpoint that serves temporary serialized JSONs for specific pages under unique timed GUIDs. This will technically expose unpublished drafts to the public if anyone gets that (temporary) link somehow, but that is a risk we might be able to take if there was a good way to do it.
How do I approach this problem? Have you solved it for your own project somehow?

Multiple images not showing in frontend virtuemart2?

I am using Joomla 2.5.8 and virtue mart 2.0.14,I uploaded multiple images to a product in virtue mart but it displays only single images instead of displaying multiple images.How can i solve this problem.
I don't really understand your question but once something similar happened to me - I uploaded more photos of a product but when I looked at its detail on the front-end, there was just one image. The silly reason for it was that I was looking at another product than I added additional images for.
However, I would strongly recommend you looking at the Joomla Extensions and download a plugin for it.

Need help setting up django-filetransfers

My setup is: Django 1.3/Python 2.7.2/Win Server 2008 R2/IIS 7.5/MS SQL Server 2008 R2. I am developing an application whose main function is to analyze uploaded files and produce a report.
Reading over the documentation for django-filetransfers, I believe this is a solution to a problem I've been trying to solve for a while (i.e. form-based file uploads completely block all Django responses until the file-transfer finishes...horror for even moderate-sized files).
The documentation talks about piping uploads to S3 or Blobstore, and that might be what I end up doing eventually, but during development I thought maybe I could just set up my own "poor-man's S3" on a server that I control. This would basically just be another Django instance (or possibly a simple ASP.NET app) whose sole purpose is to receive uploaded files. This sounds like it should be possible with django-filetransfers and would solve the problem of Django responsiveness (???).
But I am missing some bits of understanding how this works in general, as well as some specifics. Maybe an example will help: let's say I have MyMainDjangoServer and MyFileUploadServer. MyMainDjangoServer will serve the views, including the upload form. MyFileUploadServer will "catch" the uploaded files. My questions/confusion are as follows:
My upload form will contain additional fields beyond just the file(s) I understand correctly that MyMainDjangoServer will somehow still get that form data, minus the file data (basically: request.POST), and the file data gets shunted over to MyFileUploadServer? How does this work? Will MyMainDjangoServer still block during the upload to MyFileUploadServer?
I assume that what I would need to do on MyFileUploadServer is have a view/URL that handles the form request and sucks out the request.FILES data. What else needs to happen? What happens to the rest of the form data?
How would I set up my for this scenario? The django-filetransfers examples seem to assume either S3 or GAE/Blobstore but maybe I am missing some basics.
Any advice/answers appreciated...this is a confusing and frustrating area of Django for me.
"MyMainDjangoServer will somehow still get that form data, minus the file data (basically: request.POST), and the file data gets shunted over to MyFileUploadServer? How does this work? Will MyMainDjangoServer still block during the upload to MyFileUploadServer?"
I know the GAE Blobstore, presumably S3 as well, handles this by requiring you to give it a success_url. In your case that would be the url on MyMainDjangoServer where your file receiving view on MyFileUploadServer would re-post the non-files form data to once the upload is complete.
Have a look at the create_upload_url method here:
You need to recreate this functionality in some form (see below).
"How would I set up my for this scenario?"
You'd need to create your own filetransfers backend which would be a file with a prepare_upload function in it.
You can see the App Engine one here:
The prepare_upload method just wraps the GAE create_upload_url method mentioned above.
So in your you'd have something like:
PREPARE_UPLOAD_BACKEND = 'myapp.filetransfers_backend.prepare_upload'
(i.e. the import path to your prepare_upload function)
For the rest you can start with the ones provided by filetransfers already:
SERVE_FILE_BACKEND = 'filetransfers.backends.url.serve_file'
# if you need it:
PUBLIC_DOWNLOAD_URL_BACKEND = 'filetransfers.backends.url.public_download_url'
These rely on the file_field.url being set (see Django docs) and since your files will be on a separate server you probably need to look into writing a custom storage backend for Django too. (the S3 and GAE cases assume you're using the custom Django storage backends from here)

Django image insertion in Admin

I am building a small side project - a simple news site. I want to use the Django Admin for uploading articles and allow access to non-coders so as they can publish articles a la Wordpress or such. I have added some functionality to the admin, first trying out TinyMCE and Dojo rich text editors. However, these do not come with the ability to insert an image into an article from a file (just urls).
I really only want some light text formatting in the text area plus the ability to upload and insert images from the users's harddrive directly into the article. Is there a simple way to achieve this?
If you are already using django-tinymce, you can integrate django-filebrowser with it. See django-tinymce's documentation.
There is also a commercial choice which looks good, but I have never tested it.