C++ Qt memory allocation exception with QList - c++

How can this ever happen that this throws an exception
for(int h = 0 ; h < listOne.count() ; ++h) {
delete[] listOne[h];
with QList listOne ? I delete float* arrays iterating until I reach number of element in the QList ...
In fact, it fails when I am adding only one float in one item of QList. Then, it is no more a float* and you cannot delete [] it.

How can this ever happen that this throws an exception
One posibility: you added one array 2 time to the list.
One fix:
for(int h = 0 ; h < listOne.count() ; ++h) {
delete[] listOne[h];
Maybe others errors (you added not-array pointers to the list).
In fact, it fails when I am adding only one float in one item of
QList. Then, it is no more a float* and you cannot delete [] it.
I suspected...
A very simple fix:
float *pi=new float[1];
Now add pi to the list


c++ How to deallocate and delete a 2D array of pointers to objects

In SO question [How to allocate a 2D array of pointers in C++] [1], the accepted answer also makes note of the correct procedure of how to de-allocate and delete said array, namely "Be careful to delete the contained pointers, the row arrays, and the column array all separately and in the correct order." So, I've been successfully using this 2D array in a cellular automaton simulation program. I cannot, however, get this array's memory management correct. I do not see an SO answer for how to do this other than the reference above.
I allocate the 2D array as follows:
Object*** matrix_0 = new Object**[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
matrix_0[i] = new Object*[cols];
My futile attempt(s) (according to Valgrind) to properly de-allocate the above array are as follows:
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
matrix_0[i][j] = NULL;
delete [] matrix_0;
matrix_0 = NULL;
Clearly, I'm missing the rows and cols part as reference [1] suggests. Can you show me what I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
[1]: (20 Nov 2009) How to allocate a 2D array of pointers in C++
You have a tonne of deleting to do in this:
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
delete matrix_0[i][j]; // delete stored pointer
delete[] matrix_0[i]; // delete sub array
delete [] matrix_0; //delete outer array
matrix_0 = NULL;
There is no need to NULL anything except matrix_0 because they are gone after delete.
This is horrible and unnecessary. Use a std::vector and seriously reconsider the pointer to the contained object.
std::vector<std::vector<Object*>> matrix_0(rows, std::vector<Object*>(cols));
Gets what you want and reduces the delete work to
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
delete matrix_0[i][j]; // delete stored pointer
But SergeyA's suggestion of storing unique_ptr, std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>>> matrix_0; reduces the deletions required to 0.
Since speed is one of OP's goals, there is one more improvement:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> matrix_0(rows * cols);
Access is
matrix_0[row * cols + col];
This trades a bit of visible math for the invisible math and pointer dereferences currently going on behind the scenes. The important part is the vector is now stored as a nice contiguous block of memory increasing spacial locality and reducing the number of cache misses. It can't help with the misses that will result from the pointers to Objects being scattered throughout memory, but you can't always win.
A note on vector vs array. Once a vector has been built, and in this case it's all done in one shot here:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> matrix_0(rows * cols);
all a vector is is a pointer to an and a couple other pointers to mark end and the the location of the last location used. Access to the data array is no different from access to a dynamic array made with new. Using the index operator [] compiles down to data_pointer + index exactly the same as using [] on an array. There is no synchronizing or the like as in Java's Vector. It is just plain raw math.
Compared to a dynamic array all a preallocated vector costs you is two pointers worth of memory and in return you get as close to no memory management woes as you are likely to ever see.
Before setting the pointers to NULL, you should delete them first. After every pointer in the column are deleted, you can delete[] the row and set it to NULL, as every element is deleted and gone.

Pointer to 3D Arrays of Pointer

I'm trying to create a Pointer to a dynamic 3D Array full of Pointers. I'm working with Voxel, so let's say that t_cube is my object.
First, I tried doing this:
t_cube* (*m_Array)[][][];
I thought I could do like
m_Array = new t_cube[sizeX][sizeZ][sizeY];
Compiling this failed, however.
Next I tried this:
t_cube *(m_Model[]); // This is my .h
t_cube *model_Tempo[sizeX][sizeZ][sizeY]; // And this is in my class constructor.
m_Model = model_Tempo;
Again, this failed to compile.
I hope this example would be helpful to solve your problem:
Since, we are dealing with Pointer of 3-D Array. So, if I write it in C++ grammar, it would be like:
t_cube *array[x_size][y_size][z_size];
But, you already mentioned, it fails to execute.
Now, do the same thing using Dynamic Allocation Approach.
t_cube ****array; // Since, it a pointer to the 3D Array
array = new t_cube ***[x_size];
for(int i=0; i<x_size; i++) {
array[i] = new t_cube **[y_size];
for(int j =0; j<y_size; j++) {
array[i][j] = new t_cube *[z_size];
} /* I'm sure this will work */
And, the reasons you were facing trouble:
The size of the m_Array could be very large : x_size * y_size * z_size * sizeof(t_cube) .
You must have defined m_Array locally (inside the function), which is the major reason of program malfunction.

Deleting an element from an array of objects

I tried to write a function that gets an object ("Stone") and deletes the stone from a given array. code:
void Pile::del_stone(Stone &s)
Stone *temp = new Stone[size - 1];//allocate new array
for (int i = 0;i <size;++i)
if (s != Pile_arr[i])//if the given object to delete is different from the current
temp[i] = Pile_arr[i];//copy to the new array
Pile_arr = temp;
set_size(this->size - 1);
temp = NULL;
delete[] temp;
Pile_arr is a member of Pile class.
The problem is that i get an infinite loop, because i decrease i. I cant figure out how to solve this issue. Any ideas?
Use two indexes: i and j. Use i to know which element of the original array you are looking and j to know where to put the element in temp.
You need to use a separate counter to track where new elements should be placed.
I have used n below:
Stone *temp = new Stone[size - 1];
int n = 0; // Stores the current size of temp array
for (int i = 0;i <size;++i) {
if (s != Pile_arr[i]) {
temp[n++] = Pile_arr[i];
It's also worth considering the case where s is not found in the array, as this would cause a runtime error (Attempting to add size elements to an array of size size - 1).
Using a STL container would be a far better option here.
This function will:
Allocate a new array of length size-1
Search for the intended object
If you find it, copy it to the same exact position in the array
If you don't --i
Finally, ++i
First of all, this function is bad for 3 reasons:
It only copies one item over--the given item. You have an array with only 1 object.
It copies the item from index to index. Since the final array is one smaller, if the object is at the max original index, it will be out of bounds for the new array.
If the object is not immediately found, the array will get stuck, as you decrease the index, and then increase it using the loop--you'll never move again.
Stone *temp = new Stone[size - 1];//allocate new array
for (int i = 0;i
Cache the found object, then delete it from the original array or mark it. temp = found object
Copy the array, one by one, without copying empty spaces and closing the gap. Copy temp_array[i] and increment i if and only if temp_array[j] is not marked/deleted. Increment j
Decide where to put the found object.
Once again, you can decide to use separate indexes--one for parsing the original array, and one for filling the new array.

Freeing memory between loop executions

Hi I'm coding a C++ program containing a loop consuming too much unnecessary memory, so much that the computer freezes before reaching the end...
Here is how this loop looks like:
float t = 0.20;
CustomClass a(t);
a.writeResultsInFile("results_" + t);
t += 0.001;
If relevant, the program is a physics simulation from which I want results for several values of an external parameter called t for temperature. It seems that the memory excess is due to not "freeing" the space taken by the instance of my class from one execution of the loop to the following, which I thought would be automatic if created without using pointers or the new instruction. I tried doing it with a destructor for the class but it didn't help. Could it be because the main memory use of my class is a 2d array defined with a new instruction in there?
Precision, it seems that the code above is not the problem (thanks for the ones pointing this out) so here is how I initiate my array (by the largest object in my CustomClass) in its constructor:
tab = new int*[h];
for(int i=0; i<h; i++) {
tab[i] = new int[v];
for(int j=0; j<v; j++) {
tab[i][j] = bitd(gen)*2-1; //initializing randomly the lattice
bitd(gen) is a random number generator outputing 1 or 0.
And also, another method of my CustomClass object doubles the size of the array in the following way:
int ** temp = new int*[h];
for(int i=0; i<h; i++) {
temp[i] = new int[v];
for(int j=0; j<v; j++) {
temp[i][j] = tab[i/2][j/2];
delete[] tab;
tab = temp;
Could there be that I should free the pointer temp?
You're leaking memory.
Could there be that I should free te pointer temp?
No. After you allocate the memory for the new array of double size and copy the contents, you should free the memory that tab is pointing to. Right now, you're only deleting the array of pointers with delete [] tab; but the memory that each of those pointers points to is lost. Run a loop and delete each one. Only then do tab = temp.
Better still, use standard containers that handle memory management for you so you can forget messing with raw pointers and focus on your real work instead.

Deleting 2d array in C++

Can some one tell me what is wrong in the for loop? When I run it, it interrupts. I tried to debug to see what is wrong, I noticed that in the for loop it just stops:
float **tr_pop;//Tournament candidates
float **matingPool;//Mating pool
tr_pop=new float *[m];
matingPool=new float *[m];
tr_pop[l]=new float[MAX_POPULATION];
matingPool[l]=new float[MAX_POPULATION];
for ( int r = 0; r < row; ++r )//deleting
delete [] matingPool[r];//Stops here (not ending program just frozen)
delete [] tr_pop[r];
delete [] tr_pop;
delete [] matingPool;
=======OK. PROBLEM SOLVED=======
Here is the reason:
I just changed the MAX_POPULATION into the MAX_POPULATION+1 and it worked.
tr_pop[l]=new float[MAX_POPULATION+1];
matingPool[l]=new float[MAX_POPULATION+1];
Because in another function I think I was doing violation:
void crossover()
int p1,p2,i,j;float tempBit;
matingPool[i][j]=matingPool[i][j+1];//THE VIOLATION POINT (I THINK)
As you can see, when j = MAX_POPULATION at the end of the loop, i was trying to reach MAX_POPULATION + 1. So I changed the allocations for columns, and the problem solved :)
You're running into undefined behavior:
tr_pop[l]=new float[MAX_POPULATION];
should be
tr_pop[l]=new float[MAX_POPULATION];
You're allocating m elements for each of the arrays and try to access m+1.
You are allocating m float* but in for loop you are iterating from 0..m while allocating memory, it should from 0..m-1. For that you need to chnage the for loop to : for(l=0;l<m;l++).