OpenGL Translation - Coordinate - opengl

I'm attempting to make a simple game that allows you to jump around the screen and onto the platforms without leaving the screen or falling through the platforms.
So far i have managed to create a little 2D square which i refer to as my sprite or character along with 2 platforms.
I have finally made my sprite move up, down, left and right (no jump yet) but my collision for leaving the screen isn't working how i thought it would...
What i'm doing is using glTranslate(x,y,z) to move my sprite depending on the key input from the keyboard and testing a collision between the sprite and the screen before. Unfortunately i think im getting confused with the coordinates being used for the translation inside my collisionScreen.
Something to note is, i can not take my sprite past the origin of where the sprite was initially drawn ie "0" no matter where or when the sprite is drawn.

It seems that:
void collisionScreen (int x, int y)
//stops sprite leaving current screen size
if(x_pos < 0 || x_pos+s1_W > winX)
x_pos -= x_pos;
if(y_pos < 0 || y_pos+s1_H > winY)
y_pos -= y_pos;
doesn't actually use the x and y parameters you pass into it.
Perhaps you meant something like this:
void collisionScreen (int x, int y)
//stops sprite leaving current screen size
if(x_pos < 0)
x_pos = 0;
else if(x_pos+s1_W > winX)
x_pos = winX - s1_W;
if(y_pos < 0)
y_pos = 0;
else if(y_pos+s1_H > winY)
y_pos = winY - s1_H;
Also, your sprite will not pass 0 as that is what this method is designed to do.


2d tilemap collision for SFML

I am currently working on a 2D rpg game with SFML and I am trying to make the player collide with certain tiles. I have gotten to the point where the player can collide with the tiles that I want as well as slide along a wall with the following code:
sf::Vector2f movement(0.f, 0.f);
if (isMovingUp)
movement.y -= 1.f;
if (isMovingDown)
movement.y += 1.f;
if (isMovingLeft)
movement.x -= 1.f;
if (isMovingRight)
movement.x += 1.f;
sf::Vector2f oldpos = Player.getPosition();
sf::Vector2f newpos = Player.getPosition() + movement*speed*dt.asSeconds();
Player.setPosition(newpos); // the player is an sf::sprite that is 16*24px
for (int i = 0; i < tiler.solids.size(); i++) // each solid is an sf::FloatRect that is 16*16px
if (Player.getPosition().x + 16 >= tiler.solids[i].left && Player.getPosition().x <= tiler.solids[i].left + tiler.solids[i].width && Player.getPosition().y + 24 >= tiler.solids[i].top && Player.getPosition().y <= tiler.solids[i].top + tiler.solids[i].height) // if the player is touching the tile
What it basically does is iterate over every solid and test if the player is intersecting any of them. If there is an intersection, the player will return to their previous position when there was no collision.
The main problem that I have is that when I press two directions at once (for example colliding with a wall to the right while moving right and up) the player gets stuck because it is resetting both the x and y coordinates. Most of the code is based off of This question. The person who asked the question had the same problem. The last comment to an answer suggested that they try separating the vertical from the horizontal movement. I tried that in my code but that didn't work because it then it was basically testing if there was x-collision OR y-collision and would reset the player's position even if the player was in line with a solid.
So I guess my main question is: How can I separate the vertical from the horizontal collision in a better way OR Is there another way of doing tile collisions that allows the player to slide along a wall while holding two directions?
What you want to do is test the collision on both axis seperately. That means you safe the current position of the player and then calculate two bounding boxes. One of which is the players's bounding box with the horizontal offset added and one with the vertical offset added.
sf::FloatRect oldBounds = Player.getPosition();
sf::FloatRect newBoundsH = (oldBounds.left + movement.x *speed*dt.asSeconds(),, oldBounds.width, oldBounds.height);
sf::FloatRect newBoundsV = (oldBounds.left, + movement.y *speed*dt.asSeconds(), oldBounds.width, oldBounds.height);
So you can write:
// Test horizontal collision.
Player.setPosition(oldpos.x, Player.getPositions().y);
// Test vertical collision.
Player.setPosition(Player.getPositions().x, oldpos.y);
This method absolutely has its flaws but I think it is easy to understand.

DirectX C++ Xbox Controller Input Issue

So I've started using DirectX C++ and have a base game with is a bunch of asteroids which you can shoot using the mouse. It also has a drawn crosshair sprite which follows the mouses location.
I have decided that I would like to change input to support Xbox 360 controllers. I have managed to program the shoot button to the A button on the gamepad however I am having some issues changing to movement of the crosshair from mouse to the analog sticks on the controller.
The following is the code which is used for determining the mouses location and getting its position for use:
virtual void Update()
POINT mousePosition;
D3DXVECTOR3 position, currentPosition;
mousePosition = DirectInput::Get().GetCurrentMousePosition();
position.x = (float) mousePosition.x;
position.y = (float) mousePosition.y;
position.z = 0.0f;
currentPosition = m_pCrossHairs->GetSpritePosition();
position.x -= currentPosition.x;
position.y -= currentPosition.y;
position.x = position.x/2.0f;
position.y = position.y/2.0f;
And here is what I've changed it to for use with an Xbox Controller Instead:
virtual void Update()
POINT crosshairPosition;
D3DXVECTOR3 position, currentPosition;
crosshairPosition.x = XBox360Controller::Get().RightJoyStickX();
crosshairPosition.y =- XBox360Controller::Get().RightJoyStickY();
position.x = crosshairPosition.x;
position.y = crosshairPosition.y;
position.z = 0.0f;
currentPosition = m_pCrossHairs->GetSpritePosition();
position.x -= currentPosition.x;
position.y -= currentPosition.y;
position.x = position.x/2.0f;
position.y = position.y/2.0f;
On a positive note what I have done kind of works. The Crosshair does move when I move the analog stick, however it is stuck in the top right hand corner and can only move within a range of about 1 square inch on the screen. I'm a bit stuck as to why this is and therefore would appreciate any kind of input. Sorry if I'm lacking any important info that I may have missed, a bit of a late post however would really love to get it working!
On a side note - I'm getting an error on the following giving me a warning about conversion from long to float or something (should I be worried about this)?
crosshairPosition.x = XBox360Controller::Get().RightJoyStickX();
crosshairPosition.y =- XBox360Controller::Get().RightJoyStickY();
Once again thank you in advance.
Code for XBox360Controller::Get().
XBox360Controller& XBox360Controller::Get()
if (s_pXBox360Controller == NULL)
s_pXBox360Controller = new XBox360Controller();
return *s_pXBox360Controller;
Code for Right analog stick X-Axis
float XBox360Controller::RightJoyStickX()
float joyStickX = GetState().Gamepad.sThumbRX;
// Make sure there has been movement, as joystick does return different values even if no movement.
return 0;
return joyStickX/DynamicRange;
Code for Right analog stick Y-Axis
float XBox360Controller::RightJoyStickY()
float joyStickY = GetState().Gamepad.sThumbRY;
// Make sure there has been movement, as joystick does return different values even if no movement.
return 0;
return joyStickY/DynamicRange;
Added a new translation matrix and it's fixed the issue, thanks for the help.

How do I perform image clipping efficiently within a parent RECT?

I'm playing around with the DIRECTX API in C++ and designing a sprite interface that does clipping within parent RECT's, like a UI window or another sprite or what have you.
This is because, later on, I'm going to make a scrolling function for a UI window.
I think an image would be appropriate to demonstrate what I am trying to achieve.
In order to do clipping calculations, at least four variables/structs are required (from what I can discern):
Parent RECT: the "clipping" bounds
D3DXIMAGE_INFO: containing the image information, such as width and height
Sprite position
Draw RECT: for the LPD3DXSPRITE->Draw() function. Basically, what part of the image should be drawn. This is where the "clipping" is done.
Now, I think it would be confusing if I showed you my entire interface and its inner workings and how it handles the variables.
So, instead,
this piece of code demonstrates how I'm currently calculating the clipping.
void ClippingCalculation(){
RECT parent_bounds, draw_rect;
D3DXVECTOR2 sprite_position; //Relative to parent rect
D3DXIMAGE_INFO img_info;
//Fill image info
D3DXGetImageInfoFromFile("image.png", &img_info); //Image is 100x100px
//Define the rects
SetRect(&parent_bounds, 0, 0, 200, 200);
SetRect(&draw_rect, 0, 0, img_info.Width, img_info.Height); //Draw the entire image by default
//Give it a position that makes a portion go out of parent bounds
sprite_position = D3DXVECTOR2(150, 150); // 3/4 of the entire image is out of bounds
//Check if completely within bounds
bool min_x = (sprite_position.x > parent_bounds.left),
min_y = (sprite_position.y >,
max_x = (sprite_position.x+img_info.Width < parent_bounds.right),
max_y = (sprite_position.y+img_info.Height < parent_bounds.bottom);
if(min_x && min_y && max_x && max_y)
return; //No clipping needs to be done
float delta_top = - sprite_position.y,
delta_left = parent_bounds.left - sprite_position.x,
delta_bottom = parent_bounds.bottom - sprite_position.y,
delta_right = parent_bounds.right - sprite_position.x;
//Check if completely outside bounds
bool out_left = (delta_left >= img_info.Width),
out_top = (delta_top >= img_info.Height),
out_bottom = (delta_bottom >= img_info.Height),
out_right = (delta_right >= img_info.Width);
if(out_left || out_top || out_bottom || out_right){
//No drawing needs to be done, it's not even visible
return; //No clipping
if(!min_x) draw_rect.left = delta_left;
if(!min_x) = delta_top;
if(!max_x) draw_rect.right = delta_right;
if(!max_y) draw_rect.bottom = delta_bottom;
My questions are:
Do you see anything immediately wrong with the code?
Is it efficient or inefficient?
The clipping is done every time the sprite is repositioned, loaded or when a parent is added.
Is the math solid? Should I approach it differently?
Could it be done in a better way and could you provide examples?
Clipping a RECT is a lot easier than this:
clipped_rect.left= MAX(rect_a.left, rect_b.left);
clipped_rect.right= MIN(rect_a.right, rect_b.right); MIN(,;
clipped_rect.bottom= MAX(rect_a.bottom, rect_b.bottom);
bool completely_clipped=
clipped_rect.left>=clipped_rect.right ||
This assumes Y increases as you go up. It should be pretty easy to find a platform specific version of MIN and MAX that are performant.

2D Platformer Collision Handling

I am trying to create a 2D platformer (Mario-type) game and I am some having some issues with handling collisions properly. I am writing this game in C++, using SDL for input, image loading, font loading, etcetera. I am also using OpenGL via the FreeGLUT library in conjunction with SDL to display graphics.
My method of collision detection is AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Box), which is really all I need to start with. What I need is an easy way to both detect which side the collision occurred on and handle the collisions properly. So, basically, if the player collides with the top of the platform, reposition him to the top; if there is a collision to the sides, reposition the player back to the side of the object; if there is a collision to the bottom, reposition the player under the platform.
I have tried many different ways of doing this, such as trying to find the penetration depth and repositioning the player backwards by the penetration depth. Sadly, nothing I've tried seems to work correctly. Player movement ends up being very glitchy and repositions the player when I don't want it to. Part of the reason is probably because I feel like this is something so simple but I'm over-thinking it.
If anyone thinks they can help, please take a look at the code below and help me try to improve on this if you can. I would like to refrain from using a library to handle this (as I want to learn on my own) or the something like the SAT (Separating Axis Theorem) if at all possible. Thank you in advance for your help!
void world1Level1CollisionDetection()
for(int i; i < blocks; i++)
if (de2dCheckCollision(ball,block[i],0.0f,0.0f)==true)
de2dObj ballPrev;
ballPrev.coords[0] = ball.coords[0];
ballPrev.coords[1] = ball.coords[1];
ballPrev.coords[2] = ball.coords[2];
ballPrev.coords[3] = ball.coords[3];
ballPrev.coords[0] -= ball.xspeed;
ballPrev.coords[1] -= ball.yspeed;
ballPrev.coords[2] -= ball.xspeed;
ballPrev.coords[3] -= ball.yspeed;
int up = 0;
int left = 0;
int right = 0;
int down = 0;
if (ballPrev.coords[0] < block[i].coords[0] && ballPrev.coords[2] < block[i].coords[0] && (((ball.coords[1] < block[i].coords[1]) || (ball.coords[3] < ball.coords[1])) || ((ball.coords[1] < block[i].coords[3]) || ball.coords[3] < block[i].coords[3])))
left = 1;
if (ballPrev.coords[0] > block[i].coords[2] && ballPrev.coords[2] > block[i].coords[2] && (((ball.coords[1] < block[i].coords[1]) || (ball.coords[3] < ball.coords[1])) || ((ball.coords[1] < block[i].coords[3]) || (ball.coords[3] < block[i].coords[3]))))
right = 1;
if(ballPrev.coords[1] < block[i].coords[1] && block[i].coords[1] < ballPrev.coords[3] && ballPrev.coords[3] < block[i].coords[3])
up = 1;
if(block[i].coords[1] < ballPrev.coords[1] && ballPrev.coords[1] < block[i].coords[3] && block[i].coords[3] < ballPrev.coords[3])
down = 1;
cout << left << ", " << right << ", " << up << ", " << down << ", " << endl;
if (left == 1)
ball.coords[0] = block[i].coords[0] - 18.0f;
ball.coords[2] = block[i].coords[0] - 2.0f;
else if (right == 1)
ball.coords[0] = block[i].coords[2] + 2.0f;
ball.coords[2] = block[i].coords[2] + 18.0f;
else if (down == 1)
ball.coords[1] = block[i].coords[3] + 4.0f;
ball.coords[3] = block[i].coords[3] + 20.0f;
else if (up == 1)
ball.yspeed = 0.0f;
ball.gravity = 0.0f;
ball.coords[1] = block[i].coords[1] - 17.0f;
ball.coords[3] = block[i].coords[1] - 1.0f;
if (de2dCheckCollision(ball,block[i],0.0f,0.0f)==false)
ball.gravity = -0.5f;
To explain what some of this code means:
The blocks variable is basically an integer that is storing the amount of blocks, or platforms. I am checking all of the blocks using a for loop, and the number that the loop is currently on is represented by integer i.
The coordinate system might seem a little weird, so that's worth explaining.
coords[0] represents the x position (left) of the object (where it starts on the x axis).
coords[1] represents the y position (top) of the object (where it starts on the y axis).
coords[2] represents the width of the object plus coords[0] (right).
coords[3] represents the height of the object plus coords[1] (bottom).
de2dCheckCollision performs an AABB collision detection.
Up is negative y and down is positive y, as it is in most games.
Hopefully I have provided enough information for someone to help me successfully. If there is something I left out that might be crucial, let me know and I'll provide the necessary information. Finally, for anyone who can help, providing code would be very helpful and much appreciated.
Thank you again for your help!
Edit 2: I have updated my code with a new algorithm that checks where the ball was previously before collision. Corner cases work on that single platform correctly now, and when I have a wall of objects, I can slide against it correctly now. The only remaining problem is that there is a small jittering effect that happens when I am on the ground, where the ball is constantly going up and down as if it is being pulled by gravity and then the ball falls back into the object again.
Edit: Here is a URL to an image trying to show the kinds of problems I am having:
In case the explanation in the picture doesn't make too much sense, the ball cannot move left past the corner of an object unless I jump over it. However, the ball can move right, but it gets repositioned to the right of the object while moving, which is not needed. This creates a skipping movement essentially, where it appears as the the ball is skipping over half of the object or so when I move right. If this doesn't make sense, please ask me and I'll try to clarify more.
One problem with your code is that you only detect situations like this:
If the circle happens to be fully inside the block, you don't reposition at all. And that's a problem.
You're trying to think about your simulation as if it were continuous, but keep in mind it's discrete. In general, if you only look at the current state of the ball, you really cannot know which side it collided with. Look at these two possibilities:
The first solution that comes to mind is to look at the last position of the ball as well; more precisely, look at the delta vector. See if the delta vector intersects a wall. If it does, reposition in an axis-aligned direction towards the wall intersected by the delta vector.
Edit: When I said "delta vector", I forgot that you're moving a square and not a single point. So, if you just look at the delta vector of the top-left corner, that's not going to be enough because it may not detect that part of the ball entered a block. Instead, you can look at the delta vectors of all 4 corners.

How do I make projectiles?

I am totally stumped on this one. I'm using C++ and SFML 1.6 for a game I'm developing, and I have no bloody idea. How do I make projectiles (like bullets)? I just don't understand it. It could be my lack of sleep but I don't know.
So my question is how do I create a Sprite that moves in a definite direction based on where the mouse is? (Think of a top down shooter with mouse aiming)
Easiest solution:
If the mouse is at Mx,My and the ship is at Sx,Sy then calculate the direction from the ship to the mouse:
Now normalise D (this means scale it so that it's length is one):
DLen=sqrt(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy)
Now Dx is the distance you want to move the bullet on the x axis in order to get bullet speed of 1.
Thus each frame you move the bullet like so (position of bullet: Bx,By Speed of bullet: Bs [in pixels per millisec] Frame time Ft[in millisec])
This give you a bullet that moves towards the mouse position at a speed independent of the direction of the mouse or framerate of the game.
EDIT: As #MSalters says you need to check for the DLen==0 case when the mouse is directly above the ship to avoid division by zero errors on the normalise
One way to do it is to make the bullet face the mouse and then move it across the x and y axis by using trigonometry to find the hypotinuse from the angle. I don't think i explained this very well, so here the code to make a sprite move from its rotation:
void sMove(sf::Sprite& input,float toMove, int rotation){
bool negY = false;
bool negX = false;
int newRot = rotation;
if (rotation <= 90){
negY = true;
else if (rotation <= 180){
//newRot -= 90;
negY = true;
else if (rotation <= 360){
newRot -= 270;
negY = true;
negX = true;
float y = toMove*cos(newRot*PI/180);
float x = toMove*sin(newRot*PI/180);
if (negY){
y = y*-1;
if (negX){
x = x*-1
input.move(x, y);