Dividing each element in a container between a given number C++ - c++

I was multiplying each container against another number so I did the following:
local_it begin = magnitudesBegin;
std::advance(begin , 2);
local_it end = magnitudesBegin;
std::advance(end, 14);
std::transform(begin, end, firstHalf.begin(),
It worked wonders, problem is when doing the same to divide between another container. Here is a working example of my problem:
const std::size_t stabilitySize = 13;
boost::array<double,stabilitySize> secondHalf;
double fundamental = 707;
boost::array<double, stabilitySize> indexes = {{3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}};
std::transform(indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), secondHalf.begin(),
It does divide the container. But instead of dividing each element in the array against 707 it divides 707 between each element in the array.

The code above takes a functor std::divides<double> that takes two arguments and fixes the value of the first argument to be fundamental. That is it fixes the numerator of the operation and you get the expected result. If you want to bind fundamental to be the denominator, use std::bind2nd.

you can try the following , divide has a completely different operation than multiply, it just divides a constant number by all your elements

If the number 707.0 is something like a fundamental constant, and a division can be seen as a "conversion", let's call it "x to y" (I don't know what your numbers are representing, so replace this by meaningful words). It would be nice to wrap this "x to y" conversion in a free-standing function for re-usability. Then, use this function on std::transform.
double x_to_y(double x) {
return x / 707.0;
std::transform(..., x_to_y);
If you had C++11 available, or want to use another lambda-library, another option is to write this in-line where being used. You might find this syntax more readable like parameter binding using bind2nd:
std::transform(..., _1 / 707.0); // when using boost::lambda


How to use accumulate function to sum a row of values in a variable array?

I've been working on a program where I need to be able to sum rows in a two-dimensional array whose number of columns are variables. I should also add that the rows are "split" into two parts (part A, and part B) whose sizes depend on user input.
I can obviously sum a row just using a for loop, but I wanted a more elegant solution that would also be easier to set up across the whole program. I stumbled across the accumulate function out of the numeric library, but all examples that I was able to find were exclusively for one-dimensional arrays.
Here's a sample of my problem code:
total = partNum[PART_A] + partNum[PART_B];
partStart[PART_A] = 0;
partEnd[FUNC_A] = partNum[PART_A];
partStart[PART_B] = partNum[PART_A];
partEnd[FUNC_B] = total;
double stat[5][total];
double mass_sum = 0.0
func = PART_A;
accumulate(stat[MASS][partStart[func]], stat[MASS][partStart[func]], mass_sum);
However, I get a buildtime error which states that:
Indirection requires pointer operand ('double' invalid')
I assume this is a syntax error, but changing how I defined the array's start and end did nothing to fix the error.
The two first argument of accumulate are iterators that the function will use to iterate over the range, but you are passing actual element of the array
Iterator in C++ is a concept that requires certain operations to be valid on your object, as defined per the standard. For instance, pointer types usually match the LegacyRandomAccessIterator, meaning that you can basically use them to as array-like object (you can increment them with ++, you can indirect them with *, you can access an element at position i with [], etc.). I won't go into full details about what are iterators in C++ because it's a whole topic and you can find plenty of references, in particular on the two links I provided.
Back to your problem, what you want is to give accumulate iterator to the beginning and the end of your row, or the beginning and the end of your subranges. There are two ways to do this:
Take the address of the element stat[MASS][partStart[func]], i.e., &stat[MASS][partStart[func]], which will give you the beginning of the range, and then &stat[MASS][partEnd[func]] will give you the end of the range. This works because stat is as double stat[5][total] and the access operator ([]) gives you a reference (a double&), that you can take the address of, and the element on the row are contiguous in memory (that would not work for a column).
Use stat[MASS] + partStart[func] and stat[MASS] + partEnd[func]. In this case, you take the beginning of the row (stat[MASS]), which is (or is implicitly convertible to) a pointer to double (double*) and you increment that pointer by partStart[func] or partEnd[func], giving you the addresses of the elements you want in the row.
So basically:
std::accumulate(&stat[MASS][partStart[func]], &stat[MASS][partEndfunc]], mass_sum);
// or
std::accumulate(stat[MASS] + partStart[func], stat[MASS] + partEnd[func], mass_sum);

Looking for bijective function for unsigned integers, mapping sequences 0,..,n uniformly onto image

I'm trying to find a (hash) function, that takes an unsigned integer with either 32 or 64 bit and maps it onto the same type again.
It should be bijective and fast.
Additional property:
For any n the sequence of ints 0 to n should be mapped "uniformly" onto the image.
Meaning, if I split the image into k equally large subsets, they should be roughly equal, for k << n.
This meets all of your requirements:
unsigned int identity(unsigned int x) {
return x;
I'm trying to find a (hash) function, that takes an unsigned integer with either 32 or 64 bit and maps it onto the same type again.
It should be bijective and fast.
Um, the function that satisfies that with 0 collisions is the identity function, ie.
uint64_t hash(uint64_t inp) {
return inp;
Your additional properties:
For any n the sequence of ints 0 to n should be mapped "uniformly" onto the image.
Hm, so identity doesn't do it, because the first n numbers will of course be compact. However:
Bit-reversal does the trick!
So instead of returning the same numbers, just return the bit-reversed version of them.
Bit reversal is usually not a fast operation, unless you've got tricks and/or CPU instructions that help you with that.
EDIT: Ah wait, I remember Knuth has proposed a function for that which should be much faster than your average hash impl.
Assuming mult is odd (and the range of T is a power of 2, as it would be on any modern processor), any function returned by
template <T>
auto linear_congruential_hash(T mult, T incr) {
"template argument must be an integral type");
return [mult, incr](T n) -> T {
return mult * n + incr;
is bijective. And if mult is close to the upper limit of T then the function will be close to satisfying your uniformity requirement also (just avoid taking mult such that some small multiple of it is too close to 0, e.g. 0x7fffffffU would be bad). So, just to give a concrete example, something like linear_congruential_hash<uint32_t>(0x68832099U, 0x30571005U) should hopefully work well.

How to remove almost duplicates from a vector in C++

I have an std::vector of floats that I want to not contain duplicates but the math that populates the vector isn't 100% precise. The vector has values that differ by a few hundredths but should be treated as the same point. For example here's some values in one of them:
X: -43.094505
X: -43.094501
X: -43.094498
What would be the best/most efficient way to remove duplicates from a vector like this.
First sort your vector using std::sort. Then use std::unique with a custom predicate to remove the duplicates.
std::unique(v.begin(), v.end(),
[](double l, double r) { return std::abs(l - r) < 0.01; });
// treats any numbers that differ by less than 0.01 as equal
Live demo
Sorting is always a good first step. Use std::sort().
Remove not sufficiently unique elements: std::unique().
Last step, call resize() and maybe also shrink_to_fit().
If you want to preserve the order, do the previous 3 steps on a copy (omit shrinking though).
Then use std::remove_if with a lambda, checking for existence of the element in the copy (binary search) (don't forget to remove it if found), and only retain elements if found in the copy.
I say std::sort() it, then go through it one by one and remove the values within certain margin.
You can have a separate write iterator to the same vector and one resize operation at the end - instead of calling erase() for each removed element or having another destination copy for increased performance and smaller memory usage.
If your vector cannot contain duplicates, it may be more appropriate to use an std::set. You can then use a custom comparison object to consider small changes as being inconsequential.
Hi you could comprare like this
bool isAlmostEquals(const double &f1, const double &f2)
double allowedDif = xxxx;
return (abs(f1 - f2) <= allowedDif);
but it depends of your compare range and the double precision is not on your side
if your vector is sorted you could use std::unique with the function as predicate
I would do the following:
Create a set<double>
go through your vector in a loop or using a functor
Round each element and insert into the set
Then you can swap your vector with an empty vector
Copy all elements from the set to the empty vector
The complexity of this approach will be n * log(n) but it's simpler and can be done in a few lines of code. The memory consumption will double from just storing the vector. In addition set consumes slightly more memory per each element than vector. However, you will destroy it after using.
std::vector<double> v;
std::set<double> s;
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = v.begin();
for(;it != v.end(); ++it)
std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), v.begin());
The problem with most answers so far is that you have an unusual "equality". If A and B are similar but not identical, you want to treat them as equal. Basically, A and A+epsilon still compare as equal, but A+2*epsilon does not (for some unspecified epsilon). Or, depending on your algorithm, A*(1+epsilon) does and A*(1+2*epsilon) does not.
That does mean that A+epsilon compares equal to A+2*epsilon. Thus A = B and B = C does not imply A = C. This breaks common assumptions in <algorithm>.
You can still sort the values, that is a sane thing to do. But you have to consider what to do with a long range of similar values in the result. If the range is long enough, the difference between the first and last can still be large. There's no simple answer.

How to use complex numbers in a map c++

I have been sitting for hours now trying to find a way to use complex values in a std::map. My code is
std::vector<std::complex<double>> coord; // bin coordinates
std::vector<std::string> ref; //A1,D4,...
std::map<std::string,std::complex<double>> bin; //coordinates and reference
std::string letter_ref[] = {"H","G","F","E","D","C","B","A"};
std::string int_ref[] = {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"};
double x=0;
double y=0;
for(int i=0;i<8;++i){
for(int j=0;j<8;++j){
bin.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::complex<double>>(letter_ref[i]+int_ref[j], (7-i,j)));
//bin.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::complex<double>>(letter_ref[i]+int_ref[j], (7-x,y)));
This is a part of a constructor. The reason that I have a map and two vectors that are supposed to show the same thing is because I started to use vectors, but found it to be a pain to work with. But I wanted to keep the old vectors for some more time to get the map right first.
However the map does not give the intended result. Printing the map with
std::map<std::string,std::complex<double>>::iterator it;
int i = 0;
std::cout<<"["<<it->first<<","<<it->second<<"] ";
if ((i+1) % 8 == 0)// & i>0)
Does in the first case (uncommented) show that the imaginary part is 0, but the first part is correct. The second case (commented) still shows a 0 value for the imaginary part, but the real part does, instead of giving the values 0-7, give values 0-63.
Does anyone know how to properly use complex numbers in a map?
In the c'tor you want to store a complex number in your map with real part 7-i and imaginary part j. You do this by passing (7-i, j), but this will not invoke the c'tor of std::complex<double> the way you might expect (i.e. with re=7-i and im=j).
What you're actually using in your code is the comma operator. From Wikipedia:
In the C and C++ programming languages, the comma operator
(represented by the token ,) is a binary operator that evaluates its
first operand and discards the result, and then evaluates the second
operand and returns this value (and type).
So by passing (7-i, j) to the c'tor of std::complex<double> instead of creating an imaginary number with real part 7-i and imaginary part j you create a complex number with real part j and no imaginary part. So just replace your line
bin.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::complex<double>>(letter_ref[i]+int_ref[j], (7-i,j)));
bin.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::complex<double>>(letter_ref[i]+int_ref[j], std::complex<double>(7-i,j)));
to make it work as expected. This explicitly invokes the c'tor of std::complex<double> with the parameters you specified.

My recursive function does not return the correct value

I wrote a recursive function that computes the sum of an array of double. For some reasons, the value returned by my recursive function is not correct. Actually, my recursive sum does not match my iterative sum. I know I made a little mistake somewhere, but I can't see where. Your help will be very appreciated. I only pasted the recursive function. I am using C++ on Visual Studio. Thanks!
double recursive_sum(double array_nbr[], int size_ar)
{ double rec_sum=0.0;
if( size_ar== 0)
return -1;
else if( size_ar> 0)
return rec_sum;
//#### Output######
The random(s) number generated in the array =
0.697653 | 0.733848 | 0.221564 |
Recursive sum: 0.653066
Iterative sum: 1.65307
Press any key to continue . . .
Well, because sum of no elements is zero, not minus one.
if (size_ar == 0.0)
return 0.0;
Think about it this way: sum(1,2,3) is the same as sum(1,2) + sum(3) just as it is the same as sum(1,2,3)+sum() — in all three cases, you add 1, 2, and 3 together, just in a slighlty different ways. That's also why the product of no elements is one.
Try changing "if( size_ar== 0) return -1;" to return 0.
While this does not account for the large discrepancy in your output, another thing to keep in mind is the ordering of operations once you have fixed the issue with returning a -1 vs. 0 ... IEEE floating point operations are not necessarily commutative, so make sure that when you are doing your recursive vs. iterative methods, you add up the numbers in the exact same order, otherwise your output may still differ by some epsilon value.
For instance, currently in your recursive method you're adding up the values from the last member of the array in reverse to the first member of the array. That may, because of the non-commutative property of floating point math, give you a slightly different value (small epsilon) than if you sum up the values in the array from first to last. This probably won't show on a simple cout where the floating point values are truncated to a specific fixed decimal position, but should you attempt to use the == operation on the two different summations without incorporating some epsilon value, the result may still test false.