RESTful API and Foreign key handling for POSTs and PUTs - django

I'm helping develop a new API for an existing database.
I'm using Python 2.7.3, Django 1.5 and the django-rest-framework 2.2.4 with PostgreSQL 9.1
I need/want good documentation for the API, but I'm shorthanded and I hate writing/maintaining documentation (one of my many flaws).
I need to allow consumers of the API to add new "POS" (points of sale) locations. In the Postgres database, there is a foreign key from pos to pos_location_type. So, here is a simplified table structure.
id serial,
description text not null
id serial,
pos_name text not null,
pos_location_type_id int not null references pos_location_type(id)
So, to allow them to POST a new pos, they will need to give me a "pos_name" an a valid pos_location_type. So, I've been reading about this stuff all weekend. Lots of debates out there.
How is my API consumers going to know what a pos_location_type is? Or what value to pass here?
It seems like I need to tell them where to get a valid list of pos_locations. Something like:
GET /pos_location/
As a quick note, examples of pos_location_type descriptions might be: ('school', 'park', 'office').
I really like the "Browseability" of of the Django REST Framework, but, it doesn't seem to address this type of thing, and I actually had a very nice chat on IRC with Tom Christie earlier today, and he didn't really have an answer on what to do here (or maybe I never made my question clear).
I've looked at Swagger, and that's a very cool/interesting project, but take a look at their "pet" resource on their demo here. Notice it is pretty similar to what I need to do. To add a new pet, you need to pass a category, which they define as class Category(id: long, name: string). How is the consumer suppose to know what to pass here? What's a valid id? or name?
In Django rest framework, I can define/override what is returned in the OPTION call. I guess I could come up with my own little "system" here and return some information like:
pos-location-url: '/pos_location/'
in the generic form, it would be: {resource}-url: '/path/to/resource_list'
and that would sort of work for the documentation side, but I'm not sure if that's really a nice solution programmatically. What if I change the resources location. That would mean that my consumers would need to programmatically make and OPTIONS call for the resource to figure out all of the relations. Maybe not a bad thing, but feels like a little weird.
So, how do people handle this kind of thing?
Final notes: I get the fact that I don't really want a "leaking" abstaction here and have my database peaking thru the API layer, but the fact remains that there is a foreign_key constraint on this existing database and any insert that doesn't have a valid pos_location_type_id is raising an error.
Also, I'm not trying to open up the URI vs. ID debate. Whether the user has to use the pos_location_type_id int value or a URI doesn't matter for this discussion. In either case, they have no idea what to send me.

I've worked with this kind of stuff in the past. I think there is two ways of approaching this problem, the first you already said it, allow an endpoint for users of the API to know what is the id-like value of the pos_location_type. Many API's do this because a person developing from your API is gonna have to read your documentation and will know where to get the pos_location_type values from. End-users should not worry about this, because they will have an interface showing probably a dropdown list of text values.
On the other hand, the way I've also worked this, not very RESTful-like. Let's suppose you have a location in New York, and the POST could be something like:
POST /pos/new_york/
You can handle /pos/(location_name)/ by normalizing the text, then just search on the database for the value or some similarity, if place does not exist then you just create a new one. That in case users can add new places, if not, then the user would have to know what fixed places exist, which again is the first situation we are in.
that way you can avoid pos_location_type in the request data, you could programatically map it to a valid ID.


Correct REST API URL format for related objects

I'm designing a REST API where, amongst others, there are two objects.
For each Journey there are many Reports enroute, and each Report has exactly one associated Journey.
A user might create a Journey using the API as follows...
POST /journey/
Then retrieve the details...
GET /journey/1226/
The first question is, if a user wanted to post an Report to their Journey, which is the 'correct' URL structure that the API should impose? This seems intuitive to me...
POST /journey/1226/report/
...or is this the case...
POST /report/
...whereby in the latter, the Journey ID is passed in the request body somewhere?
The second question is, how might one go about implementing the first case in a tool such as the Django REST framework?
The URL/URI structure is almost completely irrelevant. It is nice to be able to read it, or easily change or even guess it, but that is it. There is no "requirement" official or unwritten how they should look like.
The point is however, that you supply the URIs to your clients in your responses. Each GET will get you a representation that contains links to the next "states" that your client can reach. This means the server has full control over URI structure, the client usually has to only know the "start" or "homepage" URI, and that's it.
Here is an article which discusses this question, has some good points:
Pass for the second question :) I didn't use that particular framework.

Is this a RESTful way to handle multiple verbs for a resource?

I am attempting to write a Restful API to control a CMS. There are Objects (e.g., An instance of an Article) and each object has multiple Drafts. To work on an object's Drafts, I built a URL like this:
draftIds are not unique unless you provide an objectId.
Hopefully I haven't already messed up with this. But now I have multiple verbs I want to perform on each Draft. Here's a list of verbs:
The way I approached this is to create an endpoint that has an operation query param. And here's an example of how you use it:
POST /cms/objects/3232/drafts/1?operation=CLONE
POST /cms/objects/3232/drafts/1?operation=LOCK
Is there a better way to do this? I'm actually upgrading an already existing API, and the way you used to do something like this is like so:
POST cms/objects/3232/duplicate-draft?source-draft-id=1
POST cms/objects/3232/lock?draft-id=1
I prefer my way, because in my eyes it's more consistent (though I am biased). Is there a better way to do this?
By the way, I am aware of this question that is very similar. The reason I'm creating this new one is that mine is laser focused on the "multiple verb" aspect and his isn't. His is more like, "how do I do multiple verbs and can you teach me lots of other stuff about Restful APIs, too?"
Also, I feel that the accepted answer on that question does not sufficiently address this (see his point 2). For example, my Drafts, do not have a lock=true in their body so I can't easily map the advice from his Change Password section. My Drafts have two fields to represent if the Draft is locked: The user name of the locker and the user id of the locker. It would be inconvenient to have the client pass these both in so my intent above is to abstract that work away from the client.

what's the difference between a collection and a store in REST?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the difference between a "collection" and a "store" in REST. From what I've read so far,
a collection is:
"a server-managed directory of resources"
and a store is a:
"client-managed resource repository"
I found this post: How "store" REST archetype isn't creating a new resource and a new URI?
but it didn't really help me clarify the difference. I mean, I understand one is controlled by the server and the other by the client... but can someone give me a concrete example of what a store might be in a real world application?
I *think it's something like this:
GET{widget_id} -- retrieves a widget from db
POST{widget_id} -- creates a new widget from db
PUT{widget_id},[list of updated parms & their vals] -- update widget
PUT{widget_id} -- updates john doe's profile to add a widget that already exists in the database... but links to it as his favorite one or one that he wants to buy
Is this correct?
if so, could the last PUT also be expressed as a POST somehow?
I found an online link to the book i'm reading... where it makes the distinction between the two:,+get+them+back+out,+and+decide+when+to+delete+them&source=bl&ots=F4CkbFkweL&sig=H6eKZMPR_jQdeBZkBL1h6hVkK_E&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BB-vVJX6HYWvyQTByYHIAg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=A%20store%20is%20a%20client-managed%20resource%20repository.%20A%20store%20resource%20lets%20an%20API%20client%3A%20put%20resources%20in%2C%20get%20them%20back%20out%2C%20and%20decide%20when%20to%20delete%20them&f=false
REST uses http verbs to manipulate resources. Full-Stop. That's it. To build some classes of browser-based application developers sometimes use local storage (a store), but that has absolutely nothing to do with REST (in fact, it's the opposite). Collections are a special consideration in REST-based API design because the REST principles place considerable constraints on how they are represented in the results of your queries -- special consideration also because there are no standards on how these things should be represented and access if you're using anything other than html as a resource type.
REST suggests that when we ask for a resource we receive that resource and only that resource and that things referenced by that resource are returned as links, not as data. This mimics the http standard by which we return the requested page and links to other pages rather than embedding linked pages. So, our resources should return links to related resources, not the resources themselves.
So, what about collections?
Let's use as an example a college management system that has Course objects each of which contains a huge lists of Students.
When I GET the course I don't want to have the collection of students returned as an embedded list, because that could be huge and because my user might not be interested. Instead, I want to know that the course has a students collection and I want to be able to query that collection separately (when I need to) and I want to be able to page it on demand. For this to work, the course needs to link to the students collection URL (maybe with an appropriate type so that my code knows how to handle the link). Then, I want to use the given collection's url to request a paged list of resources. In this example, the collection's url could be something like: course/1/students, with the convention that I can add paging info to the search string to constrain the results with something like course/1/students?page=1&count=10. Embedding the students collection into the course resource would be a violation of REST. I would not be returning a course, I'd be returning course-and-students.

Parameter not supported by web service

I want to validate an opinion with you.
I have to design a web service that searches into a database of restaurants affiliated to a discount program in a specific country around a given address.
The REST call to such a webservice will look like http://server/search?country=<countryCode>&language=<languageCode>&address=<address>&zipcode=<zipcode>
The problem is that some countries do not have zipcodes or do not have them in the entire country.
Now, what would you do if the user passes such a parameter for a country that does not have zipcodes, but he/she passes a valid address?
Return 400 Bad request.
Simply igonre the zipcode parameter and return results based on the valid address
Return an error message in a specific format (e.g. JSON) stating that zipcodes are not supported for that country
Some colleagues are also favoring the following option
4. Simply return no results. And state in the documentation that the zipcode parameter is not supported. Also we have to create a webservice method which returns what fields should be displayed in the user interface.
What option do you think is best and why?
Well the OpenStreetMap Nomination Server returns results even if you dont know the ZIP Code and you can look at the results anyway. What if the user doesnt know the zip code but wants to find hist object?
I would try to search for that specific object anyway, especially because you said that some countries have zip codes partially.
If you simply return nothing te user doesnt know what went wrong and he wont know what to do.
That would depend on the use case. How easy is it for a user of the API to trigger that case? Is it a severe error which the user really should know how to avoid? Or is it something that is not entirely clear, where a user may know (or think he knows) a zipcode where officially there shouldn't be one? Does it come down to trial and error for the user how to retrieve correct results from your API? Is it a bad enough error that the user needs to be informed about it and that he needs to handle this on his side?
If you place this restriction in your API, consider that it will have to be clearly documented when this case is triggered, every user of the API will have to read and understand that documentation, it needs to be clear how to avoid the problem, it needs to be possible for the user to avoid the problem and every user will have to correctly implement extra code on his side to avoid this problem. Is it possible for the user to easily know which areas have zipcodes and which don't?
I think the mantra of "be flexible in what you accept, strict in what you output" applies...

SOAP - Why do I need to query for the original values for an update?

I'm taking over a project and wanted to understand if this is common practice using SOAP. The process that is currently in place I have to query all the values before I do an update cause I need to pass back all the values that are not being updated. Does this sound right?
Example Values:
address=123 main
So if I just wanted to update the phone number I need to query for the record, get all the values and submit these values for an update.
Example Update Values:
address=123 main
I just want to know if this is common practice or should I change the functionality of this?
This is not specific to SOAP. It may simply be how the service is designed. In general, there will be fields that can only be updated if you have the original value: you can't add one to a field unless you know the original value, for instance. The service seems to have been designed for the general case.
I don't think that it is a very "common" practice. However I've seen cases where the old values are posted together with the new values, in order to validate that noone else has updated the values in the meantime.