What are the benefits of using boost::any_range?
Here is an example:
typedef boost::any_range<
, boost::forward_traversal_tag
, int
, std::ptrdiff_t
> integer_range;
void display_integers(const integer_range& rng)
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ","));
std::cout << std::endl;
int main(){
std::vector<int> input{ ... };
std::list<int> input2{ ... };
But the same functionality with more efficiency can be achieved with a template parameter, which satisfies the ForwardRange concept:
template <class ForwardRange>
void display_integers(const ForwardRange& rng)
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ","));
std::cout << std::endl;
So I am searching for scenarios when it is worth to use any_range. Maybe I am missing something.
This technique is called Type Erasure. There is a full article describing the pros and cons on the example of any_iterator: On the Tension Between Object-Oriented and Generic Programming in C++.
It is possible to hide (in a separate file/library) the implementation/definition of
void display_integers(const integer_range& rng)
But in the case of
template <class ForwardRange>
void display_integers(const ForwardRange& rng)
you have to provide source code to users (or at least make explicit instantiations somewhere).
Moreover, in the first case, display_integers will be compiled only once, but in the second it will be compiled for every type of the passed range.
Also, you may have somewhere
integer_range rng;
and during lifetime of rng you may assign ranges of different types to it:
vector<int> v;
list<int> l;
integer_range rng;
rng = v;
rng = l;
The biggest disadvantage of type erasure is its runtime cost; all operations are virtual, and cannot be inlined (easily).
P.S. another famous example of type erasure is std::function
boost::any_range can used for returning ranges from functions. Imagine the following example:
auto make_range(std::vector<int> v) -> decltype(???)
return v | filter([](int x){ return x % 2 == 0;})
| transform([](int x){ return x * 2;});
*: gcc does not compile the above without wrapping it in std::function, hower clang 3.2 works by directly passing the lambda
It is very difficult to know what is being returned from this function. Also, lambda and decltype don't work together so we cannot deduce the type using decltype when passing only a lambda. One solution is to use boost::any_range like the one in your example (another workaround is to use std::function as pointed out by Evgeny Panasyuk in the comments):
integer_range make_range(std::vector<int> v)
return v | filter([](int x){ return x % 2 == 0;})
| transform([](int x){ return x * 2;});
Working example with gcc using std::function.
Working example with clang passing lambdas directly.
I have a working piece of C++17 code that I would like to port to C++14 (project's constraints). The code allocates a functor on the heap, based on the lambda returned by a provider.
decltype(auto) fun_provider(std::string msg)
return [msg](){ std::cout << msg << std::endl; };
int main()
auto fun = std::make_unique<
std::invoke_result_t<decltype(fun_provider), std::string>
>(fun_provider("Provided functor"));
// output: "Provided functor"
The point is, it avoids hardcoding lambda type as std::function<void()>. Up to my best knowledge, the closure type is unspecified and such construction would imply unnecessary copy of the closure object (hope that's correct).
I would like to achieve the same goal with C++14, is it possible? I tried few constructions with std::result_of and/or decltype but didn't succeed so far.
How about routing fun_provider's return value through another pass of template deduction?
template <class T>
auto to_unique(T&& orig) {
using BaseType = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
return std::make_unique<BaseType>(std::forward<T>(orig));
int main()
auto fun = to_unique(fun_provider("Provided functor"));
Is this approach not viable?
auto fun = std::make_unique<
>(fun_provider("Provided functor"));
The use of std::declval isn't even necessary; std::string{} instead of std::declval<std::string>() is just fine.
Just for the sake of completeness and to answer the original question.
The correct solution using std::result_of_t would look like this:
auto fun = std::make_unique<
>(fun_provider("Provided functor"));
I have a third-party function with this signature:
std::vector<T> f(T t);
I also have an existing potentially infinite range (of the range-v3 sort) of T named src. I want to create a pipeline that maps f to all elements of that range and flattens all the vectors into a single range with all their elements.
Instinctively, I would write the following.
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | view::join;
However, this won't work didn't use to work, because we cannot couldn't create views of temporary containers.
UPDATE: This issue has been patched by this commit.
How does range-v3 support such a range pipeline?
It looks like there are now test cases in the range-v3 library that show how to do this correctly. It is necessary to add the views::cache1 operator into the pipeline:
auto rng = views::iota(0,4)
| views::transform([](int i) {return std::string(i, char('a'+i));})
| views::cache1
| views::join('-');
check_equal(rng, {'-','b','-','c','c','-','d','d','d'});
CPP_assert(!range<const decltype(rng)>);
so the solutions for the OP's question would be to write
auto rng = src | views::transform(f) | views::cache1 | views::join;
range-v3 forbids views over temporary containers to help us avoid the creation of dangling iterators. Your example demonstrates exactly why this rule is necessary in view compositions:
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | view::join;
If view::join were to store the begin and end iterators of the temporary vector returned by f, they would be invalidated before ever being used.
"That's all great, Casey, but why don't range-v3 views store temporary ranges like this internally?"
Because performance. Much like how the performance of the STL algorithms is predicated on the requirement that iterator operations are O(1), the performance of view compositions is predicated on the requirement that view operations are O(1). If views were to store temporary ranges in internal containers "behind your back" then the complexity of view operations - and hence compositions - would become unpredictable.
"Ok, fine. Given that I understand all of this wonderful design, how do I MAKE THIS WORK?!??"
Since the view composition won't store the temporary ranges for you, you need to dump them into some kind of storage yourself, e.g.:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <range/v3/range_for.hpp>
#include <range/v3/utility/functional.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/iota.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/join.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
using T = int;
std::vector<T> f(T t) { return std::vector<T>(2, t); }
int main() {
std::vector<T> buffer;
auto store = [&buffer](std::vector<T> data) -> std::vector<T>& {
return buffer = std::move(data);
auto rng = ranges::view::ints
| ranges::view::transform(ranges::compose(store, f))
| ranges::view::join;
unsigned count = 0;
RANGES_FOR(auto&& i, rng) {
if (count) std::cout << ' ';
else std::cout << '\n';
count = (count + 1) % 8;
std::cout << i << ',';
Note that the correctness of this approach depends on the fact that view::join is an input range and therefore single-pass.
"This isn't novice-friendly. Heck, it isn't expert-friendly. Why isn't there some kind of support for 'temporary storage materialization™' in range-v3?"
Because we haven't gotten around to it - patches welcome ;)
I suspect it just can't. None of the views have any machinery to store temporaries anywhere - that's explicitly against the concept of view from the docs:
A view is a lightweight wrapper that presents a view of an underlying sequence of elements in some custom way without mutating or copying it. Views are cheap to create and copy, and have non-owning reference semantics.
So in order for that join to work and outlive the expression, something somewhere has to hold onto those temporaries. That something could be an action. This would work (demo):
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | action::join;
except obviously not for src being infinite, and even for finite src probably adds too much overhead for you to want to use anyway.
You would probably have to copy/rewrite view::join to instead use some subtly modified version of view::all (required here) that instead of requiring an lvalue container (and returning an iterator pair into it), allowed for an rvalue container that it would store internally (and returning an iterator pair into that stored version). But that's several hundred lines' worth of copying code, so seems pretty unsatisfactory, even if that works.
Apparently, the code below violates the rule that views cannot own data they refer to. (However, I don't know if it's strictly forbidden to write something like this.)
I use ranges::view_facade to create a custom view. It holds a vector returned by f (one at a time), changing it to a range. This makes it possible to use view::join on a range of such ranges. Certainly, we can't have a random or bidirectional access to elements (but view::join itself degrades a range to an Input range), nor can we assign to them.
I copied struct MyRange from Eric Niebler's repository modifying it slightly.
#include <iostream>
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>
using namespace ranges;
std::vector<int> f(int i) {
return std::vector<int>(static_cast<size_t>(i), i);
template<typename T>
struct MyRange: ranges::view_facade<MyRange<T>> {
friend struct ranges::range_access;
std::vector<T> data;
struct cursor {
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator iter;
cursor() = default;
cursor(typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it) : iter(it) {}
T const & get() const { return *iter; }
bool equal(cursor const &that) const { return iter == that.iter; }
void next() { ++iter; }
// Don't need those for an InputRange:
// void prev() { --iter; }
// std::ptrdiff_t distance_to(cursor const &that) const { return that.iter - iter; }
// void advance(std::ptrdiff_t n) { iter += n; }
cursor begin_cursor() const { return {data.begin()}; }
cursor end_cursor() const { return {data.end()}; }
MyRange() = default;
explicit MyRange(const std::vector<T>& v) : data(v) {}
explicit MyRange(std::vector<T>&& v) noexcept : data (std::move(v)) {}
template <typename T>
MyRange<T> to_MyRange(std::vector<T> && v) {
return MyRange<T>(std::forward<std::vector<T>>(v));
int main() {
auto src = view::ints(1); // infinite list
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | view::transform(to_MyRange<int>) | view::join;
for_each(rng | view::take(42), [](int i) {
std::cout << i << ' ';
// Output:
// 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9
Compiled with gcc 5.3.0.
The problem here of course is the whole idea of a view - a non-storing layered lazy evaluator. To keep up with this contract, views have to pass around references to range elements, and in general they can handle both rvalue and lvalue references.
Unfortunately in this specific case view::transform can only provide an rvalue reference as your function f(T t) returns a container by value, and view::join expects an lvalue as it tries to bind views (view::all) to inner containers.
Possible solutions will all introduce some kind of temporary storage somewhere into the pipeline. Here are the options I came up with:
Create a version of view::all that can internally store a container passed by an rvalue reference (As suggested by Barry). From my point of view, this violates the
"non-storing view" conception and also requires some painful template
coding so I would suggest against this option.
Use a temporary container for the whole intermediate state after the view::transform step. Can be done either by hand:
auto rng1 = src | view::transform(f)
vector<vector<T>> temp = rng1;
auto rng = temp | view::join;
Or using action::join. This would result in "premature evaluation", will not work with infinite src, will waste some memory, and overall has a completely different semantics from your original intention, so that is hardly a solution at all, but at least it complies with view class contracts.
Wrap a temporary storage around the function you pass into view::transform. The simpliest example is
const std::vector<T>& f_store(const T& t)
static std::vector<T> temp;
temp = f(t);
return temp;
and then pass f_store to the view::transform. As f_store returns an lvalue reference, view::join will not complain now.
This of course is somewhat of a hack and will only work if you then streamline the whole range into some sink, like an output container. I believe it will withstand some straightforward transformations, like view::replace or more view::transforms, but anything more complex can try to access this temp storage in non-straightforward order.
In that case other types of storage can be used, e.g. std::map will fix that problem and will still allow infinite src and lazy evaluation at the expense of some memory:
const std::vector<T>& fc(const T& t)
static std::map<T, vector<T>> smap;
smap[t] = f(t);
return smap[t];
If your f function is stateless, this std::map can also be used to potentially save some calls. This approach can possibly be improved further if there is a way to guarantee that an element will no longer be required and remove it from the std::map to conserve memory. This however depends on further steps of the pipeline and the evaluation.
As these 3 solutions pretty much cover all the places to introduce temporary storage between view::transform and view::join, I think these are all the options you have. I would suggest going with #3 as it will allow you to keep the overall semantics intact and it is quite simple to implement.
range-v3 now has views::cache1, a view that caches the most recent element in the view object itself, and returns a reference to that object. That is how this problem is cleanly and efficiently solved today, as pointed out by user #bradgonesurfing in his answer.
Old, out-of-date answer below, preserved for historical curiosity.
This is another solution that doesn't require much fancy hacking. It comes at the cost of a call to std::make_shared at each call to f. But you're allocating and populating a container in f anyway, so maybe this is an acceptable cost.
#include <range/v3/core.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/iota.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/join.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
std::vector<int> f(int i) {
return std::vector<int>(3u, i);
template <class Container>
struct shared_view : ranges::view_interface<shared_view<Container>> {
std::shared_ptr<Container const> ptr_;
shared_view() = default;
explicit shared_view(Container &&c)
: ptr_(std::make_shared<Container const>(std::move(c)))
ranges::range_iterator_t<Container const> begin() const {
return ranges::begin(*ptr_);
ranges::range_iterator_t<Container const> end() const {
return ranges::end(*ptr_);
struct make_shared_view_fn {
template <class Container,
shared_view<std::decay_t<Container>> operator()(Container &&c) const {
return shared_view<std::decay_t<Container>>{std::forward<Container>(c)};
constexpr make_shared_view_fn make_shared_view{};
int main() {
using namespace ranges;
auto rng = view::ints | view::transform(compose(make_shared_view, f)) | view::join;
RANGES_FOR( int i, rng ) {
std::cout << i << '\n';
I have a third-party function with this signature:
std::vector<T> f(T t);
I also have an existing potentially infinite range (of the range-v3 sort) of T named src. I want to create a pipeline that maps f to all elements of that range and flattens all the vectors into a single range with all their elements.
Instinctively, I would write the following.
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | view::join;
However, this won't work didn't use to work, because we cannot couldn't create views of temporary containers.
UPDATE: This issue has been patched by this commit.
How does range-v3 support such a range pipeline?
It looks like there are now test cases in the range-v3 library that show how to do this correctly. It is necessary to add the views::cache1 operator into the pipeline:
auto rng = views::iota(0,4)
| views::transform([](int i) {return std::string(i, char('a'+i));})
| views::cache1
| views::join('-');
check_equal(rng, {'-','b','-','c','c','-','d','d','d'});
CPP_assert(!range<const decltype(rng)>);
so the solutions for the OP's question would be to write
auto rng = src | views::transform(f) | views::cache1 | views::join;
range-v3 forbids views over temporary containers to help us avoid the creation of dangling iterators. Your example demonstrates exactly why this rule is necessary in view compositions:
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | view::join;
If view::join were to store the begin and end iterators of the temporary vector returned by f, they would be invalidated before ever being used.
"That's all great, Casey, but why don't range-v3 views store temporary ranges like this internally?"
Because performance. Much like how the performance of the STL algorithms is predicated on the requirement that iterator operations are O(1), the performance of view compositions is predicated on the requirement that view operations are O(1). If views were to store temporary ranges in internal containers "behind your back" then the complexity of view operations - and hence compositions - would become unpredictable.
"Ok, fine. Given that I understand all of this wonderful design, how do I MAKE THIS WORK?!??"
Since the view composition won't store the temporary ranges for you, you need to dump them into some kind of storage yourself, e.g.:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <range/v3/range_for.hpp>
#include <range/v3/utility/functional.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/iota.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/join.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
using T = int;
std::vector<T> f(T t) { return std::vector<T>(2, t); }
int main() {
std::vector<T> buffer;
auto store = [&buffer](std::vector<T> data) -> std::vector<T>& {
return buffer = std::move(data);
auto rng = ranges::view::ints
| ranges::view::transform(ranges::compose(store, f))
| ranges::view::join;
unsigned count = 0;
RANGES_FOR(auto&& i, rng) {
if (count) std::cout << ' ';
else std::cout << '\n';
count = (count + 1) % 8;
std::cout << i << ',';
Note that the correctness of this approach depends on the fact that view::join is an input range and therefore single-pass.
"This isn't novice-friendly. Heck, it isn't expert-friendly. Why isn't there some kind of support for 'temporary storage materialization™' in range-v3?"
Because we haven't gotten around to it - patches welcome ;)
I suspect it just can't. None of the views have any machinery to store temporaries anywhere - that's explicitly against the concept of view from the docs:
A view is a lightweight wrapper that presents a view of an underlying sequence of elements in some custom way without mutating or copying it. Views are cheap to create and copy, and have non-owning reference semantics.
So in order for that join to work and outlive the expression, something somewhere has to hold onto those temporaries. That something could be an action. This would work (demo):
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | action::join;
except obviously not for src being infinite, and even for finite src probably adds too much overhead for you to want to use anyway.
You would probably have to copy/rewrite view::join to instead use some subtly modified version of view::all (required here) that instead of requiring an lvalue container (and returning an iterator pair into it), allowed for an rvalue container that it would store internally (and returning an iterator pair into that stored version). But that's several hundred lines' worth of copying code, so seems pretty unsatisfactory, even if that works.
Apparently, the code below violates the rule that views cannot own data they refer to. (However, I don't know if it's strictly forbidden to write something like this.)
I use ranges::view_facade to create a custom view. It holds a vector returned by f (one at a time), changing it to a range. This makes it possible to use view::join on a range of such ranges. Certainly, we can't have a random or bidirectional access to elements (but view::join itself degrades a range to an Input range), nor can we assign to them.
I copied struct MyRange from Eric Niebler's repository modifying it slightly.
#include <iostream>
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>
using namespace ranges;
std::vector<int> f(int i) {
return std::vector<int>(static_cast<size_t>(i), i);
template<typename T>
struct MyRange: ranges::view_facade<MyRange<T>> {
friend struct ranges::range_access;
std::vector<T> data;
struct cursor {
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator iter;
cursor() = default;
cursor(typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it) : iter(it) {}
T const & get() const { return *iter; }
bool equal(cursor const &that) const { return iter == that.iter; }
void next() { ++iter; }
// Don't need those for an InputRange:
// void prev() { --iter; }
// std::ptrdiff_t distance_to(cursor const &that) const { return that.iter - iter; }
// void advance(std::ptrdiff_t n) { iter += n; }
cursor begin_cursor() const { return {data.begin()}; }
cursor end_cursor() const { return {data.end()}; }
MyRange() = default;
explicit MyRange(const std::vector<T>& v) : data(v) {}
explicit MyRange(std::vector<T>&& v) noexcept : data (std::move(v)) {}
template <typename T>
MyRange<T> to_MyRange(std::vector<T> && v) {
return MyRange<T>(std::forward<std::vector<T>>(v));
int main() {
auto src = view::ints(1); // infinite list
auto rng = src | view::transform(f) | view::transform(to_MyRange<int>) | view::join;
for_each(rng | view::take(42), [](int i) {
std::cout << i << ' ';
// Output:
// 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9
Compiled with gcc 5.3.0.
The problem here of course is the whole idea of a view - a non-storing layered lazy evaluator. To keep up with this contract, views have to pass around references to range elements, and in general they can handle both rvalue and lvalue references.
Unfortunately in this specific case view::transform can only provide an rvalue reference as your function f(T t) returns a container by value, and view::join expects an lvalue as it tries to bind views (view::all) to inner containers.
Possible solutions will all introduce some kind of temporary storage somewhere into the pipeline. Here are the options I came up with:
Create a version of view::all that can internally store a container passed by an rvalue reference (As suggested by Barry). From my point of view, this violates the
"non-storing view" conception and also requires some painful template
coding so I would suggest against this option.
Use a temporary container for the whole intermediate state after the view::transform step. Can be done either by hand:
auto rng1 = src | view::transform(f)
vector<vector<T>> temp = rng1;
auto rng = temp | view::join;
Or using action::join. This would result in "premature evaluation", will not work with infinite src, will waste some memory, and overall has a completely different semantics from your original intention, so that is hardly a solution at all, but at least it complies with view class contracts.
Wrap a temporary storage around the function you pass into view::transform. The simpliest example is
const std::vector<T>& f_store(const T& t)
static std::vector<T> temp;
temp = f(t);
return temp;
and then pass f_store to the view::transform. As f_store returns an lvalue reference, view::join will not complain now.
This of course is somewhat of a hack and will only work if you then streamline the whole range into some sink, like an output container. I believe it will withstand some straightforward transformations, like view::replace or more view::transforms, but anything more complex can try to access this temp storage in non-straightforward order.
In that case other types of storage can be used, e.g. std::map will fix that problem and will still allow infinite src and lazy evaluation at the expense of some memory:
const std::vector<T>& fc(const T& t)
static std::map<T, vector<T>> smap;
smap[t] = f(t);
return smap[t];
If your f function is stateless, this std::map can also be used to potentially save some calls. This approach can possibly be improved further if there is a way to guarantee that an element will no longer be required and remove it from the std::map to conserve memory. This however depends on further steps of the pipeline and the evaluation.
As these 3 solutions pretty much cover all the places to introduce temporary storage between view::transform and view::join, I think these are all the options you have. I would suggest going with #3 as it will allow you to keep the overall semantics intact and it is quite simple to implement.
range-v3 now has views::cache1, a view that caches the most recent element in the view object itself, and returns a reference to that object. That is how this problem is cleanly and efficiently solved today, as pointed out by user #bradgonesurfing in his answer.
Old, out-of-date answer below, preserved for historical curiosity.
This is another solution that doesn't require much fancy hacking. It comes at the cost of a call to std::make_shared at each call to f. But you're allocating and populating a container in f anyway, so maybe this is an acceptable cost.
#include <range/v3/core.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/iota.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/join.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
std::vector<int> f(int i) {
return std::vector<int>(3u, i);
template <class Container>
struct shared_view : ranges::view_interface<shared_view<Container>> {
std::shared_ptr<Container const> ptr_;
shared_view() = default;
explicit shared_view(Container &&c)
: ptr_(std::make_shared<Container const>(std::move(c)))
ranges::range_iterator_t<Container const> begin() const {
return ranges::begin(*ptr_);
ranges::range_iterator_t<Container const> end() const {
return ranges::end(*ptr_);
struct make_shared_view_fn {
template <class Container,
shared_view<std::decay_t<Container>> operator()(Container &&c) const {
return shared_view<std::decay_t<Container>>{std::forward<Container>(c)};
constexpr make_shared_view_fn make_shared_view{};
int main() {
using namespace ranges;
auto rng = view::ints | view::transform(compose(make_shared_view, f)) | view::join;
RANGES_FOR( int i, rng ) {
std::cout << i << '\n';
Is it possible to generate new type whenever a function is called?
I've read that each lambda has its own unique type, so I've tried:
template<class T, class F> struct Tag { };
template<class T>
auto func(const T &t) -> auto
auto f = [] () {};
return Tag<T, decltype(f)>();
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<decltype(func(0)), decltype(func(1))>, "type should be different.");
But, static_assert fails.
Can I make func() return a value of different type whenever func() called regardless of type T and the value of t?
No, not when the function is called. Types are generated at compile time, not at runtime.
Have a look at the question Can the 'type' of a lambda expression be expressed? Here is a code based on an answer from there.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
int main()
auto n = [](int l, int r) { return l > r; };
auto m = [](int l, int r) { return l > r; };
std::set<int, decltype(n)> s(n);
std::set<int, decltype(m)> ss(m);
std::set<int, decltype(m)> sss(m);
std::cout << (std::is_same<decltype(s), decltype(ss)>::value ? "same" : "different") << '\n';
std::cout << (std::is_same<decltype(ss), decltype(sss)>::value ? "same" : "different") << '\n';
C++ is a statically typed language, which means the types only exist in the source code, and there is little trace of them left in the runtime.
Lambdas are no exception - they do have unique types, but those are defined at the compile time.
Templates can indeed be used to generate new types, and that is possible because templates are evaluated at compile time and therefore only exist in the source code as well.
So the strict answer is no, you cannot generate new types when the function is called, as function calls happen in runtime.
This being said, you can achieve pretty much any desirable flexibility in C++ with some clever design, just check out some common design patterns.
Dear Stack Exchange Experts,
I am trying to set up a class (multivariate distribution function) that stores boost distributions in a std::vector (marginal distribution functions).
While this is possible using boost::variant (see my question: Boost: Store Pointers to Distributions in Vector), I also gave boost::any a try.
The reason being that with variant I have to hard-code the potential types (marginal distributions) when setting up the variant and I wanted to avoid this.
While the different implemented distribution classes do not share a common parent class, there are functions such as boost::math::cdf or boost::math::pdf that can be applied to all distributions, and that I want to apply iterating over the std::vector.
Working with any I produced the code below (which is running fine), but now I have the problem that the function any_cdf needs to check the types.
While I circumvented hard-coding the types when setting up the vector (as for variant) I now need to hard-code the types in the any_cdf function (while the solution with variants can handle the application of the cdf function via a templated visitor function, and thus without any type specifications) which means lots of code to manage, lots of if statements...
However, the logic does not change at all (I cast the type, then apply the cdf function in all if statements), and I wouldn't really care how the function behaves if something other than a boost distribution gets stored in the list.
So is there any chance to have my cake and eat it, meaning not being forced to hard-code the casting type of the distribution in any_cdf (much like a templated visitor function for variants)?
Thanks so much for your help, H.
P.s. if this is not feasible, would I generally be better of with boost::any or boost::variant in this situation?
#include <boost/math/distributions.hpp>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
//template function to apply cdf
template<class T> T any_cdf(boost::any a, T &x){
//declare return value
T y;
//cast any with hardcoded types
if (a.type() == typeid(boost::math::normal_distribution<T>)){
y = boost::math::cdf(boost::any_cast< boost::math::normal_distribution<T> >(a),x);
} else if (a.type() == typeid(boost::math::students_t_distribution<T>)){
y = boost::math::cdf(boost::any_cast< boost::math::students_t_distribution<T> >(a), x);
} else {
//return NaN in case of failure or do something else (throw exception...)
y = std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
int main (int, char*[])
//get distribution objects
boost::math::normal_distribution<double> s;
boost::math::students_t_distribution<double> t(1);
//use any to put just any kind of objects in one vector
std::vector<boost::any> vec_any;
//evaluation point and return value
double y;
double x = 1.96;
for (std::vector<boost::any>::const_iterator iter = vec_any.begin(); iter != vec_any.end(); ++iter){
y = any_cdf<double>(*iter,x);
std::cout << y << std::endl;
return 0;
Edit: Concerning the comments any seems not to be the easiest/best choice for the task at hand. However for completeness reasons a visitor like implementation for boost::any is discussed at:
visitor pattern for boost::any
Note See my older answer for a discussion of solutions a vector and boost::any vs. boost::variant.
If you don't actually need a dynamic vector of distributions - but just want to apply a statically known list of distributions, you can "get away" with a tuple<> of them.
Now, with a bit (well, a lot) of magic from Phoenix and Fusion, you can "just" adapt the cdf function as a Lazy Actor:
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(double, cdf_, boost::math::cdf, 2)
In which case an equivalent extended code sample shrinks to: See it Live On Coliru
int main()
typedef boost::tuple<bm::normal, bm::students_t> Dists;
Dists dists(bm::normal(), bm::students_t(1));
double x = 1.96;
boost::fusion::for_each(dists, std::cout << cdf_(arg1, x) << "\n");
std::cout << "\nComposite (multiplication):\t" << boost::fusion::accumulate(dists, 1.0, arg1 * cdf_(arg2, x));
std::cout << "\nComposite (mean):\t\t" << boost::fusion::accumulate(dists, 0.0, arg1 + cdf_(arg2, x)) / boost::tuples::length<Dists>::value;
Whoah. That's... hardly 6 lines of code :) And the best part is it's all c++03 compatible already.
Update This is the answer assuming a vector and boost::any vs. boost::variant. If you can use a tuple<> see my other answer
You will end up hardcoding the potential types one way or another.
With variant, you can group and hide the complexities by using visitor:
struct invoke_member_foo : boost::static_visitor<double>
template <typename Obj, typename... Args>
double operator()(Obj o, Args const&... a) const {
return o.foo(a...);
This can be applied to your variant like
boost::apply_visitor(invoke_member_foo(), my_variant);
With boost any, you'd do the typeswitching the boring and manual way:
if (auto dist1 = boost::any_cast<distribution1_t>(&my_any))
else if (auto dist2 = boost::any_cast<distribution2_t>(&my_any))
else if (auto dist3 = boost::any_cast<distribution3_t>(&my_any))
IMO this is clearly inferior for maintainability e.g.
you can't easily extend the type list with an element type that is similar enough to satisfy the same concept and have it support - you'll need to add cases to the type-switch manually (and if you don't - you're out of luck, there is no error and you'll have (silent) bugs. With variant you'll just get a compile error whenever your visitor doesn't handle your type.
this work ^ (the type switching) gets duplicated for each operation that you want to implement across the board. Of course, you can implement the type-switch once, and provide the actual implementation as a functor, but at that moment you'll have implemented the exact equivalent of a static_visitor as I showed for the variant, except with far less efficient implementation.
boost::any can only contain values that are CopyConstructible. Boost variant can even contain references (e.g. boost::variant<dist1_t&, dist2_t&>) and has (some) move-semantics support
In short, boost::any saves on time thought in advance, but all it does is shift the work to the call-sites.
On a positive note, let me share with you an idiom I like, which makes visitors accessible as ordinary free functions. Let's rewrite your any_cdf function for the variant:
namespace detail
template <typename T> struct var_cdf_visitor : boost::static_visitor<T> {
template <typename Dist>
T operator()(Dist& dist, T& x) const { return boost::math::cdf(dist, x); }
template<class T> T var_cdf(VarDist<T> a, T &x)
static detail::var_cdf_visitor<T> vis;
return boost::apply_visitor(
boost::bind(vis, ::_1, boost::ref(x)),
A full running program can be found Live On Coliru
Demo Listing
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/math/distributions.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
namespace detail
template <typename T> struct var_cdf_visitor : boost::static_visitor<T> {
template <typename Dist>
T operator()(Dist const& dist, T const& x) const { return boost::math::cdf(dist, x); }
template<class T, typename... Dist> T var_cdf(boost::variant<Dist...> const& a, T const& x) {
return boost::apply_visitor(boost::bind(detail::var_cdf_visitor<T>(), ::_1, x), a);
int main()
namespace bm = boost::math;
typedef std::vector<boost::variant<bm::normal, bm::students_t> > Vec;
Vec vec { bm::normal(), bm::students_t(1) };
//evaluation point and return value
double x = 1.96;
for (auto& dist : vec)
std::cout << var_cdf(dist,x) << std::endl;
Actually, though I used a bit of c++11, this could be made even prettier using some c++1y features (if your compiler has them).
And lastly, you can make work for c++03 too; it would just require more time than I currently have to throw at it.
What about:
int main (int, char*[])
boost::math::normal_distribution<double> s;
boost::math::students_t_distribution<double> t(1);
typedef std::vector<boost::function<double (double)> > vec_t;
vec_t vec_func;
vec_func.push_back(boost::bind(boost::math::cdf<double>, boost::ref(s), _1));
vec_func.push_back(boost::bind(boost::math::cdf<double>, boost::ref(t), _1));
//evaluation point and return value
double y;
double x = 1.96;
for (vec_t::const_iterator iter = vec_func.begin(); iter != vec_func.end(); ++iter){
y = (*iter)(x);
std::cout << y << std::endl;
return 0;
Binding argument to a function template can be tricky though.