Media folder out of web server root hierarchy - wamp

I want to have an offline website (no intention to make it available outside the LAN), to handle several pictures in my user picture folder (and they have to stay where they are), but the thing is that I dont know if I can access them from WAMP, as it's outside the folder hierarchy.
Also thought about another solution that maybe exists some webserver for PHP, like what SQLite is for SQL, lightweight standalone program that doesn't need any installation, and that can be placed anywhere.
Thanks in advance,
any help would be very apreciated :)

There's a few ways to can go about this:
Use Mod_Rewrite to direct URLs from something like '/pictures' to the location of the pictures, see
Change the document root of the apache server in httpd.conf to the location of the pictures (probably not what you want)
Add another virtual server to apache and set its document root to the location of the pictures
(again, probably not what you want but thought I'd suggest it)
Add a symbolic link, not quite sure how it would work (if at all) in Windows but again, something you can look at


Embedding a functional website inside a Squarespace webpage

First of all, thank you for everything that you do. Without this community, I would hate web design and be reliant on my teacher's outdated, static methods. Much love <3
So, this is a tricky one (maybe).
I want to have, essentially, an iframe on a webpage that contains a website I coded previously. It was a project for school that never went live, but I'd like to include it as part of my portfolio. Problem is, an iframe needs a URL for a source, but I just have the folder with more folders full of code, fonts, and images. How can I tell the browser to populate this box with everything from "name" folder? And then how will it know to run the code instead of just showing a file tree or something?
In the end, I want a page describing a previous web project and let the client experience that project within the one page. And I don't want to get a domain for every project I do.
Maybe there's an easier way I'm not thinking of?
To make it interesting, my new portfolio site is being made in Squarespace...maybe. I bought a domain from them because I had a promo code and wanted to try the platform, but I kind of hate it. I can't change any of the code and it won't maintain a connection to Typekit. So all I can do is change the basic appearance of preexisting elements. It's like WordPress all over again....LAME! Sadly, I already bought the domain.
Can Squarespace just be a host? Is there a way to download the raw code of these templates, edit it, and upload it again?
Thanks for all your help!
I want to have, essentially, an iframe on a webpage that contains a
website I coded previously.
Squarespace's file upload mechanism is very limited. Without using the Developers Platform, there is no effective way to upload many files at once. Furthermore, there is no way to create folders. Therefore, even if you were willing to upload each .html file and each asset one-by-one, there'd be no way to organize the files into folders (assuming that the "tree" you mentioned includes additional sub-folders).
Initially, in order to get the files to be accessible by Squarespace, you'd have to do one of the following:
Use Squarespace Developers Platform (A.K.A. "Developer Mode") and upload your to-be-iframed
(TBI) website files to the "assets" folder using SFTP or Git.
Host your TBI website files somewhere else (a different host
environment, for example) which will maintain your file/folder
How can I tell the browser to populate this box with everything from
"name" folder? And then how will it know to run the code instead of
just showing a file tree or something?
Assuming that the TBI website has an index.html file or home.html file or similar, and assuming you were to use the Squarespace Developer Platform, you'd insert the iframe either in a Code Block or within a template/.region file directly using something like
<iframe src="/assets/tbiwebsitefolder/index.html"></iframe>
while setting your other iframe attributes (such as height and width) as needed.
Is there a way to download the raw code of these templates, edit it,
and upload it again?
Yes. You select a template and then enable Developer Mode on that template. From there, you use SFTP or Git to download the template files, edit, and reupload.
You may benefit by reviewing some considerations of enabling Developer Mode on a Squarespace Template.
One other idea, to avoid the iframe and Developer Mode entirely, would be to capture images of the TBI website rendered in a browser, and then simply add those images to a gallery block or gallery page. This could allow you to convey the general idea of the project but would of course not capture the full "experience" of it.

Django + mod_wsgi - How to disable access to files outside of project folder?

I want to make more secure my django virtual host by disabling the access of files that do not belong to my project. So basically I'm looking for similiar like "php_admin_value open_basedir".
Is there a simple way to do this?
There's no need for a setting. As the Django docs state, your code should not be in the docroot anyway:
Where should this code live?
If your background is in plain old PHP (with no use of modern
frameworks), you’re probably used to putting code under the Web
server’s document root (in a place such as /var/www). With Django, you
don’t do that. It’s not a good idea to put any of this Python code
within your Web server’s document root, because it risks the
possibility that people may be able to view your code over the Web.
That’s not good for security.
Put your code in some directory outside of the document root, such as
The only thing that should be served is the wsgi file. So the rest of your files are safe.

how do I create the URL "" from

I believe a subdirectory would be I would like the "m" at the front so as to appear "".
What do I call that type of directory?
I currently have a stylesheet for mobile and it just sits in my root directory and is used with a media query when someone with a small screen visits my site. The mobile optimized sheet uses the main index.htm page.
How would I change the folders in my directory to show "" when someone is visiting from mobile?
It's not a directory at all. First you need to add a DNS entry for, then you need to configure your web server software to serve requests to that host name from the directory you wish.
How you do that depends on your host, your web serving software and how easily you can reconfigure things. It's a bunch of combinations and you haven't given anywhere near enough detail for anyone to answer.

Serving static files with logic in django (keeping a downloadcount)

I have a site which enables the user to download certain files. However I want to keep a download count for each file so going the usual way by putting the static files on a different subdomain and then letting apache do the heavy lifting is not a way as well as HttpResponseRedirecting the user to a subdomain isn't good because then the user 'sees' the proper download url and can therefore download the file without incrementing the download count. I could just build a view which then serve()s the file however i am worried about that "big fat disclaimer". How would you/did you implement this? I am quite shure I am not the only one with that problem.
About the Platform: I am using apache and mod_wsgi.
Thank you
We've implemented a system where we needed to control download access to (largish) static files, naturally not wanting Django to serve them itself. We came up with a scheme whereby the Django app, after validating that the user was allowed to download the file (or increment a counter, in your case) we would create a randomly-named symlink to the file, which Apache had access to (be careful: make sure directory indexing is off etc), and then redirect the user to that symlink to be served by Apache.
We have a "cleanup" cronjob that cleans up symlink a minute after they're created, so if they want to download it again, they have to go through Django and have it counted again. Now, theoretically they could download it more than once in that time, but is that likely to happen? You could clean up more than every minute: Apache just needs the symlink to exist at the beginning of the download, not throughout the whole thing.
I'd be curious to know how others address this problem, as I agree with the OP that it is a common scenario.
psj's answer is definitely one viable option. Another option you should investigate is putting a reverse-proxy server in-front of apache like Perlbal which supports "X-REPROXY-URL" headers.
Once you have the reverse-proxy server in place, instead of sending the user a redirect response, you can send a response with the "X-REPROXY-URL" header set to a URL where the proxy server can access but the user can't. The proxy server will then read in the file from the location you sent in the header, and then serve it out to your client. They'll do so in an efficient way and since all your Django app server needs to send is a response with a header set, it is free to handle another request.
The easiest way to do this is to use Apache's X-Sendfile header. Just set the value of the header to the file path and Apache will send the file for you. This blog post has some more details: .
I did this with django-counter not to long ago. Lets you keep track of the counts in the admin.

Django's admin pages are missing their typical formatting/style, have I set it up wrong?

I finally got my django install working, however I'm noticing that the typical look and feel of the admin pages are missing, and it's as if there are no styles applied to the structure of the pages. Do I have some kind of setup issue or pathing issue that's preventing the style sheets from being found? Where are they stored? My pages look like they are from 1994.
Sounds like your admin media isn't being served correctly. In your, there's a variable called ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX, which specifies the URL where Django should look for them. The actual media files are in "[path to your Python site-packages]/django/contrib/admin/media". When using runserver, the files are served "automagically". However, when using Apache/nginx/etc it's your responsibility to make sure that your server makes the files available at that URL (using rewrite rules, symlinks, etc). More info can be found here.
I've solved this issue simply with the alias on apache:
Alias /static/admin/ /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/
Alias admin/media/ /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/
You need to provide more info for use to help you properly. However, this is most probably because didn't set up your Web server to serve static file, and therefor, the admin CSS is not loaded.
To solve this, got the the admin and look at the HTML source. You'll css the path to the admind css. Make your web server service this file on this path.