C++ vector out of memory - c++

I have a very large vector (millions of entries 1024 bytes each). I am exceeding the maximum size of the vector (getting a bad memory alloc exception). I am doing a recursive operation over the vector of items which requires accessing other elements in the vector. The operations need to be done quickly. I am trying to avoid writing to disk for speed reasons. Is there any other way to store this data that would not require writing to disk? If I have to write the data to disk, what would be the most ideal way to do it>
edit for a few more details.
The operations that I am performing on the data set is generating a string recursively based on other data points in the vector. The data is sorted when it is read in. Data sets ranging from 50,000 to 50,000,0000.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to use STXXL. It's a reimplementation of the STL for large structures that transparently writes to disk when the data won't fit in memory.

Your problem cannot be solved as stated and clarified in the comments.
You have requested a way to have a contiguous in-memory buffer of 50,000,000 entries of size 1024 on a 32 bit system.
A 32 bit system has only 4294967296 bytes of addressable memory. You are asking for 51200000000 bytes of addressable memory, or 11.9 times the amount of memory address space on your system.
If you don't require that your data be contiguous and memory-addressable, if you don't require that your data all be in memory at once, or if you relax other requirements, there may be an answer to your problem. Ie, some OSs expose access to a non-memory space of values that corresponds to RAM (there where ways in 8 gig windows systems to use more than 4 gigs of total RAM) through some hacky interface or other.
But as stated, the answer is "no, you cannot do that".

Because your data must be contiguous, and you know how many elements you need to store, just create a std::vector and use the reserve() function to attempt to gain a contiguous block of memory of the required size.
There is very little overhead in storing a vector (just a few pointers to manage the beginning and end). This is as good as you'll be able to do.
If that fails:
add more memory to your machine (may not actually help, if you've run up against addressing or implementation constraints)
switch to a raw array
find a way to reduce the size of your elements
try to find a solution that can tackle the problem in small blocks

That is 1GB of memory (1024KB * 10^6 = 1MB * 10^3 = 1GB). Ideally for a 32 bit machine upto 4GB memory operations can be performed.
To answer your question, try first a normal malloc() call and allocate 1 GB of memory. This should be done without any error.
Also, please paste the exact error msg that you get while using the vector.


Allocating aligned memory for larger arrays

In my program I want to allocate 32 byte aligned memory to use SSE/AVX. The amount I want to allocate is somewhere around 2000*1300*17*17*4(large data set). I tried using functions _aligned_malloc() and _mm_malloc but for larger sizes it doesn't allocate memory and results in a access violation exception. If the amount allocated is small like around 512*320*4*17*17(small data set) then the code work fine.
Here these functions return a null pointer when allocation is done for large data set.But works fine when input data size is small. Also here if I just use unaligned memory allocation using new then code works fine for large data set too.
Finally Can someone tell me Is there any significant performance gains in using aligned memory for AVX.
Edit: After some research according to this post it says that new allocate memory from free store and malloc() allocate memory from heap. Here I am exceeding maximum heap size as _aligned_malloc() return errno 12 which means ENOMEM in that case Can someone tell me a work around for this.
On memory allocation:
I seems you are actually trying to alocate 2000*1300*17*17*4 32 bytes elements. This is means you are trying to allocate 96 GB while your system has only 12 GB memory.
Since new is working but malloc not it seems your local implementation of new seems to be able to allocate huge amounts of virtual memory. Malloc allocates from the heap which means it is usally limited to the physical amount of memory you've got. That's the reason it fails.
As the dataset is bigger than your main memory you might want to allocate the memory using mmap which maps a file into virtual memory making it accessable as if it was in physical memory (but it will only partially be cached in memory). I'm not sure if it's guaranteed but mmap usally aligns on optimal page size boundary (almost always 4096 byte).
Anyway you will have a huge performance loss due to the fact that your disk is way slower than your RAM. This is so serious that using AVX will probably not speed up anything at all.
On the performance loss of using unaligned memory:
On modern hardware (say Intel's Haswell onwards I think) this depends on your access patterns. Unaligned access should have almost no performance overhead on iterating over the array in memory order (each cache line will still be loaded only once). If you access it in random order than you will often cross the 64 byte cache line boundry. This means your processor will have to load 2 lines into cache and remove 2 lines from the cache instead of only one. While this might be a serious problem for some situations in your case the disk will slows things down so much that you will barely notice this.
Addtional tips (or a shot in the dark):
The way you gave the size of the array (2000*1300*17*17*4) suggests that you are using a multidimensional array (e.g. auto x = new __m256[2000][1300][17][17][4]). So some tipps on that:
Iterate through it mostly sequential
Check if it is sparse (meaning some of the memory will never be accessed) and shrink it if possible.
You could try to flatten the array and do more complex index calculation yourself in order to reduce the amount of memory need. If you get it to fit completely into your RAM you can start to optimise your code (using AVX and/or aligned memory).
"Total paging file size for all drives is 15247MB" suggests that you actually using only parts of that 96 GB so there might be a way to further reduce your usage.
In that case you might also want to ask another question on how to reduce the memory usage with more info on what you are doing.

Memory usage in C++ program

I wrote a program that needs to handle a very large data with the following libraries:
So, I'm having memory problems (The program uses a LOT) and I was thinking maybe I can replace this libraries (with something that already exists or my own implementations):
So, three questions:
How much memory I'd save if I replace vector with a C array? Is it worth it?
Can someone explain how is the memory used in boost::unordered_map and boost::unordered_multimap in the current implementation? Like what's stored in order to achieve their performance.
Can you recommend me some libraries that outperform boost::unordered_map and boost::unordered_multimap in memory usage (But not something too slow) ?
std::vector is memory efficient. I don't know about the boost maps, but the Boost people usually know what they're doing, I doubt you'll save a lot of memory by creating your own variants.
You can do a few other things to help with memory issues:
Compile in 64 bit. Running out of memory in a 64 bit process is very hard.
You won't run out of memory, but memory might get swapped out. You should instead see if you need to load everything into memory at once, perhaps you can work on chunks of the data at a time.
As a side benefit, working on a chunk of the data at a time allows you to run your code in parallel.
With memory being so cheap nowadays, so that allocating 10GB of RAM is very simple, I guess your bottlenecks will be in the processing you do of the data, not of allocating the data.
These two articles explain the data structures underyling some common implementations of unordered associative containers:
Implementation of C++ unordered associative containers
Implementation of C++ unordered associative containers with duplicate elements
Even though there are some differences between implementations, they are modest --one word per element at most. If you go with minimum-overhead solutions such as sorted vectors, this would gain you 2-3 words per element, not even a 2x improvement if your objects are large. So, you'd probably be better off resorting to an environment with more memory or radically changing your approach by using a database or something.
If you have only one set of data and multiple ways of accessing it you can try to use boost::multi_index here is the documentation.
std::vector is basically a contiguous array, plus a few bytes of overhead. About the only way you'll improve with vector is by using a smaller element type. Can you store a short int instead of a regular int? If so, you can cut the vector memory down by half.
Are you perhaps using these containers to hold pointers to many objects on the heap? If so, you may have a lot of wasted space in the heap that could be saved by writing custom allocators, or by doing away with a pointer to a heap element altogether, and by storing a value type within the container.
Look within your class types. Consider all pointer types, and whether they need to be dynamic storage or not. The typical class often has pointer members hanging off a base object, which means a single object is a graph of memory chunks in itself. The more you can inline your class members, the more efficient your use of the heap will be.
RAM is cheap in 2014. Easy enough to build x86-64 Intel boxes with 64-256GB of RAM and Solid State Disk as fast swap if your current box isn't cutting it for the project. Hopefully this isn't a commercial desktop app we are discussing. :)
I ended up by changing boost::unordered_multimap for std::unordered_map of vector.
boost::unordered_multimap consumes more than two times the memory consumed by std::unordered_map of vector due the extra pointers it keeps (at least one extra pointer per element) and the fact that it stores the key and the value of each element, while unordered_map of vector only stores the key once for a vector that contains all the colliding elements.
In my particular case, I was trying to store about 4k million integers, consuming about 15 GB of memory in the ideal case. Using the multimap I get to consume more than 40 GB while using the map I use about 15 GB (a little bit more due the pointers and other structures but their size if despicable).

Very big persistent container for storing large amount of flags sets

The problem is following: I have certain amount of words (let's say 20M), each containing some bits used as flags; all stored in single continuous binary file.
What I would like to do is to get access to those words in container like style, so container_instance[i] allows me to access i-th word. To get things more complicated, I cannot store all words in memory at one time, they have to be stored back to file and memory freed for those not used for long period. To simplify things the whole sequence is partitioned to 1K fragments, so we need to free and allocate such 1K blocks. Memory should be freed after some time or after certain number of times container have been accessed.
Thread safety in nice to have. But I can protect externally.
The implementation I have currently only allocates blocks on demand (empty or read from file if they are available; file is not sparse, so everything after the last byte in file is allocated empty) and it is not nicely done. Not frees at all, so unused blocks remain in memory forever.
I started to think about nice looking solution and I would like to know whether any elements from STL or Boosts can help me build such container not by engraving it step by step from scratch?
I am not expecting full solutions, rather pointing "you can use that for that".
You can use mmap system call to map your file into memory. You can use pointer arithmetic with that buffer, so access by index is not a trouble.
Mapped pages are virutual and managed by the kernel, allowing to save unused memory blocks and load/flush them at transparently to you. Also, using madvise probably can enable some optimisations.

Why is deque using so much more RAM than vector in C++?

I have a problem I am working on where I need to use some sort of 2 dimensional array. The array is fixed width (four columns), but I need to create extra rows on the fly.
To do this, I have been using vectors of vectors, and I have been using some nested loops that contain this:
array[n][0] = a;
array[n][1] = b;
array[n][2] = c;
array[n][3] = d;
to add the rows and their contents. The trouble is that I appear to be running out of memory with the number of elements I was trying to create, so I reduced the number that I was using. But then I started reading about deque, and thought it would allow me to use more memory because it doesn't have to be contiguous. I changed all mentions of "vector" to "deque", in this loop, as well as all declarations. But then it appeared that I ran out of memory again, this time with even with the reduced number of rows.
I looked at how much memory my code is using, and when I am using deque, the memory rises steadily to above 2GB, and the program closes soon after, even when using the smaller number of rows. I'm not sure exactly where in this loop it is when it runs out of memory.
When I use vectors, the memory usage (for the same number of rows) is still under 1GB, even when the loop exits. It then goes on to a similar loop where more rows are added, still only reaching about 1.4GB.
So my question is. Is this normal for deque to use more than twice the memory of vector, or am I making an erroneous assumption in thinking I can just replace the word "vector" with "deque" in the declarations/initializations and the above code?
Thanks in advance.
I'm using:
MS Visual C++ 2010 (32-bit)
Windows 7 (64-bit)
The real answer here has little to do with the core data structure. The answer is that MSVC's implementation of std::deque is especially awful and degenerates to an array of pointers to individual elements, rather than the array of arrays it should be. Frankly, only twice the memory use of vector is surprising. If you had a better implementation of deque you'd get better results.
It all depends on the internal implementation of deque (I won't speak about vector since it is relatively straightforward).
Fact is, deque has completely different guarantees than vector (the most important one being that it supports O(1) insertion at both ends while vector only supports O(1) insertion at the back). This in turn means the internal structures managed by deque have to be more complex than vector.
To allow that, a typical deque implementation will split its memory in several non-contiguous blocks. But each individual memory block has a fixed overhead to allow the memory management to work (eg. whatever the size of the block, the system may need another 16 or 32 bytes or whatever in addition, just for bookkeeping). Since, contrary to a vector, a deque requires many small, independent blocks, the overhead stacks up which can explain the difference you see. Also note that those individual memory blocks need to be managed (maybe in separate structures?), which probably means some (or a lot of) additional overhead too.
As for a way to solve your problem, you could try what #BasileStarynkevitch suggested in the comments, this will indeed reduce your memory usage but it will get you only so far because at some point you'll still run out of memory. And what if you try to run your program on a machine that only has 256MB RAM? Any other solution which goal is to reduce your memory footprint while still trying to keep all your data in memory will suffer from the same problems.
A proper solution when handling large datasets like yours would be to adapt your algorithms and data structures in order to be able to handle small partitions at a time of your whole dataset, and load/save those partitions as needed in order to make room for the other partitions. Unfortunately since it probably means disk access, it also means a big drop in performance but hey, you can't eat the cake and have it too.
There two common ways to efficiently implement a deque: either with a modified dynamic array or with a doubly linked list.
The modified dynamic array uses is basically a dynamic array that can grow from both ends, sometimes called array deques. These array deques have all the properties of a dynamic array, such as constant-time random access, good locality of reference, and inefficient insertion/removal in the middle, with the addition of amortized constant-time insertion/removal at both ends, instead of just one end.
There are several implementations of modified dynamic array:
Allocating deque contents from the center of the underlying array,
and resizing the underlying array when either end is reached. This
approach may require more frequent resizings and waste more space,
particularly when elements are only inserted at one end.
Storing deque contents in a circular buffer, and only resizing when
the buffer becomes full. This decreases the frequency of resizings.
Storing contents in multiple smaller arrays, allocating additional
arrays at the beginning or end as needed. Indexing is implemented by
keeping a dynamic array containing pointers to each of the smaller
Different libraries may implement deques in different ways, but generally as a modified dynamic array. Most likely your standard library uses the approach #1 to implement std::deque, and since you append elements only from one end, you ultimately waste a lot of space. For that reason, it makes an illusion that std::deque takes up more space than usual std::vector.
Furthermore, if std::deque would be implemented as doubly-linked list, that would result in a waste of space too since each element would need to accommodate 2 pointers in addition to your custom data.
Implementation with approach #3 (modified dynamic array approach too) would again result in a waste of space to accommodate additional metadata such as pointers to all those small arrays.
In any case, std::deque is less efficient in terms of storage than plain old std::vector. Without knowing what do you want to achieve I cannot confidently suggest which data structure do you need. However, it seems like you don't even know what deques are for, therefore, what you really want in your situation is std::vector. Deques, in general, have different application.
Deque can have additional memory overhead over vector because it's made of a few blocks instead of contiguous one.
From en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/deque:
As opposed to std::vector, the elements of a deque are not stored contiguously: typical implementations use a sequence of individually allocated fixed-size arrays.
The primary issue is running out of memory.
So, do you need all the data in memory at once?
You may never be able to accomplish this.
Partial Processing
You may want to consider processing the data into "chunks" or smaller sub-matrices. For example, using the standard rectangular grid:
Read data of first quadrant.
Process data of first quandrant.
Store results (in a file) of first quandrant.
Repeat for remaining quandrants.
If you are searching for a particle or a set of datum, you can do that without reading in the entire data set into memory.
Allocate a block (array) of memory.
Read a portion of the data into this block of memory.
Search the block of data.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the data is found.
Streaming Data
If your application is receiving the raw data from an input source (other than a file), you will want to store the data for later processing.
This will require more than one buffer and is more efficient using at least two threads of execution.
The Reading Thread will be reading data into a buffer until the buffer is full. When the buffer is full, it will read data into another empty one.
The Writing Thread will initially wait until either the first read buffer is full or the read operation is finished. Next, the Writing Thread takes data out of the read buffer and writes to a file. The Write Thread then starts writing from the next read buffer.
This technique is called Double Buffering or Multiple Buffering.
Sparse Data
If there is a lot of zero or unused data in the matrix, you should try using Sparse Matrices. Essentially, this is a list of structures that hold the data's coordinates and the value. This also works when most of the data is a common value other than zero. This saves a lot of memory space; but costs a little bit more execution time.
Data Compression
You could also change your algorithms to use data compression. The idea here is to store the data location, value and the number or contiguous equal values (a.k.a. runs). So instead of storing 100 consecutive data points of the same value, you would store the starting position (of the run), the value, and 100 as the quantity. This saves a lot of space, but requires more processing time when accessing the data.
Memory Mapped File
There are libraries that can treat a file as memory. Essentially, they read in a "page" of the file into memory. When the requests go out of the "page", they read in another page. All this is performed "behind the scenes". All you need to do is treat the file like memory.
Arrays and deques are not your primary issue, quantity of data is. Your primary issue can be resolved by processing small pieces of data at a time, compressing the data storage, or treating the data in the file as memory. If you are trying to process streaming data, don't. Ideally, streaming data should be placed into a file and then processed later.
A historical purpose of a file is to contain data that doesn't fit into memory.

Memory calculation of objects inaccurate?

I'm creating a small cache daemon, and I want to limit its memory usage to approximately a specified amount. However, there seems to be an issue just trying to calculate how much memory is in use.
Every time a CacheEntry object is created, it adds the size of a CacheEntry object (apparently 64 bytes) plus the number of bytes used in internal arrays to the counter for how many bytes are in use. When the CacheEntry object is deleted, it subtracts that amount. I can confirm that the math, at least, is correct.
However, when run inside NetBeans, the memory profiler reports vastly different numbers. Roughly twice as high, to be specific. It is not a memory leak, and it is specifically related to the amount of CacheEntry objects currently in existence. Increasing the amount of data stored in the internal arrays actually brings the numbers closer together (as opposed to further apart, if that were being improperly calculated); from this, I have concluded that the overhead of having a CacheEntry object in memory is almost twice what sizeof() is reporting. It does not rise in steps or "chunks".
Is there some common reason why this might happen?
UPDATE: Just to check, I ran my tests without a profiler in place. Linux reports the same VmHWM/VmRSS either way, so the memory profiler is definitely not affecting the calculations.
Perhaps the profiler is adding reference objects to track the objects? Do you see the same results when you run the application in release vs Debug?
Is there some common reason why this might happen?
Yeah, that could be internal fragmentation and overhead of the memory manager. If your data type is small (eg. sizeof(CacheEntry) is 8 bytes), newing such data type might produce a bigger chunk of memory. It is partly used for malloc's internal bookkeeping (it usually stores the size of the block somewhere), partly for padding needed to align your data type on its natural boundary (eg. 8 bytes data + 4 bytes bookkeeping + 4 bytes padding needed to align the whole thing on 8-byte boundary).
You can solve it by allocating from a single continuous array of CacheEntry (eg. CacheEntry array[1000] takes exactly 1000*sizeof(CacheEntry) bytes). You'd have to track the usage of the individual elements in the array, but that should be doable without additional memory. (eg. by running a free-list of entries in the place of the free entries).
This memory bloat is caused by use of new, specifically on relatively small objects. On Windows, dynamically allocated memory incurs a 16- or 24-byte overhead each time; I haven't found the exact numbers for Linux, but it's roughly the same. This is because each allocated chunk needs to record its location and size (possibly more than once) so that it can be accurately freed later.
As far as I'm aware, the running program also does not know exactly how much overhead is involved in this, at least in any way accessible to the programmer.
Generally speaking, large quantities of small objects should use a memory pool, both for speed and memory conservation.