to find power of a decimal number with exponent as floating point number without using math library [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
How can I write a power function myself?
(14 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
using namespace std;
int main()
double x,y,z;
return 0;
this is code to find power of a numbers whose exponent is floating point number i.e 2.3^2.3 if we do using logs and antilogs we can get the answer easily but my interview question was to find power with out using any math library in c++. i googled it and did not able to understand some of the refere nces from google.

You can always implement exp() and log() yourself.
And it's easier to actually implement 2x and log2x for the purpose and use in the same way as exp() and log().
2x = 2integer_part(x)+fractional_part(x) = 2integer_part(x) * 2fractional_part(x)
2fractional_part(x) can be calculated for -1 <= x <= +1 using Taylor series expansion.
And then multiplying by 2integer_part(x) amounts to adjusting the exponent part of the floating point number by integer_part(x) or you can indeed raise 2 to the integer power of integer_part(x) and multiply by that.
Similarly, log2x = log2(x * 2N) - N
where N (an integer, a power of 2) is chosen such that 0.5 <= x * 2N <= 1 (or, alternatively, between 1 and 2).
After choosing N, again, we can use Taylor series expansion to calculate log2(x * 2N).
And that's all, just a little bit of math.
EDIT: It's also possible to use approximating polynomials instead of Taylor series, they are more efficient. Thanks Eric Postpischil for reminding. But you'd probably need a math reference to find or construct those.

You could use Taylor series expansions for ln(x) and e^x:
ln(x) = 2 * sum[ ((x-1)/(x+1))^(2n-1) / (2n-1), n=1..inf ]
= 2 [ (x-1)/(x+1) + (1/3)( (x-1)/(x+1) )^3 + (1/5)( (x-1)/(x+1) )^5 + (1/7) ( (x-1)/(x+1) )^7 + ... ]
e^x = sum( x^n / n!, n = 0 .. inf )
= 1/1 + x/1 + x^2 / 2 + x^3 / 6 + ...
Where you could implement the integral powers as a for-loop and continue the expansion for the desired approximation. Then plug in your values, and badda-bing, badda-boom. Note the convergence regions for the above are for x > 0 for ln(x) and for all values for e^x.


How to write this floating point code in a portable way?

I am working on a cryptocurrency and there is a calculation that nodes must make:
average /= total;
double ratio = average/DESIRED_BLOCK_TIME_SEC;
int delta = -round(log2(ratio));
It is required that every node has the exact same result no matter what architecture or stdlib being used by the system. My understanding is that log2 might have different implementations that yield very slightly different results or flags like --ffast-math could impact the outputted results.
Is there a simple way to convert the above calculation to something that is verifiably portable across different architectures (fixed point?) or am I overthinking the precision that is needed (given that I round the answer at the end).
EDIT: Average is a long and total is an int... so average ends up rounded to the closest second.
DESIRED_BLOCK_TIME_SEC = 30.0 (it's a float) that is #defined
For this kind of calculation to be exact, one must either calculate all the divisions and logarithms exactly -- or one can work backwards.
-round(log2(x)) == round(log2(1/x)), meaning that one of the divisions can be turned around to get (1/x) >= 1.
round(log2(x)) == floor(log2(x * sqrt(2))) == binary_log((int)(x*sqrt(2))).
One minor detail here is, if (double)sqrt(2) rounds down, or up. If it rounds up, then there might exist one or more value x * sqrt2 == 2^n + epsilon (after rounding), where as if it would round down, we would get 2^n - epsilon. One would give the integer value of n the other would give n-1. Which is correct?
Naturally that one is correct, whose ratio to the theoretical mid point x * sqrt(2) is smaller.
x * sqrt(2) / 2^(n-1) < 2^n / (x * sqrt(2)) -- multiply by x*sqrt(2)
x^2 * 2 / 2^(n-1) < 2^n -- multiply by 2^(n-1)
x^2 * 2 < 2^(2*n-1)
In order of this comparison to be exact, x^2 or pow(x,2) must be exact as well on the boundary - and it matters, what range the original values are. Similar analysis can and should be done while expanding x = a/b, so that the inexactness of the division can be mitigated at the cost of possible overflow in the multiplication...
Then again, I wonder how all the other similar applications handle the corner cases, which may not even exist -- and those could be brute force searched assuming that average and total are small enough integers.
Because average is an integer, it makes sense to tabulate those exact integer values, which are on the boundaries of -round(log2(average)).
From octave: d=-round(log2((1:1000000)/30.0)); find(d(2:end) ~= find(d(1:end-1))
1 2 3 6 11 22 43 85 170 340 679 1358 2716
5431 10862 21723 43445 86890 173779 347558 695115
All the averages between [1 2( -> 5
All the averages between [2 3( -> 4
All the averages between [3 6( -> 3
All the averages between [43445 86890( -> -11
int a = find_lower_bound(average, table); // linear or binary search
return 5 - a;
No floating point arithmetic needed

How can find out the contents of exp() built in function of the C numerics library of <cmath>

I recently decided to build a simple calculator programme, but when it came to exponents i was lost. OK you can use , but i'd rather know how they solves the problem of that function, other than an impossible amount of if statements e.g.
else if (y==3){
And so on... So, how did 's exp() do it, and how can i find out?
From An algorithm for calculating exp(x) or e^x:
An algorithm for calculating exp(x) or e^x
This algorithm makes it possible for exp(x) or e^x to be calculated
using only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. The basic idea is to to use a polynomial approximation in
step 3 to calculate e^x. But because this approximation is only
accurate for small arguments x we must take steps 1 and 2 to reduce x
to a smaller value.
Split up x: Write x = n + r, where n is the
nearest integer to x and r is a real number between −½ and +½. Then e^x = e^n · e^r.
Evaluate e^n: Multiply the number e by itself n times. To 14 digits, e
= 2.7182818284590. The multiplication can be done quite efficiently. For example e 8 can be evaluated with just 3 multiplications if it is
written as (((e) 2 ) 2 ) 2. To further increase efficiency various
integer powers of e can be calculated once and stored in a lookup
Evaluate e^r using the polynomial: EXP(r)=e^r=1 + r + (r^2)/2 + (r^3)/6 + (r^4)/24 + (r^5)/120
For r between −½ and +½ this polynomial is accurate to within
If you are interested in the original implementation in the GNU libc library then you can download the sources from here.

Fast integer solution of x(x-1)/2 = c

Given a non-negative integer c, I need an efficient algorithm to find the largest integer x such that
x*(x-1)/2 <= c
Equivalently, I need an efficient and reliably accurate algorithm to compute:
x = floor((1 + sqrt(1 + 8*c))/2) (1)
For the sake of defineteness I tagged this question C++, so the answer should be a function written in that language. You can assume that c is an unsigned 32 bit int.
Also, if you can prove that (1) (or an equivalent expression involving floating-point arithmetic) always gives the right result, that's a valid answer too, since floating-point on modern processors can be faster than integer algorithms.
If you're willing to assume IEEE doubles with correct rounding for all operations including square root, then the expression that you wrote (plus a cast to double) gives the right answer on all inputs.
Here's an informal proof. Since c is a 32-bit unsigned integer being converted to a floating-point type with a 53-bit significand, 1 + 8*(double)c is exact, and sqrt(1 + 8*(double)c) is correctly rounded. 1 + sqrt(1 + 8*(double)c) is accurate to within one ulp, since the last term being less than 2**((32 + 3)/2) = 2**17.5 implies that the unit in the last place of the latter term is less than 1, and thus (1 + sqrt(1 + 8*(double)c))/2 is accurate to within one ulp, since division by 2 is exact.
The last piece of business is the floor. The problem cases here are when (1 + sqrt(1 + 8*(double)c))/2 is rounded up to an integer. This happens if and only if sqrt(...) rounds up to an odd integer. Since the argument of sqrt is an integer, the worst cases look like sqrt(z**2 - 1) for positive odd integers z, and we bound
z - sqrt(z**2 - 1) = z * (1 - sqrt(1 - 1/z**2)) >= 1/(2*z)
by Taylor expansion. Since z is less than 2**17.5, the gap to the nearest integer is at least 1/2**18.5 on a result of magnitude less than 2**17.5, which means that this error cannot result from a correctly rounded sqrt.
Adopting Yakk's simplification, we can write
(uint32_t)(0.5 + sqrt(0.25 + 2.0*c))
without further checking.
If we start with the quadratic formula, we quickly reach sqrt(1/4 + 2c), round up at 1/2 or higher.
Now, if you do that calculation in floating point, there can be inaccuracies.
There are two approaches to deal with these inaccuracies. The first would be to carefully determine how big they are, determine if the calculated value is close enough to a half for them to be important. If they aren't important, simply return the value. If they are, we can still bound the answer to being one of two values. Test those two values in integer math, and return.
However, we can do away with that careful bit, and note that sqrt(1/4 + 2c) is going to have an error less than 0.5 if the values are 32 bits, and we use doubles. (We cannot make this guarantee with floats, as by 2^31 the float cannot handle +0.5 without rounding).
In essense, we use the quadratic formula to reduce it to two possibilities, and then test those two.
uint64_t eval(uint64_t x) {
return x*(x-1)/2;
unsigned solve(unsigned c) {
double test = sqrt( 0.25 + 2.*c );
if ( eval(test+1.) <= c )
return test+1.
ASSERT( eval(test) <= c );
return test;
Note that converting a positive double to an integral type rounds towards 0. You can insert floors if you want.
This may be a bit tangential to your question. But, what caught my attention is the specific formula. You are trying to find the triangular root of Tn - 1 (where Tn is the nth triangular number).
Tn = n * (n + 1) / 2
Tn - n = Tn - 1 = n * (n - 1) / 2
From the nifty trick described here, for Tn we have:
n = int(sqrt(2 * c))
Looking for n such that Tn - 1 ≤ c in this case doesn't change the definition of n, for the same reason as in the original question.
Computationally, this saves a few operations, so it's theoretically faster than the exact solution (1). In reality, it's probably about the same.
Neither this solution or the one presented by David are as "exact" as your (1) though.
floor((1 + sqrt(1 + 8*c))/2) (blue) vs int(sqrt(2 * c)) (red) vs Exact (white line)
floor((1 + sqrt(1 + 8*c))/2) (blue) vs int(sqrt(0.25 + 2 * c) + 0.5 (red) vs Exact (white line)
My real point is that triangular numbers are a fun set of numbers that are connected to squares, pascal's triangle, Fibonacci numbers, et. al.
As such there are loads of identities around them which might be used to rearrange the problem in a way that didn't require a square root.
Of particular interest may be that Tn + Tn - 1 = n2
I'm assuming you know that you're working with a triangular number, but if you didn't realize that, searching for triangular roots yields a few questions such as this one which are along the same topic.

Fast Exponentiation when only k digits are required - continued

Where I need help...
What I want to do now is translate this solution, which calculates the mantissaof a number to c++:
n^m = exp10(m log10(n)) = exp(q (m log(n)/q)) where q = log(10)
Finding the first n digits from the result can be done like this:
"the first K digits of exp10(x) = the first K digits of exp10(frac(x))
where frac(x) = the fractional part of x = x - floor(x)."
My attempts (sparked by the math and this code) failed...:
u l l function getPrefix(long double pow /*exponent*/, long double length /*length of prefix*/)
long double dummy; //unused but necessary for modf
long double q = log(10);
u l l temp = floor(pow(10.0, exp(q * modf( (pow * log(2)/q), &dummy) + length - 1));
return temp;
If anyone out there can correctly implement this solution, I need your help!!
Example output from my attempts:
n: 2
m: 0
n^m: 1
Calculated mantissa: 1.16334
n: 2
m: 1
n^m: 2
Calculated mantissa: 2.32667
n: 2
m: 2
n^m: 4
Calculated mantissa: 4.65335
n: 2
m: 98
n^m: 3.16913e+29
Calculated mantissa: 8.0022
n: 2
m: 99
n^m: 6.33825e+29
Calculated mantissa: 2.16596
I'd avoid pow for this. It's notoriously hard to implement correctly. There are lots of SO questions where people got burned by a bad pow implementation in their standard library.
You can also save yourself a good deal of pain by working in the natural base instead of base 10. You'll get code that looks like this:
long double foo = m * logl(n);
foo = fmodl(foo, logl(10.0)) + some_epsilon;
sprintf(some_string, "%.9Lf", expl(foo));
/* boring string parsing code here */
to compute the appropriate analogue of m log(n). Notice that the largest m * logl(n) that can arise is just a little bigger than 2e10. When you divide that by 264 and round up to the nearest power of two, you see that an ulp of foo is 2-29 at worst. This means, in particular, that you cannot get more than 8 digits out of this method using long doubles, even with a perfect implementation.
some_epsilon will be the smallest long double that makes expl(foo) always exceed the mathematically correct result; I haven't computed it exactly, but it should be on the order of 1e-9.
In light of the precision difficulties here, I might suggest using a library like MPFR instead of long doubles. You may also be able to get something to work using a double double trick and quad-precision exp, log, and fmod.

An efficient way to compute mathematical constant e

The standard representation of constant e as the sum of the infinite series is very inefficient for computation, because of many division operations. So are there any alternative ways to compute the constant efficiently?
Since it's not possible to calculate every digit of 'e', you're going to have to pick a stopping point.
double precision: 16 decimal digits
For practical applications, "the 64-bit double precision floating point value that is as close as possible to the true value of 'e' -- approximately 16 decimal digits" is more than adequate.
As KennyTM said, that value has already been pre-calculated for you in the math library.
If you want to calculate it yourself, as Hans Passant pointed out, factorial already grows very fast.
The first 22 terms in the series is already overkill for calculating to that precision -- adding further terms from the series won't change the result if it's stored in a 64 bit double-precision floating point variable.
I think it will take you longer to blink than for your computer to do 22 divides. So I don't see any reason to optimize this further.
thousands, millions, or billions of decimal digits
As Matthieu M. pointed out, this value has already been calculated, and you can download it from Yee's web site.
If you want to calculate it yourself, that many digits won't fit in a standard double-precision floating-point number.
You need a "bignum" library.
As always, you can either use one of the many free bignum libraries already available, or re-invent the wheel by building your own yet another bignum library with its own special quirks.
The result -- a long file of digits -- is not terribly useful, but programs to calculate it are sometimes used as benchmarks to test the performance and accuracy of "bignum" library software, and as stress tests to check the stability and cooling capacity of new machine hardware.
One page very briefly describes the algorithms Yee uses to calculate mathematical constants.
The Wikipedia "binary splitting" article goes into much more detail.
I think the part you are looking for is the number representation:
instead of internally storing all numbers as a long series of digits before and after the decimal point (or a binary point),
Yee stores each term and each partial sum as a rational number -- as two integers, each of which is a long series of digits.
For example, say one of the worker CPUs was assigned the partial sum,
... 1/4! + 1/5! + 1/6! + ... .
Instead of doing the division first for each term, and then adding, and then returning a single million-digit fixed-point result to the manager CPU:
// extended to a million digits
1/24 + 1/120 + 1/720 => 0.0416666 + 0.0083333 + 0.00138888
that CPU can add all the terms in the series together first with rational arithmetic, and return the rational result to the manager CPU: two integers of perhaps a few hundred digits each:
// faster
1/24 + 1/120 + 1/720 => 1/24 + 840/86400 => 106560/2073600
After thousands of terms have been added together in this way, the manager CPU does the one and only division at the very end to get the decimal digits after the decimal point.
Remember to avoid PrematureOptimization, and
always ProfileBeforeOptimizing.
If you're using double or float, there is an M_E constant in math.h already.
#define M_E 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250 /* e */
There are other representions of e in; all the them will involve division.
I'm not aware of any "faster" computation than the Taylor expansion of the series, i.e.:
e = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + ...
1/e = 1/0! - 1/1! + 1/2! - 1/3! + ...
Considering that these were used by A. Yee, who calculated the first 500 billion digits of e, I guess that there's not much optimising to do (or better, it could be optimised, but nobody yet found a way, AFAIK)
A very rough implementation
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
double gete(int nsteps)
// Let's skip the first two terms
double res = 2.0;
double fact = 1;
for (int i=2; i<nsteps; i++)
fact *= i;
res += 1/fact;
return res;
int main()
cout << setprecision(50) << gete(10) << endl;
cout << setprecision(50) << gete(50) << endl;
This page has a nice rundown of different calculation methods.
This is a tiny C program from Xavier Gourdon to compute 9000 decimal digits of e on your computer. A program of the same kind exists for π and for some other constants defined by mean of hypergeometric series.
[degolfed version from ]
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int N = 9009, a[9009], x;
for (int n = N - 1; n > 0; --n) {
a[n] = 1;
a[1] = 2;
while (N > 9) {
int n = N--;
while (--n) {
a[n] = x % n;
x = 10 * a[n-1] + x/n;
printf("%d", x);
return 0;
This program [when code-golfed] has 117 characters. It can be changed to compute more digits (change the value 9009 to more) and to be faster (change the constant 10 to another power of 10 and the printf command). A not so obvious question is to find the algorithm used.
I gave this answer at CodeReviews on the question regarding computing e by its definition via Taylor series (so, other methods were not an option). The cross-post here was suggested in the comments. I've removed my remarks relevant to that other topic; Those interested in further explanations migth want to check the original post.
The solution in C (should be easy enough to adapt to adapt to C++):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main ()
long double n = 0, f = 1;
int i;
for (i = 28; i >= 1; i--) {
f *= i; // f = 28*27*...*i = 28! / (i-1)!
n += f; // n = 28 + 28*27 + ... + 28! / (i-1)!
} // n = 28! * (1/0! + 1/1! + ... + 1/28!), f = 28!
n /= f;
printf("%.64llf\n", n);
printf("%.64llf\n", expl(1));
printf("%llg\n", n - expl(1));
printf("%d\n", n == expl(1));
There are two important points:
This code doesn't compute 1, 1*2, 1*2*3,... which is O(n^2), but computes 1*2*3*... in one pass (which is O(n)).
It starts from smaller numbers. If we tried to compute
1/1 + 1/2 + 1/6 + ... + 1/20!
and tried to add it 1/21!, we'd be adding
1/21! = 1/51090942171709440000 = 2E-20,
to 2.something, which has no effect on the result (double holds about 16 significant digits). This effect is called underflow.
However, when we start with these numbers, i.e., if we compute 1/32!+1/31!+... they all have some impact.
This solution seems in accordance to what C computes with its expl function, on my 64bit machine, compiled with gcc 4.7.2 20120921.
You may be able to gain some efficiency. Since each term involves the next factorial, some efficiency may be obtained by remembering the last value of the factorial.
e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! ...
Expanding the equation:
e = 1 + 1/(1 * 1) + 1/(1 * 1 * 2) + 1/(1 * 2 * 3) ...
Instead of computing each factorial, the denominator is multiplied by the next increment. So keeping the denominator as a variable and multiplying it will produce some optimization.
If you're ok with an approximation up to seven digits, use
If you want the exact value:
e = (-1)^(1/(j*pi))
where j is the imaginary unit and pi the well-known mathematical constant (Euler's Identity)
There are several "spigot" algorithms which compute digits sequentially in an unbounded manner. This is useful because you can simply calculate the "next" digit through a constant number of basic arithmetic operations, without defining beforehand how many digits you wish to produce.
These apply a series of successive transformations such that the next digit comes to the 1's place, so that they are not affected by float rounding errors. The efficiency is high because these transformations can be formulated as matrix multiplications, which reduce to integer addition and multiplication.
In short, the taylor series expansion
e = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! ... + 1/n!
Can be rewritten by factoring out fractional parts of the factorials (note that to make the series regular we've moved 1 to the left side):
(e - 1) = 1 + (1/2)*(1 + (1/3)*(1 + (1/4)...))
We can define a series of functions f1(x) ... fn(x) thus:
f1(x) = 1 + (1/2)x
f2(x) = 1 + (1/3)x
f3(x) = 1 + (1/4)x
The value of e is found from the composition of all of these functions:
(e-1) = f1(f2(f3(...fn(x))))
We can observe that the value of x in each function is determined by the next function, and that each of these values is bounded on the range [1,2] - that is, for any of these functions, the value of x will be 1 <= x <= 2
Since this is the case, we can set a lower and upper bound for e by using the values 1 and 2 for x respectively:
lower(e-1) = f1(1) = 1 + (1/2)*1 = 3/2 = 1.5
upper(e-1) = f1(2) = 1 + (1/2)*2 = 2
We can increase precision by composing the functions defined above, and when a digit matches in the lower and upper bound, we know that our computed value of e is precise to that digit:
lower(e-1) = f1(f2(f3(1))) = 1 + (1/2)*(1 + (1/3)*(1 + (1/4)*1)) = 41/24 = 1.708333
upper(e-1) = f1(f2(f3(2))) = 1 + (1/2)*(1 + (1/3)*(1 + (1/4)*2)) = 7/4 = 1.75
Since the 1s and 10ths digits match, we can say that an approximation of (e-1) with precision of 10ths is 1.7. When the first digit matches between the upper and lower bounds, we subtract it off and then multiply by 10 - this way the digit in question is always in the 1's place where floating-point precision is high.
The real optimization comes from the technique in linear algebra of describing a linear function as a transformation matrix. Composing functions maps to matrix multiplication, so all of those nested functions can be reduced to simple integer multiplication and addition. The procedure of subtracting the digit and multiplying by 10 also constitutes a linear transformation, and therefore can also be accomplished by matrix multiplication.
Another explanation of the method:
The paper that describes the algorithm:
A quick intro to performing linear transformations via matrix arithmetic:
NB this algorithm makes use of Mobius Transformations which are a type of linear transformation described briefly in the Gibbons paper.
From my point of view, the most efficient way to compute e up to a desired precision is to use the following representation:
e := lim (n -> inf): (1 + (1/n))^n
Especially if you choose n = 2^x, you can compute the potency with just x multiplications, since:
a^n = (a^2)^(n/2), if n % 2 = 0
The binary splitting method lends itself nicely to a template metaprogram which produces a type which represents a rational corresponding to an approximation of e. 13 iterations seems to be the maximum - any higher will produce a "integral constant overflow" error.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
template<int NUMER = 0, int DENOM = 1>
struct Rational
static double value;
template<int NUMER, int DENOM>
double Rational<NUMER, DENOM>::value = static_cast<double> (NUMER) / DENOM;
template<int ITERS, class APPROX = Rational<2, 1>, int I = 2>
struct CalcE
typedef Rational<APPROX::NUMERATOR * I + 1, APPROX::DENOMINATOR * I> NewApprox;
typedef typename CalcE<ITERS, NewApprox, I + 1>::Result Result;
template<int ITERS, class APPROX>
typedef APPROX Result;
int test (int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout << std::setprecision (9);
// ExpType is the type containing our approximation to e.
typedef CalcE<13>::Result ExpType;
// Call result() to produce the double value.
std::cout << "e ~ " << ExpType::value << std::endl;
return 0;
Another (non-metaprogram) templated variation will, at compile-time, calculate a double approximating e. This one doesn't have the limit on the number of iterations.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
template<int ITERS, long long NUMERATOR = 2, long long DENOMINATOR = 1, int I = 2>
struct CalcE
static double result ()
return CalcE<ITERS, NUMERATOR * I + 1, DENOMINATOR * I, I + 1>::result ();
template<int ITERS, long long NUMERATOR, long long DENOMINATOR>
static double result ()
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout << std::setprecision (16);
std::cout << "e ~ " << CalcE<16>::result () << std::endl;
return 0;
In an optimised build the expression CalcE<16>::result () will be replaced by the actual double value.
Both are arguably quite efficient since they calculate e at compile time :-)
#nico Re:
..."faster" computation than the Taylor expansion of the series, i.e.:
e = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + ...
1/e = 1/0! - 1/1! + 1/2! - 1/3! + ...
Here are ways to algebraically improve the convergence of Newton’s method:'s_Series_Approximation_for_e
It appears to be an open question as to whether they can be used in conjunction with binary splitting to computationally speed things up. Nonetheless, here is an example from Damian Conway using Perl that illustrates the improvement in direct computational efficiency for this new approach. It’s in the section titled “𝑒 is for estimation”:
(This comment is too long to post as a reply for answer on Jun 12 '10 at 10:28)
From wikipedia replace x with 1