Visual c++ no intellisense, how do i see what is inside a class/namespace/library? - c++

Im new to c++ and i dont have anyidea what functions/variables are in the System namespace and so on. I know that there is no intellisense in CLR projects at least in 2010. What im asking is were is the documentation? or a good place to get it? is there one build into visual c++ or do i have to constantly google it?

Here is a link to the .NET Framework class library:
However, you state you are looking to develop in C++. C++ does not target the .NET Framework unless you are using C++/CLI to develop managed applications.


C++ UI alternatives in visual studio 2013

C# is my primary language, I want to learn C++ but with windows form or any GUI, just not console. I read that they took windows form out of visual studio 2013 for C++. Are there any alternatives or workarounds? How are people making UI based C++ programs in vs 2013 now? I found this but it feels like a jerry rigged approach I would like to use VS 2013 and UI forms somehow.
There answer is there is no native solution. You'll need to use an open source framework like Qt, wxWidgets, etc. I would recommend Qt, as it does have an LGPL license option and their form builder integrates within Visual Studio.
You can use Code to gui which is easy to setup and use with Visual Studio and c++. Although it doesn't gives too many gui features like qt as of now but seems like a great option for learning c++ with basic form builder gui.
PS: It internally uses wxwidgets so you can also re-program it's internally generated files to make complex guis.

How to automate Outlook with C++ in VS 2012 Express?

I'm developing a C++ app in Visual Studio 2012 Express, and one of the tasks it will need to perform is creating a new Outlook message and populating it with some template text.
This MSDN page and this one both give instructions for using MFC to do it, but VS 2012 C++ Express doesn't support MFC.
I have to use C++ for this app because it calls a C-based API and making these API calls directly from C# without a C++ wrapper has proven impractical.
I know I can do this by exporting the C++ code as a DLL and then importing that into a C# .NET app that uses Interop to control Outlook, but I was thinking it would be simpler if I just did it all in C++. Is that possible?
Well, so far I've found this:

New ATL COM project in Visual C++ 2010 Express: Missing Template

I have a feeling that this is a pretty silly and basic question, but I've been struggling with this for a tad too long today. I am attempting to make a shell extension for Windows following this guide (as well as several others that I have stumbled upon, but that one is the most notable). The issue is that they all start off saying "Run the AppWizard and make a new ATL COM program." However, these are the only project wizards I have in my Visual C++ 2010 Express.
Where can I find this magic project template? Even Microsoft seems to think I should already have it.
AFAIK frameworks MFC, ATL possibly others are not part of the Express edition, to have them you need one of the non-free versions. but there are some interesting links

Do I have to use "Visual" C++ in VS 2008?

I am new to Visual Studio 2008 (.NET Framework 3.5) and am Developing a Windows Form application.
Starting the IDE, the only options for a New Project are under the categories:
Visual Basic
Visual C#
Visual C++
I did Visual C++ -> CLR -> Windows Forms Application
However, the template code is in the "Visual C++" syntx.
How do I create a new GUI project with plain vanilla C/C++ using Visual Studio 2008?
Please note, the last time I did this was with MFC in Visual Studio C++ 6.0
If I am missing the underlying principal please explain.
Thank You!
Long story short - you cannot.
Windows Forms is a .NET framework and not a C++ framework. This in turn means that you cannot use C++ to work with it. What Microsoft did is invented their own language that is C++-ish, but compiles into CLI bytecode (likely with native code mix-in, but I am not sure). Before it was "Managed C++", now it is C++/CLI (what you have linked as an example is not C++, but C++/CLI).
For plain C++ projects you have to choose "Win32 Project", "Win32 Console Application" or "Empty Project".. But then you cannot work with Windows Forms. Your options would be to use other GUI libraries like GTK, Qt, WxWidgets. There are tons of GUI frameworks. Or perhaps you would prefer sticking with Win32 API. My personal choice is Qt. And no Visual Studio at all.
Hope it clarifies things a bit for you. Good luck!
The "Visual" is just the name of the product. It's not a different language. c++/cli however, is a different language, and that's what you're seeing. If you want to make a Windows Form application, you will have to use .net. C++/cli is a .net language, C++ is not. You can make actual C++ applications with Visual C++, just not Windows Form applications.
First, there is no such thing as "Visual C++", in terms of a language. There is C++/CLI, which is a sort of variation of C++ that has extensions for building .NET libraries and programs using a C++-like language.
Windows Forms is a technology based on the CLR: common language runtime. AKA: .NET. You cannot build a Windows Forms application with just ISO C++. At some point, you have to talk to the CLR, which is at minimum going to require some COM support. And you'd probably be better off with C++/CLI and doing it that way.
Visual in this case means Windows Programming. And that include designing GUI (Graphical User Interface) for your application which will work in Windows environment. The language itself is C++.
You have two options available to develop Window Application.
Use Window API's only
Use a frame such as MFC,WPF etc
The language is always C++ but it has accommodation for Windows and therefore Visual C++.
Btw if you want plain C/C++, choose Visual C++ and start a console application. Make sure you select empty project.

How to create a step by step wizard in C++ (with unmanaged code) in Visual Studio 2010

I would like to build a small wizard in C++ with no dependencies on any framework.
Apparently, is really simple, but I don't know where to start. Can you point me to good information (tutorials, etc) on it. Should I use MFC Application or a Win32 project? Is there any step by step guide ?
I'm using VS 2010. The majority of info I'd found on MFC is really old. It seems like the vast majority of development is going .net.
Look up Property Sheets in MFC