code deployments on EC2 - amazon-web-services

There are quite a few resources on deployments of AMI's on EC2. But are there any solutions to incremental code updates to a PHP/Java based website?
Suppose I have 10 EC2 instances all running PHP / Java based websites with docroots local to the instance. I may want to do numerous code deployments to it through out the day.
I don't want to create a new AMI copy and scale that up to new instances each time I have a code update.
Any leads on how to best do this would be greatly appreciated. We use subversion as our main code repository and in the past we've simply done an SVN update/co when we were on one to two servers.

You should check out Elastic Beanstalk. Essentially you just package up your WAR or other code file, upload it to a bucket via AWS's command line/Eclipse integration and the deployment is performed automatically.

Elastic Beanstalk is exactly designed to do this for you. We use the Elastic Beanstalk java/tomcat flavor but it also has support for php, ruby, python environment. It has web console that allows you to deploy code (it even keeps history of it), it also has git tool to deploy code from command line.
It also has monitoring, load balancer, auto scaling all built in. Only a few web form entries to control all these.

Have you considered using a tool designed to manage this sort of thing for you, Puppet is well regarded in this area.
Have a look here:
(No I am not a Puppet Labs employee :))

Capistrano is a great tool for deploying code to multiple servers at once. Chef and Puppet are great tools for setting up those servers with databases, webservers, etc.

Go for a Capistrano . Its a good way to deploy your code on multiple servers .

As already mentioned Elastic Beanstalk is a good option if you just want a webserver and don't want to worry about the details.
Also, take a look at AWS CodeDeploy. You can have much more control over the lifecycle of your instance and you'd be looking at something very similar to what you have now (a set of EC2 instances that you setup). You can even get automatic deployments on instance launch with Auto Scaling.

You can either use Capsitrano or TravisCI.


Jenkins setup on EC2 vs ECS

Currently we have Jenkins that is running on-premise(VMware), planning to move into the cloud(aws). What would be the best approach to install Jenkins whether on ec2 or ECS?
Best way would be running on EC2. Make sure you have granular control over your instance Security Group and Network ACL's. I would recommend using terraform to build your environment as you can write code and also version control it.
Have you previously containerized your Jenkins? On VMWare itself? If not, and if you are not having experience with containers, go for EC2. It will be as easy as running on any other VM. For reproducing the infrastructure, use Terraform or CloudFormartion.
I would recommend dockerize your on-premise Jenkins first. See how much efforts are required in implementation and administrating/scaling it. Then go for ECS.
Else, shift to EC2 and see how much admin overhead + costs you are billed. Then if required, go for ECS.
Another point you have to consider is how your Jenkins is architected. Are you using master-slave? Are you running builds contentiously so that VMs are never idle? Do you want easy scaling such that build environment is created and destroyed per build execution?
If you have no experience with running containers then create it on EC2. Before running on ECS make sure you really understand containers and container orchestration.
Just want to complement the other answers by providing link to official AWS white paper:
Jenkins on AWS
It might be of special interest as it discusses both options in detail: EC2 and ECS:
In this section we discuss two approaches to deploying Jenkinson AWS. First, you could use the traditional deployment on top of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Second, you could use the containerized deployment that leverages Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS).Both approaches are production-ready for an enterprise environment.
There is also AWS sample solution for Jenkins on AWS for ECS:
This project will build and deploy an immutable, fault tolerant, and cost effective Jenkins environment in AWS using ECS. All Jenkins images are managed within the repository (pulled from upstream) and fully configurable as code. Plugin installation is automated, including versioning, as well as configured through the Configuration as Code plugin.

How to script AWS VPC with Cloudformation seeded by Docker

I want to confirm my approach to setting up a VPC using cloudformation/scepter and seeding instances with docker container is correct.
Create an aws ec2 instance.
Create a docker image on that instance
Create a cloudformation VPC template (.yaml )
-reference docker image in template?
Create a sceptre project using the template above and run script from ec2 instance
So as I understand if the majority of the work will be in the cloudformation template. Currently I'm stuck on sceptre errors, but I wanted to make sure I was approaching the problem correctly. Does this look like the right approach?
There are a lot of ways of doing what you want:
Run sceptre locally on your development machine
This is easier, but not best practice for important environments as
having a build server, gives a better trail of what was done when (especially in shared environments)
Use CodeBuild to save you having to do steps 1 & 2 yourself (AWS maintain a docker image with python installed)
It also avoids the chicken and egg problem of how you deploy the EC2 instance in the first place.
Configure Jobs on a build server such as Jenkins
CodeDeploy is good for simple setups, but a well configured build server, can have dashboards to track what is deployed where
as sceptre is just a way of generating/managing deploying templates across environments, there are lots of other ways of doing this including what you outlined.
p.s Apologies that the getting started documentation isn't great at the moment, it is something we are focusing on for release 2.0.

Spring boot/cloud microservices on AWS

I have created a Spring cloud microservices based application with netflix APIs (Eureka, config, zuul etc). can some one explain me how to deploy that on AWS? I am very new to AWS. I have to deploy development instance of my application.
Do I need to integrate docker before that or I can go ahead without docker as well.
As long as your application is self-contained and you have externalised your configurations, you should not have any issue.
Go through this link which discusses what it takes to deploy an App to Cloud Beyond 15 factor
Use AWS BeanStalk to deploy and Manage your application. Dockerizing your app is not a predicament inorder to deploy your app to AWS.
If you use an EC2 instance then it's configuration is no different to what you do on your local machine/server. It's just a virtual machine. No need to dockerize or anything like that. And if you're new to AWS, I'd rather suggest to to just that. Once you get your head around, you can explore other options.
For example, AWS Beanstalk seems like a popular option. It provides a very secure and reliable configuration out of the box with no effort on your part. And yes, it does use docker under the hood, but you won't need to deal with it directly unless you choose to. Well, at least in most common cases. It supports few different ways of deployment which amazon calls "Application Environments". See here for details. Just choose the one you like and follow instructions. I'd like to warn you though that whilst Beanstalk is usually easier then EC2 to setup and use when dealing with a typical web application, your mileage might vary depending on your application's actual needs.
Amazon Elastic container Service / Elastic Kubernetes Service is also a good option to look into.
These services depend on the Docker Images of your application. Auto Scaling, Availability cross region replication will be taken care by the Cloud provider.
Hope this helps.

What should I use for configuration management on AWS

I am trying to find a solution for configuration management using AWS OpsWorks. What I can see is AWS offers three services for OpsWorks
Chef Automate
AWS stacks
I have read basics of all three of them but unable to compare between three of them. I am unable to understand when to use which solution.
I want to implemnet a solution for my multiple EC2 instances, using which I can deliver updates to all my instances from a central repository(github). And, rollback changes if needed.
So following are my queries:
Which of the three solutions is best for this use case?
What should I use if my instances are in different regions?
I am unable to find anything useful on these topics so that I can make my decision. It would be great if I can get links to some useful articles as well.
Thanks in advance.
Terraform, Packer and Ansible are a great resource, I use them everyday to configure AMI's and build out all my infrastructure.
Terraform - Configuration Management for Infrastructure, it allows you to provision all the AWS, Azure, GCE components you needs to run your application.
Packer - Creates reusable images by pre installing software that is common to your applications.
Ansible - pre and post provisioning configuration management. You can use Ansible with Packer to provision software in an AMI, then if needed, use Ansible to configure it after provisioning. There is no need for a chef server or puppet master, you can run Ansible from your desktop if you have access to the cloud servers.
This examples provisions all the infrastructure for a Wordpress site, and uses Ansible to configure it post provisioning.
All of this as well can automated in a Jenkins pipeline or with other Continous Deployment tools like CircleCI etc.
Ansible has no restriction on regions, neither does Terraform. Packer is a local build tool or on a CD server.

efficient way to administer or manage an auto-scaling instances in aws

As a sysadmin, i'm looking for an efficient way or best practices that you do on managing an ec2 instances with autoscaling.
How you manage automate this following scenario: (our environment is running with autoscaling, Elastic Load Balancing and cloudwatch)
patching the latest version of the rpm packages of the server for security reasons? like (yup update/upgrade)
making a configuration change of the Apache server like a change of the httpd.conf and apply it to all instances in the auto-scaling group?
how do you deploy the latest codes to your app to the server with less disruption in production?
how do you use puppet or chef to automate your admin task?
I would really appreciate if you have anything to share on how you automate your administration task with aws
Check out Amazon OpsWorks, the new Chef based DevOps tool for Amazon Web Services.
It gives you the ability to run custom Chef recipes on your instances in the different layers (Load Balancer, App servers, DB...), as well as to manage the deployment of your app from various source repositories (Git, Subversion..).
It supports auto-scaling based on load (like the auto-scaling that you are already using), as well as auto-scaling based on time, which is more complex to achieve with standard EC2 auto-scaling.
This is relatively a young service and not all functionality is available already, but it might be useful for your.
patching the latest version of the rpm packages of the server for
security reasons? like (yup update/upgrade)
You can use puppet or chef to create a cron job that takes care of this for you (the cron would in its most basic form download and or install updates via a bash script). You may want to automatically upgrade, or simply notify an admin via email so you can evaluate before apply updates.
making a configuration change of the Apache server like a change of
the httpd.conf and apply it to all instances in the auto-scaling
I usually handle all of my configuration files through my Puppet manifest. You could setup each EC2 instance to pull updates from a Puppet Server, then you can roll out changes on demand. Part of this process should be updating the AMI stored in your AutoScale group (this is done with the Amazon Command Line tools).
how do you deploy the latest codes to your app to the server with less
disruption in production?
Test it in staging first! Also a neat trick is to versioned deployments, so each time you do a deployment it gets its own folder (/var/www/v1 /var/www/v2 etc) and once you have verified the deployment was successful you simply update a symlink to point to the lastest version (/var/www/current points to /var/www/v2).
OpsWorks handles all this sort of stuff for you so you can look into that if you don't want to do it all yourself.
how do you use puppet or chef to automate your admin task?
You can use Chef or Puppet to do all sorts of things, and anything they can't (or you don't know how to) do can be done via a bash/python script that you invoke from Chef or Puppet.
I normally do things like install packages, build custom packages, set permissions, download things, start services, manage configuration files, setup cron jobs etc
I would really appreciate if you have anything to share on how you automate your administration task with aws
Look into CloudFormation. This can help you setup all your servers and related services (think EC2, LBS, CloudWatch) through configuration files, thus helping you to automate your entire stack (not just the EC2's Operating System).