Better understanding the LRU algorithm - c++

I need to implement a LRU algorithm in a 3D renderer for texture caching. I write the code in C++ on Linux.
In my case I will use texture caching to store "tiles" of image data (16x16 pixels block). Now imagine that I do a lookup in the cache, get a hit (tile is in the cache). How do I return the content of the "cache" for that entry to the function caller? I explain. I imagine that when I load a tile in the cache memory, I allocate the memory to store 16x16 pixels for example, then load the image data for that tile. Now there's two solutions to pass the content of the cache entry to the function caller:
1) either as pointer to the tile data (fast, memory efficient),
TileData *tileData = cache->lookup(tileId); // not safe?
2) or I need to recopy the tile data from the cache within a memory space allocated by the function caller (copy can be slow).
void Cache::lookup(int tileId, float *&tileData)
// find tile in cache, if not in cache load from disk add to cache, ...
// now copy tile data, safe but ins't that slow?
memcpy((char*)tileData, tileDataFromCache, sizeof(float) * 3 * 16 * 16);
float *tileData = new float[3 * 16 * 16]; // need to allocate the memory for that tile
// get tile data from cache, requires a copy
cache->lookup(tileId, tileData);
I would go with 1) but the problem is, what happens if the tile gets deleted from the cache just after the lookup, and that the function tries to access the data using the return pointer? The only solution I see to this, is to use a form of referencing counting (auto_ptr) where the data is actually only deleted when it's not used anymore?
the application might access more than 1 texture. I can't seem to find of a way of creating a key which is unique to each texture and each tile of a texture. For example I may have tile 1 from file1 and tile1 from file2 in the cache, so making the search on tildId=1 is not enough... but I can't seem to find a way of creating the key that accounts for the file name and the tileID. I can build a string that would contain the file name and the tileID (FILENAME_TILEID) but wouldn't a string used as a key be much slower than an integer?
Finally I have a question regarding time stamp. Many papers suggest to use a time stamp for ordering the entry in the cache. What is a good function to use a time stamp? the time() function, clock()? Is there a better way than using time stamps?
Sorry I realise it's a very long message, but LRU doesn't seem as simple to implement than it sounds.

Answers to your questions:
1) Return a shared_ptr (or something logically equivalent to it). Then all of the "when-is-it-safe-to-delete-this-object" issues pretty much go away.
2) I'd start by using a string as a key, and see if it actually is too slow or not. If the strings aren't too long (e.g. your filenames aren't too long) then you may find it's faster than you expect. If you do find out that string-keys aren't efficient enough, you could try something like computing a hashcode for the string and adding the tile ID to it... that would probably work in practice although there would always be the possibility of a hash-collision. But you could have a collision-check routine run at startup that would generate all of the possible filename+tileID combinations and alert you if map to the same key value, so that at least you'd know immediately during your testing when there is a problem and could do something about it (e.g. by adjusting your filenames and/or your hashcode algorithm). This assumes that what all the filenames and tile IDs are going to be known in advance, of course.
3) I wouldn't recommend using a timestamp, it's unnecessary and fragile. Instead, try something like this (pseudocode):
typedef shared_ptr<TileData *> TileDataPtr; // automatic memory management!
linked_list<TileDataPtr> linkedList;
hash_map<data_key_t, TileDataPtr> hashMap;
// This is the method the calling code would call to get its tile data for a given key
TileDataPtr GetData(data_key_t theKey)
if (hashMap.contains_key(theKey))
// The desired data is already in the cache, great! Just move it to the head
// of the LRU list (to reflect its popularity) and then return it.
TileDataPtr ret = hashMap.get(theKey);
linkedList.remove(ret); // move this item to the head
linkedList.push_front(ret); // of the linked list -- this is O(1)/fast
return ret;
// Oops, the requested object was not in our cache, load it from disk or whatever
TileDataPtr ret = LoadDataFromDisk(theKey);
hashMap.put(theKey, ret);
// Don't let our cache get too large -- delete
// the least-recently-used item if necessary
if (linkedList.size() > MAX_LRU_CACHE_SIZE)
TileDataPtr dropMe = linkedList.tail();
return ret;

In the same order as your questions:
Copying over the texture date does not seem reasonable from a performance standpoint. Reference counting sound far better, as long as you can actually code it safely. The data memory would be freed as soon as it is not used by the renderer or have a reference stored in the cache.
I assume that you are going to use some sort of hash table for the look-up part of what you are describing. The common solution to your problem has two parts:
Using a suitable hashing function that combines multiple values e.g. the texture file name and the tile ID. Essentially you create a composite key that is treated as one entity. The hashing function could be a XOR operation of the hashes of all elementary components, or something more complex.
Selecting a suitable hash function is critical for performance reasons - if the said function is not random enough, you will have a lot of hash collisions.
Using a suitable composite equality check to handle the case of hash collisions.
This way you can look-up the combination of all attributes of interest in a single hash table look-up.
Using timestamps for this is not going to work - period. Most sources regarding caching usually describe the algorithms in question with network resource caching in mind (e.g. HTTP caches). That is not going to work here for three reasons:
Using natural time only makes sense of you intend to implement caching policies that take it into account, e.g. dropping a cache entry after 10 minutes. Unless you are doing something very weird something like this makes no sense within a 3D renderer.
Timestamps have a relatively low actual resolution, even if you use high precision timers. Most timer sources have a precision of about 1ms, which is a very long time for a processor - in that time your renderer would have worked through several texture entries.
Do you have any idea how expensive timer calls are? Abusing them like this could even make your system perform worse than not having any cache at all...
The usual solution to this problem is to not use a timer at all. The LRU algorithm only needs to know two things:
The maximum number of entries allowed.
The order of the existing entries w.r.t. their last access.
Item (1) comes from the configuration of the system and typically depends on the available storage space. Item (2) generally implies the use of a combined linked list/hash table data structure, where the hash table part provides fast access and the linked list retains the access order. Each time an entry is accessed, it is placed at the end of the list, while old entries are removed from its start.
Using a combined data structure, rather than two separate ones allows entries to be removed from the hash table without having to go through a look-up operation. This improves the overall performance, but it is not absolutely necessary.

As promised I am posting my code. Please let me know if I have made mistakes or if I could improve it further. I am now going to look into making it work in a multi-threaded environment. Again thanks to Jeremy and Thkala for their help (sorry the code doesn't fit the comment block).
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
typedef uint32_t data_key_t;
class TileData
TileData(const data_key_t &key) : theKey(key) {}
data_key_t theKey;
~TileData() { std::cerr << "delete " << theKey << std::endl; }
typedef std::shared_ptr<TileData> TileDataPtr; // automatic memory management!
TileDataPtr loadDataFromDisk(const data_key_t &theKey)
return std::shared_ptr<TileData>(new TileData(theKey));
class CacheLRU
// the linked list keeps track of the order in which the data was accessed
std::list<TileDataPtr> linkedList;
// the hash map (unordered_map is part of c++0x while hash_map isn't?) gives quick access to the data
std::unordered_map<data_key_t, TileDataPtr> hashMap;
CacheLRU() : cacheHit(0), cacheMiss(0) {}
TileDataPtr getData(data_key_t theKey)
std::unordered_map<data_key_t, TileDataPtr>::const_iterator iter = hashMap.find(theKey);
if (iter != hashMap.end()) {
TileDataPtr ret = iter->second;
return ret;
else {
TileDataPtr ret = loadDataFromDisk(theKey);
hashMap.insert(std::make_pair<data_key_t, TileDataPtr>(theKey, ret));
if (linkedList.size() > MAX_LRU_CACHE_SIZE) {
const TileDataPtr dropMe = linkedList.back();
return ret;
static const uint32_t MAX_LRU_CACHE_SIZE = 8;
uint32_t cacheMiss, cacheHit;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
CacheLRU cache;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 238; ++i) {
int key = random() % 32;
TileDataPtr tileDataPtr = cache.getData(key);
std::cerr << "Cache hit: " << cache.cacheHit << ", cache miss: " << cache.cacheMiss << std::endl;
return 0;


Avoid recomputation when data is not changed

Imagine you have a pretty big array of double and a simple function avg(double*,size_t) that computes the average value (just a simple example: both the array and the function could be whatever data structure and algorithm). I would like that if the function is called a second time and the array is not changed in the meanwhile, the return value comes directly from the previous one, without going through the unchanged data.
To hold the previous value looks simple, I just need a static variable inside the function, right? But what about detecting the changes in the array? Do I need to write an interface to access the array which sets a flag to be read by the function? Can something smarter and more portable be done?
As Kerrek SB so astutely put it, this is known as "memoization." I'll cover my personal favorite method at the end (both with double* array and the much easier DoubleArray), so you can skip to there if you just want to see code. However, there are many ways to solve this problem, and I wanted to cover them all, including those suggested by others. Skip to the horizontal rule if you just want to see code.
The first part is some theory and alternate approaches. There are fundamentally four parts to the problem:
Prove the function is idempotent (calling a function once is the same as calling it any number of times)
Cache results keyed to the inputs
Search cached results given a new set of inputs
Invalidating cached results which are no longer accurate/current
The first step is easy for you: average is idempotent. It has no side effects.
Caching the results is a fun step. You obviously are going to create some "key" for the inputs that you can compare against the cached "keys." In Kerrek SB's memoization example, the key is a tuple of all of the arguments, compared against other keys with ==. In your system, the equivalent solution would be to have the key be the contents of the entire array. This means each key comparison is O(n), which is expensive. If the function was more expensive to calculate than the average function is, this price may be acceptable. However in the case of averaging, this key is terribly expensive.
This leads one on the open-ended search for good keys. Dieter Lücking's answer was to key the array pointer. This is O(1), and wicked fast to boot. However, it also makes the assumption that once you've calculated the average for an array, that array's values never change, and that memory address is never re-used for another array. Solutions for this come later, in the invalidation portion of the task.
Another popular key is HotLick's (1) in the comments. You use a unique identifier for the array (pointer or, better yet, a unique integer idx that will never be used again) as your key. Each array then has a "dirty bit for avg" that they are expected to set to true whenever a value is changed. Caches first look for the dirty bit. If it is true, they ignore the cached value, calculate the new value, cache the new value, then clear the dirty bit indicating that the cached value is now valid. (this is really invalidation, but it fit well in this part of the answer)
This technique assumes that there are more calls to avg than updates to the data. If the array is constantly dirty, then avg still has to keep recalculating, but we still pay the price of setting the dirty bit on every write (slowing it down).
This technique also assumes that there is only one function, avg, which needs cached results. If you have many functions, it starts to get expensive to keep all of the dirty bits up to date. The solution is an "epoch" counter. Instead of a dirty bit, you have an integer, which starts at 0. Every write increments it. When you cache a result, you cache not only the identity of the array, but its epoch as well. When you check to see if you have a cached value, you also check to see if the epoch changed. If it did change, you can't prove your old results are current, and have to throw them out.
Storing the results is an interesting task. It is very easy to write a storing algorithm which uses up gobs of memory by remembering hundreds of thousands of old results to avg. Generally speaking, there needs to be a way to let the caching code know that an array has been destroyed, or a way to slowly remove old unused cache results. In the former case, the deallocator of the double arrays needs to let the cache code know that that array is being deallocated. In the latter case, it is common to limit a cache to 10 or 100 entries, and have evict old cache results.
The last piece is invalidation of caches. I spoke earlier regarding the dirty bit. The general pattern for this is that a value inside a cache must be marked invalid if the key it was stored in didn't change, but the values in the array did change. This can obviously never happen if the key is a copy of the array, but it can occur when the key is an identifing integer or a pointer.
Generally speaking, invalidation is a way to add a requirement to your caller: if you want to use avg with caching, here's the extra work you are required to do to help the caching code.
Recently I implemented a system with such caching invalidation scheme. It was very simple, and stemmed from one philosophy: the code which is calling avg is in a better position to determine if the array has changed than avg is itself.
There were two versions of the equvalent of avg: double avg(double* array, int n) and double avg(double* array, int n, CacheValidityObject& validity).
Calling the 2 argument version of avg never cached, because it had no guarantees that array had not changed.
Calling the 3 argument version of avg activated caching. The caller guarentees that, if it passes the same CacheValidityObject to avg without marking it dirty, then the arrays must be the same.
Putting the onus on the caller makes average trivial. CacheValidityObject is a very simple class to hold on to the results
class CacheValidityObject
CacheValidityObject(); // creates a new dirty CacheValidityObject
void invalidate(); // marks this object as dirty
// this function is used only by the `avg` algorithm. "friend" may
// be used here, but this example makes it public
boost::shared_ptr<void>& getData();
boost::shared_ptr<void> mData;
inline void CacheValidityObject::invalidate()
mData.reset(); // blow away any cached data
double avg(double* array, int n); // defined as usual
double avg(double* array, int n, CacheValidityObject& validity)
// this function assumes validity.mData is null or a shared_ptr to a double
boost::shared_ptr<void>& data = validity.getData();
if (data) {
// The cached result, stored on the validity object, is still valid
return *static_pointer_cast<double>(data);
} else {
// There was no cached result, or it was invalidated
double result = avg(array, n);
data = make_shared<double>(result); // cache the result
return result;
// usage
double data[100];
fillWithRandom(data, 100);
CacheValidityObject dataCacheValidity;
double a = avg(data, 100, dataCacheValidity); // caches the aveerage
double b = avg(data, 100, dataCacheValidity); // cache hit... uses cached result
data[0] = 0;
double c = avg(data, 100, dataCacheValidity); // dirty.. caches new result
double d = avg(data, 100, dataCacheValidity); // cache hit.. uses cached result
// CacheValidityObject::~CacheValidityObject() will destroy the shared_ptr,
// freeing the memory used to cache the result
Nearly the fastest caching possible (within a few opcodes)
Trivial to implement
Doesn't leak memory, saving cached values only when the caller thinks it may want to use them again
Requires the caller to handle caching, instead of doing it implicitly for them.
If you wrap the double* array in a class, you can minimize the disadvantage. Assign each algorithm an index (can be done at run time) Have the DoubleArray class maintain a map of cached values. Each modification to DoubleArray invalidates the cached results. This is the most easy to use version, but doesn't work with a naked array... you need a class to help you out
class DoubleArray
// all of the getters and setters and constructors.
// Special note: all setters MUST call invalidate()
CacheValidityObject getCache(int inIdx)
return mCaches[inIdx];
void setCache(int inIdx, const CacheValidityObject& inObj)
mCaches[inIdx] = inObj;
void invalidate()
std::map<int, CacheValidityObject> mCaches;
double* mArray;
int mSize;
inline int getNextAlgorithmIdx()
static int nextIdx = 1;
return nextIdx++;
static const int avgAlgorithmIdx = getNextAlgorithmIdx();
double avg(DoubleArray& inArray)
CacheValidityObject valid = inArray.getCache(avgAlgorithmIdx);
// use the 3 argument avg in the previous example
double result = avg(inArray.getArray(), inArray.getSize(), valid);
inArray.setCache(avgAlgorithmIdx, valid);
return result;
// usage
DoubleArray array(100);
double a = avg(array); // calculates, and caches
double b = avg(array); // cache hit
array.set(0, 5); // invalidates caches
double c = avg(array); // calculates, and caches
double d = avg(array); // cache hit
#include <limits>
#include <map>
// Note: You have to manage cached results - release it with avg(p, 0)!
double avg(double* p, std::size_t n) {
typedef std::map<double*, double> map;
static map results;
map::iterator pos = results.find(p);
if(n) {
// Calculate or get a cached value
if(pos == results.end()) {
pos = results.insert(map::value_type(p, 0.5)).first; // calculate it
return pos->second;
// Erase a cached value
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

Optimizing C++ Vector for Search

With my current project, I did my best to adhere to the principle that premature optimization is the root of all evil. However, now the code is tested, and it is time for optimization. I did some profiling, and it turns out my code spends almost 20% of its time in a function where it finds all possible children, puts them in a vector, and returns them. As a note, I am optimizing for speed, memory limitations are not a factor.
Right now the function looks like this:
void Board::GetBoardChildren(std::vector<Board> &children)
children.reserve(open_columns_.size()); // only reserve max number of children
for (auto i : open_columns_)
short position_adding_to = ColumnToPosition(i);
MakeMove(position_adding_to); // make the possible move
children.push_back(*this); // add to vector of children
ReverseMove(); // undo move
According to the profiling, my code spends about 40% of the time just on the line children.push_back(*this); I am calling the function like this:
std::vector<Board> current_children;
I was thinking since the maximum number of possible children is small (7), would it be better to just use an array? Or is there not a ton I can do to optimize this function?
From your responses to my comments, it seems very likely that most of the time is spent copying the board in
You need to find a way to avoid making all those copies, or a way to make them cheaper.
Simply changing the vector into an array or a list will likely not make any difference to performance.
The most important question is: Do you really need all States at once inside current_state?
If you just iterate over them once or twice in the default order, then there is no need for a vector, just generate them on demand.
If you really need it, here is the next step. Since Board is expensive for copying, a DifferenceBoard that keeps only track of the difference may be better. Pseudocode:
struct DifferenceBoard { // or maybe inherit from Board that a DifferenceBoard
// can be built from another DifferenceBoard
Board *original;
int fromposition, toposition;
State state_at_position;
State get(int y, int x) const {
if ((x,y) == fromposition) return Empty;
if ((x,y) == toposition ) return state_at_position;
return original->get();

C++ std::map creation taking too long?

I am working on a program whose performance is very critical. I have a vector of structs that are NOT sorted. I need to perform many search operations in this vector. So I decided to cache the vector data into a map like this:
std::map<long, int> myMap;
for (int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); ++i)
const Type& theType = myVector[i];
myMap[theType.key] = i;
When I search the map, the results of the rest of the program are much faster. However, the remaining bottleneck is the creation of the map itself (it is taking about 0.8 milliseconds on average to insert about 1,500 elements in it). I need to figure out a way to trim this time down. I am simply inserting a long as the key and an int as the value. I don't understand why it is taking this long.
Another idea I had was to create a copy of the vector (can't touch the original one) and somehow perform a faster sort than the std::sort (it takes way too long to sort it).
Sorry everyone. I meant to say that I am creating a std::map where the key is a long and the value is an int. The long value is the struct's key value and the int is the index of the corresponding element in the vector.
Also, I did some more debugging and realized that the vector is not sorted at all. It's completely random. So doing something like a stable_sort isn't going to work out.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I ended up creating a vector of pairs (std::vector of std::pair(long, int)). Then I sorted the vector by the long value. I created a custom comparator that only looked at the first part of the pair. Then I used lower_bound to search for the pair. Here's how I did it all:
typedef std::pair<long,int> Key2VectorIndexPairT;
typedef std::vector<Key2VectorIndexPairT> Key2VectorIndexPairVectorT;
bool Key2VectorIndexPairComparator(const Key2VectorIndexPairT& pair1, const Key2VectorIndexPairT& pair2)
return pair1.first < pair2.first;
Key2VectorIndexPairVectorT sortedVector;
// Assume "original" vector contains unsorted elements.
for (int i = 0; i < originalVector.size(); ++i)
const TheStruct& theStruct = originalVector[i];
sortedVector.insert(Key2VectorIndexPairT(theStruct.key, i));
std::sort(sortedVector.begin(), sortedVector.end(), Key2VectorIndexPairComparator);
const long keyToSearchFor = 20;
const Key2VectorIndexPairVectorT::const_iterator cItorKey2VectorIndexPairVector = std::lower_bound(sortedVector.begin(), sortedVector.end(), Key2VectorIndexPairT(keyToSearchFor, 0 /* Provide dummy index value for search */), Key2VectorIndexPairComparator);
if (cItorKey2VectorIndexPairVector->first == keyToSearchFor)
const int vectorIndex = cItorKey2VectorIndexPairVector->second;
const TheStruct& theStruct = originalVector[vectorIndex];
// Now do whatever you want...
// Could not find element...
This yielded a modest performance gain for me. Before the total time for my calculations were 3.75 milliseconds and now it is down to 2.5 milliseconds.
Both std::map and std::set are built on a binary tree and so adding items does dynamic memory allocation. If your map is largely static (i.e. initialized once at the start and then rarely or never has new items added or removed) you'd probably be better to use a sorted vector and a std::lower_bound to look up items using a binary search.
Maps take a lot of time for two reasons
You need to do a lot of memory allocation for your data storage
You need to perform O(n lg n) comparisons for the sort.
If you are just creating this as one batch, then throwing the whole map out, using a custom pool allocator may be a good idea here - eg, boost's pool_alloc. Custom allocators can also apply optimizations such as not actually deallocating any memory until the map's completely destroyed, etc.
Since your keys are integers, you may want to consider writing your own container based on a radix tree (on the bits of the key) as well. This may give you significantly improved performance, but since there is no STL implementation, you may need to write your own.
If you don't need to sort the data, use a hash table, such as std::unordered_map; these avoid the significant overhead needed for sorting data, and also can reduce the amount of memory allocation needed.
Finally, depending on the overall design of the program, it may be helpful to simply reuse the same map instead of recreating it over and over. Just delete and add keys as needed, rather than building a new vector, then building a new map. Again, this may not be possible in the context of your program, but if it is, it would definitely help you.
I suspect it's the memory management and tree rebalancing that's costing you here.
Obviously profiling may be able to help you pinpoint the issue.
I would suggest as a general idea to just copy the long/int data you need into another vector and since you said it's almost sorted, use stable_sort on it to finish the ordering. Then use lower_bound to locate the items in the sorted vector.
std::find is a linear scan(it has to be since it works on unsorted data). If you can sort(std::sort guaranties n log(n) behavior) the data then you can use std::binary_search to get log(n) searches. But as pointed out by others it may be copy time is the problem.
If keys are solid and short, perhaps try std::hash_map instead. From MSDN's page on hash_map Class:
The main advantage of hashing over sorting is greater efficiency; a
successful hashing performs insertions, deletions, and finds in
constant average time as compared with a time proportional to the
logarithm of the number of elements in the container for sorting
Map creation can be a performance bottleneck (in the sense that it takes a measurable amount of time) if you're creating a large map and you're copying large chunks of data into it. You're also using the obvious (but suboptimal) way of inserting elements into a std::map - if you use something like:
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(theType.key, theType));
this should improve the insertion speed, but it will result in a slight change in behaviour if you encounter duplicate keys - using insert will result in values for duplicate keys being dropped, whereas using your method, the last element with the duplicate key will be inserted into the map.
I would also look into avoiding a making a copy of the data (for example by storing a pointer to it instead) if your profiling results determine that it's the copying of the element that is expensive. But for that you'll have to profile the code, IME guesstimates tend to be wrong...
Also, as a side note, you might want to look into storing the data in a std::set using custom comparator as your contains the key already. That however will not really result in a big speed up as constructing a set in this case is likely to be as expensive as inserting it into a map.
I'm not a C++ expert, but it seems that your problem stems from copying the Type instances, instead of a reference/pointer to the Type instances.
std::map<Type> myMap; // <-- this is wrong, since std::map requires two template parameters, not one
If you add elements to the map and they're not pointers, then I believe the copy constructor is invoked and that will certainly cause delays with a large data structure. Use the pointer instead:
std::map<KeyType, ObjectType*> myMap;
Furthermore, your example is a little confusing since you "insert" a value of type int in the map when you're expecting a value of type Type. I think you should assign the reference to the item, not the index.
myMap[theType.key] = &myVector[i];
The more I look at your example, the more confused I get. If you're using the std::map, then it should take two template types:
map<T1,T2> aMap;
So what are you REALLY mapping? map<Type, int> or something else?
It seems that you're using the Type.key member field as a key to the map (it's a valid idea), but unless key is of the same type as Type, then you can't use it as the key to the map. So is key an instance of Type??
Furthermore, you're mapping the current vector index to the key in the map, which indicates that you're just want the index to the vector so you can later access that index location fast. Is that what you want to do?
Update 2.0:
After reading your answer it seems that you're using std::map<long,int> and in that case there is no copying of the structure involved. Furthermore, you don't need to make a local reference to the object in the vector. If you just need to access the key, then access it by calling myVector[i].key.
Your building a copy of the table from the broken example you give, and not just a reference.
Why Can't I store references in an STL map in C++?
Whatever you store in the map it relies on you not changing the vector.
Try a lookup map only.
typedef vector<Type> Stuff;
Stuff myVector;
typedef std::map<long, *Type> LookupMap;
LookupMap myMap;
LookupMap::iterator hint = myMap.begin();
for (Stuff::iterator it = myVector.begin(); myVector.end() != it; ++it)
hint = myMap.insert(hint, std::make_pair(it->key, &*it));
Or perhaps drop the vector and just store it in the map??
Since your vector is already partially ordered, you may want to instead create an auxiliary array referencing (indices of) the elements in your original vector. Then you can sort the auxiliary array using Timsort which has good performance for partially sorted data (such as yours).
I think you've got some other problem. Creating a vector of 1500 <long, int> pairs, and sorting it based on the longs should take considerably less than 0.8 milliseconds (at least assuming we're talking about a reasonably modern, desktop/server type processor).
To try to get an idea of what we should see here, I did a quick bit of test code:
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
const int size = 1500;
const int reps = 100;
std::vector<std::pair<long, int> > init;
std::vector<std::pair<long, int> > data;
long total = 0;
// Generate "original" array
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
init.push_back(std::make_pair(rand(), i));
clock_t start = clock();
for (int i=0; i<reps; i++) {
// copy the original array
std::vector<std::pair<long, int> > data(init.begin(), init.end());
// sort the copy
std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
// use data that depends on sort to prevent it being optimized away
total += data[10].first;
total += data[size-10].first;
clock_t stop = clock();
std::cout << "Ignore: " << total << "\n";
clock_t ticks = stop - start;
double seconds = ticks / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
double ms = seconds * 1000.0;
double ms_p_iter = ms / reps;
std::cout << ms_p_iter << " ms/iteration.";
return 0;
Running this on my somewhat "trailing edge" (~5 year-old) machine, I'm getting times around 0.1 ms/iteration. I'd expect searching in this (using std::lower_bound or std::upper_bound) to be somewhat faster than searching in an std::map as well (since the data in the vector is allocated contiguously, we can expect better locality of reference, leading to better cache usage).
Thanks everyone for the responses. I ended up creating a vector of pairs (std::vector of std::pair(long, int)). Then I sorted the vector by the long value. I created a custom comparator that only looked at the first part of the pair. Then I used lower_bound to search for the pair. Here's how I did it all:
typedef std::pair<long,int> Key2VectorIndexPairT;
typedef std::vector<Key2VectorIndexPairT> Key2VectorIndexPairVectorT;
bool Key2VectorIndexPairComparator(const Key2VectorIndexPairT& pair1, const Key2VectorIndexPairT& pair2)
return pair1.first < pair2.first;
Key2VectorIndexPairVectorT sortedVector;
// Assume "original" vector contains unsorted elements.
for (int i = 0; i < originalVector.size(); ++i)
const TheStruct& theStruct = originalVector[i];
sortedVector.insert(Key2VectorIndexPairT(theStruct.key, i));
std::sort(sortedVector.begin(), sortedVector.end(), Key2VectorIndexPairComparator);
const long keyToSearchFor = 20;
const Key2VectorIndexPairVectorT::const_iterator cItorKey2VectorIndexPairVector = std::lower_bound(sortedVector.begin(), sortedVector.end(), Key2VectorIndexPairT(keyToSearchFor, 0 /* Provide dummy index value for search */), Key2VectorIndexPairComparator);
if (cItorKey2VectorIndexPairVector->first == keyToSearchFor)
const int vectorIndex = cItorKey2VectorIndexPairVector->second;
const TheStruct& theStruct = originalVector[vectorIndex];
// Now do whatever you want...
// Could not find element...
This yielded a modest performance gain for me. Before the total time for my calculations were 3.75 milliseconds and now it is down to 2.5 milliseconds.

Sorting 1000-2000 elements with many cache misses

I have an array of 1000-2000 elements which are pointers to objects. I want to keep my array sorted and obviously I want to do this as quick as possible. They are sorted by a member and not allocated contiguously so assume a cache miss whenever I access the sort-by member.
Currently I'm sorting on-demand rather than on-add, but because of the cache misses and [presumably] non-inlining of the member access the inner loop of my quick sort is slow.
I'm doing tests and trying things now, (and see what the actual bottleneck is) but can anyone recommend a good alternative to speeding this up?
Should I do an insert-sort instead of quicksorting on-demand, or should I try and change my model to make the elements contigious and reduce cache misses?
OR, is there a sort algorithm I've not come accross which is good for data that is going to cache miss?
Edit: Maybe I worded this wrong :), I don't actually need my array sorted all the time (I'm not iterating through them sequentially for anything) I just need it sorted when I'm doing a binary chop to find a matching object, and doing that quicksort at that time (when I want to search) is currently my bottleneck, because of the cache misses and jumps (I'm using a < operator on my object, but I'm hoping that inlines in release)
Simple approach: insertion sort on every insert. Since your elements are not aligned in memory I'm guessing linked list. If so, then you could transform it into a linked list with jumps to the 10th element, the 100th and so on. This is kind of similar to the next suggestion.
Or you reorganize your container structure into a binary tree (or what every tree you like, B, B*, red-black, ...) and insert elements like you would insert them into a search tree.
Running a quicksort on each insertion is enormously inefficient. Doing a binary search and insert operation would likely be orders of magnitude faster. Using a binary search tree instead of a linear array would reduce the insert cost.
Edit: I missed that you were doing sort on extraction, not insert. Regardless, keeping things sorted amortizes sorting time over each insert, which almost has to be a win, unless you have a lot of inserts for each extraction.
If you want to keep the sort on-extract methodology, then maybe switch to merge sort, or another sort that has good performance for mostly-sorted data.
I think the best approach in your case would be changing your data structure to something logarithmic and rethinking your architecture. Because the bottleneck of your application is not that sorting thing, but the question why do you have to sort everything on each insert and try to compensate that by adding on-demand sort?.
Another thing you could try (that is based on your current implementation) is implementing an external pointer - something mapping table / function and sort those second keys, but I actually doubt it would benefit in this case.
Instead of the array of the pointers you may consider an array of structs which consist of both a pointer to your object and the sort criteria. That is:
Instead of
struct MyType {
// ...
int m_SomeField; // this is the sort criteria
std::vector<MyType*> arr;
You may do this:
strcut ArrayElement {
MyType* m_pObj; // the actual object
int m_SortCriteria; // should be always equal to the m_pObj->m_SomeField
std::vector<ArrayElement> arr;
You may also remove the m_SomeField field from your struct, if you only access your object via this array.
By such in order to sort your array you won't need to dereference m_pObj every iteration. Hence you'll utilize the cache.
Of course you must keep the m_SortCriteria always synchronized with m_SomeField of the object (in case you're editing it).
As you mention, you're going to have to do some profiling to determine if this is a bottleneck and if other approaches provide any relief.
Alternatives to using an array are std::set or std::multiset which are normally implemented as R-B binary trees, and so have good performance for most applications. You're going to have to weigh using them against the frequency of the sort-when-searched pattern you implemented.
In either case, I wouldn't recommend rolling-your-own sort or search unless you're interested in learning more about how it's done.
I would think that sorting on insertion would be better. We are talking O(log N) comparisons here, so say ceil( O(log N) ) + 1 retrieval of the data to sort with.
For 2000, it amounts to: 8
What's great about this is that you can buffer the data of the element to be inserted, that's how you only have 8 function calls to actually insert.
You may wish to look at some inlining, but do profile before you're sure THIS is the tight spot.
Nowadays you could use a set, either a std::set, if you have unique values in your structure member, or, std::multiset if you have duplicate values in you structure member.
One side note: The concept using pointers, is in general not advisable.
STL containers (if used correctly) give you nearly always an optimized performance.
Anyway. Please see some example code:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <iterator>
// Demo data structure, whatever
struct Data {
int i{};
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All in the below section is executed during compile time. Not during runtime
// It will create an array to some thousands pointer
constexpr std::size_t DemoSize = 4000u;
using DemoPtrData = std::array<const Data*, DemoSize>;
using DemoData = std::array<Data, DemoSize>;
consteval DemoData createDemoData() {
DemoData dd{};
int k{};
for (Data& d : dd)
d.i = k++*2;
return dd;
constexpr DemoData demoData = createDemoData();
consteval DemoPtrData createDemoPtrData(const DemoData& dd) {
DemoPtrData dpd{};
for (std::size_t k{}; k < dpd.size(); ++k)
dpd[k] = &dd[k];
return dpd;
constexpr DemoPtrData dpd = createDemoPtrData(demoData);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Comp {bool operator () (const Data* d1, const Data* d2) const { return d1->i < d2->i; }};
using MySet = std::multiset<const Data*, Comp>;
int main() {
// Add some thousand pointers. Will be sorted according to struct member
MySet mySet{ dpd.begin(), dpd.end() };
// Extract a range of data. integer values between 42 and 52
const Data* p42 = dpd[21];
const Data* p52 = dpd[26];
// Show result
for (auto iptr = mySet.lower_bound(p42); iptr != mySet.upper_bound(p52); ++iptr)
std::cout << (*iptr)->i << '\n';
// Insert a new element
Data d1{ 47 };
// Show again
std::cout << "\n\n";
for (auto iptr = mySet.lower_bound(p42); iptr != mySet.upper_bound(p52); ++iptr)
std::cout << (*iptr)->i << '\n';

Simulation design - flow of data, coupling

I am writing a simulation and need some hint on the design. The basic idea is that data for the given stochastic processes is being generated and later on consumed for various calculations. For example for 1 iteration:
Process 1 -> generates data for source 1: x1
Process 2 -> generates data for source 1: x2
and so on
Later I want to apply some transformations for example on the output of source 2, which results in x2a, x2b, x2c. So in the end up with the following vector: [x1, x2a, x2b, x2c].
I have a problem, as for N-multivariate stochastic processes (representing for example multiple correlated phenomenons) I have to generate N dimensional sample at once:
Process 1 -> generates data for source 1...N: x1...xN
I am thinking about the simple architecture that would allow to structuralize the simulation code and provide flexibility without hindering the performance.
I was thinking of something along these lines (pseudocode):
class random_process
// concrete processes would generate and store last data
virtual data_ptr operator()() const = 0;
class source_proxy
container_type<process> processes;
container_type<data_ptr> data; // pointers to the process data storage
data operator[](size_type number) const { return *(data[number]);}
void next() const {/* update the processes */}
Somehow I am not convinced about this design. For example, if I'd like to work with vectors of samples instead of single iteration, then above design should be changed (I could for example have the processes to fill the submatrices of the proxy-matrix passed to them with data, but again not sure if this is a good idea - if yes then it would also fit nicely the single iteration case). Any comments, suggestions and criticism are welcome.
Short summary of the text above to summarize the key points and clarify the situation:
random_processes contain the logic to generate some data. For example it can draw samples from multivariate random gaussian with the given means and correlation matrix. I can use for example Cholesky decomposition - and as a result I'll be getting a set of samples [x1 x2 ... xN]
I can have multiple random_processes, with different dimensionality and parameters
I want to do some transformations on individual elements generated by random_processes
Here is the dataflow diagram
random_processes output
x1 --------------------------> x1
----> x2a
p1 x2 ------------transform|----> x2b
----> x2c
x3 --------------------------> x3
p2 y1 ------------transform|----> y1a
----> y1b
The output is being used to do some calculations.
When I read this "the answer" doesn't materialize in my mind, but instead a question:
(This problem is part of a class of problems that various tool vendors in the market have created configurable solutions for.)
Do you "have to" write this or can you invest in tried and proven technology to make your life easier?
In my job at Microsoft I work with high performance computing vendors - several of which have math libraries. Folks at these companies would come much closer to understanding the question than I do. :)
Greg Oliver [MSFT]
I'll take a stab at this, perhaps I'm missing something but it sounds like we have a list of processes 1...N that don't take any arguments and return a data_ptr. So why not store them in a vector (or array) if the number is known at compile time... and then structure them in whatever way makes sense. You can get really far with the stl and the built in containers (std::vector) function objects(std::tr1::function) and algorithms (std::transform)... you didn't say much about the higher level structure so I'm assuming a really silly naive one, but clearly you would build the data flow appropriately. It gets even easier if you have a compiler with support for C++0x lambdas because you can nest the transformations easier.
//compiled in the SO textbox...
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <numerics>
typedef int data_ptr;
class Generator{
data_ptr operator()(){
//randomly generate input
return 42 * 4;
class StochasticTransformation{
data_ptr operator()(data_ptr in){
//apply a randomly seeded function
return in * 4;
data_ptr operator()(){
return 42;
int main(){
//array of processes, wrap this in a class if you like but it sounds
//like there is a distinction between generators that create data
//and transformations
std::vector<std::tr1::function<data_ptr(void)> generators;
//TODO: fill up the process vector with functors...
//transformations look like this (right?)
std::vector<std::tr1::function<data_ptr(data_ptr)> transformations;
//so let's add one
//and we have an array of results...
std::vector<data_ptr> results;
//and we need some inputs
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER; ++i)
//and now start transforming them using transform...
//pick a random one or do them all...
I think that the second option (the one mentioned in the last paragraph) makes more sense. In the one you had presented you are playing with pointers and indirect access to random process data. The other one would store all the data (either vector or a matrix) in one place - the source_proxy object. The random processes objects are then called with a submatrix to populate as a parameter, and themselves they do not store any data. The proxy manages everything - from providing the source data (for any distinct source) to requesting new data from the generators.
So changing a bit your snippet we could end up with something like this:
class random_process
// concrete processes would generate and store last data
virtual void operator()(submatrix &) = 0;
class source_proxy
container_type<random_process> processes;
matrix data;
data operator[](size_type source_number) const { return a column of data}
void next() {/* get new data from the random processes */}
But I agree with the other comment (Greg) that it is a difficult problem, and depending on the final application may require heavy thinking. It's easy to go into the dead-end resulting in rewriting lots of code...