Understanding Amazon offerings - amazon-web-services

I am working on a project and am at a point where the POC is done and now want to move towards a real product. I am trying to understand the Amazon cloud offerings just to see if I need to be aware of them at development time. I have a bunch of questions that I cannot get answered from the Amazon site. Its probably because I am new to the whole web services thing and have never hosted a site before. I am hoping someone out here will explain this to me like I am a C programmer :)
I see amazon has a bunch of offerings -
Elastic Block Store
Simple DB
Elastic Load Balancing
I understand EC2 is virtual server instances that I can use and these could come pre-loaded with what I want (say Apache + python). I have the following questions -
If I want a custom instance of something (like say a custom apache module I wrote for my project). Can I create a server instance using the exact modules and make it the default the next time I create a new instance or in Autoscaling?
Do I get an IP Address to access this? Can I set my own hostname to it? I mean do I get a DNS record? Or is it what Elastic IP is?
How do I access it from the outside? SSH? Remote Desktop? Or is it entirely up to how I configure the instance?
What do they mean by Inter-Region or Intra-Region data transfer? What is data transfer to begin with? Is it just people using my instance? So if I go live with it that will be the cost I have to pay for people using it?
What is the difference between AutoScaling and Elastic Load Balancing?
What is Elastic Block Store? Is it storage? If so do I have to worry about backups or do they take care of it?
About the Simple DB -
It looks like the interface to use this is different to my regular SQL calls. Am I correct?
If so the whole development needs to be tailored specifically for Amazon. Which kind of sucks. Is there a better alternative?
Do I get data backups or do I have to worry about it myself?
Will I be able to connect to the DB using regular tools to inspect the DB (during or afte development). Or do I get other tools made by Amazon for it?
What about security? The DB is obviously somewhere in the cloud farm away from the EC2 instance. My DB password is going over the wire and so is all my data totally unencrypted. Don't I have to worry about that? The question comes up only because I don't own any of the hardware.
I really hope some one points me in the right direction here.
Thanks for taking the time to read.

I just went through the question and here I tried to answer few of them,
1) AWS EC2 instances doesnt publish pre-configured instances, in fact its configured by the developers and made it publicly available to the users so that they can use it. One can any one of those instances or you can just opt for what ever OS you want which is raw and provision it accordingly and create a snap shot of it so that you can use it for autos caling.The snap shot becomes the base AMI in your case.
2) Every instance you boot will have a public DNS attach to it, you can use the public DNS to connect to that instance using ssh if your are a linux user or using putty if you are a windows users. Apart from that, you can also attach a elastic IP which comes with a cost will is like peanuts and attach it to the instance and access your instance through the elastic IP and you can either map the public DNS or elastic ip to map to a website by adding a A record or Cname respectively.
3)AWS owns databases in the different parts of the world. For example you deploy your application depending upon your customer base, if you target customers are based out of India, the nearest region available is Singapore which is called as ap-southeast-1 by AWS. Each region will have multiple availability zones, example ap-southeast-1a and ap-southeast-1b, which are two different databases and geographically part. Intre region means from ap-southeast-1a to ap-southeast-1b. Inter Region means, from ap-southeast-1 to us-east-1 which is Northern Virginia Data centre. AWS charges from in coming and out going bandwidth, trust me its nothing.
They chargge 1/8th of a cent per GB. Its a thing to even think about it.
4)Elastic Load balancer is cluster which divides the load equally to all your regions across availability zones (if you are running in multi AZ) ELB sits on top the AWS EC2 instances and monitors the instance health periodically and enables auto scaling
5) To help you understand what is autoscaling please go through this document http://aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/
6)Elastic Block store or EBS are like hard disk which is a persistent data storage which can be attached to your instance.Regarding back up yes dependents upon your use case. I do backups of EBS periodically.
7)Simple Db now renamed as dynamo DB is nosql DB, I hope you understand what is nosql db, its a non RDMS db systems. Please read some documentation to understand what is nosql db is.
8)If you have mysql or oracle db you can opt for RDS, please read the documents.
9)I personally feel you are newbie to the entire cloud eco system, you need to understand what exactly cloud does first.
10)You dont have to make large number of changes to development as such, just make sure it works fine in your local box, it can be deployed to cloud with out much ado.
11) You dont have to use any extra tool for that, change the database end point to RDS(if your use it) or else install mysql in your ec2 instance and connect to the local db which resides in the ec2 instance and connect to it,which is as simple as your development mode.
12)You dont have to worry about any security issues aws, it is secured. Dont follow the myths, I am have been using aws since 3 years running I dont even know remember how many applications, like(e-commerce,m-commerce,social media apps) I never faced any kind of security issues and also aws allows to set your security how ever you want.
Go ahead, happy coding. Contact me if you have any problem.

The answer above is a good summary on AWS. Just wanted to add
AWS offers full data center, so it depends what you are trying to achieve. For starters you will need,
EC2 - This is your server, it comes with instance storage, which will be lost on restart
EBS - Your mounted storage, the data is persisted across reboots
S3 - Provides storage (RESTful API's on top, the cost is usage based rather than "provisioned" as in EBS)
Databases - can start with Amazon RDS, which provides managed database services, you can chose between various available databases. You can also install your own database using EC2 + EBS, you will have to take care of managing the database yourself.
Elastic IP: Public facing IP address, you can point your DNS server to this.
One great tool to calculate the pricing,

Some other services to take in account are:
VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). This is your own private network. You can define subnets, route tables and internet gateways there. I would strongly recommend to use VPC for any serious deployment of more than one instance.
Glacier - this will replace your tape library to storing backups.
Cloud Formation - great tool for deployment and automation of instances.


Running `terraform destroy` command daily for dev environments

Just wondering what is the best practice here.
I have these dev environments, dev/QA/UAT/ab/monkey and so on, which are used only during the daytime. We would like to save some cost here, by shutting them down during nighttime.
Each environment consists of frontend/API/caching/queueing/DB servers/Docker images.
Is using Terraform's create/destroy daily the right approach here?
First thing I noticed is the IP address change on removing EC2 instances. Every day on destroying the env, I will have to re-map the DNS. But this can be solved using EC2 elastic IP. But then I read somewhere:
if you’re using an EIP to just provide a public IP and not to rapidly and seamlessly distribute traffic in the event of an outage while keeping DNS records the same, it’s best to just use the AWS non-EIP pub IP and DNS records for pub access
Does AWS give a public DNS that doesn't go away if I shut down the EC2 instance?
Next is of course the data back-ups that I have to do. I have to back up all DBs, assets like images and videos, logs are not a concern since I will be pushing them off to another server using a log collector agent but all other data needs to be backed up before removal using Terraform destroy. I will also have tones of ECR images, I guess I need to back up them as well.
This feels like a lot of work. What is the best practice?
Just to add, almost all environments will run through-out the year.
You definitely could destroy these environments every day, depending on where your infrastructure as code lives, you could do this in a number of ways. For example if it's in a github repo, using github actions and workflows, you could create a task that runs a little while after you finish each day that would destroy everything. Other options would be gitlab which has it's own way of doing this, or something like Jenkins/TeamCity/Bamboo/CircleCI which could automate the job for you.
In theory you could set up another job that applies them again each weekday morning, so you can save money and you don't waste time each morning setting up your dev envs.
With regards to your DNS issues, if you are managing your DNS records with route53, you can add a resource for your records which point to the public IP of your instance (that would be an A record), or the public DNS of your instance (for example). Then when you create the new resources each morning the records will be updated to point at your new instances.
Simply shutting down the instances isn't always going to cut all of your costs, as you will still be paying for some resources like the EBS volumes and if you have elastic IPs which are not in use you get charged for that, load balancers generate charges even when not in use etc

AWS - Autoscaling and instances

I have an ubuntu server (ami-714ba518) which has a webserver on it (Apache and PHP). It is connected to a MySQL server on RDS. I want to setup auto scaling when load goes above 60-70% , but I'm having trouble getting my head around how it works.
My concern is that, when a change is made to a file in server, how does that change reflect on the other instances that auto scaling has started?
Scaling http servers assumes that they are stateless, meaning that the state of them is dedicated to persistence layer - database, and not to servers themselves. If one of your instances writes something on its disk, this data won't be available to autoscaled new instances. Changes like this do not replicate by autoscaling feature. You can achieve that with shared file system via EFS, though, but it won't be replication. It'll be a shared resource.
P.S. Automatic EFS volumes attachment described here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/efs/latest/ug/mount-fs-auto-mount-onreboot.html
The Autoscaling doesn't replicate the changes from your host server. If you already done the changes in your site, then may be you can create Custom AMI from your existing EC2 instance, and then use the same for launching new instances using autoscaling.
You need to use some common back-end service which will serve your changes to all of your web servers (existing or newly launched).
Take a look at s3 or efs.

Major differences of AWS and normal VPS (server)

I have a very basic idea on servers. So far I have only worked with few Ubuntu VPS server which I can easily maintain, install a database, upload my code and run my projects. And to save static data like image/video I use local SSD storage of my server.
Now I got some projects where AWS is required to use. In the beginning, I thought it would be very similar to my normal Ubuntu based VPS server. But while I start researching/reading articles also their own docs I find out it has lots more cool features for server and at the same, it's little complicated for a beginner. I would be really glad if someone give his time and reply on these questions of mine to clear concept about AWS of mine and people like me
As my plan is to use one EC2 instance to run my project. But I can see many experts suggest to use Elastic Beanstalk and create EC2 instance inside that. While I can directly run my project with EC2 without taking help from Elastic Beanstalk. So why it's better / what other help do it(Elastic Beanstalk) provide?
When I am checking the pricing of EC2(On-demand > Linux Unix) it says ECU as Variable. What does that mean? And where does ECU work
Instance Storage (GB) as EBS only. Does that mean I can't have any storage with my server I must buy separately? But in my previous VPS server, I use to get fewer storages with my server. Because storage is required if I want to install new software like MySQL/Redis/Python each of them requires local storage. Also if I want to upload my code or few static images it requires storage.
Like storage do I also need to buy other instances for a database? Like if I want to use PostgreSQL as my database do I need to buy AWS RDS or I can install that inside my Linux system?
Lastly, what are the main differences of my normal VPS Linux server and in AWS EC2 Linux server?
Thanks in advance for giving time :)
Let me try to answer your questions inline.
As my plan is to use one EC2 instance to run my project. But I can
see many experts suggest to use Elastic Beanstalk and create EC2
instance inside that. While I can directly run my project with EC2
without taking help from Elastic Beanstalk. So why it's better /
what other help do it(Elastic Beanstalk) provide?
If you are planning to use a single server and a database going with EC2 and RDS would be straightforward. However, if you are planning to set up, autoscaling (automatically increasing the number of servers only when load increases and return back to one server), load balancing and DevOps support, you need to set them up which requires more knowledge on AWS platform. AWS Elastic Beanstalk does these for you automatically, also by giving you the options to select the technology of your application and simply upload the code.
When I am checking the pricing of EC2(On-demand > Linux Unix) it says ECU as Variable. What does that mean? And where does ECU work
ECU is simply a rough figure to compare the processing across multiple EC2 classes that are having the different levels processing power.
Instance Storage (GB) as EBS only. Does that mean I can't have any storage with my server I must buy separately? But in my previous VPS server, I use to get fewer storages with my server. Because storage is required if I want to install new software like MySQL/Redis/Python each of them requires local storage. Also if I want to upload my code or few static images it requires storage.
EBS storage is reliable storage (With internal redundancy) that will last beyond your instance lifetime. Which means, you can upgrade the EC2 class and install software, or store files, which will remain in the EBS volume unless you delete it.
Since you are basically paying for the GBs, you can also create another EBS volume for static files and mount it to the EC2 instance if you want.
Like storage do I also need to buy other instances for a database? Like if I want to use PostgreSQL as my database do I need to buy AWS RDS or I can install that inside my Linux system?
It's not mandatory but recommended since you can even use a smaller instance for a web server and use another one for the DB. It's up to you. For example, the cost would be roughly similar if you use two small EC2 instances for a web server and DB server (Or use RDS) or use a single medium-size EC2 instance where both DB and web is running.
Lastly what are the main differences of my normal VPS Linux server and in AWS EC2 Linux server?
You will get more options in terms of selecting the hardware underneath since AWS provides different configuration options. In addition, EC2 instances are able to utilize the AWS ecosystem for Networking, Security, Load balancing & etc for better-optimized solution architectures in terms of reliability, security, performance & etc.
Q1) Beanstalk is a management application. AWS has several: CloudFormation, OpsWorks. Third party vendors have their own: Chef, Ansible, Terraform, etc. I really like Beanstalk and how it makes deploying code very easy for small sites (one command). I can scale up or scale down with a button push. I also use CloudFormation every day for just about everything.
Q2) ECU is a AWS Equivalent Compute Unit used to compare one instance with another. How does that translate to physical CPUs? Don't know as AWS does not publish its absolute meaning. Use is only to compare EC2 instances.
Q3) When you launch an EC2 instance, you will need storage. This is an additional cost (around $0.10 per GB per month). You will specify the size and type of storage (there are a number of types). There is also Instance Store Volumes. Stay away from these unless you really understand how to use them (they don't persist a shutdown so all data is lost). There are good use cases for Instance Store (AI, Big Data, Image processing), but a website is not one of them.
Q4) If your EC2 instance is big enough (2 GB of memory and larger), you can install PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc on your EC2 instance. Otherwise AWS has a number of database optios: DynamoDB, RDS, Aurora, etc.
Q5) Difficult to answer as each vendor offers its own set of features. EC2 instances are virtual machines. You have control over the raw power of that VM. Most VPS servers have management interfaces that EC2 does not. Usually EC2 is more expensive than VPS servers.
Watch a couple of AWS videos on YouTube. This will help you to understand AWS and why it is so successful in the cloud. Linux Academy, A Cloud Guru, etc. have very good training courses on AWS.
AWS Essentials: EC2 Basics
If you have further questions, open a new StackOverflow question per question. You will seldom get answers to long multi-question questions.

EC2, Webserver, and MySQL

I am about to launch an iOS app that will be communicating with my custom REST API. Right now I am running a single EC2 t2.micro instance running an Apache web server with MySQLi. Before I go ahead and launch it for the public, I want to hear what proper steps should be taken regarding the following.
Should I run two separate EC2 instances? One only for the web server and the other to handle only the database?
How should I approach setting up the database? Should I still use MySQLi or should I start using Amazon's RDS?
In relationship to number two, when the database and/or web server runs out of space, how is this issue handled so that it seamlessly adds space to allow the database/web server to continue growth? I also read something regarding auto-scale.
I will be expecting many requests per minute to my web server and want to take precaution.
The answer to these questions largely depends on the requirements of your application, your budget, and on what you decide to manage vs. what you'd prefer to allow AWS to manage. However, I'll answer these as best I can.
1) Yes. Separating the database from the web server (that is, 2 different EC2 instances) makes sense for a lot of reasons. This will allow you to tailor resources like memory, CPU, etc. to each layer of your application separately. You do not want your web and database competing for the same resources. Additionally, an issue that forces you to take down one (web or database) will not force you to also take down the other. If your database lives on one of the web servers and you need to perform maintenance, your app will effectively become offline, since down goes your database as you perform updates. Also, ideally you would protect your database server within a private subnet in your VPC. If you have the web and database on the same server, they will both be in a public subnet, since you're web will require access to an internet gateway.
2) Depends. If you want to maintain total control of the database server, than use an EC2 instance where you retain operating system control. If you want to take advantage of features like Multi-AZ for high availability or allowing AWS to manage things like updates for you, RDS can be a great option. Cost also plays a role. For things like read-replicas and Multi-AZ, you will pay more, but you are purchasing performance and high availability. Thus, depends on your requirements. You can find the features of RDS here: RDS Product Details
3) For anything running on an EC2 instance (database or web) or if you decide to use RDS, you may provision and attach additional storage volumes as necessary. The type of storage you select will depend on the performance requirements, your budget, and the kind of workload you expect your database to face. Amazon provides the storage options available to you as well as a section for adding more storage here: RDS Storage Options
If you are worried about too many requests overwhelming your EC2 t2.micro instance, consider creating an ELB load balancer and setting up an auto-scaling group which will allow you to expand your capacity as necessary while distributing traffic such that no one server gets overwhelmed.

How to manage and connect to dynamic IPs of EC2 instances?

When writing a web app with Django or such, what's the best way to connect to dynamic EC2 instances, such as a cluster of Redis or memcache instances? IP addresses change between reboots, etc. Elastic IPs are limited to 5 by default - what are some other options for auto-discovering/auto-updating which machines are available?
Late answer, but use Boto: http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/index.html
You can use security groups, tags, and other means to hit the EC2 API and pick the instances/IPs for each thing (DB Server, caching server, etc.) at load-time. We do this with great success in deployment, and are moving that way with our Django settings.py, as well.
One method that I heard mentioned recently in an AWS webinar was to store this sort of information in SimpleDB. Essentially, you would use SimpleDB as the central configuration location, and each instance that you launch would register its IP etc. with this configuration, so you would always have a complete description of all of your instances in one place. I haven't seen this in practice so I don't know what the best practices would be exactly, but the idea sounds reasonable. I suppose you could use SNS or something to signal all the other instances whenever the configuration changes, so everyone could refresh their in-memory cache of the configuration.
I don't know the AWS administrative APIs yet really, but there's probably an API call to list your EC2 instances, at which point you could use some sort of custom protocol to ping each of them and ask it what it is -- part of the memcache cluster, Redis, etc.
I'm having a similar problem and didn't found a solution yet because we also need to map Load Balancers addresses.
For your problem, there are two good alternatives:
If you are not using EC2 micro instances or load balancers, you should definitely use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, because it lets you control instances IPs and routing tables (check all limitations before using this service).
If you are only using EC2 instances, you could write a script that uses the EC2 API tools to run the command ec2-describe-instances to find all instances and their public/private IPs. Then, the script could parameterize instances names to hosts and update /etc/hosts. Finally, you should put the script in the crontab of every computer/instance that need to access the EC2 instances (see ec2-describe-instances).
If you want to stay with EC2 instances (I'm in the same boat, I've read that you can do such things with their VPC or use an S3 bucket or something like that.) but with EC2, I'm in the middle of writing stuff like this...it's all really simple up till the part where you need to contact the server with a server from your data center or something. The way I'm doing it currently is using the API to create the instance and start it...then once its ready, I contact the server to execute a powershell script that I have on the server....the powershell renames the computer and reboots it...that takes care of needing the hostname and MAC for our data center firewalls. I haven't found a way yet to remotely rename a computer.
As far as knowing the IP, the elastic IPs are the way to go. They say you're only allowed 5 and gotta apply for more but we've been regularly requesting more and they give em to us..we're up to like 15 now and they haven't complained yet.
Another option if you dont' want to do all the computer renaming and such...you could use DHCP and set your computer up so when it boots it gets the computer name and everything from DHCP....I'm not sure how to do this exactly, I've come across very smart people telling me that's the way to do it during my research for Amazon.
I would definitely recommend that you get into the Amazon API...I've been working with it for less than a month and I can do all kinds of crazy things. My code can detect areas of our system that are getting stressed, spin up 10 amazon servers all configured to act as whatever needs stress relief, and be ready to send jobs to all in less than 7 minutes. Brings a tear to my eye.
The documentation is very complete...the API itself is a work of art and a joy to program against...I've very much enjoyed working with it. (and no, i dont' work for them lol)
Do it the traditional way: with DNS. This is what it was built for, so use it! When a machine boots, have it ask for the domain name(s) related to its function, and use that for your configuration. If it stops responding, re-resolve the DNS (or just do that periodically anyway).
I think route53 and the elastic load balancing stuff can be used to do this, if you want to stick to Amazon solutions.