Windows 2008 R2 64 bit + ColdFusion 8 + 64 Bit JVM - Error loading: C:/ColdFusion8/runtime/jre\bin\server\jvm.dll - coldfusion

We have ColdFusion 8 running on Windows 2003 and JVM 1.6 Build 17 and they work without any issues. We are trying to upgrade to Windows 2008 R2 and when we point ColdFusion 8 to the 64 bit JVM 1.6_17, we get this error in ColdFusion out logs.
Error loading: C:/ColdFusion8/runtime/jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
We figured out msvcr71.dll has been missing and copied it to the C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\bin directory, but nothing seems to be changing.
In the Windows event viewer I can see this message The ColdFusion 8 Application Server service terminated with service-specific error The system cannot find the file specified..
It looks that JVM.DLL has some more dependencies dlls, which are missing on the file system. How can we get the dependencies the jvm.dll has been looking for? Or can we know which specified file its not able to find?

I was having the exact same issue. I installed the 64 bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ redistributional version 2010. ColdFusion started fine after that.


libpng14-14.dll was not found

i've searched about This application failed to start because libpng14-14.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. and i found that my problem can be caused by this : Uninstalling or installing applications can also make your registry of Windows full with corrupted, harmful and obsolete files (Note: i've reinstalled all visual studio from 2005 to 2015 on c:\ . (as required from my superior at work for a new c++ project))
Because politics&stuff i cannot install whatever i want, so, my question is: is there a way to solve this easly?
I've tried step 1 from this How To Fix Libpng14-14.dll is Missing / Not Found Error Messages and apparently i have no such file on my machine. :(
Feel free to edit this post/tags.
For completion,
Add the dll where the executable you are trying to run is located. If the program being compiled for 64 bit you need a 64 bit dll in this case 64 bit version of the libpng14-14.dll

Unable to load library in ColdFusion 11

I am getting the following error when I run my application on ColdFusion 11:
Unable to load library encrypt.dll
I have recently migrated my applications from ColdFusion 9 to ColdFusion 11. It works fine on ColdFusion 9 without a single problem but not on ColdFusion 11. The referenced dll is present in the specified location. I don't understand the reason behind it.
The path to the dll in Admin is correct.
Extensions > CFX Tags > Manage C++ CFX > "Path of dll".
The bitness of the operating system and ColdFusion server is 64 bit.
Any suggestions?
Does encrypt.dll call another dll? We faced a similar problem with 32bit ColdFusion on 64bit Windows. The called dll was in the same directory as the cfx dll. But the cfx could not find the called dll.
We solved it by copying the called dll to the c:\windows\syswow64 directory. In your case, it would be c:\windows\system32
Note that Microsoft cleverly misnames the directories for backwards compatibility. On 64 bit systems, syswow64 is for 32 bit. system32 is for 64bit.

VS2010 C++ Remote Debugging on a service missing App in Modules list

I'm trying to do remote debugging on a service using Visual Studio 2010. The service is written in native C++ (no managed code). Both local and remote machines are running Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit.
The service itself is a 32 bit app.
If I remotely attach to the process then I only see these modules in the modules list:
ntdll.dll, wow64.dll, wow64win.dll, wow64cpu.dll
If I run the service on my local machine and attach to it then all of the modules show up in the module list (45 of them). The most notable missing module is, of course, the .exe itself.
If I remote debug to the same remote server using a different app, things work fine.
I've tried building the service as a release build with debug data and as a debug build, but get the same results for both.
I solved this by running 32 bit variant of the VS2010 remote debug client, usually found in
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x86\msvsmon.exe".
I finally got the service to build as a 64 bit app and when I remote debug to it, everything works correctly.
So, at least based on this, looks like the remote debugging has 32/64 bit issues (?).
In my case, since everywhere we need to run this service is on a 64 bit machine, it's not a problem to run as 64 bit, so I'm done...

Create a new CI server in 32bit or 64bit?

Greeting all,
I am at a point deciding which bit version to go for and am keen to hear your advice on this.
We have been running our build automation on a Windows 2003 32bit server with NAnt and CruiseControl.NET, and others including Visual Studio and relevant toolsets. As we are now looking into building for web applications which require IIS7, I consider to set up a new build environment in Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit.
However when I test run build automation on my Windows 7 64bit machine, I bum in many glitches relating %programfile%, e.g. checked out projects look for MS SDKs\Bootstrapper\Engine under the wrong %programfile%. I googled for solution and some of them require changes to project file - which I am not sure if appropriate as it likely affects how other developers build project on their dev environment.
So now I am thinking maybe I should have Windows Server 2008 32bits instead as I am not sure how many more of these compatibility issues I'd bum in - they can be quite a time waster. Is my suspicion on this correct? Should I stay with 32bit to be safe/ for a easier setup? Would it be sustainable having a 32bit CI server?
Much appreciated if you can comment on this and let me know your experience regarding an OS upgrade on a CI server.
Ok. So after days of effort on this I've decided to re-configure CI on a 32 bit machine due to this showstopper I've bumped in.
1. (Showstopper) cannot build silverlight project running msbuild.
I receive the following error when msbuilding a csproj:
C:\Program Files
error : The Silverlight 3 SDK is not installed.
Though the recommended solution is to use the 32-bit MSBuild and target x86 or AnyCPU platforms to build your Silverlight projects according to, I cannot get it working by loading 32bit msbuild from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 and set in NAnt:
<msbuild project="${SilverlightApplication1.csproj}">
<property name="PlatformTarget" value="x86"/>

32 bit application working on 64 bit OS

we have developed a application on 32 bit windows using vc++ express 8 edition... Now, while executing this application on windows 64 bit os, we are getting the following error"CreateProcess
error=14001, The application has failed to start because its side-by-side confi
guration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-l
ine sxstrace.exe tool for more detail"
now, can you pls help in fixing this above said problem?
I followed some of the links from stackoverflow and couldn't fix the problem.
You need install the correct version of VC runtime, it means you should install the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package to the target machine. You can download it from here
As Simon pointed out, you need to make sure the runtime for your compiler is installed, or you could link your EXE statically.