I'm working on a library that's based upon a simple event-system.
For work with GUI elements ("controls"), these are needed a lot. For example, the Window class has got a bunch of events, like "onMouseMove", "onKeyPress", "onKeyRelease", .. However, the basic class for controls is the Control class. It has a virtual function draw (which obviously draws the control) and a virtual function connect which connects the control's and the main window's events (works similar to the Qt Signal-Slot-Concept).
But since the Event class takes an std::function<...> pointer as subject (=> Slot), I cannot simply connect a member function of a derived control class with an event of the window. As a workaround, I'm doing the following thing:
class A : public Control {
friend class Window;
this->eventHandler = [this] () -> void {
if ( someCondition ) this->onSomeCondition.notify();
Event<> onSomeCondition;
std::function<void()> eventHandler;
void connect(Window *window){
void draw(...) const{
What this basically does is that it assigns a lambda function to the std::function<...> in the constructor and attaches that std::function<...> to the chosen event.
There is a major problem though: What happens if I instantiate a few more objects of that class? If I had the event handlers specified in the class, as a normal function like so:
void eventHandler() {
if ( someCondition ) this->onSomeCondition.notify();
And could assign that function to the std::function<...> using std::bind, which does not work for some reason, at least as long as I'm using the following call:
std::bind(&A::eventHandler, this, std::placeholders::_1); // *this will not work since that's just a (reference to the?) copy to of the object.
Anyways, the lambda-function-workaround seems to be less time efficient since it's not really built into the class. Is there a more efficient way to solve this problem? Maybe not by solving the lambda-function problem in particular but by changing the concept?
I'm not sure what your asking, since I can't find the question, but ...
std::bind(&A::eventHandler, this, std::placeholders::_1); // *this will not work since that's just a (reference to the?) copy to of the object.
This creates a callable object that has one unbound parameter, i.e. it expects to be called with one argument, which is not compatible with std::function<void()> because that is a function that expects to be called with no arguments. It's also not compatible with the eventHandler member function you show, because that too takes no arguments.
Maybe you just want to use std::bind(&A::eventHandler, this);
I have the class stickyNotes, and in it I have the function addNote which is a public non-static function.
In the code there is a new type defined:
typedef void(*fptr)
I also have the class Button which in its constructor takes a variable of type fptr, I have a function makeButton() that returns a Button object.
stickyNotes also has another member called rendermainWindow which renders the main window and adds a button, I am trying to create a new variable of type fptr that is set to the address of stickyNotes::addNote and I'm getting the error:
'&': illegal operation on bound member function expression
void stickyNotes::rendermainWindow() {
Renders the main window
this->buttonList.empty(); // buttonList is a list of all buttons
mainWindow->clear(sf::Color(29, 29, 27, 255)); // clearing the window
sf::Vector2u windowDimensions = mainWindow->getSize(); // getting window dimensions
fptr cb = &this->addNote; <-------- ERROR HERE
Button plusB = makeButton((int)(windowDimensions.x * 0.75),
(int)(windowDimensions.y * 0.15),
(int)(windowDimensions.x * 0.85),
(int)(windowDimensions.y * 0.25),
// first button to add stuff
std::vector<Button> vect;
What I've tried:
Replacing this->addNote with stickyNotes::addNote.
I'm not looking to make addNote static. and I want to keep it public, how can I make a button with the callback function of addNote?
if there is a workaround, I'll be glad to hear it.
You are trying to pass a callback to the button. If you require the callback to be a simple function pointer (that does not receive any arguments) then your callback cannot retain any state.
However, all non-static member functions require at least one piece of state in order to be called: They need to know which object to work in/with.
These two are fundamentally at odds: If your button takes a simple function pointer, it cannot be used to call member functions (leaving horrible hacks such as global state aside).
One way around this is to use member function pointers: These specify which class they operate on (i.e. are member functions of) and must be called on an instance of that class. Since you presumably want the button callback to be usable with more than one class, you can use polymorphy - this is the interface solution SHR suggested.
Another option for the button interface is to take (and store) a std::function<void()> instead of your function pointer. std::function can store state and is very conveniently used with lambda functions:
Button plusB = makeButton(/* ... */, [this]() { addNote(); });
Lastly, you could allow users to pass some "custom data" to the button interface, possibly as void* or std::any which is passed along to the callback. The user can then store e.g. the stickyNotes instance in that custom data. That is compatible with a simple function pointer. However, this approach circumvents type safety and is very low-level. It is used in some libraries as it is very general, but it's much more annoying to work with than the std::function approach.
The problem:
Member functions are just an offset in the class namespace, so you can't give an offset as absulute address.
Solution 1:
Easy way is to create an Interface, implement it in your class, and return or assign this as the Interface.
Solution 2:
Other option is to create pointer to member function.
for example: void (Class::*pfunc)() will declare pfunc pointer which can point to member function of class Class like void Class::Member()
Solution 3:
As suggested by #GoswinvonBrederlow in the comment, use lambda and return or assign it as std::function:
std::function<void ()> Class::f()
return []() { /* do something...*/ };
So I have done some research, and have found you can create a boost::thread object and have it start with a non-static class function by using "this" and boost::bind etc. It really doesn't make much sense to me and all the examples I could find had the boost::thread object launched within the same class as the function it was starting with so this could be used. I however, am launching the thread in a different class so I'm afraid by using "this", I will be saying the "this" is from the class I am creating the thread from, rather than the one the function is in (I'm probably wrong, I need to learn more about this "this" guy). Here is an example of my source I am having the problem with.
class ANNGUI
boost::thread *GUIThread;
Main *GUIMain;
// Creates the entire GUI and all sub-parts.
int CreateGUI();
int ANNGUI::CreateGUI()
GUIMain = new Main();
GUIThread = new boost::thread(GUIMain->MainThreadFunc);
This isn't all the source, but I think my problem is in here somewhere, I know I have to deal with the "this" somehow, but I'm unsure how. I Could use a static function, but I didn't really want to make my variables static either.
Also, Is there any very good resource for using any boost libraries? Their web site documentation seems good, but over my head.
The this keyword is used with boost::bind when the function object you're creating is bound to a object member function. Member functions can't exist apart from instances, so when creating a functor object out of a member function with boost::bind, you need a pointer to an instance. That's exactly what the this keyword actually is. If you use the this keyword within a member function of a class, what you get is a pointer to the current instance of that class.
If you were to call bind from outside a class member function, you might say something like:
int main()
Foo f;
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, &f));
Here, we're using Foo::some_function as our thread function. But we can't use this because we're calling bind from main. But the same thing could be achieved using this if we called bind from within a member function of Foo, like so:
void Foo::func1()
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, this));
If a member function is static, or is simply a regular (non-member) function, then you don't need an instance pointer at all. You would just do:
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(some_regular_function);
As others mentioned, when you want to call an object method in a new thread, you have to supply the address of that object. But you don't need to call boost::bind, you can use the overloaded boost::thread constructor like this:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain);
If the method is in the same class you use this to get the address of the current instance, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this);
If the method has parameters, you can specify them after the second argument, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this, p1, p2);
boost::bind is your friend (it can sometimes have a rough way of showing it though)!
use GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain));
and then make your MainThreadFunc a regular member. That means that you can use the instance variables directly like you would normally do.
Something like this:
class GUIMain {
GUIMain() : m_Member(42) {}
void MainThreadFunc() {
// use all members as you would normally do
std::cout << m_Member << std::endl;
int m_Member;
In cases like this it is useful to think of non-static member functions as free functions that take the this as first parameter, for example in your case void MainThreadFunc(Main* this).
boost::thread accepts a nullary functor, so you have to pass it a nullary functor which contains a reference to the instance GUIMain and calls GUIMain->MainThreadFunc which, seen as I explained above, would be something like MainThreadFunc(GUIMain).
Boost (and now also C++ with TR1) provides helpers to create such functors, namely boost::bind (or alternatively boost::lambda::bind). The expression boost::bind(f, arg1, arg2, ...) means "return a nullary functor which calls f(arg1, arg2, ...)".
That said, you can use the following expression to create the thread:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain))
If your object is a functor, i.e. has an operator(), you can pass an instance of it to boost::thread. The operator() does not need to be static. For example:
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
struct th {
void operator()();
void th::operator()()
for (;;) {
// stuff
int main()
th t;
boost::thread my_thread( t ); // takes a copy of t !
my_thread.join(); // blocks
return 0;
What I'm doing
I'm working on an event system. Basically there are "slots" which any member can chime into. All they need is an event name which it will be listening to, and a function. Since all the slots are stored I had to store them as a variable in a class.
The Problem
The function becomes unavailable when it's placed into the SlotBase class. I am wondering if there is a way to retain the function in the Slot class while storing in in the SlotBase class.
The Code
class SlotBase { };
// TC - Template Class
// TA - Template Arguments (types)
template <class TC, typename ...TA>
class Slot : public SlotBase {
Slot(TC* funcClass, void(TC::*func)(TA...)) {
SetSlot(funcClass, func);
template <int ...Is>
void SetSlot(TC* funcClass, void(TC::*func)(TA...), int_sequence<Is...>) {
function = std::bind(func, funcClass, placeholder_temp<Is>{}...);
void SetSlot(TC* funcClass, void(TC::*func)(TA...)) {
SetSlot(funcClass, func, make_int_sequence<sizeof...(TA)>{});
std::function<void(TA...)> returnFunction(){
return function;
std::function<void(TA...)> function;
class RandomClass {
void randomFunction(int a, float b, int c){ //do stuff };
RandomClass randC;
SlotBase baseS;
Slot newSlot(&randC, &RandomClass::randomFunction);
baseS = newSlot;
//Later on down the line when an event was found matching slot call slot function
baseS.returnFunction()(//Correct arguments go here - leaving this out (a lot more code));
I didn't include the code for the integer sequences in the 'std::bind' as it isn't related to the problem.
What I have tried
I know that if I use a Slot cast on the baseS variable that would give me the result but I am unable to do so because I don't know the templates that Slot will have.
I have seen many similar posts stating to make baseS a pointer (such as here) but I still don't understand how you would grab the function.
I think you need to start to accept that at some point if you want to use polymorph objects, you will need to create a virtual function in SlotBase. If you want to cast back to your type at creation before using the function, the polymorphism makes no sense, because you have carried the original type somewhere along with you to be able to do so, so why upcast anyway in the first time ?
If you really need to upcast, then you need to think about a RUNTIME solution to get back to access the derived functionality. In this case, this would mean you need to create a generic interface to your signals, so try to make a pure virtual method in SlotBase that will pack an undefined number of arguments, and implement that generic caller in your Slot so that it unpacks the arguments in order and calls your slot with the arguments. I don't know if variadic methods can be overriden though, that seems dubious. Otherwise you'll have to use boost::any or something to pack the arguments in a runtime collection.
Hey i'm trying to make a very simple GUI using SFML, and i want to be able to attach a function to my Button class in the constructor, as so the user can define what happens when the button is pressed.
I've worked a little before with GLUT and noticed these declerations:
Which apparently define what function should be called when the window is resized or displayed. I want something exactly like this for my button so upon construction you can define what function should be called. I want to be able to pass a function name just like glut, not having define a new class wich overides a virtual functin.
I also doubt it's possible however to pass parameters for these
called functions, as you never know what or how many there would be.
Am i right?
So anyway..... How do i accomplish this or something like it?? Thanks!
You can store a callback using e.g. std::function (for C++0x; boost::function is also available and has a similar interface).
#include <functional>
class Button {
template<typename T>
Button(T const& t): callback(t) {}
std::function<void()> callback;
// example use with a lambda
Button b([] { do_stuff(); });
b.press(); // will call do_stuff
In C++ it's better to use virtual function approach to address such kind of problems. That's more maintainable at long run.
You can choose to redesign a little bit to your code, where you can have a common handle to various subclasses. Now based on subclass chosen you can call a particular function. For example:
class Shape
virtual void Resize () = 0;
virtual void Draw () = 0;
class Triangle : public Shape
// implement above to functions
class Square : public Shape
// implement above to functions
Now, just pass the handle of Shape* wherever you want and call the above abstract methods;
void foo(Shape *p)
(Rewrote everything), I had misread the question.
You seem to be wanting to pass plain old function pointers around to other functions. All you need to do is just pass the name of the function you want, but do so inside an if (or something like that) so the function passed is actualy what you want:
if(i am feeling lucky today){
The bad news is that since C is a nasty language you can't set up to pass extra parameters to your functions (ie, use closures). Therefore, you need to rely on a) the functions being passed some parameter quen being called or b) the functions looking at some global state.
So I have done some research, and have found you can create a boost::thread object and have it start with a non-static class function by using "this" and boost::bind etc. It really doesn't make much sense to me and all the examples I could find had the boost::thread object launched within the same class as the function it was starting with so this could be used. I however, am launching the thread in a different class so I'm afraid by using "this", I will be saying the "this" is from the class I am creating the thread from, rather than the one the function is in (I'm probably wrong, I need to learn more about this "this" guy). Here is an example of my source I am having the problem with.
class ANNGUI
boost::thread *GUIThread;
Main *GUIMain;
// Creates the entire GUI and all sub-parts.
int CreateGUI();
int ANNGUI::CreateGUI()
GUIMain = new Main();
GUIThread = new boost::thread(GUIMain->MainThreadFunc);
This isn't all the source, but I think my problem is in here somewhere, I know I have to deal with the "this" somehow, but I'm unsure how. I Could use a static function, but I didn't really want to make my variables static either.
Also, Is there any very good resource for using any boost libraries? Their web site documentation seems good, but over my head.
The this keyword is used with boost::bind when the function object you're creating is bound to a object member function. Member functions can't exist apart from instances, so when creating a functor object out of a member function with boost::bind, you need a pointer to an instance. That's exactly what the this keyword actually is. If you use the this keyword within a member function of a class, what you get is a pointer to the current instance of that class.
If you were to call bind from outside a class member function, you might say something like:
int main()
Foo f;
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, &f));
Here, we're using Foo::some_function as our thread function. But we can't use this because we're calling bind from main. But the same thing could be achieved using this if we called bind from within a member function of Foo, like so:
void Foo::func1()
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Foo::some_function, this));
If a member function is static, or is simply a regular (non-member) function, then you don't need an instance pointer at all. You would just do:
boost::thread* thr = new boost::thread(some_regular_function);
As others mentioned, when you want to call an object method in a new thread, you have to supply the address of that object. But you don't need to call boost::bind, you can use the overloaded boost::thread constructor like this:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain);
If the method is in the same class you use this to get the address of the current instance, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this);
If the method has parameters, you can specify them after the second argument, e.g.:
t = new boost::thread(&myclass::compute, this, p1, p2);
boost::bind is your friend (it can sometimes have a rough way of showing it though)!
use GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain));
and then make your MainThreadFunc a regular member. That means that you can use the instance variables directly like you would normally do.
Something like this:
class GUIMain {
GUIMain() : m_Member(42) {}
void MainThreadFunc() {
// use all members as you would normally do
std::cout << m_Member << std::endl;
int m_Member;
In cases like this it is useful to think of non-static member functions as free functions that take the this as first parameter, for example in your case void MainThreadFunc(Main* this).
boost::thread accepts a nullary functor, so you have to pass it a nullary functor which contains a reference to the instance GUIMain and calls GUIMain->MainThreadFunc which, seen as I explained above, would be something like MainThreadFunc(GUIMain).
Boost (and now also C++ with TR1) provides helpers to create such functors, namely boost::bind (or alternatively boost::lambda::bind). The expression boost::bind(f, arg1, arg2, ...) means "return a nullary functor which calls f(arg1, arg2, ...)".
That said, you can use the following expression to create the thread:
GUIThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Main::MainThreadFunc, GUIMain))
If your object is a functor, i.e. has an operator(), you can pass an instance of it to boost::thread. The operator() does not need to be static. For example:
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
struct th {
void operator()();
void th::operator()()
for (;;) {
// stuff
int main()
th t;
boost::thread my_thread( t ); // takes a copy of t !
my_thread.join(); // blocks
return 0;