Adjust the output width of R Markdown HTML output - r-markdown

I am producing an HTML output but I am having issues with the output width of R code output.
I'm able to adjust the figure width with no difficulty but when I try to write a data table or the factor loadings, R is outputting at a fixed width which is only about a third of my screen width. This results in the columns of the table being split up rather than all of the columns displayed in a single table.
Here is a reproducible example:
output: html_document
# Title
```{r echo = FALSE, fig.width=16, fig.height=6}
x = matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=10)

Add this at the start of your document:
```{r set-options, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
options(width = SOME-REALLY-BIG-VALUE)
Obviously, replace SOME-REALLY-BIG-VALUE with a number. But do you really want to do all that horizontal scrolling?
Your output is probably being wrapped somewhere around 80 characters or so.

Also, you can temporarily change the local R options for a code chunk:
```{r my-chunk, R.options = list(width = SOME-BIG-VALUE)}


Rmarkdown officer / officedown / flextables problem

I have the following rmd script. I've spent a few days trying to get this to work but I am failing miserably. Basically I need help with three things. I am happy to post three separate questions if needed.
The multicolumn options/code are completely ignored. The corporatetable.docx is in landscape and has a typical corporate style. I need to have a full width landscape -> two column landscape -> full width landscape. If I could get the two column landscape setup to work, the remaining style would be inherited by corporatetable.docx. If I could get help with only one - I would need this.
When I run the rmd it generates a word file but none of the corporate styles are in there. It just uses my word's default colors etc. The difference is very clear - no landscape, single column and blue instead of red. How do I correctly pass the officedown::rdocx_document: to reference my word file because it's clearly not picking it up and no warning or error is generated?
If you see in the second chunk I am using flextable to show two pictures (which are passed through params) in the word report and align them with some information. myft works but it prints the (temporary/volatile) path instead of showing the pictures in the report. For reference if I use knitr::include_graphics(c(params$x1,params$x2)) it works fine.
I'm really stuck on these. Any help is welcome.
title: "Title"
x1: x1
x1_name: x1_name
x1_email : x1_email
x2: x2
x2_name: x2_name
x2_email : x2_name
reference_docx: corporatetemplate.docx
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(out.width = '100%', dpi=300)
This text is on column 1. Please work
```{r somecodechunk, echo=FALSE, out.width="75px", include=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE}
# this works but prefer to use flextable
# if(all(!is.null(params))) {
# knitr::include_graphics(c(params$x1,params$x2))} else {
# }
myft <- data.frame(
"pic1" = rep("",3),
"details1" = c(params$x1_name,"+X XXX XXX X",params$x1_email),
"pic2" = rep("",3),
"details2" = c(params$x2_name,"+X XXX XXX X",params$x2_email)
myft <- flextable(myft)
myft <- merge_at(myft, i = 1:3, j = 1 )
myft <- merge_at(myft, i = 1:3, j = 3 )
myft <- compose(myft,i = 1, j = 1, value = as_paragraph(as_image(params$x1), part = "body"))
myft <- compose(myft,i = 1, j = 3, value = as_paragraph(as_image(params$x2), part = "body"))
#Ok this does not work because the pics are not shown
`r run_columnbreak()`
This text is on column 2. Please work
This text is on column 2. Please work
`r run_linebreak()`
<!---BLOCK_MULTICOL_STOP{widths: [4,4], space: 0.2, sep: true}--->
Back to full width with some text

R markdown summary output

I would like to keep all the columns of the summary output in same line, do you have a solution?
as shown in the picture, the last column goes to a new line, how to avoid it?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Without a code example, I can't help edit the code. In your Rmarkdown initial set up chunk, put the code below
{r setup}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
options(width = 1000)
the width = 1000 will need to be adjusted to meet your needs.
here is a link that might help you get more information

Change Default Beamer slide size

In R markdown when using Beamer slides if you try to plot you need to specify the plot sizes (unlike in the reports) so that the plots fit on a page. This can often result in the plots appearing to be squashed together, as apposed to just a smaller version of the plot.
Is there some method to change the default slide size to alleviate this problem?
I have tried
- \usepackage[papersize={25.6cm,19.2cm}]{geometry}
in the yaml header, and I get the error
! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
Using R Markdown I shouldn't need to use this though.
A reproducible example is shown below
title: "Plots look bad"
author: "Beavis"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d/%m/%Y')`"
output: beamer_presentation
- \usepackage{float}
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(results = 'hide')
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE)
# Introduction
pca <- prcomp(iris[,1:4])
Here, you if you run this the second slide looks like this As you can see the plot is rubbish. What is the best way to avoid this problem?
The biplot function uses par(pty = "s") to force a square plot, so it's not going to fill a rectangular slide. You can make it look better by asking the fig.height to be bigger, but then it will overflow the bottom of the slide. To prevent this, you can set both fig.height to a large number, and out.height (which will be a LaTeX measurement) to something that will fit on a slide. For example, using this chunk
```{r fig.height=10, out.height="0.8\\textheight"}
pca <- prcomp(iris[,1:4])
I see this output:
I'd recommend a smaller fig.height, but your preference may be different.
Both fig.height and out.height could be specified using knitr::opts_chunk$set as defaults for all slides if you want.
You could also specify out.width="\\textwidth" for a really ugly stretched plot that fills the slide, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Caption numbering not in sequential order when citing the captions with captioner in Rmarkdown

I am using captioner ( to create table captions in Rmarkdown - the main reason is because I am using huxtable for conditional formatting and exporting to word. This is the only I have found to have numbered captions.
I was trying to reference the captions but the caption number is not in sequential order when citing the captions but only if the table_nums(..., display="cite") is before the tables. I was trying to give the range of table numbers and it changed the number of the last table. I The number isn't changed if the r table_nums('third_cars_table',display = "cite") is put after the captions. Is there a way to make sure that table numbers remain in sequential order? I'd also be happy with a better solution for numbered captions.
Reproducible example:
title: "Untitled"
output: bookdown::word_document2
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
table_nums <- captioner(prefix = "Table")
fig_nums <- captioner(prefix = "Figure")
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Description of tables
I am trying to put a description of tables
and say that these results are shown table numbers ranging
from the first table (`r table_nums('first_cars_table',display = "cite")`)
to the last table (`r table_nums('third_cars_table',display = "cite")`)
```{r, results='asis',echo=FALSE,eval.after=TRUE}
tablecap1=cat(table_nums(name="first_cars_table",caption='First car table'))
tablecap2=cat(table_nums(name="second_cars_table",caption='second car table'))
tablecap3=cat(table_nums(name="third_cars_table",caption='third car table'))
The results:
A (terrible) workaround is to manually give the number ordering using display = FALSE. For example, inserting the following at the start of the document will ensure t1-t5 are sequentially numbered, no matter where the tables or first citations appear:
`r table_nums('t1', display = FALSE)`
`r table_nums('t2', display = FALSE)`
`r table_nums('t3', display = FALSE)`
`r table_nums('t4', display = FALSE)`
`r table_nums('t5', display = FALSE)`
I have not examined the captioner code but I expect that the document is read from top to bottom once and hence the numbering is stored in a first come, first served basis. Thus, I am not sure there are any other ways to get around this as it would involve some kind of pre-processing stage.

How to set df_print to tibble in markdown for a single R code chunk

I would like to show, in an rmarkdown document, the printed output of a tibble as shown in the console. i.e.
First line: dimension summary;
then the column headers;
then classes of variables;
then first 10 lines of the tibble;
then number of rows not shown.
However, by default, tibbles and other data.frame objects are automatically converted to a tabbed, paginated table showing all contents.
I note that the option to turn off this default behaviour can be set for a whole markdown document by changing the df_print option to tibble in the YAML.
However, how do I set the df_print option to tibble for just a single R code chunk, so that I can show in an Rmarkdown document what the user will see on the console?
There's no need to touch the global setting. You can explicitly call the print function tibble:::print.tbl_df(df)
title: "Untitled"
author: "TC"
date: "7/27/2018"
df_print: "kable"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## print tibble
df <- tibble::as.tibble(mtcars)
## print kable (set in YAML header)
output html