Efficiently get largest 3 integers in C++ Linked List (unsorted) - c++

I heard there were some std functions that do give the largest n integers of an array, but how about a linked list?
I would think a solution would be to have a few for loops to iterate over the linked list, but it seems as if there could be a simpler solution in the C++ libraries.

I would do it like this if you can't use another data structure:
typedef std::list<int> IntList;
InstList list = <your_values>;
int top[3];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
top[i] = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
IntList::iterator it, end;
for (it = list.begin(), end = list.end(); it != end; ++it) {
const int& value = *it;
if (value > top[2]) {
top[0] = top[1];
top[1] = top[2];
top[2] = value;
} else if (value > top[1]) {
top[0] = top[1];
top[1] = value;
} else if (value > top[0]) {
top[0] = value;

Perhaps look into using a priority_queue.

The basic idea is to maintain a sorted list, priority queue, or heap of exactly N numbers. You push the first N values of your list into that, then you iterate through the remainder. If you encounter item that is larger than the smallest value in your queue (or whatever), you remove that element and push the new one in.
If you're only looking for N=3, then using a simple array is probably better than a priority queue or anything else. You can determine which element in that array is the minimum with just two comparisons. You always remember the index of the minimum element, and only update that when you replace it.
Interestingly, this approach would have the worst performance for a list that is sorted in ascending order. However, it is still essentially linear time complexity.


STL algorithm for smallest max element than a given value

Recently I came across this code fragment:
// look for element which is the smallest max element from
// a given iterator
int diff = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
auto it = nums.rbegin();
auto the_one = nums.rbegin();
for (; it != given; ++it) // this terminates
int local_diff = *it - *given;
// if the element is less than/equal to given we are not interested
if (local_diff <= 0)
if (local_diff < diff)
// this update the global diff
diff = local_diff;
the_one = it;
I was wondering if anyone can think of an elegant stl algorithm to replace the above. Essentially we have to go through all the elements, and also keep track of the one which we need. This is not similar to std::max_element (atleast I can't model it that way).
auto the_one = std::min_element(nums.rbegin(), given,
[given](int a, int b) {
bool good_a = a > *given;
bool good_b = b > *given;
return (good_a && good_b) ? a < b : good_a;
The trick is to write a comparison function that declares any "good" element (one that's greater than *given) to compare smaller than any "not good" element. Two "good" elements are compared normally; two "bad" elements are always declared equivalent.

Create a function that checks whether an array has two opposite elements or not for less than n^2 complexity. (C++)

Create a function that checks whether an array has two opposite elements or not for less than n^2 complexity. Let's work with numbers.
Obviously the easiest way would be:
bool opposite(int* arr, int n) // n - array length
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if(arr[i] == - arr[j])
return true;
return false;
I would like to ask if any of you guys can think of an algorithm that has a complexity less than n^2.
My first idea was the following:
1) sort array ( algorithm with worst case complexity: n.log(n) )
2) create two new arrays, filled with negative and positive numbers from the original array
( so far we've got -> n.log(n) + n + n = n.log(n))
3) ... compare somehow the two new arrays to determine if they have opposite numbers
I'm not pretty sure my ideas are correct, but I'm opened to suggestions.
An important alternative solution is as follows. Sort the array. Create two pointers, one initially pointing to the front (smallest), one initially pointing to the back (largest). If the sum of the two pointed-to elements is zero, you're done. If it is larger than zero, then decrement the back pointer. If it is smaller than zero, then increment the front pointer. Continue until the two pointers meet.
This solution is often the one people are looking for; often they'll explicitly rule out hash tables and trees by saying you only have O(1) extra space.
I would use an std::unordered_set and check to see if the opposite of the number already exist in the set. if not insert it into the set and check the next element.
std::vector<int> foo = {-10,12,13,14,10,-20,5,6,7,20,30,1,2,3,4,9,-30};
std::unordered_set<int> res;
for (auto e : foo)
if(res.count(-e) > 0)
std::cout << -e << " already exist\n";
opposite of 10 alrready exist
opposite of 20 alrready exist
opposite of -30 alrready exist
Live Example
Let's see that you can simply add all of elements to the unordered_set and when you are adding x check if you are in this set -x. The complexity of this solution is O(n). (as #Hurkyl said, thanks)
UPDATE: Second idea is: Sort the elements and then for all of the elements check (using binary search algorithm) if the opposite element exists.
You can do this in O(n log n) with a Red Black tree.
t := empty tree
for each e in A[1..n]
if (-e) is in t:
return true
insert e into t
return false
In C++, you wouldn't implement a Red Black tree for this purpose however. You'd use std::set, because it guarantees O(log n) search and insertion.
std::set<int> s;
for (auto e : A) {
if (s.count(-e) > 0) {
return true;
return false;
As Hurkyl mentioned, you could do better by just using std::unordered_set, which is a hashtable. This gives you O(1) search and insertion in the average case, but O(n) for both operations in the worst case. The total complexity of the solution in the average case would be O(n).

Merge sorted arrays - Efficient solution

Goal here is to merge multiple arrays which are already sorted into a resultant array.
I've written the following solution and wondering if there is a way to improve the solution
Goal is to merge all sorted arrays
void mergeAll(const vector< vector<int> >& listOfIntegers, vector<int>& result)
int totalNumbers = listOfIntegers.size();
vector<int> curpos;
int currow = 0 , minElement , foundMinAt = 0;
// Set the current position that was travered to 0 in all the array elements
for ( int i = 0; i < totalNumbers; ++i)
for ( ; ; )
/* Find the first minimum
Which is basically the first element in the array that hasn't been fully traversed
for ( currow = 0 ; currow < totalNumbers ; ++currow)
if ( curpos[currow] < listOfIntegers[currow].size() )
minElement = listOfIntegers[currow][curpos[currow] ];
foundMinAt = currow;
/* If all the elements were traversed in all the arrays, then no further work needs to be done */
if ( !(currow < totalNumbers ) )
Traverse each of the array and find out the first available minimum value
for ( ;currow < totalNumbers; ++currow)
if ( listOfIntegers[currow][curpos[currow] ] < minElement )
minElement = listOfIntegers[currow][curpos[currow] ];
foundMinAt = currow;
Store the minimum into the resultant array
and increment the element traversed
The corresponding main goes like this.
int main()
vector< vector<int> > myInt;
vector<int> result;
myInt.push_back(vector<int>() );
myInt.push_back(vector<int>() );
myInt.push_back(vector<int>() );
for ( int i = 0; i < result.size() ; ++i)
cout << result[i] << endl;
You can generalize Merge Sort algorithm and work with multiple pointers. Initially, all of them are pointing to the beginning of each array. You maintain these pointers sorted (by the values they point to) in a priority queue. In each step, you remove the smallest element in the heap in O(log n) (n is the number of arrays). You then output the element pointed by the extracted pointer. Now you increment this pointer in one position and if you didn't reach the end of the array, reinsert in the priority queue in O(log n). Proceed this way until the heap is not empty. If there are a total of m elements, the complexity is O(m log n). The elements are output in sorted order this way.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the question...and I feel like I'm misunderstanding your solution.
That said, maybe this answer is totally off-base and not helpful.
But, especially with the number of vectors and push_back's you're already using, why do you not just use std::sort?
#include <algorithm>
void mergeAll(const vector<vector<int>> &origList, vector<int> &resultList)
for(int i = 0; i < origList.size(); ++i)
resultList.insert(resultList.end(), origList[i].begin(), origList[i].end());
std::sort(resultList.begin(), resultList.end());
I apologize if this is totally off from what you're looking for. But it's how I understood the problem and the solution.
std::sort runs in O(N log (N)) http://www.cppreference.com/wiki/stl/algorithm/sort
I've seen some solution on the internet to merge two sorted arrays, but most of them were quite cumbersome. I changed some of the logic to provide the shortest version I can come up with:
void merge(const int list1[], int size1, const int list2[], int size2, int list3[]) {
// Declaration & Initialization
int index1 = 0, index2 = 0, index3 = 0;
// Loop untill both arrays have reached their upper bound.
while (index1 < size1 || index2 < size2) {
// Make sure the first array hasn't reached
// its upper bound already and make sure we
// don't compare outside bounds of the second
// array.
if ((list1[index1] <= list2[index2] && index1 < size1) || index2 >= size2) {
list3[index3] = list1[index1];
else {
list3[index3] = list2[index2];
If you want to take advantage of multi-threading then a fairly good solution would be to just merge 2 lists at a time.
ie suppose you have 9 lists.
merge list 0 with 1.
merge list 2 with 3.
merge list 4 with 5.
merge list 6 with 7.
These can be performed concurrently.
merge list 0&1 with 2&3
merge list 4&5 with 6&7
Again these can be performed concurrently.
then merge list 0,1,2&3 with list 4,5,6&7
finally merge list 0,1,2,3,4,5,6&7 with list 8.
Job done.
I'm not sure on the complexity of that but it seems the obvious solution and DOES have the bonus of being multi-threadable to some extent.
Consider the priority-queue implementation in this answer linked in a comment above: Merging 8 sorted lists in c++, which algorithm should I use
It's O(n lg m) time (where n = total number of items and m = number of lists).
All you need is two pointers (or just int index counters), checking for minimum between array A and B, copying the value over to the resultant list, and incrementing the pointer of the array the minimum came from. If you run out of elements on one source array, copy the remainder of the second to the resultant and you're done.
You can trivially expand this to N arrays.
Don't trivially expand this to N arrays :-). Do two at a time. Silly me.
If you are merging very many vector together, then you could speed up performance by using a sort of tree to determine which vector contains the smallest element. This is probably not necessary for your application, but comment if it is and I'll try to work it out.
You could just stick them all into a multiset. That will handle the sorting for you.

Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

There are N values in the array, and one of them is the smallest value. How can I find the smallest value most efficiently?
If they are unsorted, you can't do much but look at each one, which is O(N), and when you're done you'll know the minimum.
small = <biggest value> // such as std::numerical_limits<int>::max
for each element in array:
if (element < small)
small = element
A better way reminded by Ben to me was to just initialize small with the first element:
small = element[0]
for each element in array, starting from 1 (not 0):
if (element < small)
small = element
The above is wrapped in the algorithm header as std::min_element.
If you can keep your array sorted as items are added, then finding it will be O(1), since you can keep the smallest at front.
That's as good as it gets with arrays.
You need too loop through the array, remembering the smallest value you've seen so far. Like this:
int smallest = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
if (array[i] < smallest) {
smallest = array[i];
The stl contains a bunch of methods that should be used dependent to the problem.
Now it contains on your data what algorithm to use.
This Artikel contains a perfect table to help choosing the right algorithm.
In the special case where min max should be determined and you are using std::vector or ???* array
can be used.
If you want to be really efficient and you have enough time to spent, use SIMD instruction.
You can compare several pairs in one instruction:
r0 := min(a0, b0)
r1 := min(a1, b1)
r2 := min(a2, b2)
r3 := min(a3, b3)
__m64 _mm_min_pu8(__m64 a , __m64 b );
Today every computer supports it. Other already have written min function for you:
or use already ready library.
If the array is sorted in ascending or descending order then you can find it with complexity O(1).
For an array of ascending order the first element is the smallest element, you can get it by arr[0] (0 based indexing).
If the array is sorted in descending order then the last element is the smallest element,you can get it by arr[sizeOfArray-1].
If the array is not sorted then you have to iterate over the array to get the smallest element.In this case time complexity is O(n), here n is the size of array.
int arr[] = {5,7,9,0,-3,2,3,4,56,-7};
int smallest_element=arr[0] //let, first element is the smallest one
for(int i =1;i<sizeOfArray;i++)
You can calculate it in input section (when you have to find smallest element from a given array)
int smallest_element;
int arr[100],n;
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++)
smallest_element=arr[i]; //smallest_element=arr[0];
else if(arr[i]<smallest_element)
smallest_element = arr[i];
Also you can get smallest element by built in function
int smallest_element = *min_element(arr,arr+n); //here n is the size of array
You can get smallest element of any range by using this function
such as,
int arr[] = {3,2,1,-1,-2,-3};
cout<<*min_element(arr,arr+3); //this will print 1,smallest element of first three element
cout<<*min_element(arr+2,arr+5); // -2, smallest element between third and fifth element (inclusive)
I have used asterisk (*), before min_element() function. Because it returns pointer of smallest element.
All codes are in c++.
You can find the maximum element in opposite way.
Richie's answer is close. It depends upon the language. Here is a good solution for java:
int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int array[]; // Assume it is filled.
int array_length = array.length;
for (int i = array_length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (array[i] < smallest) {
smallest = array[i];
I go through the array in reverse order, because comparing "i" to "array_length" in the loop comparison requires a fetch and a comparison (two operations), whereas comparing "i" to "0" is a single JVM bytecode operation. If the work being done in the loop is negligible, then the loop comparison consumes a sizable fraction of the time.
Of course, others pointed out that encapsulating the array and controlling inserts will help. If getting the minimum was ALL you needed, keeping the list in sorted order is not necessary. Just keep an instance variable that holds the smallest inserted so far, and compare it to each value as it is added to the array. (Of course, this fails if you remove elements. In that case, if you remove the current lowest value, you need to do a scan of the entire array to find the new lowest value.)
An O(1) sollution might be to just guess: The smallest number in your array will often be 0. 0 crops up everywhere. Given that you are only looking at unsigned numbers. But even then: 0 is good enough. Also, looking through all elements for the smallest number is a real pain. Why not just use 0? It could actually be the correct result!
If the interviewer/your teacher doesn't like that answer, try 1, 2 or 3. They also end up being in most homework/interview-scenario numeric arrays...
On a more serious side: How often will you need to perform this operation on the array? Because the sollutions above are all O(n). If you want to do that m times to a list you will be adding new elements to all the time, why not pay some time up front and create a heap? Then finding the smallest element can really be done in O(1), without resulting to cheating.
If finding the minimum is a one time thing, just iterate through the list and find the minimum.
If finding the minimum is a very common thing and you only need to operate on the minimum, use a Heap data structure.
A heap will be faster than doing a sort on the list but the tradeoff is you can only find the minimum.
If you're developing some kind of your own array abstraction, you can get O(1) if you store smallest added value in additional attribute and compare it every time a new item is put into array.
It should look something like this:
class MyArray
MyArray() : m_minValue(INT_MAX) {}
void add(int newValue)
if (newValue < m_minValue) m_minValue = newValue;
list.push_back( newValue );
int min()
return m_minValue;
int m_minValue;
std::list m_list;
//find the min in an array list of #s
$array = array(45,545,134,6735,545,23,434);
$smallest = $array[0];
for($i=1; $i<count($array); $i++){
if($array[$i] < $smallest){
echo $array[$i];
//smalest number in the array//
double small = x[0];
printf("\nThe smallest number is %0.2lf \n",small);
We can use min_element(array, array+size) function . But it iterator
that return the address of minimum element . If we use *min_element(array, array+size) then it will return the minimum value of array.
C++ implementation
using namespace std;
int main()
int num;
int arr[10];
for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
return 0;
int small=a[0];
for (int x: a.length)
C++ code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n = 5;
int arr[n] = {12,4,15,6,2};
int min = arr[0];
for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
if (min>arr[i]){
min = arr[i];
cout << min;
return 0;

Top 10 Frequencies in a Hash Table with Linked Lists

The code below will print me the highest frequency it can find in my hash table (of which is a bunch of linked lists) 10 times. I need my code to print the top 10 frequencies in my hash table. I do not know how to do this (code examples would be great, plain english logic/pseudocode is just as great).
I create a temporary hashing list called 'tmp' which is pointing to my hash table 'hashtable'
A while loop then goes through the list and looks for the highest frequency, which is an int 'tmp->freq'
The loop will continue this process of duplicating the highest frequency it finds with the variable 'topfreq' until it reaches the end of the linked lists on the the hash table.
My 'node' is a struct comprising of the variables 'freq' (int) and 'word' (128 char). When the loop has nothing else to search for it prints these two values on screen.
The problem is, I can't wrap my head around figuring out how to find the next lowest number from the number I've just found (and this can include another node with the same freq value, so I have to check that the word is not the same too).
void toptenwords()
int topfreq = 0;
int minfreq = 0;
char topword[SIZEOFWORD];
for(int p = 0; p < 10; p++) // We need the top 10 frequencies... so we do this 10 times
for(int m = 0; m < HASHTABLESIZE; m++) // Go through the entire hast table
node* tmp;
tmp = hashtable[m];
while(tmp != NULL) // Walk through the entire linked list
if(tmp->freq > topfreq) // If the freqency on hand is larger that the one found, store...
topfreq = tmp->freq;
strcpy(topword, tmp->word);
tmp = tmp->next;
cout << topfreq << "\t" << topword << endl;
Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated :)
Keep an array of 10 node pointers, and insert each node into the array, maintaining the array in sorted order. The eleventh node in the array is overwritten on each iteration and contains junk.
void toptenwords()
int topfreq = 0;
int minfreq = 0;
node *topwords[11];
int current_topwords = 0;
for(int m = 0; m < HASHTABLESIZE; m++) // Go through the entire hast table
node* tmp;
tmp = hashtable[m];
while(tmp != NULL) // Walk through the entire linked list
topwords[current_topwords] = tmp;
for(int i = current_topwords - 1; i > 0; i--)
if(topwords[i]->freq > topwords[i - 1]->freq)
node *temp = topwords[i - 1];
topwords[i - 1] = topwords[i];
topwords[i] = temp;
else break;
if(current_topwords > 10) current_topwords = 10;
tmp = tmp->next;
I would maintain a set of words already used and change the inner-most if condition to test for frequency greater than previous top frequency AND tmp->word not in list of words already used.
When iterating over the hash table (and then over each linked list contained therein) keep a self balancing binary tree (std::set) as a "result" list. As you come across each frequency, insert it into the list, then truncate the list if it has more than 10 entries. When you finish, you'll have a set (sorted list) of the top ten frequencies, which you can manipulate as you desire.
There may be perform gains to be had by using sets instead of linked lists in the hash table itself, but you can work that out for yourself.
Step 1 (Inefficient):
Move the vector into a sorted container via insertion sort, but insert into a container (e.g. linkedlist or vector) of size 10, and drop any elements that fall off the bottom of the list.
Step 2 (Efficient):
Same as step 1, but keep track of the size of the item at the bottom of the list, and skip the insertion step entirely if the current item is too small.
Suppose there are n words in total, and we need the most-frequent k words (here, k = 10).
If n is much larger than k, the most efficient way I know of is to maintain a min-heap (i.e. the top element has the minimum frequency of all elements in the heap). On each iteration, you insert the next frequency into the heap, and if the heap now contains k+1 elements, you remove the smallest. This way, the heap is maintained at a size of k elements throughout, containing at any time the k highest-frequency elements seen so far. At the end of processing, read out the k highest-frequency elements in increasing order.
Time complexity: For each of n words, we do two things: insert into a heap of size at most k, and remove the minimum element. Each operation costs O(log k) time, so the entire loop takes O(nlog k) time. Finally, we read out the k elements from a heap of size at most k, taking O(klog k) time, for a total time of O((n+k)log k). Since we know that k < n, O(klog k) is at worst O(nlog k), so this can be simplified to just O(nlog k).
A hash table containing linked lists of words seems like a peculiar data structure to use if the goal is to accumulate are word frequencies.
Nonetheless, the efficient way to get the ten highest frequency nodes is to insert each into a priority queue/heap, such as the Fibonacci heap, which has O(1) insertion time and O(n) deletion time. Assuming that iteration over the hash table table is fast, this method has a runtime which is O(n×O(1) + 10×O(n)) ≡ O(n).
The absolute fastest way to do this would be to use a SoftHeap. Using a SoftHeap, you can find the top 10 items in O(n) time whereas every other solution posted here would take O(n lg n) time.
This wikipedia article shows how to find the median in O(n) time using a softheap, and the top 10 is simply a subset of the median problem. You could then sort the items that were in the top 10 if you needed them in order, and since you're always at most sorting 10 items, it's still O(n) time.