Using functions from classes - c++

I am learning C++ and very new at using classes, and I am getting very confused in trying to use them. I am trying to convert my existing code (which used structs) so that it uses classes - so while I know what I am trying to do I don't know if I'm doing it correctly.
I was told that when using functions from the class, I first need to instantiate an object of the class. So what I have tried (a snippet) in my main function is:
int main()// line 1
string message_fr_client = "test"; //line2
msgInfo message_processed; //line 3
message_processed.incMsgClass(message_fr_client); //line 4
if (!message_processed.priority_check(qos_levels, message_processed)) //line 5
cout << "failure: priority level out of bounds\n"; //line 6
return 0; //line 7
Could you help me clarify if my following assumptions are correct? The compiler is not showing any error and so I don't know if it is error-free, or if there are ones lurking beneath.
At line 4, is the function incMsgClass being performed on the string message_fr_client and returning the resultant (and modified) message_processed?
At line 5, the function priority_check is being performed on the message_processed and returning a boolean?
In my class definition, I have a function getPath that is meant to modify the value of nodePath - is it just a matter of using message_processed.getPath(/*arguments*/)?
I haven't included the body of the functions because I know they work - I would just like to find out how the class functions interact. Please let me know if I can be clearer - just trying to clear up some confusion here.
Here is my class:
#ifndef clientMsgHandling_H
#define clientMsgHandling_H
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
class msgInfo
msgInfo(int, int, int, std::string, std::list<int>);
/*classifying message*/
msgInfo incMsgClass(std::string original_msg);
/*message error checks*/
bool priority_check(int syst_priority, msgInfo msg); //check that message is within qos levels
bool route_check(std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int> route_table, msgInfo msg); //check that route exists
void getPath(msgInfo msg, std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int> route_info, int max_hop);
int source_id;
int dest_id;
int priority;
std::string payload;
std::list<int> nodePath;

While it may compile (and even run), there are a few oddities with the code as shown:-
First off, class methods know which object they are operating on - so your priority_check and route_check methods probably don't need msgInfo as a parameter.,
for example, your old non-class function might be like this
bool priority_check(int p, msgInfo msg)
return msg.priority < p;
But the new one should look like this:
bool msgInfo::priority_check(int p)
return priority < p;
Also, incMsgClass is a bit odd, as it's a non-static class method that returns a msgInfo object. It's difficult to tell without understanding what it's supposed to do, but it seems possible that this function should actually be a constructor, rather than a regular method.
One other thing is that you're currently passing a msgInfo by value to those methods. So if the method needed to modify the passed msgInfo, it would not have any effect. It's generally better to pass objects by reference or const reference to other methods. So, back to the previous non-method example, it should really be this.
bool priority_check(int p, const msgInfo &msg)
But, as I said, you probably don't need the msgInfo parameters anyway.

At line 4, is the function incMsgClass being performed on the string message_fr_client
and returning the resultant (and modified) message_processed?
Whatever it's returning, you're ignoring the return value. It can modify the object itself, yes, because the function is not const.
At line 5, the function priority_check is being performed on the message_processed and returning a boolean?
In my class definition, I have a function getPath that is meant to modify the value of nodePath - is it just a matter of using message_processed.getPath(/arguments/)?
If a member function is intended to modify one of the class members, it's just a matter of not marking that function const

Hard to tell without implementation-details, but here we go:
I. You are passing a std::string as value (C++ is call-by-value by default), so you get a copy of the std::string in your method. If you want to work on the object you passed and manipulate it, use a reference on the object, like
msgInfo incMsgClass(std::string& original_msg); // notice the ampersand
then you can change your signature to
void incMsgClass(std::string& original_msg);
as you don't need to return the std::string you passed.
II. Yes, at least according to your signature
III. Can see a node_path only as a member.
For all your questions, see C++-FAQ.

Your basic assumptions are correct.
message_processed.incMsgClass(message_fr_client); //line 4
This line is not correct. The function you call returns msgInfo which is simply dropped. You should assign it to something. But it is not as it is usually done. You should make it a constructor of msgInfo, like
class msgInfo
msgInfo(std::string original_msg);
Then you could call it like this
msgInfo message_processed(message_fr_client);
That line would create a msgInfo that is already properly initialized.
There is another pattern for creating class instances - static creating function. In your case you could mark incMsgClass static and then call it like
msgInfo message_processed = msgInfo.incMsgClass(message_fr_client);
I seriously doubt you need this pattern here, so I'd advise to move to constructor.
As of other functions, I see no problems there. Just note that all member functions not marked as const can modify the object they are called on. So, you don't need to pass this object explicitly. For functions a pointer to the object they are called on is available by name this. Also the functions can access all class variables as if these variables are global for normal (non-member) functions.


How can I calculate a hash/checksum/fingerprint of an object in c++?

How can I calculate a hash/checksum/fingerprint of an object in c++?
The function must be 'injective'(*). In other words, there should be no two different input objects, that return the same hash/checksum/fingerprint.
I am trying to come up with a simple pattern for checking whether or not an entity object has been changed since it was constructed. (In order to know which objects need to be updated in the database).
Note that I specifically do not want to mark the object as changed in my setters or anywhere else.
I am considering the following pattern: In short, every entity object that should be persisted, has a member function "bool is_changed()". Changed, in this context, means changed since the objects' constructor was called.
Note: My motivation for all this is to avoid the boilerplate code that comes with marking objects as clean/dirty or doing a member by member comparison. In other words, reduce risk of human error.
(Warning: psudo c++ code ahead. I have not tried compiling it).
class Foo {
std::string my_string;
// Assume the "fingerprint" is of type long.
long original_fingerprint;
long current_fingerprint()
// *** Suggestions on which algorithm to use here? ***
Foo(const std::string& my_string) :
original_fingerprint = current_fingerprint();
bool is_changed() const
// If new calculation of fingerprint is different from the one
// calculated in the constructor, then the object has
// been changed in some way.
return current_fingerprint() != original_fingerprint;
void set_my_string(const std::string& new_string)
my_string = new_string;
void client_code()
auto foo = Foo("Initial string");
// should now return **false** because
// the object has not yet been changed:
foo.set_my_string("Changed string");
// should now return **true** because
// the object has been changed:
(*) In practice, not necessarily in theory (like uuids are not unique in theory).
You can use the CRC32 algorithm from Boost. Feed it with the memory locations of the data you want to checksum. You could use a hash for this, but hashes are cryptographic functions intended to guard against intentional data corruption and are slower. A CRC performs better.
For this example, I've added another data member to Foo:
int my_integer;
And this is how you would checksum both my_string and my_integer:
#include <boost/crc.hpp>
// ...
long current_fingerprint()
boost::crc_32_type crc32;
crc32.process_bytes(, my_string.length());
crc32.process_bytes(&my_integer, sizeof(my_integer));
return crc32.checksum();
However, now we're left with the issue of two objects having the same fingerprint if my_string and my_integer are equal. To fix this, we should include the address of the object in the CRC, since C++ guarantees that different objects will have different addresses.
One would think we can use:
process_bytes(&this, sizeof(this));
to do it, but we can't since this is an rvalue and thus we can't take its address. So we need to store the address in a variable instead:
long current_fingerprint()
boost::crc_32_type crc32;
void* this_ptr = this;
crc32.process_bytes(&this_ptr, sizeof(this_ptr));
crc32.process_bytes(, my_string.length());
crc32.process_bytes(&my_integer, sizeof(my_integer));
return crc32.checksum();
Such a function does not exist, at least not in the context that you are requesting.
The STL provides hash functions for basic types (std::hash), and you could use these to implement a hash function for your objects using any reasonable hashing algorithm.
However, you seem to be looking for an injective function, which causes a problem. Essentially, to have an injective function, it would be necessary to have an output of size greater or equal to that of the object you are considering, since otherwise (from the pigeon hole principle) there would be two inputs that give the same output. Given that, the most sensible option would be to just do a straight-up comparison of the object to some sort of reference object.

C++ class filler syntax error

My class is as follows:
class stats {
public: int strength,
As far as I know, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it, unless I need to set up a constructor and destructor.
I create my object using the following line:
stats* mainstat=new stats;
And I have the following function to "fill" objects of the said class:
void statfiller(stats* object, int table[]){
object->strength=table[0]; object->perception=table[1];
object->endurance=table[2]; object->charisma=table[3];
object->inteligence=table[4]; object->agility=table[5];
object->luck=table[6]; object->health=table[7];
object->stamina=table[8]; object->mana=table[9];
So, until then, no problem. At least, until the following:
I create a table with the data to fill, then feed it to my fill function.
int tablet[10]; tablet[0]=5; tablet[1]=5; tablet[2]=5; tablet[3]=5;
tablet[4]=5; tablet[5]=5; tablet[6]=5; tablet[7]=50; tablet[8]=50;
tablet[9]=50; tablet[10]=0;
When I do this, a compiling error comes up, stating the syntax of my function is incorrect.
Why is it so? Do I need to use pointer(*) or address(&)? Is there something I'm missing?
Odds are, the solution is very simple, but at the moment of typing this, I just don't see what's wrong with it ^^;
Solution to this problem was the following:
The function's syntax is "void statfiller(stats* object, int table[]) ", where the stats* object serves as reference, pointer to an object of stats class.
In the function's call "statfiller(mainstat*,tablet);", the mistake I made was calling a pointer of a stat object (in this case mainstat) instead of just putting in the object.

Public variables of class not being preserved when altered in function c++

I've found a question sorta similar to this one, though put in a more complex way than I think I require (received a -2 for question score). Hopefully this will be easier to follow.
The general gist of things is the two classes involved are GUI and Player (I've had the same problem elsewhere with other classes, but if I can understand why this one isn't working, it should apply to the rest).
GUI includes "Player.h". The class Player has a public boolean variable 'hasBall'; When a 'Player' is passed into a function Pass() and the boolean value changed, it seems that it is only a temp object thus isn't updating the object being passed itself. See code below:
This works fine, boolean values for Plyr1A and Plyr2A (defined in Gui.h) are changed and preserved
Plyr1A.hasBall = false;
Plyr2A.hasBall = true;
However boolean values for Plyr1A and Plyr2A remain the same with this.
Pass(Plyr1A,Plyr2A); //Boolean values for Plyr1A and Plyr2A remain the same with this.
void GUI::Pass(Player passer, Player receiver) {
passer.hasBall = false;
receiver.hasBall = true;
If anyone could explain to me why this occurs I'd be rather thankful! If there is any extra information needed please let me know.
Cheers :)
Your function makes a copy of the arguments (they are passed by value), then changes the copy, not the "original" objects(in the body of the function).
You should change it to take pointers or references, for example:
//-------------------v---------------v <---these are references
void GUI::Pass(Player& passer, Player& receiver) {
Of course, you should change the declaration, too.
Use references to pass your objects.
Consider this function:
void someFunction (int j)
j = 8;
And say we call it like this:
someFunction (3);
Are you thinking the assignment in someFunction somehow makes that 3 become an 8? Your expectation makes no sense. Without some kind of special arrangement, it cannot be that an assignment inside a function changes values in the caller.

creating an array of objects within a function of a program

could someone please tell me what I need to do in order to create an array of objects in a function (other than in the main function).
I will try to explain by making up some sort of example...
Let's say I have a program named TimeScheduler.cpp that implements the class Schedule.h
(and I have the implementation in a separate file Schedule.cpp where we define the methods).
In the declaration file we have declared two constructors
Schedule(); //the default
Schedule(int, int, int);//accepts three arguments
to get to the point--let's say in the main program file TimeScheduler.cpp we created our own functions in this program apart from the functions inherited from the class Schedule. so we have our prototypes listed at the top.
void makeSomeTime();
we have
//etc etc...
we then define these program functions
void makeSomeTime(){
let's say that inside the function makeSomeTime(), we would like to create an array of Schedule objects like this
Schedule ob[]={
summer(5,14, 49),
what do I have to do to the function makeSomeTime() in order for it to allow me to create this array of objects.
The reason I ask is currently i'm having difficulty with my own program in that it WILL allow me to create this array of objects in main()....but NOT in a function like I just gave an example of. The strange thing is it will allow me to create a dynamic array of objects in the function..... like
Schedule *ob = new Schedule[n+1];
ob[2]= Schedule(x,y,z);
Why would it let me assign to a non-dynamic array in main(), but not let me do that in the function?
This is not correct:
Schedule ob[]={
summer(5,14, 49),
You appear to be trying to introduce 3 new names:
ob, which is an array of Scedules
summer, which is a Schedule
fall, which is a Schedule
You can't introduce summer and fall as new names like that. Perhaps this was just a typo, and you meant:
Schedule ob[]={
Schedule(5,14, 49),
...which is perfectly fine, and can exist in a function such as:
void make_schedule()
Schedule ob[]={
Schedule(5,14, 49),
But now you have another problem -- your make_schedule function returns void. The Schedule array you created in make_schedule is created and then just thrown away. If you want to return an array from a functtion, the best thing to do is to use a vector, and return that:
std::vector<Schedule> make_schedule()
Schedule ob[]={
Schedule(5,14, 49),
const size_t num_obs = sizeof(ob)/sizeof(ob[0]);
std::vector<Schedule> ret;
std::copy( &ob[0], &ob[num_obs], std::back_inserter(ret));
return ret;
A poorer alternative is to use dynamic allocation to allocate your array, and return a pointer to the first element. In this case, when using new [] it's important to note that you can only use the default constructor.
I decided that instead of using a vector, I could use an unordered_map. I didn't realize that when you 'name' an object in c++, you aren't really giving it a is simply used as a sort of temporary reference. if you want to use names you are better off using a name as a sort of key value in a set. like:
string foodname;
foodname = "cake";
[foodname, 10.95]
foodname = "bread";
[foodname, 5.75]
I found help with unordered_map on

Trying to pass a pointer as a parameter to a member of fstream that points to a file

/* Thanks to anyone looking at this who might attempt to answer it. I'm really not trying to waste anyone's time here, but I have beat my head on this for about three days. I realize it is probably very simple for someone who understands it. I have tried most every possible combination I can think of and still get compiler errors.
C:\random\RNDNUMTEST.cpp(41) : error C2102: '&' requires l-value
I am trying to pass a pointer as a parameter to a function makeRndmNumber() for the member function I want to open the file in RNDNUMTEST.cpp and then pass it to makeRndmNumber() so that it can be modified in some way. I have looked online for help, including this website, but I feel like I am overlooking something important or simple or maybe I am just missing the concept altogether.
This isn't for homework, I'm not a college student. Although I did go to school for it, it has been over 10 years since I've done any programming and I never really understood this that well to begin with. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
// These are only excerpts from the actual files.
// RndmNum_Class.h file
typedef void(fstream::*fStream_MPT)(const char*); // fStream_MPT (Member Pointer Type)
class RandomNumber {
~RandomNumber() {};
static void loadDigits(double, double, char array[]);
static int getLastNDigits(char array[], int);
static int makeRndmNumber(int, int, fStream_MPT);
//RndmNum_Class.cpp file
int RandomNumber::makeRndmNumber(int seed, int _fileSize, fStream_MPT FILE) {
// RNDNUMTEST.cpp file
#include "RndmNum_Class.h"
int main() {
const char* RNDM_FILE = "c:\\RandomFile.txt";
fstream FStream_Obj;
fStream_MPT FileMembPtr = &;
//fStream_MPT FileMembPtr = &fstream::open;
int seed = 297814;
int size = 20000;
cout << RandomNumber::makeRndmNumber(seed, size, FileMembPtr);
return 0;
This: & is not taking the address of the function, it's trying to take the address of the return value of a call to that function. But that function returns void, hence the error message.
First, change the function definition from typedef void(fstream::*fStream_MPT)(const char*); to typedef void(fstream::*fstream_MPT)(const char*,ios_base::openmode), there is a default parameter you are forgetting.
Change the fStream_MPT FileMembPtr = &; to fStream_MPT FileMembPtr = &fstream::open; as per your comment, and add an additional parameter to makeRndNumber, a pointer to an fstream to operate on.
int RandomNumber::makeRndmNumber(int seed, int _fileSize, fStream_MPT FILE, fstream *file)
((*file).*FILE)("ExampleText",ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
FILE = fstream::open;
This could also be done a little cleaner with std::function objects.
First redefine your type.
typedef std::function<void(const char*)> fStream_MPT;
Then when you assign, be sure to bind your objects.
fStream_MPT FILE = std::bind(&fstream::open,&file,std::placeholders::_1, ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
Then in your function you simply call the function
int RandomNumber::makeRndmNumber(int seed, int _fileSize, fStream_MPT FILE)
FILE("Example text");
It doesn't make any sense: member function pointers is used so you can apply different member functions somewhere without knowing which exact function is called. It is like passing the function's name around (except that the name is resolved at compile-time). It doesn't seem that this is what you want to do!
Even if you would correctly obtain the function's address (rather than trying to get the address of the result of calling open()), it wouldn't work because std::fstream::open() takes two arguments: the second argument is for the open-mode and it is defaulted to std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out.
I'm not quite sure what you really want to d but it seems you want to pass the file stream around. The normal way to do this is to pass a reference to a std::iostream as argument to the function. Well, actually you probably want to use a std::ifstream initially and hence pass the argument as std::istream&.