How to Show C++ Results in Excel - c++

I am trying to create C++ code that allows User Input in selecting a variety of fields, then it will calculate many different angles and show the users the results, as well as a graph.
However, it has been suggested to us by our lecturer that it may be a good idea to write the code to these calculations etc in C++, then input the results into Excel.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Literally looking for a way for the user to fill in the required values on C++ and then to be AUTOMATICALLY taken to the excel file to show the results in the table and graph format.
If this is not possible, is there a way to display the results in the table and graph format through C++?
Thanks very much in advance

Excel provides COM interface which you can use from your C++ application.
This can be done in the way described in this article:
This link might also be useful:
I think the second link would be better for you as its more of a step by step guide which should help you to workout the answer.

Use COM Automation to automate excel.
The best way to do this is to use the vole library by Matthew Wilson at
Take a look at the examples. I do not think there is an example for excel, but there is one for microsoft word at
I have used vole in the past, and it makes it a whole lot easier


C++ Reading data from excel file and treating them as variables

I am using C++ & CLR to create a GUI in Visual studio. The whole app is like a calculator for the price of transport and the costs associated with it for my work. At work, we are using Helios and we are able to export certain data to Excel. Specifically, the prices of transport, packaging materials, etc. And what I need is for my program to be able to read certain cells in Excel where prices and other variables are recorded and calculate with it so that I don't have to rewrite all the values manually in the source code.
I spent a lot of time looking for a solution but couldn't find anything that referred to my problem. Is it even possible to build such a program? I don't want anyone to solve it for me. Maybe I just missed some banality and just need some direction. And as far as I understand, the CSV format is irrelevant for me, because I need to work with a few specific cells that Helios pre-fills for me in the Excel sheet.

Converting RTF tables into xml

I was given the task to convert great amount of RTF tables into XML ones (around or way more than 100.000), but I have no idea how to even start it and i cannot get help from the lead developer, because ironically he had never written a line of code.
I was thinking about c++ as I need t to be fast, but I'm open to any ideas.
What I need is some information I can start the project with or any library/program I could use for my help, thank you.
EDIT: I have XSD schemas to work with.
Found the solution after looking for a while. I can use LibreOffice to save it as html or other various forms that will keep the table as it is and also give a clear code i can pull an XSD on to make it valid also.

How to write to, edit, and retrieve specific cells from an Excel doc with C++?

Basically, I want to be to be able to pass data between Excel cells and
my C++ program. I don't have any experience in Excel/C++ interactions and I haven't been able to find a coherent explanation or documentation on any websites. If someone could link me some references or provide one themselves it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
If this is for a Windows system, you could always use one of the available managed Excel libraries, such as OfficeWriter or Aspose.
There also might be similar libraries specifically for c++, I know we (OfficeWriter) used to make one.
Edit: Looks like there are a few out there, like LibXL and BasicExcel.
If the application will run on an end user machine with Excel installed, you can easily use the Excel interop and keep Excel hidden.
In addition to LibXL and BasicExcel mentioned by smoore, there is:
ExcelFormat Library is an improved version of the BasicExcel library and will allow you to read and write simple values. It is free.
xlslib will also read and write simple values, I have not tried it tho. It is also free.
Number Duck, is a commercial library that I have written, It supports reading and writing values, formulas and pictures. The website has examples of how to use the features.

Legends on graphs

I am new to using C++, and I have been trying to plot some basic graphs that include legends in them. I have been googling to find ways to do this, and found that chplot.h can do this, like in the link below:
I want to download this header file online, but can't seem to find it. Is there a website that can do this? Or is there another header file that allows you to plot a legend on a graph?
Thanks very much!
A header file itself will most likely not allow you to do anything. You'd need the whole library (Ch professional in this case) for that. Have you read through the site you link to?
Anyway, they say they're based on GNUplot, so you might want to investigate that.
On the other hand, if you want to learn C++ rather than just use it for one particular task, there are easier and better suited problems to start with.

I have a data set and I need to create an excel sheet in exact below format...Is there any way to do so?

Assume here is the data set.....
Aspect Evaluation Quarter Percentage
Trying to generate below Excel Sheet with same color and Structure, assume the above percentage will be populated in “% Within” column ......
Any way to get the excel in this required format....?I appreciate any help...
If you're going to do color and such, you have a few options. PROC EXPORT won't do it, of course. So instead, you need to do either Excel Tagsets, DDE, or create an unformatted sheet and use a macro from a template to copy the colors in.
Excel Tagsets:
Benefits: Make the exact format entirely in SAS code. Have a great deal of control with a fairly simple interface. Uses the powerful PROC TEMPLATE to define styles, which allows highly portable and reusable code.
Drawbacks: Makes an .xml file that is readable by excel, not actually a .xls/.xlsx file. Does have some limitations in what it can do. Can be buggy. Probably the slowest to code of the three options, unless you are very familiar with it.
Benefits: Once you make the template (once) in Excel, can make exactly what you want fully in SAS. Can do 100% of what Excel does.
Drawbacks: Uses somewhat outdated method, so fewer SAS programmers are familiar with it. Requires Excel to be installed on the machine, and open (you can open it as part of the DDE program). Somewhat slower to copy data in, and requires more careful checking to verify data went where it should go. Requires knowing DDE commands.
Benefits: Likely fastest method in terms of set up time. Can do everything exactly like what excel does. Easy for other programmers to understand, as long as they know Excel/VBA and SAS.
Drawbacks: requires outside-of-SAS step to run copy macro (could be called from SAS via DDE or batch file, but more commonly would be done by hand). Does require some knowledge of VBA as well as SAS.
In general, I recommend trying Excel Tagsets first; if they don't work for your needs, try either of the other two options. Some good papers on Excel Tagsets for the beginner:
I think you could create the above pretty easily using excel tagsets and proc report; follow the first paper in particular as it seems to be the most similar to what you're doing. If you run into any issues, post them as separate questions and we should be able to help you out.