How to open URL in new Browser from Silverlight Application - silverlight-5.0

We have MVVM Silverlight application. I am trying to open web url from button click event which happen on client side viewmodel and through invoke method needs to open web url in new browser.
I am using Process.Start method as describe below in Server side code.
var URL = #"http://SiteSelect.aspx";
SecureString secure = new SecureString();
char[] passwordChars = Properties.Settings.Default.Password.ToCharArray();
//converting string to securestring...found from internet
foreach (char c in passwordChars)
this throws an error related to user name and password. I checked user name and password is correct. Anyone have solution or any other method I can able to use?

You create a helper class:
public static class CommonHelper
private class HyperlinkButtonWrapper : HyperlinkButton
public void OpenURL(string navigateUri)
OpenURL(new Uri(navigateUri, UriKind.Absolute));
public void OpenURL(Uri navigateUri)
base.NavigateUri = navigateUri;
base.TargetName = "_blank";
public static void OpenURL(string navigateUri)
new HyperlinkButtonWrapper().OpenURL(navigateUri);

You could use this as well :
using System.Windows.Browser;
var uri = new Uri("");
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(uri, "_blank");
Easiest way to pass credentials is to put them in the URL, however it's not very secured. Ie:


How can I integrate OWIN Authentication Middleware and Sitecore

I have implemented an MVC Application running with Sitecore. The Startup class of OWIN have implemented following like that:
[assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(WebApplication1.Startup))]
namespace WebApplication1.Web
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
app.UseOAuthBearerTokens(new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
Provider = new AppOAuthProvider(),
AllowInsecureHttp = true,
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Authenticate")
I have expected when I submit a username, password and grant_type value is password with method POST into URL http://<>/Authenticate the token bearer return to allows user can log in. Unfortunately, the Sitecore throw content is not found and I cannot figure out the way let the request going to the OWIN Middle Authorization. How can I sort it out?

Variable cookie path with ASP.NET Identity

We migrated a multitenant MVC application from ASP.NET Membership Provider to ASP.NET Identity.
This is my Startup.Auth.cs (simplified):
public partial class Startup
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
Provider = new CookieAuthenticationProvider
OnValidateIdentity =
SecurityStampValidator.OnValidateIdentity<ApplicationUserManager, Identity, int>(
(manager, user) =>
manager.CreateIdentityAsync(user, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie),
clIdentity => clIdentity.GetUserId<int>())
In our multitenant application, each tenant has its own 'slug' (e.g. and
However, currently, the cookies are stored in the root. This causes security issues as users from tenant1 are automatically logged in on the website from tenant2.
How can we make the CookiePath (in CookieAuthenticationOptions) variable so that it changes depending on the tenant?
I fixed this issue with a lot of help from dampee.
The CookiePath in the CookieAuthenticationOptions object is evaluated only once: at application startup.
The easiest solution (workaround) was to create a derived CookieAuthenticationProvider that overrides ResponseSignIn and ResponseSignOut.
They both have an argument called context which has a property called CookiePath. Modify this property in both of these methods to change the CookiePath.
You can also use the class I created.
Then all you have to do is replace the CookieAuthenticationProvider in the CookieAuthenticationOptions with the one you just created.
This works for the ApplicationCookie. The ExternalSignInCookie doesn't matter that much since it is used only temporarily while signing in with an external login.
Improving on SamuelDebruyn's own solution, I found you can pass the path from the SignIn call to the provider using an AuthenticationProperties object. This way, instead of extracting the path from the request context as his gist shows, you can pass it explicitly from the source:
// method inside web api controller
private void SignIn(string name, string cookiePath)
var claims = new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, name) };
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "ApplicationCookie");
var options = new AuthenticationProperties();
options.Dictionary["CustomCookiePath"] = cookiePath;
var authManager = Request.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
authManager.SignIn(options, identity);
// Startup.cs
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
Provider = new CustomCookieProvider()
// custom provider
public class CustomCookieProvider : CookieAuthenticationProvider
public override void ResponseSignIn(CookieResponseSignInContext context)
context.CookieOptions.Path = context.Properties.Dictionary["CustomCookiePath"];
You can use a custom ICookieManager to dynamically return the cookie value to the CookieAuthenticationProvider based on whatever is in the request, to do this you would still maintain the CookiePath as "/" and then leave it up to the ICookieManager to return (or write) the cookie however you want. The CookieManager is an option on the CookieAuthenticationOptions. I blogged about this here:

How can you call a URL without opening a browser in C/Side?

We are using C/Side on one server to try to call a URL to a PHP script on another server without opening a browser window. We want the script to run as a background process. So far, everything we've tried opens a browser. Any suggestions?
I used HttpClient to do this. But it's not that straight forward in Nav, since you cannot call an asynchronous method and assign its return value to a variable. So I created a wrapper class in c#.
public class NavHttpClient
private HttpResponseMessage responseMsg;
public HttpResponseMessage ResponseMsg
get { return responseMsg; }
public async Task GetAsync(string requestUri)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
responseMsg = await client.GetAsync(requestUri);
Then I exported this class in a class library. Now I can use it Nav this way:
NavWebClient : DotNet NavWebClient.NavHttpClient.'NavWebClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
NavWebClient := NavWebClient.NavHttpClient;
IF NavWebClient.ResponseMsg.IsSuccessStatusCode THEN
Is this solution suits your needs? Inside there is link to codeunit for Nav 2013 that allows to work with web services in Nav style.

Cannot call web api 2 post method with int parameter in URL in Unit Test using Http server

Please ignore the spelling mistake, I cannot copy code so I have typed the whole thing and changed name of controller and method.
// Controller name is Test
public HttpResponseMessage Method1(int param1) // Post method
// return string
If I create an object of controller in test case then it is working fine. But if I want to test in localhost using following code:
Unit Test:
public void Method1Test()
HttpResponseMessage response;
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("DefaultApi", "api/{controller}/{id}");
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(config);
using(var client = new HttpClient(server))
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "http://localhost:5022/api/test?param1=1");
request.Content = new ObjectContent<int>(param1, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
response = client.SendAsync(request, CancellationToken.None).Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
Now, my test case is failing. I used the same code in different project and it worked. May be it is the way I am trying to call Post method. Is this the right way to call post method with Int parameter in URL?
In help page, under API column it shows:
POST api/test/param1={param1}
Also I have put some stop point in actual service I am cursor is not stopping at that point. Why?
If I want to call the same service from browser, what URL should I pass? Is it -
Or something else?
I figured it out. Following is the correct unit test method but this has some extra information which I have not provided earlier i.e., passing object as an input for the service.
private void Method1Test(ObjectClass obj)
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("DefaultApi", "api/{controller}/{id}");
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(config);
using (var client = new HttpClient(server))
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "http://localhost:5022/api/test/1");
request.Content = new ObjectContent<ObjectClass>(obj, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
response = client.SendAsync(request, CancellationToken.None).Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
So the correct URL that I was looking for was
Sorry, It took long to post this answer. This method is working like a charm for more then 2 years.

ServiceStack web services security

Hi I am new to working with Servicestack and have downloaded their very comprehensive bootstrapapi example and am working with it, but am still having some issues. The issue is with security, what is happening is I am getting 405 errors when trying to access the protected services. Using the authenticate service it appears that I am authenticating correctly. Please help and explain. Here is the code:
public class Hello
public string Name { get; set; }
public class AuthHello
public string Name { get; set; }
public class RoleHello
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
The Services:
public class HelloService : ServiceBase<Hello>
//Get's called by all HTTP Verbs (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,etc) and endpoints JSON,XMl,JSV,etc
protected override object Run(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, Olle är en ÖL ål " + request.Name };
public class AuthHelloService : RestServiceBase<AuthHello>
public object Execute(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
public class RoleHelloService : RestServiceBase<RoleHello>
public object Execute(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
Here is the AppHost:
public class HelloAppHost : AppHostBase
//Tell Service Stack the name of your application and where to find your web services
public HelloAppHost() : base("Hello Web Services", typeof(HelloService).Assembly) { }
public override void Configure(Container container)
//Register all Authentication methods you want to enable for this web app.
Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(), new IAuthProvider[] {new CustomCredentialsAuthProvider(), //HTML Form post of UserName/Password credentials
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient() { FlushOnDispose = false });
//register user-defined REST-ful urls
Everything works as expect if you replace : RestServiceBase with : ISevice so now the question is why.
Check the wiki documentation first
I would first go through the documentation in ServiceStack's Authentication Wiki to get a better idea about how ServiceStack's Authentication works. There's a lot of documentation in the wiki, so if you're unsure of something you should refer to that first. It's a community wiki so feel free to expand whats there if you think it can help others.
Refer to the implementation in the source code if behavior is not clear
If you're unsure of what something does you should refer to the RequiredRole source code as the master authority as how it works. RequiredRole is just a Request Filter Attribute which gets run before every service that has the attribute.
The RequiredRole attribute just calls your session.HasRole() method as seen here:
public bool HasAllRoles(IAuthSession session)
return this.RequiredRoles
.All(requiredRole => session != null
&& session.HasRole(requiredRole));
Because it just calls your session you can override the implementation of session.HasRole() if you have a custom session.
Registering and Implementing a CustomUserSession
The Social BootstrapApi project does implement its own CustomSession that it registers here but does not override the HasRole() implementation so it uses the built-in implementation in the base AuthUserSession.HasRole() which simply looks like the Roles collection to see if the user has the specified role in their Session POCO:
public virtual bool HasRole(string role)
return this.Roles != null && this.Roles.Contains(role);
Session properties populated by AuthUserRepository
The Roles property (as well as most other properties on a users Session) is populated by the AuthUserRepository that you have specified e.g. if you're using the OrmLiteAuthRepository like SocialBootstrapApi does here than the Roles attribute is persisted in the Roles column in the UserAuth RDBMS table. Depending on the AuthUserRepository you use the UserAuth / UserOAuthProvider POCOs get stored as RDBMS tables in OrmLite or as text blobs in Redis, etc.
Manage roles and permissions with AssignRoles / UnAssignRoles services
So for a user to have the required role (and authorization to pass), it should have this Role added to its UserAuth db row entry. ServiceStack's AuthFeature includes 2 services for managing users permissions and roles:
How to initially give someone the Admin Role
These services does require a user with the Admin Role to be already authenticated.
You can do this by manually changing a specific users UserAuth.Role column to include the value "Admin". The Social Bootstrap API project instead does this by handling the OnAuthenticated() event on its CustomUserSession that simply checks to see if the authenticated username is declared in the Web.Config and if it is, calls the AssignRoles service giving that authenticated user the Admin Role:
if (AppHost.Config.AdminUserNames.Contains(session.UserAuthName)
&& !session.HasRole(RoleNames.Admin))
var assignRoles = authService.ResolveService<AssignRolesService>();
assignRoles.Execute(new AssignRoles {
UserName = session.UserAuthName,
Roles = { RoleNames.Admin }