Load single objects from "index" allways - ember.js

Using the latest revision of Ember-Data and the RESTAdapter, is there a way of doing the following?
I have a resource called App and a API that responds to /apps by returning the correct JSON (with { apps: [...] }etc.)
Since this gets served from a static json on our server, it is quiet inappropriate to create server-side resources for every app that can be fetched as /apps/:app_id. Instead, it would be good if the RESTAdapter allways loaded /apps, even if it then only uses one single app out of the fetched ones.
Do I have to write my own Adapter to achieve this? If yes, what would be a good point to "hook into"?

Supposing you have an app model App.App, it should be enough to call App.App.find() when your application loads. This will make the AJAX call to /apps. Even if you don't cache the result in a variable, your data store will be populated with the returned records. Now whenever you call App.App.find(id), Ember Data will check your store and return the record if it has it. If it doesn't have the record, then it will try to call /apps/:id, but this shouldn't happen if your application is designed to use only a static collection.
There are a few different places you could put the App.App.find() call. I would probably put it in App.ready:
App = Ember.Application.create({
ready: function() {
// pre-load apps
App.App = DS.Model.extend({

It seems a little hacky (and probably is), but it looks like one can achieve this by overwriting the DS.Adapter:find().
In my case, to block calls to /app/:app_id I wrote this:
find: function(store, type, id) {
// Terminate calls for single app
if (type === App.App) {
// instead, load all apps and drop this request
// or continue as usual
this._super(store, type, id);
This also works when you have a hierarchy of embedded: 'always' records and Ember thinks it has to load a middle level. Just make sure you load the parent for sure when dropping requests like this!


Issues with model when navigating while still being retrieved

Working with an older ember application (2.18.1). The following problem is repeated too many times to all fix in the time frame I got available right now.
The component is loading it's own data (setting this.get('model')) and all works fine.
However as the database is now a little slower the user sometimes click on one link, where the template render the component and it start loading it's data .
If the user click another link (to a route that does exactly the same) data from both the previous and the "new" component get loaded.
I can't reset the model when data get loaded, since the fetchRecord method that loads the data get called over and over with paging (as the user scroll down).
I'm sure I'm just not thinking of an obvious solution (did not work on Ember for a few years), any advise?
(ps: some of these components does not use paging, in mean time I'm going to clear out the model before setting it to what the api returns)
I'm afraid ember-data gives no support to abort a request, but you can handle that yourself directly on your component calling the endpoint through Ajax or fetch, and then pushing the payload or aborting requests using the lifecycle hooks. For example, you can trigger the abort() on the willDestroyElement hook.
import $ from 'jquery';
import Component from '#ember/component';
export default Component.extend({
init() {
const xhr = $.get( "ajax/test.html", (data) => {
this.set('xhr', xhr);
willDestroyElement() {

Ember.js getJSON data from an url

I am a bit confused. Components, controllers, routes, helpers and whatsoever. I simply want to grab a value from a JSON file and calculate it with a value on Ember.Helper. Which way should i use, i cannot know anymore, brain burned. Would someone please help me to grab the "sell" part of the "market_name" which equals to "BTC_USDT" on "https://stocks.exchange/api2/prices" and put that into helper?
In fact i try to do something like that.
import Ember from 'ember';
export function formatBTC(value) {
var url = 'https://stocks.exchange/api2/prices';
var btc_price = Ember.$.getJSON(url).then(function(data) {
for (var i=0; i <= data.length-1; i += 1)
if (data[i].market_name == "BTC_USDT")
return data[i].sell;
console.log(data[i].sell+' - i got the value properly');
console.log(btc_price+' - shows nothing, i cannot pass the var btc_price to here, why not');
calculation = value * btc_price; //some syntax may apply, maybe Number(value) or whatsoever, but i cannot have my variable btc_price returns here.
return calculation.toFixed(8);
export default Ember.Helper.helper(formatBTC);
And from the index.hbs
{{format-btc 0.001}}
Still couldnt find a proper solution. I get the data[i].sell as btc_price, but couldnt pass it through to return part... what am i missing? or what am i doing wrong?
The issue you're encountering is because the ajax request executes. Execution of the function continues and returns the value before the promise returns.
While technically, you could fix this and use async/await in your helper function, you'll run into another issue - Every time your helper is called, you'll make a new ajax request that will fetch the current price and calulate the value.
My recommendation is that instead of a helper, you use a combination of a model and a controller. Because you're currently overwhelmed with the framework, I'll actually make a second suggestion of using a service + component
I recommend a service or a model because you want to persist the data that you've fetched from the pricing source. If you don't, every instance of the helper/component will make a new request to fetch data.
A service is kind of a session collection in ember. It only gets instantiated once, after that data will persist.
ember g service pricing
In the init block, set your default values and make your ajax request.
# services/pricing.js
init() {
# get correct value from response
# The way you were getting the value in your example was incorrect - you're dealing with an array.
# filter through the array and get the correct value first
You can then inject the service into the component and use a consistent price.
ember g component format-btc
Modify the controller for the component to inject the service and calculate the new value.
pricing: Ember.inject.service('pricing')
convertedPrice: Ember.computed('pricing',function(){
return pricing.btcPrice*this.get('bitcoins')
The template for the component will simple return the converted price.
And you'll call the component, passing in bitcoins as an argument
{{format-btc bitcoints='1234'}}
All of this is pseudo-code, and is probably not functional. However, you should still be able to take the guidance and piece the information together to get the results you want.

How to remove records in store when they are not in server anymore

I have application which may lost connection with server for days and when it finally reconnect some record exist in store didn’t exist in server any more.
I need to remove these records without create flickering in the ui.
I try to fix it but can’t get any where.
store.findall didn’t seems to have option to delete record not returned by server.
I can’t find ways to chain store.unloadAll and store.findAll without have the blank state take effect on the screen and cause flickering
I also can’t find out how to get what actually returned by server without go completely manual (make my own ajax calls,which won’t scale obviously)
I am wondering what everyone else is using in this situation
Thanks for any help
You could override the shouldBackgroundReloadAll and shouldBackgroundReloadRecord implementation on your adapter.
As stated at ember adapter documentation:
This method is used by the store to determine if the store should
reload a record array after the store.findAll method resolves with a
cached record array.
Something like:
// app/adapters/application.js
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
shouldReloadRecord: function(store, snapshot) {
return true;
shouldReloadAll: function(store, snapshot) {
return true;
// If this method returns true the store will re-fetch a record from the adapter.
shouldBackgroundReloadRecord: function(store, snapshot) {
return true;
// If this method returns true the store will re-fetch all records from the adapter.
shouldBackgroundReloadAll: function(store, snapshot) {
return true;
Reference: https://emberjs.com/api/ember-data/2.15/classes/DS.Adapter/methods/shouldBackgroundReloadAll?anchor=shouldBackgroundReloadAll
You could get all records in store via peekRecord() and then reload() each record. If your UI is not depending on isReloading property of model, reloading should not change view until finished. If your API supports coalesceFindRequests and you make sure to execute the reload for all records of a model in same runloop, this should only trigger one request.
Disclaimer: I did not tested this approach but it should work. Let me know, if you face any issues.

Ember DS.Store.findAll() returns empty collection

Hey I need to modify some records which I get from the DataStore. If I add the following code in my router I can see that the requests get passed to my template, but I can't modify each request of the collection because the collection is empty.
model() {
return this.store.findAll('user').then(function(users) {
console.log(users.get('length')); // 0
return users;
I thought that the promise gets resolved when all the records have been fetched from the server but this doesn't seem to be the case. Or did I completely miss something.
I also tried to modify the model in the afterModel callback with the same result.
I'm using Ember 1.13.0 (with Ember-CLI), Ember-Data 1.13.4 and ember-cli-mirage for Mocking my HTTP Requests.
I managed to create a workaround for this issue. In my controller, I created a new property which listens for model.#each and then I was able to modify model and pass it to the view.
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
users: function() {
return this.get('model.users').filter(function(user) {
// The Promise is resolved twice
// The first time with an empty model and the second time with
// the actual data. So I filter the empty model.
return user.get('id');
}).map(function(user) {
// do fancy stuff with our user
return user
Ember Data 1.13
So after spending some time on this topic i found the solution to this issue. It's basically the way how ember works. So under the hood findAll is returning two promises.
findAll without data in the store
find records from the store (resolve first promise -> length 0,
because no data is in the store)
fetch new data in the background (resolves second promise)
findAll with data in the store
find records from the store (resolve first promise with cached data)
fetch new data in the background (resolves second promise with new
If you want to wait for all the data to be loaded you can use query which is returning only one promise.
model() {
return this.store.query('user', {});
For findRecord I found the following workaround, which is only working if your backend supports any kind of filtering on the id of your record.
model() {
return this.store.query('user', {
'filter[id]': 1
}).then((users) => {
return users.objectAt(0);
You can have a look on the following discussion on github
Ember Data 2.0
On Ember Data 2.0 this issue is resolved.
First you should make sure the data is coming in from Mirage as you expect. Open your Ember inspector and verify the models made it into your store. If not, you likely have a problem with the format of the JSON response from your mock route.
To diagnose, check out your console for a log of the JSON response, and ensure it matches what you expect. If you have a custom route handler in your /mirage/config.js for this route, you could also put a debugger statement in there and verify the data is what you think it should be.
If you're using default Ember Data 1.13, it probably means you're using the JSON API serializer/adapter. Is this what you intend? What is the backend for this app ultimately going to look like? If it's going to be JSON API, you'll need to do a bit more work in the Mirage config.js file for now, something like
this.get('/contacts', function(db, request) {
return {
data: db.contacts.map(attrs => {
type: 'contacts',
id: attrs.id,
attributes: attrs
I had a similar problem to the one you are describing when using Ember and Ember data version 1.13. At the time, I was reading the updated documentation of Ember 2.0 without Ember Data 2.0. Once I upgraded both libraries I was able to get the behavior you are trying to achieve with the first code snippet. Namely, the promise is handled correctly with nonzero records with ember data 2.0.

Force reload of index

My application has a nodes pool, and several sub-nodes (queues, services, ...). I need to constantly access the nodes pool, and I need to make sure that the data is up-to-date with the data in the backend. The data in the backend can change due to several reasons, for example:
side effects of working with other objects: the backend will modify not only the affected object, but related objects too. For example, an update of a service document could affect a queue. This is done in the backend, and the ember application is not aware of this.
Maybe another user has modified objects in the backend, and I want to get a fresh copy.
Usually the objects are loaded when accessing the route #/nodes/index, but sometimes I would like to force a refresh of the store, without hoping that the user performs an access to the right route. How can I trigger this programatically?
With ember data you can reload the data using. recordArray.update(), and using window.setInterval to schedule to your desired time. A RecordArray instance is get when the Model.find() is resolved.
Model.find().then(function(recordArray) {
The easy way to do this is in the ember way, is returning your data in the model hook, and getting the recordArray instance in afterModel hook. So use this instance to perform an update at some specific time using setInverval, by example:
App.NodesIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Nodes.find();
afterModel: function(recordArray) {
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000); //each second
Just be aware with the transition to nodes index route, because every time will be created a new setInterval, and things will load n times more to each transition to that route.
To fix this, store the id returned of setInterval, and use the clearInterval to remove the previous task:
afterModel: function() {
if (this.get('jobId')) {
var jobId = setInterval(function() {
}, 1000); // each second
this.set('jobId', jobId);
I have created a sample here.