What does the 'iv' in glGetShaderiv() stand for? - opengl

What does the iv at the end of glGetShaderiv() stand for?

It describes the parameters returned, in this case a vector of ints. The same nomenclature is used for glTexParameteriv and glTexParameterfv for example, which updates a vector of ints or floats respectively.

OpenGL has some organized naming conventions regarding the routines they have in the libraries.
All routines have a gl before them. Similar thing you must have observed with glu and glut. Some vender libraries also have prefixes like NVidia guys have put up a NV_ prefix in the hardware feature flags.
Suffixes usually are an indicator to what kind of arguments does the method take.
Some specifying the context of the function. e.g. 1D, 2D or 3D
e.g. glTexCoord2D
Kind of value types is a function's argument taking. e.g. glTranslatef takes GLfloat arguments (observe that even the data types follow the same naming convention) and glTranslated take GLdouble.
The source of the vertices (usually when there are too many vertices and you store them in a single array) taking the method you have mentioned:
glGetShaderiv is a function, takes the parameters for shaders, where datatype is GLint and the source of data is a vector (v).
You can take such kind of conventions to easily identify that what method takes what kind of arguments.

It indicates you want to get a value that is an array of integers. The function reference can be found here, and as you can see, the return param is a GLint *. This is in contrast to functions such as glGetInternalFormati64v, which has a return param of GLint64 *. I believe, but can't locate at the moment, that there have been functions using the fv suffix to denote floats, and possibly others.


Why are the OpenGL functions using a mix of GLuint and GLint for attribute locations/indices?

I'm trying to write a very simple OpenGL program, and I'm getting a bit confused by the mix of using GLint/GLuint.
glGetAttribLocation returns the attribute location (index?) as a GLint, while
glVertexAttribPointer accepts a GLuint as the attribute index. Why aren't both using the same type?
It has to do with the etymology of these functions.
glVertexAttribPointer was not created for GLSL specifically. It originally came from ARB_vertex_program, which is the old assembly shading language extension. glVertexAttribPointer used unsigned attribute indices. Also, it never had an API to query attribute indices; after all, it was for assembly where you hard-coded your attribute indices directly into your shader. Why would you need to query something you provided?
So, along comes GLSL, first defined by the ARB_shader_object extension (and written by the people at 3D Labs, a thankfully defunct organization, considering all of the mistakes they made with GLSL). They used signed integers for their locations. Note that the glUniform*ARB functions all take GLint rather than GLuint. So GLSL consistently uses signed integers for this sort of thing.
However, ARB_vertex_program already had functions for specifying attribute arrays to vertex shaders. Rather than create an entire new series of functions that do the same thing, their ARB_vertex_shader extension just used the ones we already had. This allowed existing code to be able to use GLSL relatively painlessly.
But it created this inconsistency, because the GLSL extensions all use GLint, while glVertexAttribPointer used GLuint.
if name starts with the reserved prefix "gl_", a value of -1 is returned.
It handles the error cases.

How to ensure correct struct-field alignment between C++ and OpenGL when passing indirect drawing commands for use by glDrawElementsIndirect?

The documentation for glDrawElementsIndirect, glDrawArraysIndirect, glMultiDrawElementsIndirect, etc. says things like this about the structure of the commands that must be given to them:
The parameters addressed by indirect are packed into a structure that takes the form (in C):
typedef struct {
uint count;
uint instanceCount;
uint firstIndex;
uint baseVertex;
uint baseInstance;
} DrawElementsIndirectCommand;
When a struct representing a vertex is uploaded to OpenGL, it's not just sent there as a block of data--there are also calls like glVertexAttribFormat() that tell OpenGL where to find attribute data within the struct. But as far as I can tell from reading documentation and such, nothing like that happens with these indirect drawing commands. Instead, I gather, you just write your drawing-command struct in C++, like the above, and then send it over via glBufferData or the like.
The OpenGL headers I'm using declare types such as GLuint, so I guess I can be confident that the ints in my command struct will be the right size and have the right format. But what about the alignment of the fields and the size of the struct? It appears that I just have to trust OpenGL to expect exactly what I happen to send--and from what I read, that could in theory vary depending on what compiler I use. Does that mean that, technically, I just have to expect that I will get lucky and have my C++ compiler choose just the struct format that OpenGL and/or my graphics driver and/or my graphics hardware expects? Or is there some guarantee of success here that I'm not grasping?
(Mind you, I'm not truly worried about this. I'm using a perfectly ordinary compiler, and planning to target commonplace hardware, and so I expect that it'll probably "just work" in practice. I'm mainly only curious about what would be considered strictly correct here.)
It is a buffer object (DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER to be precise); it is expected to contain a contiguous array of that struct. The correct type is, as you mentioned, GLuint. This is always a 32-bit unsigned integer type. You may see it referred to as uint in the OpenGL specification or in extensions, but understand that in the C language bindings you are expected to add GL to any such type name.
You generally are not going to run into alignment issues on desktop platforms on this data structure since each field is a 32-bit scalar. The GPU can fetch those on any 4-byte boundary, which is what a compiler would align each of the fields in this structure to. If you threw a ubyte somewhere in there, then you would need to worry, but of course you would then be using the wrong data structure.
As such there is only one requirement on the GL side of things, which stipulates that the beginning of this struct has to begin on a word-aligned boundary. That means only addresses (offsets) that are multiples of 4 will work when calling glDrawElementsIndirect (...). Any other address will yield GL_INVALID_OPERATION.

Ensuring OpenGL compatible types in c++

OpenGL buffer objects support various data types of well defined width (GL_FLOAT is 32 bit, GL_HALF_FLOAT is 16 bit, GL_INT is 32 bit ...)
How would one go about ensuring cross platform and futureproof types for OpenGL?
For example, feeding float data from a c++ array to to a buffer object and saying its type is GL_FLOAT will not work on platforms where float isn't 32 bit.
While doing some research on this, I noticed a subtle but interesting change in how these types are defined in the GL specs. The change happened between OpenGL 4.1 and 4.2.
Up to OpenGL 4.1, the table that lists the data types (Table 2.2 in the recent spec documents) has the header Minimum Bit Width for the size column, and the table caption says (emphasis added by me):
GL types are not C types. Thus, for example, GL type int is referred to as GLint outside this document, and is not necessarily equivalent to the C type int. An implementation may use more bits than the number indicated in the table to represent a GL type. Correct interpretation of integer values outside the minimum range is not required, however.
Starting with the OpenGL 4.2 spec, the table header changes to Bit Width, and the table caption to:
GL types are not C types. Thus, for example, GL type int is referred to as GLint outside this document, and is not necessarily equivalent to the C type int. An implementation must use exactly the number of bits indicated in the table to represent a GL type.
This influenced the answer to the question. If you go with the latest definition, you can use standard sized type definitions instead of the GL types in your code, and safely assume that they match. For example, you can use int32_t from <cstdint> instead of GLint.
Using the GL types is still the most straightforward solution. Depending on your code architecture and preferences, it might be undesirable, though. If you like to divide your software into components, and want to have OpenGL rendering isolated in a single component while providing a certain level of abstraction, you probably don't want to use GL types all over your code. Yet, once the data reaches the rendering code, it has to match the corresponding GL types.
As a typical example, say you have computational code that produces data you want to render. You may not want to have GLfloat types all over your computational code, because it can be used independent of OpenGL. Yet, once you're ready to display the result of the computation, and want to drop the data into a VBO for OpenGL rendering, the type has to be the same as GLfloat.
There are various approaches you can use. One is what I mentioned above, using sized types from standard C++ header files in your non-rendering code. Similarly, you can define your own typedefs that match the types used by OpenGL. Or, less desirable for performance reasons, you can convert the data where necessary, possibly based on comparing the sizeof() values between the incoming types and the GL types.

What is the best way to subtype numeric parameters for OpenGL?

In the OpenGL specification there are certain parameters which take a set of values of the from GL_OBJECTENUMERATIONi with i ranging from 0 to some number indicated by something like GL_MAX_OBJECT. (Lights being an 'object', as one example.) It seems obvious that the number indicated is to be the upper-range is to be passed through the glGet function providing some indirection.
However, According to a literal interpretation of the OpenGL specification the "texture" parameter for glActiveTexture must be one of GL_TEXTUREi, where i ranges from 0 (GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - 1) means that the set of accepted constants must be GL_TEXTURE0 to GL_TEXTURE35660 because the constant is a constant of the value 35661.
Language-lawyering aside, this setup means that the subtype can be not only disjoint, but out of order as well, such that the following C-ish mapping would be valid:
#define GL_TEXTURE0 0x84C0
#define GL_TEXTURE1 0x84C1
#define GL_TEXTURE2 0x84C2
#define GL_TEXTURE3 0x84A0
#define GL_TEXTURE4 0x84A4
#define GL_TEXTURE5 0x84A5
#define GL_TEXTURE6 0x84A8
#define GL_TEXTURE7 0x84A2
First, is this an issue actually an issue, or are the constants always laid out as if GL_OBJECTi = GL_OBJECTi-1+1?
If that relationship holds true then there is the possibility of using Ada's subtype feature to avoid passing in invalid parameters...
Ideally, something like:
-- This is an old [and incorrect] declaration using constants.
-- It's just here for an example.
SubType Texture_Number is Enum Range
But, if the maximum is dynamically determined then we have to do some monkeying about:
With GL_Constants;
-- ...and one of those for EACH maximum for the ranges.
Package Types is
Use GL_Constants;
SubType Texture_Number is Enum Range
End Types;
with an instantiation of Package GL_TYPES is new Types( GL_MAX_TEXTURE => glGet(GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS) ); and then using this new GL_TYPES package... a little more work, and a little more cumbersome than straight-out subtyping.
Most of this comes from being utterly new to OpenGL and not fully knowing/understanding it; but it does raise interesting questions as to the best way to proceed in building a good, thick Ada binding.
means that the set of accepted constants must be GL_TEXTURE0 to GL_TEXTURE35660 because the constant is a constant of the value 35661.
No, it doesn't mean this. GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS is a implementation dependent value, that is to be queried at runtime using glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, out)
Regarding the rest: The OpenGL specification states, that GL_TEXTURE = GL_TEXTURE0 + i, and similar for all other object types, with i < n where n is some reasonable number.
This is one of those situations where I don't think getting extra-sexy with the types buys you a whole lot.
If you were to just make a special integer type for GL_TEXTURE (type GL_TEXTURE is 16#84C0# .. 16#8B4C#;), and use that type for all parameters looking for GL Textures, the compiler would prevent the user from doing math between those and other integer objects. That would probably be plenty. It is certianly way better than what the poor C/C++ coders are stuck with!
Then again, I've never been a proponent of super-thick Ada bindings. Ada bindings should be used to make the types more Ada-like, and to convert C error codes into exceptions. If there are other ways to save the user a bit of work, go ahead and do it. However, do not abstract away any of the power of the API!
There were multiple questions in the comments about my choice of using a separate numeric type rather than an Integer subtype.
It is in fact a common Ada noob mistake to start making yourself custom numeric types when integer subtypes will do, and then getting annoyed at all the type conversions you have to do. The classic example is someone making a type for velocity, then another type for distance, then another for force, and then finding they have to do a type conversion on every single damn math operation.
However, there are times when custom numeric types are called for. In particular, you want to use a custom numeric type whenever objects of that type should live in a separate type universe from normal integers. The most common occurrance of this is happens in API bindings, where the number in question is actually a C-ish designation for some resource. The is the exact situation we have here. The only math you will ever want to do on GL_Textures is comparision with the type's bounds, and simple addtion and subtraction by a literal amount. (Most likely GL_Texture'next() will be sufficient.)
As a huge bonus, making it a custom type will prevent the common error of plugging a GL_Texture value into the wrong parameter in the API call. C API calls do love their ints...
In fact, if it were reasonable to sit and type them all in, I suspect you'd be tempted to just make the thing an enumeration. That'd be even less compatible with Integer without conversions, but nobody here would think twice about it.
OK, first rule you need to know about OpenGL: whenever you see something that says, "goes from X to Y", and one of those values is a GL_THINGY, they are not talking about the numeric value of GL_THINGY. They are talking about an implementation-dependent value that you query with GL_THINGY. This is typically an integer, so you use some form of glGetIntegerv to query it.
this setup means that the subtype can be not only disjoint, but out of order as well, such that the following C-ish mapping would be valid:
No, it wouldn't.
Every actual enumerator in OpenGL is assigned a specific value by the ARB. And the ARB-assigned values for the named GL_TEXTURE''i'' enumerators are:
#define GL_TEXTURE0 0x84C0
#define GL_TEXTURE1 0x84C1
#define GL_TEXTURE2 0x84C2
#define GL_TEXTURE3 0x84C3
#define GL_TEXTURE4 0x84C4
#define GL_TEXTURE5 0x84C5
#define GL_TEXTURE6 0x84C6
#define GL_TEXTURE7 0x84C7
#define GL_TEXTURE8 0x84C8
Notice how they are all in a sequential ordering.
As for the rest, let me quote you from the OpenGL 4.3 specification on glActiveTexture:
An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if an invalid texture is specified. texture is a symbolic constant of the form TEXTURE''i'', indicating that texture unit ''i'' is to be modified. The constants obey TEXTURE''i'' = TEXTURE0 + ''i'' where ''i'' is in the range 0 to ''k'' - 1, and ''k'' is the value of MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS).
If you're creating a binding in some language, the general idea is this: ''don't strongly type certain values''. This one in particular. Just take whatever the user gives you and pass it along. If the user gets an error, they get an error.
Better yet, expose a more reasonable version of glActiveTexture that takes a ''integer'' instead of an enumerator and do the addition yourself.

GLSL vectors questions

In OpenGL GLSL syntax, is there any difference between the components of a vector?
I mean, for a given vec3, the xyzw, rgba and stpq, have any real differences between them or is just a helper?
So if I set a color value into a vec3, I assume that though for making it clear to read I would use the rgba, xyzw would give the same values, right?
Actually, I am not certain how it is implemented, but I think it might be some sort of a union, in which case writing to one and reading from the other is not guaranteed to work.
EDIT: The above comment holds for unions in general (C/C++), however the case in GLSL might be different. The link: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Types#Swizzling states that:
"You can use xyzw, rgba (for colors), or stpq (for texture coordinates). These three sets have no actual difference; they're just syntactic sugar."
So as #tito mentioned in the comment, it is just syntatic sugar, and can be mixed. (although not mixed in a single call, for instance xyga is not valid)
I think it is just a helper so
vec.xyzw = vec.rgba = vec.stpq
and so on. You can use which ever set you want you just can not mix the set like
vec3 pos;
pos.xgb = vec3(1,1,1); // not valid do to mixing the sets
From Kronos.org - Data Type (GLSL):
You can use xyzw, rgba (for colors), or stpq (for texture coordinates). These three sets have no actual difference; they're just syntactic sugar. https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Data_Type_(GLSL)#Vectors
It is one of the many convenient features offered by GLSL to make vectors manipulation more flexible, like Swizzling.