How to compile c++11 code with android ndk and eclipse? - c++

I'm using android NDK r8d, and eclipse Juno. I'm trying to compile C++ code which uses C++11 stuff like mutex, lock_guard, shared_ptr, etc. in a native android project in eclipse.
I get errors like:
"error: 'shared_ptr' is not a member of 'std'"
"fatal error: mutex: No such file or directory"
I came across a similar question here. It seems to work for them, but the explanation there is not complete so I can't get it to work for me.
I added "NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.7" to the and "LOCAL_CFLAGS += -std=c++11" to file. Still, it doesn't compile.
In the link above it says:
"Be sure that the standard library include path (like
/android-ndk-r8d/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/include) is in the
target settings."
How and where do I insert it?
I also get errors in eclipse IDE (on the source, before compiling). I know I should define "__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__" to resolve them but I just don't know where to put it.
So, if someone could post an answer with a full explanation of how to compile and make eclipse work with C++11 it would be great.

Regarding your first question:
Go to Project > Properties > C/C++ General / Paths and Symbols
In the "Includes" tab, add the proper directory, e.g.
Regarding your second question, I'm also looking for an answer. It is absolutely not clear how to define the GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X macro in Eclipse.
Some say that it should be "added as a predefined macro to the indexer", but it looks like we both could not find a way to implement that...
I have read elsewhere that it should be added to "C/C++ General / Paths and Symbols / Symbols / GNU C++" but I can't find the "Symbols / GNU C++" part in my version of Indigo.

I find export an environment variable NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.8 before i start eclipse can solve this problem.
Eclipse use ndk's default toolchain version 4.6, if NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION is not define, and gcc witch this version does not support all c++11's future like multithread and so on.


In C++, what is wx.h?

The existing code is calling some sort of wx header file and my DEV C++ compiler just says there's no such file.
Compiler error:
[Error] wx/wx.h: No such file or directory
So my question is -
What is wx.h
How do I install it in my compiler so that I can use it?
Do I need to change my compiler or DEV C++ would do fine?
What is wx.h
It is the header file of a library. The GitHub project should have some instructions on how to fetch the dependencies and how to install them.
How do I install it in my compiler so that I can use it?
Normally you have to download the dependency, build it (following some instructions), and then you need to use the header in your project and link the library. The exact steps depend on each library and each compiler.
Do I need to change my compiler or DEV C++ would do fine?
In principle, no. Some libraries only work with some compilers, though.
Note that Dev-C++ is not a compiler, it is an IDE that comes with a port of GCC (as far as I know).
It seems that you are using WxWidgets framework but your compiler doesn't know where to find its headers, and apparently also libs which you would face with on a next step.
You, need to add to your compiler flags the output of wx-config --cxxflags. And also to your linker flags the output of wx-config --libs.
Assumption is of course that WxWidgets is installed on your PC

Osmium in eclipse cdt

I need to use the C++ osmium library and I program using Eclipse cdt.
To be sure my system is well configured, I managed to compile and link few of the examples by hand using the installed gcc 4.8.2 that is enough according to osmium documentation.
Osmium uses C++11 and it seems my Eclipse has a problem understanding it.
I followed the instruction in the not-really-duplicate answer, but does not help.
I added -std=c++11 to the project properties under C++ Build -> Settings -> C++ compiler -> Miscellaneous and under C++ Build -> Discovery Options.
I also tried adding the macro __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__.
Strangely in my main file it seems the C++11 features are working, for example I can write
for (auto a : {1,2,3,4,5}) {}
but the osmium directory I copied in the project instead results filled of errors. It is not a missing include directory since the lines #include <osmium/so/and/so> show no errors.
Similarly, std::move even after including utility, gives the cannot be resolved error.
However, I noticed that the code actually builds, even if Eclipse shows multiple errors around the code.
I stuck, what can I do to set up Eclipse?

Using boost from XCODE 4.6.1 - what are the proper build settings?

I downloaded boost 1.53 and extracted to Users/user/Desktop/boost_1_53_0
I successfully built boost as static libraries following instructions at:
I changed XCODE's "Build Settings" "Header Search Paths" to /Users/user/Desktop/boost_1_53_0 as well as the "Library Search Paths" to Users/user/Desktop/boost_1_53_0/stage/lib
Then I build and get errors:
The first error I'm getting is "has_binary_operator.hpp" Parse issue Expected member name or ';' after declaration specifiers at the line:
template < typename Lhs, typename Rhs >
struct operator_exists {
Does anyone have tips for what the build settings should be? The project contains some files that are cocoa/objective C (.m) and others that are C++(.mm) using boost. I'm completely new to trying to use boost under OSX mountain lion and XCODE 4.6.1.
I'm a little late for this one, but in case anybody else has this issue...
I had this problem with boost in projects using Objective C. I would get parse and semantic issues in has_binary_operator.hpp and lexical_cast.hpp.
A quick fix was inserting "#undef check" before including boost headers in Objective C source files, as it would appear "check" is a reserved word in Objective C.
You can make sure to set compiler type is GNU98 or something like that, XCODE4 default compiler may be C++11 compliant
I'm using boost from XCODE and I agree with fatih_k. I have all my c and c++ language settings set to GNU99 and GNU++98. I also have the 'compile sources as' option set to 'According to file type'.
I found that the projects I create always defaults to using Objective C, so maybe just go through your project setting and make sure you have everything configured for C++ and not Objective C.
I have not tried the C++11 options with boost yet.
The Xcode 4.x default compiler is apple llvm, and it uses libc++ as default. You can change the settings in Xcode
To change the stdlib as libc++
a. Select the target from Xcode and go to the BuildSettings tab.
b. Go to Apple LLVM compiler 4.2 - Language option
Change the option as libstd from libc++
To change the compiler
a. Select the target from Xcode and go to the BuildSettings tab.
b. Go down Build options
Change the option C/C++/Objective C - Default option will be "Apple LLVM compiler 4.2" Change it to g++ 4.2

What C++ implementation/library is my IDE using? (NetBeans, MacOSX)

Can anyone tell me how an IDE like NetBeans or any for that matter gather all the standard C++ libraries? For example, I created a new Netbeans C++ application, and included iostream and it worked no problem. However, if I do a search for filename "iostream" on my MacOSX Snow Leapord, it finds it in the path
Does that mean that my IDE is using my operating system's C++ library? It's strange because all of these files are "copyright apple" - so I'm assuming that this is a C++ implementation modified by Apple?
I was under the impression that there was 1 standard C++ libary and all compilers used that. Is Netbeans somehow just gathering the same library that Xcode is bundled with?
Essentially, I'd like to view the source of some C++ headers to gather more information about their inner-workings, but I'm worried that I am using some super-heavyweight, Apple-modified core lib that may not even be legal to use because it's under some Apple liscense.
Thanks everyone
NetBeans is just an IDE, it doesn't come with a compiler or any C++ libraries. Since it looks like you already had Xcode installed, NetBeans automatically uses compilers and libraries associated with Xcode. I have no idea what the apple licenses are, but since you bought and own your Mac, I don't think there is a problem using those headers.
Also, to view headers, just right click the code and Go To -> C++ Declaration or Header Files.
There is a place you installed g++, and your include files all come from there.
You can add additional header files by using the gcc -I switch, and that is implemented in Netbeans in the build tool chain option
further information here
I don't have a mac in hand right now, but I guess the include files will be in somewhere like:
You can find the code assistance pop-up include files at:
Tools -> Options -> C/C++ -> Code Assistance

Eclipse 3.7 cannot resolve Types in C++ Editor

I recently changed from Eclipse 3.6 to Eclipse 3.7 , which I am using for C++ development in Ubuntu 11.04 .
With Version 3.6 I had no big troubles, except that I always had some issues with the indexer.
Now with Version 3.7 it begins marking unresolved Types as Errors. Since the indexer seems to dislike me even more, my Eclipse apparently doesn't know types like uint16_t or size_t.
In contrary to the displayed errors in the code editor, my compiler has no problems with compiling the code and resolving all symbols and types, so this seems to be a problem of the IDE itself.
Are there any ways to avoid this behavior, because all the red underlines make my code more and more unreadable...?
Okay with some research and the answer from Dennis I found out that I need to add some paths to
Project Properties/ C/C++ General/ Paths and Symbols
Since I am building for a PowerPC instead of a I32 target, I can not just add /usr/include .
Instead I needed to add
for all the standard headers (like stdint.h).
Also I needed:
for the stdarg.h.
Now almost all the errors are gone. The only function which still troubles me is printf from the header stdio.h. I looked it up and the header file itself lies within the included paths. Still I get an Error which says Function printf could not be resolved. I want to note again, that these are just errors displayed by Eclipse - The compiling itself works fine.
So this actually throws up 3 questions:
In the project properties the Paths and Symbols section coheres with the include Paths out of the C++ Build/Settings/C++ Includes section. This means adding/deleting a path in one of those sections directly affects the entry of the others. Since the C++ Includes directly coheres with the Compiler I wonder why the compiler can compile correcty ( and finds the headers ) even if they arent passed to him as a path? Is there some kind of standard path GCC uses, which I don't know about?
Why doesn't he find printf in eclipse? The headerfile stdio.h is included and it also contains the declaration of printf - so why does the Eclipse Code Editor tell me that it can't resolve it?
Why are the header files divided so much? I am aware that I need other header files if I am building for another traget (e.g. PowerPC) - But why does the GNU GCC separate those headers in different dirs?
The red underlines for common types are usually caused by not having your standard library in your include path. Look at your includes for your project... they are in the project properties. Ensure that your C++ includes have an entry that matches the C++ standard libs folders for the compiler you are using.
After hitting this problem and a search revealing two stack overflow questions hitting the same problem, I figured I would submit how I fixed it after it annoyed me enough to actually investigate.
I'm running Fedora and annoyingly, it has a stddef.h file in /usr/include/linux.... which is actually empty. So even though I had the compiler's stddef.h in the include path, the indexer was actually parsing this other empty file. So what needed done was:
Prefix your paths and symbols list with the compiler specific include path (in my case it was /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.2/include/) to avoid the other empty stddef.h from being parsed.
I'm using Eclipse (Mars.1 Release 4.5.1, Build id: 20150924-1200) with an ARM compiler (arm-none-eabi, 4.4.1).
I had exactly the same problem as you.
My former path was:
D:\test\CodeSourcery\Sourcery G++ Lite\lib\gcc\arm-none-eabi\4.4.1\include
Then i discovered another include directory (postfix: 'fixed') at the compiler directories:
D:\test\CodeSourcery\Sourcery G++ Lite\lib\gcc\arm-none-eabi\4.4.1\include-fixed
This fixed all my errors concerining type-misdetection (e. g. uint16_t).