Dilation Gradient w/ different ROI's (blob optimization) OPENCV - c++

I'm working on a dilation problem in c++ with opencv. I've captured videoframes of a car park and in order to obtain the best blobs I came up with this.
Erosion (5x5 kernel rectangular), 3 iterations
Dilation GRADIENT (think of it like a color gradient along the y-axis)
So what did I do to get this working? First I needed to know 2 points (x,y) and 2 good dilate kernelsizes at those points. With this information one can inter and extrapolate those values over the whole image. So I calculated ROI's (size and dilation kernelsize) from those parameters. So each ROI has its own predefined kernelsize used for dilation. Note that there isn't any space between two consecutive ROI's (opencv rectangles). Everything is working fine, but there are two side effects:
Buldges on the sides of the blobs. The black line is de border of the ROI!
buldges picture
Blobs which are 'cut off' from the main blob. These aren't actually cut off but the ROI under the one of the blob above dilates (gets pixel information from the above ROI, I think) into blobs who are seperated. It should be one massive blob. blob who shoudn't be there picture
I've tried everything on changing the ROI sizes and left some space between them but the disadvantage is that the blob between 2 seperated ROI's is not dilated.
So my questions are:
What causes those side effects exactly?
What do I have to do to make them go away?
So I found my solution: when you call the opencv dilate function, one needs to be sure if the same cv::Mat can be used as destination image. If not you'll be using parts of the original and new image. So all I had to do was including a destination cv::Mat.

This doesn't answer your first question (What causes those side effects for sure), but to make them go away, you can do some variant of the following, assuming the ROI parameters are discrete and not continuous (as seems to be the case).
You can compute the dilation for the entire image using every possible kernel size. Then, after all of those binary images are computed, you can combine them together taking the correct samples from the correct image to get the desired output image. This absolutely will waste a good deal of time, but it should work with no artifacts.
Once you've confirmed that the results you've gotten above (which are pretty much guaranteed to be of as-good-as-possible quality) you can start trying to optimize. One thing I'd try is expanding each of the ROI sizes for computing the dilation by the size of the kernel size. This might get around artifacts that can arise from strange boundary conditions.
This leads to my guess as to what causes the artifacts in the first place: Whenever you take a finite image and run a convolution (or morphological operator) you need to choose what you'll do with the edge pixels. Normally, accessing the pixel at (-4, -1) is meaningless, but to perform the operator you'll have to if your kernel overlaps with it. If OpenCV is doing this edge padding for your subregions, it very easily could give you the artifacts you're seeing.
Hope this helps!


Python: Reduce rectangles on images to their border

I have many grayscale input images which contain several rectangles. Some of them overlap and some go over the border of the image. An example image could look like this:
Now i have to reduce the rectangles to their border. My idea was to make all non-white pixels which are less than N (e.g. 3) pixels away from the border or a white pixel (using the Manhatten distance) white. The output should look like this (sorry for the different-sized borders):
It is not very hard to implement this. Unfortunately the implementation must be fast, because the input may contain extremly many images (e.g. 100'000) and the user has to wait until this step is finished.
I thought about using fromimage and do then everything with numpy, but i did not find a good solution.
Maybe someone has an idea or a hint how this problem may be solved very efficient?
Calculate the distance transform of the image (opencv distanceTrasform http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.html)
In the resulted image zero all the pixels that have value bigger than 3

Build-in function for interpolating single pixels and small blobs

Is there a build-in function for interpolating single pixels?
Given a normal image as Mat and a Point, e.g. an anomaly of the sensor or an outlier, is their some function to repair this Point?
Furthermore, if I have more than one Point connected (let's say a blob with area smaller 10x10) is there a possibility to fix them too?
Trys but not really solutions
It seems that interpolation is implemented in the geometric transformations including resizing images and to extrapolate pixels outside of the image with borderInterpolate, but I haven't found a possibility for single pixels or small clusters of pixels.
A solution with medianBlur like suggested here does not seem appropriate as it changes the whole image.
If there isn't a build-in function, my idea would be to look at all 8-connected surrounding pixels which are not part of the blob and calculate the mean or weighted mean. If doing this iteratively, all missing or erroneous pixel should be filled. But this method would be dependent of the applied order to correct each pixel. Are there other suggestions?
Here is an image to illustrate the problem. Left the original image with a contour marking the pixels to fix. Right side shows the fixed pixels. I hope to find some sophisticated algorithms to fix the pixel.
The build-in function inpaint of OpenCV does the desired interpolation of chosen pixels. Simply create a mask with all pixels to be repaired.
See the documentation here: OpenCV 3.2. Description: inpaint and Function: inpaint

Detecting Rectangular Shapes in edge image with OpenCV

I want to detect multiple (similar) rectangular objects in an image that have a lot of substructure within them. So, my current plan is to use gaussian blur, morphology and edge detection (Canny). After using edge detection I get this (with very low threshold parameters):
What I want in the end is the outline of the greater rectangles. See:
Currently I try to get this by using HoughLines and findContours afterwards. For this to work, I need to fiddle a lot with the threshold parameters for Canny and HoughLines.
When I get it right for one image the parameters most likely will not work for the next one (e.g. the edges in the previous image were less dominant leading to too many lines detected by the hough transformation). Another problem is that sometimes inner structures are equally or less dominant than one side of the outer edges.
I tried to use a stronger blur or morphology but at some point this blurred away the small gap between the rectangles.
Can I extract the bigger rectangles somehow else given the edge image (preferably with opencv)?
Getting the 4 corner points would be enough.

Pixel level image registration / alignment?

I'm trying to remove foreground from two images, here's a sample pair of images:
As you can see, the Budweiser bottle is removed from the scene before the second shot is taken.
These photos were captured from a pinhole camera (iPhone), and, the tricky part is I'm hand-holding the camera, so it cannot be guaranteed that the images are perfectly aligned pixel by pixel, so a simple minus-threshold method will not work.
Then, I've decided to perform image registration using findHomography and warpPerspective from OpenCV, here's the result image:
This image is warped with the matrix I've got from findHomography, it kind of improved the alignment quality, but still not that aligned so I can use a simple way to remove the foreground.
So, finally, I decided to implement a "fuzzy-minus" algorithm: for every pixel in image1, I'll look through a 7x7 neighbour in image2 (a 7 by 7 kernel?), using the minimal difference in grayscale as the result of minus, and threshold the result into binary image, here's what I've got:
And the result is still not good. Notice the white wholes in the bottle, this is produced due to similar grayscale value of foreground and background. So I'm not sure what to do now.
I can think of two ways to solve the problem, the first is to get a better aligned pair of images, and simply minus the pairs; the second is to use a more robust way to extract the foreground.
Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with this kind of problem? I believe there should be some state-of-art algorithms or processing pipelines, but after googling around, I get nothing.
I'm using OpenCV with C++, it would be fantastic if you can tell me how to do it with these tools in hand.
Big big thanks in advance!
The problem is not in your algorithm. You are having problem because the two scenes were not taken from exactly the same angle, as shown in the animation below. This slight difference highlight the edges in the subtraction.
You need a static camera in order to apply this approach.
I suggest using mathematical morphology on the mask that you got to get rid of the artifacts.
Try applying both opening and closing to get rid of the black and the white small regions.
Mathematical Morphology
Mathematical Morphology in opencv
The difference between the two picture is pretty huge, so you will need to use a large structure element, but I don't think you will be able to get rid of the shadow.
For the two large strips in the background, you may try to use a horizontally shaped structure element as well.
Is it possible to produce a grayscale image instead of a binary image? if yes, you may try to experiment with the hat method for the shadow, but I am not sure about this point.
This is what I got using two different structure elements for closing THEN opening
Mat mask = imread("mask.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
I would suggest optical flow for alignment and OpenCV's background subtraction algorithm:
I suggest that instead of using findHomography try using some of openCV's stereo correspondence functions: http://docs.opencv.org/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html
there is a sample code here: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/master/samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp

How can I remove small parallel line in image?

I have black and white image after binarization. After that I have image like below:
How can I remove the small lines parallel to the long curves using OpenCV?. I can remove them by removing all small objects, but I want to remove only the small parallel
This looks like a Canny artifact (or some kind of ringing artifact) to me. There are several ways to remove them.
An empiric but not too computing intensive method would be to locate all small features, and superimpose them with the same image shifted by [+/-]X, [+/-]Y. If the feature is completely coincident with the shifted image, i.e., all pixels in the white feature are also white in the shifted image, then you are probably looking at an artifact.
To evaluate "smallness" of feature, you can use a basic floodfill. This method is cheap because you can simulate shifting with pointers, without really allocating four shifted images. It is prone to false positives wherever you really have small parallel lines, and to false negatives if the artifacts are very large.
Another method would be to posterize twice the original image with different thresholds. While the "real" lines will stay together, the ringing artifacts will have a different strength. At that point you evaluate the image difference, and consider "artifact" all features that are farther than a given threshold from the image track. This is a bit more computation intensive, yields better results, but depends on what you have for an original image, i.e. what is your workflow.
It is possible that reevaluating the workflow (altering the edge detection phase) could avoid the creation of the artifacts altogether.
use cvBlobslib library to detect the white patches as blobs...the cvBlobslib library gives functions by which you can find out different features of the blobs like area , and ellipticity...so if you want only the smaller patches parallel to the long curve...then ..
Get the long curve on the basis of area covered by the blob or the preimeter i.e. contour length of the blob...
Get the ellipticity or the orientation of the major axis of the long curve after fitting an ellipse(cvBlobslib library will do that for you..!!)...
Filter all those blobs which are less than a threshold in terms of area or contour and have the same orientation as the long curve....
hope this might work..
If you know the orientation of your line in advance, you can do a morphological closing with a custom structuring element adapted to your needs.
See morphomat on wikipedia
See opencv documentation
Perhaps similar to what the others said, but in simpler words: since the small lines seem to have roughly half the thickness of the long ones, if you don't really care about preserving the long lines the way they are, you could apply several times a simple algorithm that "makes the lines thinner", until the small ones disappear. What you need to do is scan the image pixel by pixel and when you detect a white pixel above or below or to the left or to the right of a black pixel, you store its coordinates in a vector. After you traverse the entire image, you make all the pixels specified by the coordinates in the vector black. You could define some threshold empirically for the number of iterations of this algorithm.
Here are steps exploiting the fact that parallel lines are increasing edge density.
1) Apply adaptive Threshold on gray image to get many edges.
2) Erode 3x3 (or experiment but small) Morphological Operation.
3) Take Logical Not to get edge density.
4) Apply Dilate of like 3x3 or 5x5. It will dilate edges to merge and make a region.
5) Now Erode 7x7 (or experiment for higher then last dilate) Morphological Operation. It will remove most of the non-required region, long lines and small stray areas.
Output is is MASK for removal region. You can apply contour detection on original image and remove contour-object for matching position in mask high precision removal.
OR if you don't need high-precision result simply And with mask's NOT.
Why not doing something like:
Find the long curves (using findContours and filter by size).
Find the small curves
For each long curve, calculate the minimal distance between each point of every small curve and the long curve.
Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of these minimal distances.
Reject small curves for which either the mean minimal distance to the long curve is too large, or small curves for which the standard deviation of the minimal distances is large.
The result will probably be better (and faster) is you skeletonize the image first.
Good luck with it,