Page Region not display full page width - oracle-apex

This is an odd one to me because it only started happening since we moved to Apex 4.2. To get round the problem i have to copy and paste regions I already have in the application, rather than simply creating a new one.
When i create a new application and try to create a region on a page the attached always occurs. This also occurs if i create a new page in a current applications that were already in place before the Apex 4.2 upgrade. Was it even to do with the upgrade?
I assume its something in the Templates or Themes under Shared Componants but i cannot see anything that sticks out.
I thought i would try an HTML5 template to see if that made any difference however the same occurs, see screenprint.
Is there an answer why this is happening and how it could be resolved?

This really looks like it is a template "issue". You need to check your page template: what is it named?
For example, in Theme 23 there are several page templates which include a left, right or both sidebars. When your page uses a template with this sidebar, then the sidebar will always use up a portion of the screen.
If you have no template specified but rather use the "Application Default", then go to "Shared Components > Templates" and look at the page templates section for the template which has a check in the "Default" column. Most likely it is a template including a sidebar.
Aside from that you could also always use a tool to inspect the HTML and CSS. For example, with Firebug in Firefox you could rightclick on the empty space left of your region and choose "inspect element with firebug". It might be a TD element. It might be a div with a fixed width. It might be custom css pushing things about.


I am having serious problems customizing my views template to displayblog entries in drupal 7

I am having serious problems customizing my views template to displayblog entries in drupal 7.
please anyone with knowledge of what can help me please reply. i have gone through a couple of drupal documentations but no luck. my field.tpl.php seem to be the only template that actually affect my displays even though i have views-view-field.tpl.php, views-view--blog.tpl.php in the template .
In the view settings, under format, show, make sure you have fields selected, not content.
Under advanced, theme, click information to see which template files are being used, and click rescan if necessary.
If you have created or edited a view, please check under FORMAT section this should be Show:Fields and under Advanced section look for Theme:Information and click onto this, there will be a popup with all possible templates for the display plugin and for the style plugins. All field tpl will be available here those are exists in views fields, you can find your own and use as per your requirement.
When you edit your view open "Advanced" section on the right (collapsed by default) and click on "Information" from "Theme: Information" (last option in that section). There you can see what templates are used (bolded ones) and what could be used instead. You can even click on template description at the beginning of the line, and code will be displayed. Grab that code (copy) and create new template file with one of offered names. Place that template file in your theme and clear the cache. Now you can modify template by your needs.
Also, you even don't have to use all that hierarchy (even that's desirable), but you can i.e. find the template file that are looping over the rows and inside that loop put your html, so lower rank templates won't be included (i.e. template that iterates over fields or even over rows) . Again not so clear solution, but it works for me. I prefer having less template files and I know that nobody will work on that theme except me.

How to edit plugin to use the theme's template files

I am using a theme called Hemingway, it's a great theme with three page layouts. (full-width, with sidebar, without sidebar). This is all working great. I can choose one of three options in page settings.
I'm also using the Projects plugin by Woothemes. This plugin makes it easy to add recent projects with a photo gallery and some other options. It's working when I'm using the shortcode:
[projects limit="12" columns="2" orderby="date" order="desc" exclude_categories=""]
I'm using this shortcode with two columns on a full-width template. This is working great, but when I'm trying to use the functionality to automatically add the content of projects to the page using the option built-in Projects:
The full-width template is not working and the sidebar is shown. Also the two column layout for projects is not working. They just aligned beneath eachother.
How it should look like (this example is with shortcodes):
How it looks with the option in projects to choose a page: (this is wrong)
How can I debug this to see what breaks it?
What I tried so far:
I've tried the plugin to behave like I want. This means, that the
plugin will use the full page template for 'categories' instead of
using the archive page. I don't really know how the plugin is build,
so it's hard to eit the right file.
I've tried a workaround with url routing, but this isn't the best
I found a solution. I copied the archive-project.php file to my theme and edited the content with the ones in the full-width template. I need to style it myself because the pages are broken if I leave it like that.
If I want to edit page template now, I need to code it in the ffile instead of choosing it from the pages > page layout in the admin panel.
I'll fix that later.
FINAL UPDATE: I hardcoded everything and it's working for me now. I don't need any further help, I'm now looking into the custom post types to change the content template.

How to create a left side bar on APEX 4.0 and open each value in a specific region?

Im a little newbie working with Aplication Express, I want to create an aplication which its structure could be something like this example.
Anyone have some ideas to create it?
I just tried creating a List from Shared Components and then set it in a region with Page Region Template Position 3 and another Chart Region with Page Template Body (3), but in my case the side bar is placed on the right when I want it on the left... I have tried all the Template Position combination as possible.
Also when I click a value from the list, the page is opened on another tab. How can I open it on a specific region? As a frame for example
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Having a left sidebar depends on the page template you select. Some page templates will have a left sidebare, other a right one, others maybe both. And since templates are part of a theme, it may be that some templates under some themes may not have a page template that offers what you'd want.
So the first you need to do is look at what page templates you have available in your chosen theme. You can do this by going to the Shared Components and selecting templates from there. Scroll to the Page Templates and see if you can find one there.
While it's a good guess that the sidebart region will be in position 3, and position 3 is in the sidebar, it's best to verify. You can do that by checking the html of the body of the template. See if there is a region assigned to a sidebar. You'll have to divine this from the markup or an example page and which one it is (position 2? position 3? 4?).
Pro-tip: from the Shared Components > Templates, in the report overview, you can preview certain types of templates, such as the page template. Just hit the preview button and you'll get a general idea of the style and the region positioning! When viewing the template in detail, you can also preview from the preview link in the right hand menu list.
As for the list: the example you linked has a list region on the left sidebar, but all those links are links to other pages. Thus, there are as many pages as there are links in the list.
If on your environment the links are causing a new page or tab to be opened up, then that likely means the attribute target="_blank" is present on those anchor tags. Again though, this just means that that markup is being generated by the chosen list template. Try another list template (by editing the list, under Source you can chose the template) or take a look at the theme's templates. You can find the markup for the individual list items there.
It'd be better not to concern yourself too much by trying to fiddle around with iframes just yet, because even though that'd be possible it is not an out of the box feature. Unless you're already really familiar with eg javascript I'd stick to page links until you're more familiar with the environment.

Joomla template width resize

Hi I would like to know how to change the template width of a Joomla 2.5 template.
I am facing problem like below.
in different sizes of Monitor (Desktop or Laptop - 15",17",19") - I am getting different blank spaces on both left and right side of the template.
Is that possible to reduce the template width ?
The width of the page is determined by CSS styling so start by using something like Firebug to examine the page and figure out what rule governs the page width. For example there might be a container div that wraps around all the page content, and its width is set at 960px.
Firepage will also tell you the location of the CSS file, for example it might be in templates/template-name/css/theme.css
Sign-in to the backend of your site, then extensions > template manager . In the template manager : styles view, go to the entry for your template and click the link in the right hand column and you will find links to all the css files for your theme. Open the CSS file you located earlier (eg theme.css) and add an over-riding rule. For example
Naturally the normal CSS rules apply here, so you want your new rule to be after the original.
If your theme is responsive, you may have to repeat this process at different window sizes or viewports, and create additional over-riding rules inside #media requests. You will need to figure that out yourself or post a URL.
Good luck

How do you post content to a specific template position?

I purchased a template / theme from RocketTheme, but I can't figure out how to add content at a specific position.
The templates have "module positions" that collapse. I'd like to add some content at one of the module positions.
If I add articles, they seem to go into "mainbody". But I'd like to have content in other areas of the template.
How do I take some text, images, or other content, and get them to display in these other positions (i.e., TOP-A, or FEATURE-A, etc)?
I've tried this
Go to Extensions->Module Manager
Select "New", Select "Sections"
Under "Details", I select Position->Top-A
I give it a title.
Nothing seems to happen. I don't see anything new exposed in the admin UI, and I don't see a way to get any content into this newly defined section. What am I not understanding?
go to JED and look up html in module or content in module or content in component there are a bunch of them.
you create and save an article. Make sure it is saved to a section or category on your menu
open the module one of the paramaters will ask for the article id...decide which position and which pages you want it on and then publish.
You can also get modules that will take some or all of your articles in a category and then show them either as a slidedhow or one randomly when someone visits the page