Cross-domain CSRF - django

I've got two different django projects, where one sits on domain A and has a bunch of functionalities (REST among them). Site B is simple and I want to post ajax-forms to site A, but keep csrf security. Is that possible?
Btw sites can share database if necessary.

I've had a simillar problem and I've managed to solve it in the following way:
issue GET request from site B to site A to fetch a form (with csrf field)
POST the form back to site A.
The main problem for me was to get cross-site ajax requests to work. To achieve that I've had to configure CORS correctly on the server-side (I've slightly edited this middleware: and set xmlHttp.withCredentials = true (where xmlHttp is my XMLHttpRequest object) in the ajax POST function.
I've tested this solution on two diffenet ports on the same IP address, but I think it should also work cross-domain.


Cookies when using separate Dyno for react frontend and Django backend

I am building a simple web app using React.js for the frontend and Django for the server side.
Thus and
When I attempt to make calls to my API through the react app the cookie that was received from the API is not sent with the requests.
I had expected that I would be able to support this configuration without having to do anything special since all server-side requests would (I thought) be made by the JS client app directly to the backend process with their authentication cookies attached.
In an attempt to find a solution that I thought would work I attempted to set
Which while less than ideal (as is a vast domain) in Production would seem to be quite safe as they would then be on and
However, with this value set in I get an AuthStateMissing when hitting my /oauth/complete/linkedin-oauth2/ endpoint.
Searching google for AuthStateMissing SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN yields one solitary result which implies that the issue was reported as a bug in Django social auth and has since been closed without further commentary.
Any light anyone could throw would be very much appreciated.
I ran into the exact same problem while using
I even posted a question on SO here.
According to Heroku documentation:
In other words, in browsers that support the functionality, applications in the domain are prevented from setting cookies for *
Heroku blocks cookies from and
You need to add a custom domain to and
The entire answer

HTTPS equivalent of Django's HttpResponse

For some reason I am in need of a that returns only some text. Normally, i'd use HttpResponse("text") for this. However, In this case I require the text to be send over https, to counter the inevitable mixed content warning.
What is the simplest way of sending pure text via django(1.7.11) over https?
Django in the relevant docs of httprequest.build_absolute_uri reads:
Mixing HTTP and HTTPS on the same site is discouraged, therefore
build_absolute_uri() will always generate an absolute URI with the
same scheme the current request has. If you need to redirect users to
HTTPS, it’s best to let your Web server redirect all HTTP traffic to
The docs make clear that
the method of communication is entirely the responsibility of the server
as Daniel Roseman commented.
My prefered choice is to force https throughout a site, however it is possible to do it only for a certain page.
The above can be achieved by either:
Upgrading to a secure and supported release of Django where the use of SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT and SecurityMiddleware will redirect all traffic to SSL
Asking your host provider an advice on how could this be implemented in their servers
Using the apache config files.
Using .htaccess to redirect a single page.
There are also other -off the road- hackish solutions like a snippet which can be used with a decorator in to force https, or a custom middleware that redirects certain urls to https.
I've run into the mixed content problems as well. From my experience, you simply can't use the HttpResponse objects without running into trouble. I was never totally sure though and eventually found a way "around" it.
My solution for it was to use the JsonResponse object instead, to return JSON strings, kind of a work-around with the views returning something like:
mytext = 'stuff blablabla'
return JsonResponse({'response_text': mytext})
Which is super easy to parse, and OK with HTTPS.
Maybe not what you're looking for, but I hope it helps you find your way.

Django CSRF cookie not set in several browsers

I have very strange problem - CSRF cookie not set on some of clients browsers. What could it potentially be?
All needed middleware is enabled, and as I said above, problem appears only on very small count of machines, although another Django-powered sites work well there.
The problem didn't solved in usual way, so I refused from cookie-based CSRF-protection and get session-based instead:

Are cookies safe in a Heroku app on

I am developing an app, which I will deploy on Heroku. The app is only used within an iframe on another site, so I don't care about the domain name. I plan to deploy my app on instead of using a custom domain on
My app uses cookies, and I want to be sure that others cannot manipulate my cookies to protect my app against session fixation and similar attacks. If is able to set a cookie for, browsers will not be able to protect me, since is not a public suffix. See for a detailed description of the issue.
My question is: When browsers can't protect my users, will Heroku do it by blocking cookies for
Just wanted to post an update for anyone who ran across this question as I did. I was working on a similar problem, except that I wanted to purposefully allow access to the same cookie from two different heroku apps.
"" and "" are now on the Public Suffix List, so your cookies should be safe if they are set for one of those domains. I ended up having to use custom domains in order to share cookies across both apps.
Heroku also released an article on the topic:
I just tried to add a cookie from my Heroku app with the response header Set-Cookie: name=value;Path=/;, and to my disappointment, I could see the header intact in my browser. So the Heroku infrastructure does not detect and remove this cross-app supercookie.
I see three possible ways to protect a Heroku app against cross-app supercookies:
Don't use cookies at all.
Use a custom domain.
Verify that each cookie was actually set by your app, and restrict it to the client's IP address by checking the X-Forwarded-For header.
My feature request to Heroku would be that they should filter HTTP responses that goes through their HTTP routing, such that applications hosted on their infrastructure cannot set cookies with
It seems to me that, as long as you set the cookie for, then the cookie is safe from manipulation. The cookie will only be presented to the app running on and to (where no app runs).

Routing traffic between two servers based on a cookie

We are presently rewriting an in-production Django site. We would like to deploy the new site in parallel with the old site, and slowly divert traffic from old to new using the following scheme:
New accounts go to the new site
Existing accounts go to the old site
Existing accounts may be offered the opportunity to opt in to the new site
Accounts diverted to the new site may opt out and be returned to the old site
It's clear to me that a cookie is involved, and that Nginx is capable of rewriting requests based on a cookie:
Nginx redirect if cookie present
How do I run two rails apps behind the same domain and have nginx route requests based on cookie?
How the cookie gets set remains a bit of a mystery to me. It seems like a chicken-and-egg problem. Has anyone successfully run a scheme like this? How did you do it?
I think the most suitable solution for you problem would be:
Nginx at every request should check for some specific cookie, route
If it's presented and equals old, request goes to a old site
Otherwise request goes to the new site.
Every site (new and old) should check request for that cookie (route)
If cookie isn't presented (or wrong), your app should set it to the right value, and if request is for that site, just proceed it.
If not, it should send redirect, and we begin again with step 1