My code Currently looks like this :
glViewport (0, 0, this->w(), this->h());
glFrustum(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 20.0);
//glTranslated (m_fXmovement, 0.0, m_fZmovement - 5);
//glRotated (m_fYangleView, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//glRotated (m_fXangleView, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
///// Model View \\\\\
glTranslated (m_fXmovement, 0.0, m_fZmovement - 5 );
glRotated (m_fYangleView, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glRotated (m_fXangleView, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
DrawWaveFrontObject (m_pDataObjectMedia);
glTranslated (0.0, -3.0, 0.0);
First I had the movement part in GL_PROJECTION and all was running fine until I was working with fog.... It felt like the Camera isn't moving, it felt more like an additional camera pointing to that camera....
Then I accidentally copied the movement parts to the GL_MODELVIEW and the fog was acting as I wanted it to act..... all was fine accepting the click animation wasn't in relation to the area anymore, now the animation moved with my ego perspective.... and I don't really get it what kind of drawing I have to put in which of these two VIEW's. Could anyone give me examples or explanations according to my code or a hint what I could improve in my styl?

Quote from forum:
The projection matrix is used to create your viewing volume. Imagine a
scene in the real world. You don't really see everything around you,
only what your eyes allow you to see. If you're a fish for example you
see things a bit broader. So when we say that we set up the projection
matrix we mean that we set up what we want to see from the scene that
we create. I mean you can draw objects anywhere in your world. If they
are not inside the view volume you won't see anything. When you create
the view volume imagine that you create 6 clipping planes that define
your field of view.
As for the modelview matrix, it is used to make various
transformations to the models (objects) in your world. Like this you
only have to define your object once and then translate it or rotate
it or scale it.
You would use the projection matrix before drawing the objects in your
scene to set the view volume. Then you draw your object and change the
modelview matrix accordingly. Of course you can change your matrix
midway of drawing your models if for example you want to draw a scene
and then draw some text (which with some methods you can work easier
in orthographic projection) then change back to modelview matrix.
As for the name modelview it has to do with the duality of modeling
and viewing transformations. If you draw the camera 5 units back, or
move the object 5 units forwards it is essentially the same.

First of all, I suggest that you try to abandon the fixed-function pipeline (glTranslate etc) since it's been deprecated for like 10 years now. Look here for a more modern tutorial if you're interested.
As for your problem, you can imagine the meaning of the two matrices like this: The projection matrix essentially captures properties intrinsic to the camera itself, like how its field of view is shaped.
On the other hand, the modelview matrix is composed of two parts, the model matrix and the view matrix. The model part is for transforming from object space (relative to an object itself) to world space. Then, the view part translates from there to the eye space, in which the camera sits at the origin and points down the (negative?) z axis. Together, the modelview matrix essentially states how objects are to be positioned relative to the camera.
For further information, this resource gives a detailed description of graphics transformations in the context of OpenGL.
[Jan, 2017] Edit: Pages from the first link seem to be unable to access these days, so there is another link to the same content from their archive.


Rotating 'camera' in OpenGL around object not object around camera

In my app I have a set of object lying around the scene. They are all grouped inside box. When user zoom out to see whole box and starts rotate it then the pivot point is in the middle of box,. When you zoom in to see specific object inside then rotating camera so that the object that you are looking at (or space in front of you) then they are still rotating around this previous pivot point.
What I would like to achieve is to have pivot point always in front of camera. In other words, when you zoom out and see box it rotates as it is doing now. When you zoom in to specific object/space then camera rotate around it.
I've created simple images to show what I mean - triangle is camera, red box is some object/space and orange circle is a path on which element is going on while rotating. The first one is what I have now, the second what I'd like to have.
I know that in OpenGL there isn't something like camera, so in fact it is whole world moving and not one point. So far I've created something like that:
glTranslatef(translate[0], translate[1], translate[2]);
glRotatef(rot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
translate is an array of values simulating camera movement.
After Ike answer I modified a little my code so now it looks like this:
glTranslatef(pivot[0], pivot[1], pivot[2]);
glRotatef(rot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glTranslatef(translate[0], translate[1], translate[2]);
So if I'm getting Iko's solution correctly now my biggest concern is calculating correctly pivot point according to place that I'm looking at. Is it correct thinking?
One way to get this kind of representation is to kind of translate the pivot to the origin, then rotate, and then step backwards, away from the pivot.
Effectively you translate in the opposite direction of the pivot (negative pivot, effectively moving it to the origin). Then rotate to the desired viewing angle. And then "step back" (translate along -Z in a right-handed coordinate system).
Something like this:
mat4 modelview_matrix(float distance, const vec3& pivot, const vec3& rotation_xyz)
mat4 distance_mat = tmat(0.0, 0.0, -distance);
mat4 rot_mat = rmat(rotation_xyz[0], rotation_xyz[1], rotation_xyz[2]);
mat4 pivot_mat = tmat(-pivot[0], -pivot[1], -pivot[2]);
return distance_mat * rot_mat * pivot_mat;
tmat and rmat above are basically just constructing translation and rotation matrices.
That allows you to orbit the camera around a pivot of your choice. Panning can be achieved by actually moving the pivot around, giving you those CAD-style viewport navigation controls.
So if I'm getting Iko's solution correctly now my biggest concern is
calculating correctly pivot point according to place that I'm looking
at. Is it correct thinking?
Pretty much -- maybe with a slight tweak. That pivot point will always be what you look at -- it's going to be your center of interest. You can, for example, put it at the center of the bounding box of your scene, e.g. (some 3D software does this to fit/frame the view around the scene). After that, it's up to you to place the pivot point where you like based on the kind of software design you're after. The camera will always be looking at it.
glTranslatef(pivot[0], pivot[1], pivot[2]);
glRotatef(rot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glTranslatef(translate[0], translate[1], translate[2]);
For this kind of thing, you probably want something more like this:
glTranslatef(-pivot[0], -pivot[1], -pivot[2]);
glRotatef(rot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glTranslatef(0, 0, -distance);
... and outside of pushing to the transformation stack and rendering individual objects (do this at the top of the call stack). That's what gives you something akin to "camera control".
Then when you render each object, push the current transformation and do the necessary local transformations for each object and child. That gives you something akin to objects moving around and being oriented in the world independently of the camera, and a motion hierarchy with parent-child relationships.

Rotate scene around object at centre

I have an object which is at (0.0, 0.0, -39.0) and never moves, the rest of the scene moves relative to this object; I want the camera to look at this object and at the same direction. When I do this:
gluLookAt(0.0, 120.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, -39.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glTranslatef(0.0, y, 0.0);
glRotatef(angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
instead of scene rotating around object (actually around world z-axis), it rotates around its center. If I change the order of translation and rotation then it rotates around object correctly, but it translates in the direction of scene y-direction (I want it translate towards world y-direction). I think I know why this happens, but I don't know how to fix it. I guess I have made myself confused XD.
I should add that I use arrow keys to get input from user to change "y" and "angle". So, basically if this object is the player, I want the camera look at its back at all times, and player can move around using the keyboard. However, instead of moving the player, I decided to move the scene. I am not sure if this is the standard approach though.

Calling glLoadIdentity shows awkward behaviour

I have written this piece of code in c to draw a planet system with a sun and a planet
glutWireSphere(1.0, 20, 16);
glRotatef((GLfloat) year ,0.0,1.0,0.0);
glTranslatef(2.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glRotatef((GLfloat) day, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glutWireSphere(0.2, 10, 8);
But when I compile and run the code, second sphere is not in the view. After I increase the value of y, it appears for half of the rotation when it is behind the centre sphere and then goes out of View again, also the size of the sphere is larger than expected. if I comment out the call to glLoadIdentity(), everything works fine. As much as I know, glLoadIdentity() loads the current Matrix(ModelView_Matrix) with an identity matrix so that the effect of all the translations and rotations is reversed but why in this case the objects drawn when its called are in different manner when no rotations or transformations are being performed before its call?
I suspect that you do have other transformations in the ModelView matrix. If it was already set to the identity, then loading identity would not change the behaviour.
The code you have provided only sets up a local model transform. There are no projection or view transformations being applied, so these must be done elsewhere. Perhaps at initialisation.
Without a prior view transformation, the first sphere would be drawn at the same position as the view - in other words, the camera would be inside the sphere.
I suspect your problem is related to the way you make use of glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix in conjunction with glLoadIdentity:
Suppose you have some matrix A on your modelview stack. Now you use glPushMatrix, essentially saving A to restore it later. Inside the push-pop block, you tell GLUT to draw a sphere, which it dutyfully does, using the previously mentioned modelview matrix A.
If you now call glLoadIdentity, anything that A was before, is gone until you call glPopMatrix, which restores the previous state of A.
So in short, transformation calls after glLoadIdentity are based on the identity matrix rather than the matrix state previous to glPushMatrix.
Seeing that what you want to do is drawing a solar system. It'd probably be best to do something like:
/* Transformations positioning the sun */
/* Draw the sun */
/* Transformations for getting from the sun to the planet */
/* Draw the planet */
As an aside, the fixed-function pipeline (glTranslate, glRotate, glPushMatrix, ...) has been deprecated for quite a while now (about 10 years?), so I'd suggest picking up OpenGL using a more modern approach.
While re-reading the question, another thing struck my attention:
Assuming year is designating where the planet is in its revolution around the sun and day specifies how much the plant is rotated around its own polar axis, the correct order of transformations would be:
Rotate by day around the y-axis
Rotate by year around the y-axis
(Right now, you're doing it the opposite way, which could explain the strange behaviour you're experiencing. See also here.)
According to the comment by JasonD, your transformation order was right in the first place, but still it won't hurt to know about the background. ;)

How to get the 4x4 transformation matrix for an operation

I have this data and i need to come up with the transformation matrix:
glOrtho(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
Suppose that there is a unit cube centered at the origin and we want to view it by looking directly at one of its corners (i.e., at to the three axes). What 4X4 transformation matrix would be required?
I understand that it is translation +Scaling, but i am not sure how to put it in matrices form.
Look at the OpenGL glOrtho man page:
It tells you how the matrix is computed.
Here is a copy of the man page better formatted for web use:

Playing Card "3D" rotation in OpenGL - perspective?

(Mac OS X, Cocoa, C/C++, OpenGL, somewhat mathematically challenged.)
Project is a real-time (30fps) poker game, with a 2D view. The OpenGL view is set up for Orthographic projection using glOrtho; the camera is always looking directly down at the cards/table. To date, it's essentially been a 2D image composition engine.
My playing cards are pre-built textures (with alpha), rendered thusly:
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex3d(startDraw_X, startDraw_Y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3d(endDraw_X, startDraw_Y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3d(startDraw_X, endDraw_Y, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);
glVertex3d (endDraw_X, endDraw_Y, 0.0);
This works well, and provides 1:1 pixel mapping, for high image quality.
QUESTION: how can I (cheaply, quickly) "flip" or distort my card using OpenGL? The rotation part isn't hard, but I'm having trouble with the perspective aspect.
Specifically, I have in mind the horizontal flipping action of UIViews in iPhone applications (e.g. Music). The UIView will appear to flip by shrinking horizontally, with the appearance of perspective (the "rear" coordinates of the view will shrink vertically.)
Thanks for any help or tips.
Instead of using glOrtho to set up an orthographic projection, use glFrustum to set up a perspective projection.
Since you game is 2D, I assume it is a top-view camera, right ?
In this case, you can setup your projection matrix as a projection one, put your camera at the center of the table, at a decent height (> 1.2 x width of table depending on the FoV) and not change anything else.
You may have to set your card's (and other game items) height a lot closer from the table than what they may currently be (since in ortho, a delta of 10 meters along Z won't be seen).
Mixing ortho and perspective is technically possible, but I don't quite see the advantage. However, you may have special assets in your game that require special treatments...