Get total number of Custom Actions on Open Graph Object - facebook-graph-api

I want to access number of custom actions (that I've defined) done on my Open Graph object. Facebook will return number of Like actions in response(like this) but they don't include number of custom actions.

Apps can retrieve actions published for the authorized user. For example, a Recipe app can retrieve all the recipes I've cooked or plan on cooking and customize the app experience based the data.
This API returns the action’s metadata including timestamps along with custom properties and their values. Objects referenced from an action are returned a single level deep.
GET /{action-instance-id}
The following retrieves a specific action instance{action-instance-id}?access_token=USER_ACCESS_TOKEN
"id": "1538292028372"
"start_time": 1303502229,
"end_time": 1303513029,
"data": {
"type": "recipebox:recipe",
"url": "",
"id": "1234567890",
"title": "Pumpkin Pie"
The above content is from FB Documentaion


Instagram: Graph API does not return id of user who commented

I am using Facebook Graph v7.0 to access Instagram data.
I can get comments made on instagram media using the following query:
"id": "18132613492054980",
"ig_id": "2263043983231761272",
"caption": "Sprite",
"timestamp": "2020-03-12T06:51:27+0000",
"owner": {
"id": "17841430463493290"
"username": "jobyjohn123456",
"media_type": "IMAGE",
"permalink": "",
"comments": {
"data": [
"hidden": false,
"id": "18132938077057326",
"like_count": 0,
"media": {
"id": "18132613492054980"
"text": "Nice sprite \u0040yziaf__07",
"timestamp": "2020-03-12T06:52:27+0000",
"username": "zimba_birbal"
"comments_count": 2
In the response, I do not get the User Id of user who commented. It just includes the username of the commenter.
Though, I pass user in the query, the result does not include it.
Do I need any special permission to get user id of the user who commented in the comment response?
There is Facebook API "business discovery" to get the user details of other Instagram User.
API request:{followers_count,media_count,username,ig_id}
We can pass the user name in that API request, then we will get the Instagram User Id.
The documentation says it has one limitation, this will not work for "age-gated Instagram Business IG Users" but I do not exactly know what it means. When I tested for both older Instagram account and new Instagram account (just recently created account) and this API is returning data for both.
When I tested for private Instagram account, it did not work so it seems this api works only for business account.
If that api does not work, there is one workaround. The following request help to get User Id using its username but I have not found any API documentation regarding this API. It looks like this is not a standard API and moreover it does not need any token.

Upload photos to Facebook Sales group album with graph API, using the Source field and not URL

Is there a way to create an album to the SALES groups in Facebook ? when I use the graph API explorer to fetch the user's groups it only brings back the user groups and not the sales groups he / she is part of
Command I used is get > v2.7 > me/groups and it returns
"data": [
"name": "Shadow Creek Columbus Indiana",
"privacy": "SECRET",
"id": "647651662006143"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "NjQ3NjUxNjYyMDA2MTQz",
"after": "NjQ3NjUxNjYyMDA2MTQz"
My second question is, if I were to create an album in the above group and add photos to it using the URL I am able to, however I have a phonegap app and that would be loading the images from the local and not from web, so I need to use the Source field instead of URL. However I am not able to test the same using the explorer. What value should I specify in the Source field ?

Facebook graph api. how to list all pages that my app is subscribed to?

So I am aware of how to check each page to get a list of all subscribed apps.
But I would like to get a list of all pages my app has real time update subscriptions for?
so i have tried this$app_id/subscriptions?access_token=$app_token
but this just brings back basic info on the app.
I would like a list of pages that it has subscriptions to already?
Can anyone help?
This doesn't look to be possible.
Endpoint you're using - - is to get list of application webhooks (callback_url and type of changes), which are called subscriptions for some reason. It's not about pages that subscribed to this webhook (or this app in general).
Overall, even in for your app, under e.g. Messenger tab, you will only see subset of all pages that subscribed to this app. The visible subset is limited by your facebook user account permissions, presumably only show pages that you're either Admin or Editor.
Therefore, if such call would be possible, it would be somehow tied to User Access Token as well, not only app token.
You can do this here:
Once logged, you can click on right button and select "Get User Access Token". You will need at least manage_pages or pages_show_list permission to accomplish this.
Now, all you have to do is call this endpoint: /me/accounts.
It should list all subscribed pages on your app.
Hope it helps.
As per
it is possible (graph api):
GET /oauth/access_token
And then /<app_id>/subscriptions
which returns something like:
"data": [
"object": "application",
"callback_url": "https:...",
"active": true,
"fields": [
"name": "ads_rules_engine",
"version": "v2.9"
"object": "page",
"callback_url": "https://...",
"active": true,
"fields": [
"name": "leadgen",
"version": "v2.5"

Getting number of page likes, post shares and website clicks

How can I get number of page likes, post shares and website clicks aggregated by ad group. Post comments and post likes are fetched through field 'inline_actions' - (/reportstats/date_preset=yesterday&data_columns=['adgroup_id','inline_actions']&actions_group_by=['action_type']). I need a way to fetch these report items using api, just like they are returned using
To get data per adgroup level you must include adgroup_id or adgroup_name in data_columns - as you're doing.
Comments, Likes and many other actions are returned in column actions
You can specify which actions types you're interested in by specifying filters:
"field": "action_type",
"type": "in",
"value": [
However that's optional IIRC, API should send you all non-zero actions by default.

Can we post Actions on an object outside of the app (ie FB Page, FB Place)?

Is it at all possible to post an action (owned by the app) to an object (NOT owned by the app)? Specifically on Faceook Page and Places, objects owned by FB.
For example I want to create an action called "shop", so that I can create the action
"John drank *Coke*"
in which Coke refers to the FB Page.
I have done a test via the Graph API Explorer and it seems that the app's action POST must refer to an object also owned by the same app. Mind you, I also do not know what shud be syntax to refer to objects owned by FB.
You can tag a place to a post but it will simply prefix it with " -at Walmart"
Yes, this is possible. To set the "at Walmart" part, set the action's "place" field when creating an action via a POST. For example, you can pass this:
which should result in setting the place on an action like:
"place": {
"location": {
"city": "San Francisco, CA",
"zip": "94110",
"country": 398,
"region": 0,
"address": "3611 18th Street/2406 California St.",
"id": 2421836
"id": "53645450697",
"name": "Pizzeria Delfina"
Documentation on the basic action properties is here: