Should I and how do I create progress reporting in computation demanding algorithms in c++ - c++

I am implementing some Deep Learning Neural Networks and existing code from Matlab normaly just prints out to the console such users have an idea of progress.
When I am doing my design for C++ and have put core parts of the algorithms into separate functions that I do not want to print stuff out to the console, are there ways or design principles for leaving a option to the users who use the algorithm to get some kind of progress indication?
Could one let a optional parameter be a function pointer that people could hook into, or how would I do this?
void my_heavy_algorithm(int * data, int n,...);

If you are exposing your algorithm as a collection of functions then the way to go would be to have one of the parameters be a function pointer with a signature like this:
void (*reportProgress)(void*, int)
But if you are designing your algorithm in C++ you should probably take advantage of encapsulation and create a class (or set of classes) for your algorithm. In this case you wouldn't want to add the function pointer as a parameter to the individual functions.
Rather you might make the function pointer a member of your class. And have accessor methods to get/set it. Or even better, provide an abstract class for reporting progress.
class ProgressReporter
virtual ~ProgressReporter() = 0;
virtual void notifyProgressChanged(void* source, int progressValue) = 0;
class Algo
ProgressReporter* _userProvidedReporter = NULL;
void set_ProgressReporter(ProgressReporter*); // set accessor
ProgressReporter* get_ProgressReporter(); // get accessor
void my_heavy_algorithm(int*, int, ...); // your algo. implementation fn.
void Algo::set_ProgressReporter(ProgressReporter* reporter){
_userProvidedReporter = reporter;
ProgressReporter* Algo::get_ProgressReporter(){
return _userProvidedReporter;
void Algo::my_heavy_algorithm(int * data, int n,...){
// do stuff
if(_userProvidedReporter != NULL)
_userProvidedReporter->notifyProgressChanged((void*)this, currentProgress);
// do more stuff
if(_userProvidedReporter != NULL)
_userProvidedReporter->notifyProgressChanged((void*)this, currentProgress);
// so on and so forth..
Of course the above is a pretty simplistic example. If you expect your algorithms to support concurrency you should synchronize access to the internal user reporter and you might consider creating a base class for your algorithm and provide concrete derived implementations..

STL style functors may help you. This would also allow yor algorithm be used withoud any progress indicator.
For example, let's say you'd like to give a percent progress indicator.
// disclaimer - I didn't compile this code
class NoProgressFeedback; // see below
void my_heavy_algorithm(int * data, int n, ProgressFeedback giveFeedback = NoProgressFeedback() {
int percentProgress = 0;
/* start calculations, do stuff */
/* continue over and repeat percentProgress updates and giveFeedback calls */
/* NoProgressFeedback will do no progress feedback */
class NoProgressFeedback {
operator()(int percent) {}
If user code wants feedback, then it should pass your my_heavy_algorithm function a different progress indicator, that sould look like this:
class GetProgressFeedback {
void operator()(int percent) { std::cout << "percent advance: " << percent; }

Take a look at Dependancy Injection.
You can pass an object that implements an IProgress interface. A NullProgress object could just have the stubs but does no real work for objects you aren't interested in monitoring.
The usual way is to run your computationally heavy work in seperate thread and use that to update a section of memory via a lock. The UI thread then reads periodically from this memory location and updates the screen accordingly.

To report proper progress, you need three things:
An estimate of the total work to be done.
An estimate of how much work has been done so far.
A source of time.
You also need some way for your "heavy math" function to "report in". One way to do that is to have some sort of function that you call in the "start of function", "progress so far" and "end of function". The start of function also sets "total amount of work to do". Progress so far reports "how much is done now", and "end of function" says "I'm complete".
In a C++ class environment, this could be done as:
class Progress
Progress() { };
virtual void Start(int todo) = 0;
virtual void Done(int doneSoFar) = 0;
virtual void Finish();
This provides an interface that other classes can be derived from.
Of course, you still need to find a useful pace to put your "Done()" - if you put it too deep inside some tight loop, it will impact performance, but you need to do it often enough that it shows some useful progress too.


Two versions of the program depending on the input parameter without code duplication

I am solving the following problem. I am working on an optimization program in C ++ which, depending on the initial settings of the user, uses various regulations (standards) to calculate the target function. Suppose we have a method A based on some norm and a method B based on another norm to calculate the target function. The user is setting the right standard before starting the program. The rest of the code is the same. During optimization, the target function is iteratively called over and over again. Of course, there is a simple solution: each time the target function is called, the IF condition is used to decide which standard to use. But because the program has to make decisions in every iteration, it seems to be ineffective. The second option is to create 2 independent codes and run only the one with the required standard. This, in turn, is ugly in terms of duplicate code.
I imagined that I would create 2 different classes and use the selected class using the IF condition when constructing the object. This would make the program decide only once when creating the object, but during the iteration itself the object would be clearly defined. Unfortunately, this does not work because objects cannot be created in IF conditions.
// Create object sensor based on input
if(data.sensors_tipe == "Uniaxial_025") Sensor_Uniaxial_025 sensor(data);
else if (data.sensors_tipe == "T_rosette_05") Sensor_T_rosette_05 sensor(data);
else report.error("some error");
// rotation test
int element_index = 1;
double orientation_angle = 3.490658503988659;
sensor.rotate(element_index, orientation_angle);
Another way I would like is to set the correct method using a parameter in the constructor. Unfortunately, that probably isn't possible either.
I am a beginner and I did not find the answer anywhere. So maybe someone can help. Thanks
This is a good job for templates, which are "recipes" to generate code.
The end result will be duplicated machine code, but without the duplication in the source.
template<typename MethodT>
float optimize(const MethodT& method) {
float v = method();
// etc...
float methodA();
float methodB();
int main() {
auto a = optimize(methodA);
auto b = optimize(methodB);
First, the solution with if may be not that bad. It is branch on each function call, but the branch should be predicted well.
Second, if the functions that implement method A and method B are large enough to miss inlining, use function pointer.
Otherwise, use static polymorphism with templates, method A and method B may be passed via template parameter as functors.
In case, the user can change standard after programm compilation (for example, before each run) you can create interface and 2 child from it.
So, at startup you should create the instance (one of 2) you need through new. And then you can use it.
You can't use that algorithm with stack instances.
One way is to use inheritance.
class Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) = 0;
class Sensor_Uniaxial_025 : public Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) {/*stuff*/};
class Sensor_T_rosette_05 : public Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) {/*stuff*/};
Sensor* sensorToUse;
// Create object sensor based on input
if(data.sensors_tipe == "Uniaxial_025") sensorToUse = new Sensor_Uniaxial_025(data);
else if (data.sensors_tipe == "T_rosette_05") sensorToUse = new
else report.error("some error");
// rotation test
int element_index = 1;
double orientation_angle = 3.490658503988659;
sensorToUse->rotate(element_index, orientation_angle);
The example above, with new, comes with serious memory management issues. But if you pre-allocate the sensor for each type, in a single instance, and use a look-up instead it works well.
The alternative is with template. See other answers for these approaches.

C++ Simplifying classes/OOP approach

I am very new to C++, having only used Unrealscript previously, and I'm trying to write a relatively simple console game to teach myself the basics (using OneLoneCoder engine). I've set myself a goal of implementing pause/dialog screens which can call specific functions depending on player input (eg pressing Y or N when given an option, which could then lead to another dialog box, or something happening to the player). My first instinct was to create a base class like this:
wstring PauseText,PromptText;
PauseScreen CurrPauseScreen;
class PauseScreen
virtual wstring GetPText()
return L"NO PAUSE TEXT";
virtual wstring GetPPText()
virtual void EFunc()
virtual void YFunc()
virtual void NFunc()
virtual void SetPrompts()
PauseText = GetPText();
PromptText = GetPPText();
int main()
if (m_keys[L'E'].bPressed || m_keys[L'P'].bPressed)
else if (m_keys[L'Y'].bPressed)
else if (m_keys[L'N'].bPressed)
return 0;
and override functions as necessary. At the moment, I'm using a global CurrPauseScreen variable to store the currently used PauseScreen info, and simply take all necessary values and methods from that (remembering to delete it when game is unpaused or a new screen is created).
I initially attempted to use function pointers which pointed to class methods and didn't use the 'new' operator in order to avoid using heap memory because I know it's ill-advised, but I felt like I was chasing my own tail figuring out how to use them properly, as it doesn't seem easy to have a pointer point to a class method. Basically I want to know if there is a simpler way of setting/changing all necessary functions and variables through classes on a one-off basis, or if using classes and an Object-Oriented approach is advised at all in this situation, as from what I've seen through my google searching, it's often looked down upon in C++.
EDIT: The code I have at the moment works as I intended, but is just a little too 'messy' for my liking, having to place a class on the heap and ensure it's deleted appropriately at each step. Ideally I would like to simply instantiate a class on the stack and have the class handle all of the setting within itself, including changing the PauseText,PromptText and the various functions (EFunc(), YFunc() and NFunc()). Changing the text is easy enough, but changing function behaviour from within a class is where I am having the most trouble.

c++ particle system inheritance

i'm creating particle system and i want to have possibility to choose what kind of object will be showing on the screen (like simply pixels, or circle shapes). I have one class in which all parameters are stored (ParticleSettings), but without those entities that stores points, or circle shapes, etc. I thought that i may create pure virtual class (ParticlesInterface) as a base class, and its derived classes like ParticlesVertex, or ParticlesCircles for storing those drawable objects. It is something like that:
class ParticlesInterface
std::vector<ParticleSettings> m_particleAttributes;
ParticlesInterface(long int amount = 100, sf::Vector2f position = { 0.0,0.0 });
const std::vector<ParticleSettings>& getParticleAttributes() { return m_particleAttributes; }
and :
class ParticlesVertex : public ParticlesInterface
std::vector<sf::Vertex> m_particleVertex;
ParticlesVertex(long int amount = 100, sf::Vector2f position = { 0.0,0.0 });
std::vector<sf::Vertex>& getParticleVertex() { return m_particleVertex; }
So... I know that i do not have access to getParticleVertex() method by using polimorphism. And I really want to have that access. I want to ask if there is any better solution for that. I have really bad times with decide how to connect all that together. I mean i was thinking also about using template classes but i need it to be dynamic binding not static. I thought that this idea of polimorphism will be okay, but i'm really need to have access to that method in that option. Can you please help me how it should be done? I want to know what is the best approach here, and also if there is any good answer to that problem i have if i decide to make that this way that i show you above.
From the sounds of it, the ParticlesInterface abstract class doesn't just have a virtual getParticleVertex because that doesn't make sense in general, only for the specific type ParticlesVertex, or maybe a group of related types.
The recommended approach here is: Any time you need code that does different things depending on the actual concrete type, make those "different things" a virtual function in the interface.
So starting from:
void GraphicsDriver::drawUpdate(ParticlesInterface &particles) {
if (auto* vparticles = dynamic_cast<ParticlesVertex*>(&particles)) {
for (sf::Vertex v : vparticles->getParticleVertex()) {
draw_one_vertex(v, getCanvas());
} else if (auto* cparticles = dynamic_cast<ParticlesCircle*>(&particles)) {
for (CircleWidget& c : cparticles->getParticleCircles()) {
draw_one_circle(c, getCanvas());
// else ... ?
(CircleWidget is made up. I'm not familiar with sf, but that's not the point here.)
Since getParticleVertex doesn't make sense for every kind of ParticleInterface, any code that would use it from the interface will necessarily have some sort of if-like check, and a dynamic_cast to get the actual data. The drawUpdate above also isn't extensible if more types are ever needed. Even if there's a generic else which "should" handle everything else, the fact one type needed something custom hints that some other future type or a change to an existing type might want its own custom behavior at that point too. Instead, change from a thing code does with the interface to a thing the interface can be asked to do:
class ParticlesInterface {
// ...
virtual void drawUpdate(CanvasWidget& canvas) = 0;
// ...
class ParticlesVertex {
// ...
void drawUpdate(CanvasWidget& canvas) override;
// ...
class ParticlesCircle {
// ...
void drawUpdate(CanvasWidget& canvas) override;
// ...
Now the particles classes are more "alive" - they actively do things, rather than just being acted on.
For another example, say you find ParticlesCircle, but not ParticlesVertex, needs to make some member data updates whenever the coordinates are changed. You could add a virtual void coordChangeCB() {} to ParticlesInterface and call it after each motion model tick or whenever. With the {} empty definition in the interface class, any class like ParticlesVertex that doesn't care about that callback doesn't need to override it.
Do try to keep the interface's virtual functions simple in intent, following the Single Responsibility Principle. If you can't write in a sentence or two what the purpose or expected behavior of the function is in general, it might be too complicated, and maybe it could more easily be thought of in smaller steps. Or if you find the virtual overrides in multiple classes have similar patterns, maybe some smaller pieces within those implementations could be meaningful virtual functions; and the larger function might or might not stay virtual, depending on whether what remains can be considered really universal for the interface.
(Programming best practices are advice, backed by good reasons, but not absolute laws: I'm not going to say "NEVER use dynamic_cast". Sometimes for various reasons it can make sense to break the rules.)

Emit information from a library without run-time cost if none is wanted

I am author of a library with a number of optimization algorithms, in which I already invested quite a bit of profiling/tuning. I am currently writing front-end programs for this library.
At the moment, the library routines themselves are pretty much black boxes. Consider a method along the lines of bool fit(vector_t const& data, double targetError). They work and do what I want them to do, but for the frontends, a bit of runtime information would be nice. For example, it would be nice if information like "current error" or "number of iterations left" could be displayed. I do not want a simple if (verbose) cerr << "Info\n"; pattern, since the library should be equally usable in a GUI environment.
I deliberately write could, because I want to keep the impact of this information emission as low as possible. How can I define and implement an interface, that
Emits an object with run-time information whenever an observer is registered
has minimal run-time costs with regards to the algorithm if an information object is emitted, and
has close to no run-time costs if no observer is registered?
Basically, the run-time costs of this optional introspection should be as low as possible, and close to zero if no introspection is wanted. How can this be achieved? Do libraries exist for this? (I guess the answer is yes, and probably hidden in the Boost project, but without known what to look for…)
Just move all costs to compile time!
The easiest approach is:
template<bool logging>
bool fit(vector_t const& data, double targetError)
// ... computations ...
if (logging) {
std::cout << "This is log entry\n";
// ... computations ...
fit<true>(data, epsilon); // Will print logs.
fit<false>(data, epsilon); // Will not print logs with zero overhead.
Nowadays almost any compiler will optimize all such checks out while compiling.
A more flexible approach is to pass a logger as a template parameter:
class ConsoleLogger
template<typename... Args>
static void log(Args... args) {
// Print args using compile-time recursion.
// Anyway, this prototype is only an example.
// Your may define any logging interface you wish.
class FileLogger
// Some implementation of log() ...
class RemoteCloudLogger
// Some implementation of log() ...
class NullLogger
template<typename... Args>
static void log(Args... args) {
// Intentionally left blank. Any calls will be optimized out.
template<typename Logger>
bool fit(vector_t const& data, double targetError)
// ... computations ...
Logger::log("Current error: ", currentError);
Logger::log("Iterations passed: ", i);
// ... computations ...
fit<ConsoleLogger>(data, epsilon); // Will log to console.
fit<RemoteCloudLogger>(data, epsilon); // Will log to a file on remote cloud server.
fit<NullLogger>(data, epsilon); // Any calls to Logger::log will be optimized out, yielding zero overhead.
Obviously, you can write a logger class which will collect all logged information to a structure with introspection data.
For example, you might define fit's interface as follows:
template<typename Logger>
bool fit(vector_t const& data, double targetError, IntrospectionData& data)
and define only two logging classes: IntrospectionDataLogger and NullLogger, whose log methods accept a reference to IntrospectionData structure. And again, the last class contains empty methods that will be thrown away by your compiler.
You could allocate the struct on the stack and pass a reference to the observer. The observer can then do whatever is necessary with the struct, e.g. copy it, print it, display it in a GUI etc. Alternatively, if you want to track only one or two properties you might want to just pass them as separate arguments.
class Observer
virtual void observe(MyInfoStruct *info) = 0;
if(hasObservers()) // ideally inline
MyInfoStruct info = {currentError, bla, bla};
for(observer : observers)
That way there should be no overhead when there are no observers except for the if statement. The overhead for emitting the information should be dominated by the virtual calls to the observers.
Further optimizations:
You may want to outline the presumably cold observer iteration code into a separate function to improve code locality for the hot path.
If there are any frequent virtual calls in your code anyway, consider adding an "Observed" version of the interface and try to perform the observation work there, and completely omit it from the original version. If the observed version can easily be injected once upon placement of the observer, you may be able to omit checking for observers redundantly. If you just want to track arguments to a function this is easy, by making the "Observed" version just forward to the original, however if you want to track information while an algorith is running this may not be practical.
Depending on what you want to track, it may be possible to write this as a template:
struct NoObserverDispatch {
bool hasObservers() {return false;}
void observe(MyInfoStruct *) {}
struct GenericObserverDispatch {
bool hasObservers() {return !observers.isEmpty();}
void observe(MyInfoStruct *) { for (obs : observers) obs->observe(info); }
vector<unique_ptr<Observer> > observers;
template<typename ObserverDispatch>
class Fitter
ObserverDispatch obs;
virtual bool fit(vector_t const& data, double targetError)
if(obs.hasObservers()) { // will be optimized away unless needed
MyInfoStruct info = {currentError, bla, bla};
Obviously this assumes that you can replace the Fitter whenever an observer is placed. Another option would be to let the user pick the template instantiation, but that may be less clean and has the drawback that you will have to ship the code.

Design pattern for large decision tree based AI in c++

I'm currently writing an AI for a game that is written in c++. The AI is conceptually fairly simple, it just runs through a decision tree and picks appropriate actions. I was previously using prolog for the decision engine but due to the other developers using c++ and some issues with integrating the prolog code I'm now trying to port it to c++.
Currently I have a bunch of facts and rules in prolog (100+). Many express things in the form, if game_state then do action xyz. Most of the rules are fairly simple with a few being rather complex. I looked at a finite state machine approach, but that didn't seem to scale to the larger situations so well.
My first attempt at coding this up in c++ was a huge nightmare of if then else case statements. I had this sort of code popping up everywhere:
if( this->current_game_state->some_condition == true ){
if( this->current_game_state->some_other_condition == false ){
//some code
return do_default_action();
}else if( this->current_game->another_condition ){
//more code
The complexity became quickly unmanageable.
If there a good way to code this sort of problem in c++? Are there any good design patterns to deal with this type of situation? There is no requirement that the logic has to be contained within the source, it just needs to be accessible from c++. The only real requirement is that it is reasonably fast.
I also looked at rules engines and if fast enough they could be appropriate. Do you know if there is a open source c++ rules engine that would be appropriate?
Code is Data, and Data is Code. You've got working code - you just need to expose it to C++ in a way it can compile, then you can implement a minimal interpreter to evaluate it.
One possibility is to take your Prolog rules and translate them in the most direct way possible to a data structure. Maybe you could design a simple table like:
struct {
State coming_from;
Event event;
void (*func)(some, args);
State going_to;
} rules[] = {
{ next, rule, goes, here },
Similarly, function calls can populate data structures in such a way that it looks similar to your original Prolog:
void init_rules () {
rule("Parent", "Bill", "John");
rule("Parent", "Paul", "Bill");
// 99 more rules go here...
Then you implement a simple interpreter to traverse that data structure and find the answers you need. With less than 1000 rules, a brute force approach at searching is likely to be fast enough, but you can always get clever later and try to do things the way a real Prolog environment would when the time comes.
You can use polymorphism. Calling a virtual function is effectively a big-ass switch/case that's done and optimized for you by the compiler.
class GameState {
virtual void do_something() { std::cout << "GameState!"; }
// some functions
virtual ~GameState() {}
class SomeOtherState : public GameState {
// some other functions
virtual void do_something() { std::cout << "SomeOtherState!"; }
class MyFinalState : public GameState {
virtual void do_something() { std::cout << "MyOtherState!"; }
class StateMachine {
std::auto_ptr<GameState> curr_state;
: curr_state(NULL) {}
void DoSomething() { curr_state->DoSomething(); }
void SetState(GameState* ptr) { curr_state = ptr; }
template<typename T> void SetState() { curr_state = new T; }
int main() {
StateMachine sm;
sm.SetState(new SomeOtherState());
sm.DoSomething(); // prints "SomeOtherState!"
sm.DoSomething(); // prints "MyFinalState!"
In the above example, I didn't need to switch about any of the states, or even know that different states exist or what they do (in the StateMachine class, anyways), the selection logic was done by the compiler.
If you want to convert your prolog code to c++ code,
have a look at the Castor library (C++) which enable Logic Programming in C++:
I haven't tried it out myself, so I don't know anything about it's performance.
If you want to use a state-machine, have a look at Boost.Meta State Machine
I don't really get why a finite state machine is not sufficiant for your game. It is a common way to do what you want to. You could make it data driven to stay you code clean from concrete actions. The finite state m. is also described in "AI for Game Dev" O'Reilly (David M. Bourg & Glenn Seemann)
You maybe want to split you rules in several smaller rule sets to keep the machine small and understandable.
How about use mercury? its basically built to interface with C code.
Trying to match Prolog's expressive power with state machines is like trying to outrun a car with a bicycle.
Castor is probably the way to go. It is very lightweight and allows smooth interop between Logic programming and rest of C++. Take a look at the tutorial videos on