PyAIML not loading startup - python-2.7

I am beginning a project on Python that implements PyAIML and I wrote the following code to create a brain for my project:
import aiml
k.respond("LOAD AIML B")
When I run the program I get this error: WARNING: No match found for input: LOAD AIML B
I understand that I needed to download an AIML set to begin development. So I did, but I'm stuck there.
Please help. I'm a noob programmer so don't be rough on me for this dumb mistake.
Thanks in advance!

The .learn() method will not throw an error if the file you pass it does not exist, and I'm guessing that you are trying to learn patterns from "std-startup.xml" without having this file in your directory.
Make sure the file std-startup.xml is in the directory you are running your script from. You should also have a directory called standard in your working directory that contains the standard set of aiml files. Basically your directory should look like this:
These files can be found in the "Other Files/Standard AIML Set/" folder on the pyaiml source forge site. Go to that folder and download the one of the tarballs or the zip.

A few things:
If your AIML is loading properly, pyAIML will respond with a line that will read something like:
Loading std-startup.aiml... done (1.00 seconds)
It will not necessarily throw an error if it does not find a file to load, so if you don't see this line, pyAIML has not loaded the AIML file.
I don't see 'std-startup.xml' in the sourceforge directory either, but this shouldn't matter. All that you're loading is any AIML file that will allow you to test the kernel. Try loading the 'self-test.aiml' file in the /aiml directory instead. (Double-check to make sure the file suffix in your code is .aiml and not .xml)
k.respond() is for giving the bot some input and 'LOAD AIML B' is just a test phrase. Once you've loaded 'self-test.aiml' try k.respond('test date') and you should get
The date is Wed Mar 13 01:37:07 2013 in response.


import adobe xd file to c++ project

so im working on a bot and made an interface for it in adobe xd. My question is: can I import it to a c++ project somehow to be an executable. Im asking this because Ive only seen it used in webpages and not in an actual exe
The AdobeXd project file is an actual zip file. If you rename it to a ".zip" you can open it and see a bunch of json files, folders and images.
The artboards are in the manifest file and each will have a PATH value
Each artboard is in artwork/PATH/graphics/graphicContent.agc
The symbols/components are in the resources/graphics/graphicContent.agc file
The images are in the resources folder
Unless you're willing to write a parser for the Adobe XD file format, code to render it and code to process events to this gui, you should consider it "not possible".

Generating working CHM files using Doxygen and GraphViz (Invalid .hhc file?)

I'm in the middle of documenting my C++ GUI library and I just started using Doxygen. I've got two test files that are documented now, but I have problems when trying to generate the CHM help files. Doxygen runs without error, and dot appears to be functioning correctly to generate images.
However, it appears the resulting .hhc, .hhk, and .hhp files are broken in some way. index.hhc and index.hhk are exactly the same and running 'hhc index.hhp' does not work. It returns an error :
HHC6000: Error: An internal file could not be created. Make certain there is enough disk space on the drive where you are compiling your file.
HHC5007: Error: Fatal navigational compilation error. This is likely the result of an invalid contents (.hhc) file.
I have uploaded a zip file of my two test sources, the Doxyfile generated by the Doxy Wizard, and the .hh* files created by doxygen.
Both HTML Help Workshop and GraphViz are on my path.
Do I need to change a setting in the doxyfile? How do I fix this?
Regards, bugsquasher
After taking albert 's advice, everything seemed to magically work. Nothing was really different though.

Not able to save file deployed on jetty server

I have deployed my webapplication on a jetty server, and I am trying to edit those deployed files using WebStorm 8.0.4. But I am unable to save the edited files and getting the following error:
Try turning the 'safe write' feature (Settings/General, 'Use safe writes') off - does it help? It creates a temporary copy of a file: creates a separate temp file, deletes the original and then renames. With this option the original file permissions may be lost, this causes problems, especially when working on remote drives.
Follow these steps.
Open C:\Users\YourUserName\.m2\repository (If you use maven)
Find org folder and Navigate org\eclipse\jetty\jetty-webapp\yourJettyVersion
There will be a .jar file.
Open it with winrar or some program like winrar.
Navigate org\eclipse\jetty\webapp
Find webdefault.xml and Open it with any text editor.
Search useFileMappedBuffer parameter in file
You will see a param value.
Change it to false.
Save and Exit.
I'm sorry for any English mistakes.

Vim YouCompleteMe configuration

i just installed YouCompleteMe for Vim through vundle. It works, but it shows only the words contained in the current file. I want to use it to develop c++ programs, how can i configure it to show autocompletion from c++ headers file in /usr/include for example? Thanks a lot.
You need to navigate to ~/.vim/bundles/YouCompleteMe and run the installation script with --clang-completer, so do ./ --clang-completer. After it finishes you should have support for C like languages.
You may also need to place let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/cpp/ycm/' in your ~/.vimrc.
I have installed with pathogen. I tried the above instructions with ./ --clang-complete. After this, it did not work, and I indeed had to add the path. But it was different than in another reply here, namely
let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp/ycm/'
so there is an extra "third_party/ycmd" in the path.
While the suggestions here might work in the beginning, I am not sure it's the proper way to go. According to YCM developer, whenever you start a project, you need a new file
YCM looks for a file in the directory of the opened file or in any directory above it in the hierarchy (recursively); when the file is found, it is loaded (only once!) as a Python module. YCM calls a FlagsForFile method in that module which should provide it with the information necessary to compile the current file. You can also provide a path to a global file, which will be used as a fallback. To prevent the execution of malicious code from a file you didn't write YCM will ask you once per if it is safe to load. This can be disabled and you can white-/blacklist files. See the Options section for more details.
While you might only need to modify the compile flags from the vanilla, I feel it is advisable to create a new file for every project you start.
Everything that the folks here have said is correct. I just want to add that as of 2017, the "" script is deprecated. Now, you have to use the script instead by typing
./ --clang-completer
Also, in your .vimrc file, instead of ".vim/bundle/blahblahblah", you'll need to add a "~/" in front of the address by adding:
let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = "~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp/ycm/"
to your .vimrc file, to give it an absolute path from the Home directory so that Vim can find the "" file. Otherwise, you might experience some funny behavior.
I just wanted to add if you don't want to manually define a config file there is this neat little repository that will auto generate it.

WAMP: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I'm trying to upload a file using PHP. My HTML page with the form is stored at
PHP page is
and the file I'm trying to upload is
When I try to upload the file, I get the following error:
Warning: move_uploaded_file(/uploads/openoffice.txt) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or
directory in C:\wamp\www\myproject\upload.php on line 40
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'C:\wamp\tmp\phpF66A.tmp' to '/uploads/openoffice.txt'
in C:\wamp\www\myproject\upload.php on line 40 Problem: could not move
file to destination directory
Here are lines 40-43 of upload.php:
if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $upfile)) {
echo 'Problem: could not move file to destination directory';
The fact that it's looking in upload.php instead of the folder that it's in makes me wonder whether it's a server error or an issue with my PHP.
I Googled and got this advice but I don't know if it's the right advice, or how to implement it. Help?
You should be supplying a file system path for $upFile, not a web based path. try using the full system path to you your uploads directory like C:\path\to\uploads\openoffice.txt. Unless of course youre actually trying to place the file in C:\uploads...
Try this code
$imgName = time();
$imgPath = BASEPATH."../uploads/".$imgName;
$image = base_url().'uploads/'.$imgName;
$imageNew =$imgName;
Where uploads is the folder name just rename it with your folder name or make your folder as name it as uploads. Its working code.
Give your '/uploads/' folder where you are going to upload your file. 777 rights. Give full permission to that directory.