keep media in base URL - django

So, I am looking for a solution to have images through the base website URL.
Example of image url:
Where the homepage lives at the url:
I am using the django python web framework, and am aware this is a peculiar, if not just bad idea, but my client has linked several hundred images to their base URL in the above format, and refuses to change the existing links.
I know this is a vague question, but I can't seem to find anything relevant. Do I just set the media url to the same as the website?

Why don't you just configure your web server to rewrite the paths?
You could also configure it using an alternate host, for example and serve everything from there. Then you could rewrite all requests going at to


Redirect wrong URL/path DigitalOcean Spaces

I'm using Digital Ocean Spaces CDN to host a static website, so far so good, if I it my index.html everything is working as expected.
The problem I'm facing now, is that if the user hit any path which that is not index.html it gets back an Access Denied error.
I've looked inside the Digital Ocean Spaces CDN Settings and found nothing about redirecting on wrong url/path
Is there a way I could achieve that?
I would need a service like cloudflare in front of my CDN?
Sorry, but looking around on the web got me nowhere so far.
You need to check a couple of things:
You need to make all HTML files public
Enable File Listing
DO Spaces does not support static page hosting (if someone visits your domain, you cant make redirection from "/" to "/index.html". IMO that's big no no. If you want free static hosting, just use or git hosts (Github and Gitlab).

Serve media file from Django

I know that it's not a good way to serve directly file and picture from django via views and urls dispatch, but if these files and pictures are served via the server (Apache), the whole world can see them. What if some files and pictures are private for the user, and only the connected user can see these files or pictures? In this case, I need to serve by django itself?
To serve private documents, you should use a Python view that does the security checks.
Here is an example.
If you are using Apache with mod_wsgi then you can use mod_xsendfile
You are essentially looking to run the authorisation for some resources via Django, pass a header back to Apache saying 'Hey dude, lighten up. This user is okay to access this' Apache will then handle returning the resource.
Rough steps (as in, rough enough that you will need to do a little more research using the links I provide as a starting point)
Apache needs to know which resources are public and which aren't. Create a sub directory under media for both of these types (Why not go crazxy and call them /media/public/ and /media/private/)
Set up an alias for the public directory and a WSGIScriptAlias for the protected dir, the protected alias will be pointing to your main site handler (probably django.wsgi)
Add settings to vhost:
XSendFile On
XSendFileAllowAbove On
Add an urlconf to your Django app that handles /media/protected/{whatever} and routes it through your auth Django app auth logic. An example of this is here
A useful snippet for the above is here
and another example for good measure here

Django URL conf and Backbone.js Router

I have a backbone.js single-page app that is all set up with the router (well, actually a Backbone.Marionette app with a Backbone.Marionette AppRouter, but nevertheless). However, the backend is based in Django, where I do not have the URL conf directing to views for all URLs that are already in the backbone.js routes.
Based on the existing URLs in the Django URL conf, Backbone.js will serve the backbone routes regardless of what is listed in the Django conf - it seems something, anything just needs to be there.
Do I need to have proper Django views in order to offer a fallback for older browsers/SEO?
What are the best practices to coordinate the Django URL conf and the Backbone.js Router?
I've found a post that addresses this issue quite well:
Briefly, my reasoning for including a fallback is for non-javascript browsers and SEO reasons. At the time of this post, non-javascript browsers account for ~1.4% (less than 2% from everything I've read) of users, making SEO The major consideration. Again, SEO may not be relevant for everyone reading this post, in which case, this can be skipped.
I found Thomas Davis' tutorial using phantom.js quite helpful.
However, another issue that I needed to account for was the history API, which has been neglected by all but the latest IE browsers. Given my client's users, about 15% of which are using IE <= 9, this was also a problem.
In the end, I also needed to use history.js. All in all, this was a lot of work to update an otherwise very simple website. However, I learned a lot from this ordeal.
In my opinion if your backbone app is truly a single page then you don't need any django views whatsoever. You can serve your index.html as a static file (in production, not even by django) and then let backbone's router take care of your url configuration, as you're doing already. You can use backbone's history and navigate to fake urls, add urls parameters etc, for resources in your app.

Iframe working correctly on localserver but not production server

A question like this was asked before and the person got nothing but criticisms, hope this won't be the case here.
I have a website that allows a business to add their menu to my site, and some have requested to be able to import a menu (a pdf or jpg) that is already online elsewhere. So I made a form that saves a url to the db and then that url is used in the src of an iframe on my site.
I tested it all and it worked fine on my local machine (using Django development server). When I synced it over to my production server and saved the same url I was testing with, the iframe loads no content.
I imagine that it has something to do with trying to read an individual file from another server because it works if I make the url or to an image that is under my domain name. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Storing a url instead of a pdf in my db is much more efficient so doing this way is preferred over uploading their menu to my site.
I don't think this question needs any code attached, but if you want to see some let me hear it.
The menu you're testing with probably has the X-Frame-Options response header set.
Is there a reason you're putting the image/pdf as the src on an iframe instead of just using the img tag (or putting an img tag inside your iframe)? There's still no guarantee that will work for all pages, as some sites will refuse to serve media to an external page, but I suspect this is your problem in this case.

How can I write a route/view/controller for a web framework which acts as a dumb proxy?

That is to say, let's say I'm writing something that's hosted on I'd like it to be possible for a user who goes to to be served up from and to be able to interact with (e.g. navigate to via point-and-click). I understand that this is what a proxy is supposed to do. I need to do some preprocessing of a request to access the proxy, which is why I'm turning to a web framework. I've a preference for django, rails, or sinatra, or another python/ruby solution, but any will do, really.
Thanks in advance; alternate suggestions are welcome.
First you will need to parse the URL at In django you could have an url like this(not tested):
url(r'(?P<url>.*)$', my_proxy_view, name = 'proxy')
So will give you an url of '' you may use as you please in your view.
Then you have to retrieve the page at, using a library like urllib2.
When you have the contents of the remote page, you need to change all links(anchor elements) that point to to point to the URLs of your proxy. If you want to proxy images, stylesheets and javascript you need to change the links of those as well.
You probably want to cache as much as possible as well. And be sure to set a user-agent on the urllib request that will let the other site know that this is some kind of robot or proxy.
With that said, this sounds like a really stupid idea. What is your use case?
i can only talk about django, but....
if you only want to use the same object/data on multiple websites you should have a look at the django sites framework
for redirects i would suggest the redirects app
or you simply use the redirect shortcut in your views