Build dashboard - wso2

Is there a build dashboard somewhere for the different carbon/wso2 releases?
I just checked out the 4.0.3 tag of carbon (
and I was assuming tags are stable. But the build failed with the following error
The project org.wso2.carbon:SecVerifier:4.0.0
(/wso2/4.0.3/products/integration/security-verifier/pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: Failure to find
org.wso2.carbon:integration:pom:4.0.0 in
repository was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until
the update interval of apache-incubating has elapsed or updates are forced and
'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM # line 22, column 13 -> [Help 2]
Are these tags stable? I am using Maven 3.0.5 and Java 1.6

WSO2 build status dashboard can be found with continuous build too, Bamboo.
If you are trying to build something on a released branch, the easiest would be to build only that component, as for released versions, we have published maven repos with build artifacts.


Nexus 3.5.1 proxies from snapshot repo nothing but maven metadata files

I have upgraded nexus repository from 2.x to 3.x through following path:
2.4.14 -> 3.4.0 -> 3.5.1
All nexus services were packed in docker with data directory mapped from host's. For all services I use default either sonatype/nexus or sonatype/nexus3 containers. Nexus web interface is hidden behind nginx with simple reverse proxying.
I use the nexus service with boot-cj (with no credentials) tools which manages dependencies the same way as maven. Anyway the tool first downloads nexus-maven.xml with relevant sha1 files and tries to download jars. It works fine with all 2.x I had.
I created a proxy repository against remote sonatype-snapshots repo. When I start compilation I have Could not find artifact error. I found that the meatdata files are cached but all poms and jars.
I have tried to fix it by cleaning cache with the clean_cache file trick and more rough rm -rfv /srv/nexus3/nexus-data/cache/* with no success. There are no any logs about error. Also I have checked manually that required artefact exists in the remote repository. More obvious Rebuild index button gave no solution. I do not thing it is a problem with nginx, but who knows? Also leaving overnight to run the scheduled tasks did not help.
The expected artifact is org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j:pom:2.3-20170901.145510-11.

IONIC2 transformClassesWithDexForDebug

I got this error
`FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong?
Execution failed for task ':transformClassesWithDexForDebug'. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/zxing/BarcodeFormat;
I have enabled Multidex (multiDexEnabled = true) in build.gradle and also added following
dexOptions {
incremental = true;
preDexLibraries = false
javaMaxHeapSize "2g"
but still getting that error.
Even I was facing the similar issue, I tried updating Cordova, Ionic and setting ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME and almost all the solution over the web, but nothing worked for me. Finally, it was the issue with PhoneGap-push plugin. The 2.0 version of PhoneGap-push plugin has some collision with some plugins like
Google Analytics
To be more specific the plugins that use google play services.
So Below is my solution.
First, remove the PhoneGap-push plugin 2.0 from your application.
Now try to build the app by commenting all the lines that use push plugin.
If the build is successful then it will be the issue with push plugin. Then follow below instructions to fix the issue. If the build is not successful then you might be having some other issue.
First, uninstall the PhoneGap-push plugin 2.0
Then go to project -> package.json and search for push and replace the line with “”: “4.0.1” earlier it will be 4.3.0 or 4.3.1
Now add push plugin again to the project with below command ionic plugin add phonegap-plugin-push#1.10.5 --variable SENDER_ID=XXXXXXX
Now build your app works like a charm....
This issue is already opened in phonegap-pushplugin repo . They have a next milestone of releasing version 2.1.0 which will be fixing this issue.

WSO2MB doesnot work in spring boot

I am trying to use WSO2MB in spring boot, but the maven is not able to download the dependencies like andes-client-3.1.1.jar.
It is working fine when I use msf4j. Is it not possible for spring-boot to use wso2mb?
I am getting error:
Failure to find org.wso2.andes.wso2:andes-client:jar:0.13.wso2v10 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
Those artifacts are not synced with the maven central. You can add the wso2 nexus as a repository in the pom.

Compile error wso2 ESB 4.8.1. and kernel

We are having problems compiling kernel wso2 esb and wso2
Jdk -> jdk1.7.0_60
Error wso2 esb 4.8.1
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project org.wso2.esb.integration.core: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.wso2.esb:org.wso2.esb.integration.core:jar:4.8.0: Could not find artifact in wso2-nexus ( -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project org.wso2.esb.integration.core: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.wso2.esb:org.wso2.esb.integration.core:jar:4.8.0: Could not find artifact in wso2-nexus (
Error wso2carbon-kernel 4.2.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.1:compile (default-compile) on project wss4j: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] /sources/wso2/wso2carbon-kernel/dependencies/wss4j/1.5.11-wso2v6/src/org/apache/ws/security/kerberos/[10,24] EncryptionKey is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
A greeting and thanks.
As Asela mentioned kernal switch to java 1.6 and for the ESB failure, you can build [1] to get rid of that issue.
You can not use JDK 1.6 to build the WSO2 platform. Please check WSO2 docs from here
If you want to build the product from the source distribution, you
must use JDK 1.6 instead of JDK 1.7.
But it says that you can run the product on JDK 1.7
Oracle and IBM JRE 1.7 are also supported when running (not building)
WSO2 products.

How do I install Jetty WTP Server Adapter for Eclipse 3.5?

Currently I am attempting to install the Jetty WTP Server Adapter for Eclipse 3.5 and get the following errors:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee,phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.mortbay.jetty.serveradaptor,1.0.4
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.mortbay.jetty.serveradaptor,1.0.4
To install, I attempt to add a new server runtime, click 'Install Additional Server Adapters' and follow the wizard I get when I click on the Generic Jetty Server Adapter that eventually loads. I've had this error in all the RCs up to this point, but currently the active RC is RC4.
I also found the 'Download additional server adapters" route to adding the Jetty (and Glassfish) server adapters failed, with the same dependency issues as the Original Poster.
Downloading the .jar and copying it into the 'plugins' dir of my Eclipse install idd not work. The Jetty server adapter was still not a recognised installed plugin.
I had to go to "Help->Install New Software->Add..." and enter the site manually. Then I could see the Jetty adapter, and install it successfully. It seems to have installed into the eclipse/plugins/ rather than copied a .jar file into eclipse/plugins.
This may be what the poster on 2 Jul was trying to say, but it wasn't very clear.
I don't know why, but the "download additional server adapters" dialog hasn't worked for me once with Eclipse 3.5, the install always fails with dependency issues.
I also found I had to manually install all the WST Adapter items to get around failed dependencies, for example:
"Web, XML and Java EE Development->JST Server Adapters", "WST Server Adapters"
and also the "Database Development" items. I'm not sure which were required.. when I'd installed everything that looked likely, all my dependency issues were resolved when installing the Glassfish and Jetty server adapters from their update sites.
There's a new (official!) Jetty WTP Plugin to support Jetty 7.x and 8.x:
The problem could be resolved installing the JST Server UI before the Jetty Server Adapter. It is a current bug (see
That way you can install it either as a plugin or in the servers view.
I think you need org.mortbay.jetty.serveradaptor.1.0.4.jar to install jetty adapter, download from , put it in plugins of eclipse.
Hope the answer could help you.