Facebook returning HTTP status code 502 while making a GET Request - facebook-graph-api

I am trying a GET request from Facebook for a batch of ids using my app access token separated by a comma.
Please find below the call:
Facebook returns an error intermittently for some of these requests with an HTTP status code of 502.
I've tried fetching for these ids using the graph API explorer as well as the app access token later. They have been fetched properly. I have performed some research, but all issues of Facebook were related to open graph and 502 is "Bad Gateway Error". Since mine is not a web app, I cannot even refresh a browser to make the call again. This is a normal call made to Facebook API.
The error returned by Facebook is html which contains the following message:
"Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can."
Since they have given this response, I want to know if someone is facing this issue as well and if somebody could tell me, when this will be resolved.
This is affecting the other calls as well and there is a delay in the fetching.
Thanks in advance.

The Error 502 means that the message is too large. I do not know exactly the maximum size. Curiosity. What language are you using??
Good Bye


GAE Error | Server Encountered an Error and couldn't complete your request. Please try again after 30 seconds

We have an app running on Google App Engine with Python 2.7 runtime which can be assessed using Google Login, implemented using users API endpoint.
We are getting an error "Server Encountered an Error and couldn't complete your request. Please try again after 30 seconds" whenever user tries to open the web app.. The error is thworn on App Engine side, since the 500 error happens on that line where this call is made 'GET https://appengine.google.com/_ah/conflogin'.
This happens for both mobile(majorly) and web. It shows the same error when we try after the specified time.
However when we clear the browser cookies, cache, history etc etc it starts working. Not sure why. But we cannot users to clear all such stuffs all time as they might loose the information that they browsed.
We tried various cases for login(multiple login, single login, incognito mode) but couldn't figure the root cause of the problem.
Have anyone faced such issues before? If yes please share how you solved it.

Facebook url scrape failing with internal 500 error

According to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph/using-objects#update it is possible to do a 'POST' on ?id=url&scrape=true to refresh the url object in Facebook cache.
This is working fine and the object attributes are getting refreshed with the last scraped time changing when the url is viewed thru the Facebook debugger.
However the API call to scrape always fails with a 500 internal error and I am keen to avoid this error from happening. I have tried to several combination of using POST fields and with/without encoding the query parameters. But nothing has helped.
Anybody else having this problem and any help is highly appreciated.
I am using graph api version - v2.5

Response body gets dropped when coming through HLB(HardwareLoadbalancer) randomly

We used wso2esb 4..8.1.
We are facing issue when moved into the production some of the requests from client is getting 404 page not found error .Where as everything is working in dev environment
We are facing same issue like above description the difference is we are using F5 Hard ware load balance.
we are able to see request and response printed in wso2carbon.log but client is not getting response and resulting 404 error code.
Please be informed that this problem is happening only for certain requests only not for all.
We tried to reproduce this scenario using Jmeter and Soap UI but did not face this problem. Our doubt is response being dropped going through HLB.
Please suggest.

Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to graph.facebook.com:8000 FB UnitySDK

I have been trying to post some achievements in game with following code:
FB.API(FB.UserId +"/"+achievementType,
but the result is sometimes posted on my activity log and sometimes it fails to post with the message
"Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to graph.facebook.com:8000" while sometimes it is sucessful with post ID. I have tested the achievement files from facebook API explorer and also from POSTMAN plugin and it successfully posted it using both of them with post ID. But when I try to post the achievement from Unity3d it fails sometimes and works sometimes. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong while posting using UnitySDK?
Note: I have hosted these files on Github. Example AchievementFileLink
If anyone has suggestion please let me know.
The workaround I found out for this is whenever the above error happens I again send the request in the callback method to post achievement and it gets published on my game activity successfully. This should not be the intended behaviour and is very bad practice but for time being ill take this as an answer.

OAuthException (#368) The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed

I'm trying to post a feed on my wall or on the wall on some of my friends using Graph API. I gave all permissions that this application needs, allow them when i make the request from my page, I'm having a valid access token but even though this exception occurs and no feed is posted. My post request looks pretty good, the permissions are given. What do I need to do to show on facebook app that I'm not an abusive person. The last think I did was to dig in my application Auth Dialog to set all permission I need there, and to write why do I need these permissions.
I would be very grateful if you tell me what is going on and point me into the right direction of what do I need to do to fix this problem.
Had the same problem. I figured out that Facebook was refusing my shortlinks, which makes me a bit mad...but I get the point because its possible that shortlinks can be used to promote malicious content...so if you have shortlinks as part of your test, replace them w the full url...
I believe this message is encountered for one of the two reasons :
Your post contains malicious links
You are trying to make a POST request over a non-https connection.
The second one is not confirmed but I have seen that behavior. While same code in my heroku hosted app worked fine, it gave this #368 error on my 000webhost hosted .tk domain which wasn't secured by SSL
Just in case anyone is still struggling with this, the problem occurs when you put URLs or "action links" that are not in your own app domain, if you really need to post to an extarnal page, you'll have to post to your app first, then redirect from there using a script or something. hope that helps.
also it's better in my opinion to use HTTPS links, as sometimes i've seen a behaviour where http links would be rejected, but that's intermittent.
I started noticing that recently as well when running my unit tests. One of the tests I run is submitting a link that I know Facebook has blocked to verify that I handle the error correctly. I used to get this error:
Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content: Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook...
But starting on July 4th, I started receiving this error instead:
(#368) The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed'
Both errors indicate that Facebook doesn't like what you're publishing.