Getting rid of empty in django testsuite - django

I have two pure service apps, that act as servant to my core models. Hence, they do not have any own models.
While the testsuite for the first service runs fine, the second throws the following error:
App with label location is missing a module.
If I add an empty, the suite runs fine.
I can't spot a difference in terms of architecture / structure between the apps. But I want to get rid of the empty, unneeded
How would I do that?

Update: What you ask is now possible. With Django 1.7 you no longer need a file. -release notes
Previously: Django testing requires every app to have a file. It's okay to leave it empty (or with a helpful comment!). Ticket discussion on the matter of apps without models. Direct from the code (added in 1.4/still in 1.5):
the test runner won't currently load a test module with no file

As far as I know, it is necessary to include a '' module on every Django application to make it run properly


reusable app (package) in Django - how to add extra models

I am writing a small package that extends the django app that is used by many of my colleagues locally. So right now they can simply add it via pip, and then they add this extension in INSTALLED_APPS in
But the problem is that I can't add the new models to this extension (or at least I don't figure out yet how to do it correctly) because then the guys who would like to use my extension, have to sync their database or make migrations so their database contains the models needed for extension.
Is it possible (and right thing to do) to add new models to the current django project 'silently' as soon as the user adds the app to INSTALLED_APPS?

Test Django models without running migration or syncdb

EDIT: The issue described below was caused not by bad workflow but by an apparent bug when loading fixtures. One of my apps had the fixture initial_data.json. The testing framework loads the fixture before performing the necessary migrations. (FWIW, I'm using Django 1.7 + python3.4) This issue is described here. (My workaround: rename the fixture to data.json.)
I'll leave the rest of the post intact in case this helps someone else in the future.
I'm trying to use Django's built-in tests to rapidly test my Django models during development. Unfortunately, when I try this, I get the error:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: relation "app_relation" does not exist
The workflow I was imagining was
Define a few model fields (possibly across apps)
Test logic using Django tests
Fix logic errors, modify fields, and iterate this process.
This way, I can build my models incrementally without creating a large number of migrations. Migrations create headaches for me because I frequently add, remove, and rename fields or models as I'm validating my logic.
For example, my model has demographic fields, and I'm not sure whether I should keep an male_under_18 field or split it up into male_under_5, male_5_to_9, male_10_to_15, and male_16_to_18 granularity.
It sure would be nice to verify the decision using before making my migrations.
My understanding was that Django's test myapp created a database independent of the development database, and so doesn't require that my development database match the current schema defined by my models.
If the workflow above is impossible (or downright silly), I'm open to other ways to solving my problem.
Related question: django unit tests without a db. (Doesn't work because I want to test the DB!)

Django not creating tables for an installed app

My django site was functioning before I installed Lion and had to reinstall everything related to development. Since then, I have deleted and recreated my database, but one of my two installed apps is being ignored in syncdb. Those tables are not present in my database.
This post suggested there might be an import error. I can import the app in question using shell, so I don't think that's it.
Both apps are definitely installed (verified by debug toolbar). Any other suggestions? I'm relatively new to Django, having been mostly an iOS developer for the past couple of years.
If a model exists outside of the standard (for instance, if the app’s models are in submodules of myapp.models), the model must define which app it is part of.
What it doesn't mention is that they also have to be imported somewhere during the model registration phase.

Field available via Django shell but not via web application

On the web page, I get the following error:
FieldError at /foo/bar/
Cannot resolve keyword 'foos' into field. Choices are: __unused__, [snip]
The problem code is
When I run this in the shell, it works and I get a recordset:
>>> User.objects.filter(foos__name='bar')
[<User: JordanReiter>]
But on the webpage I get the exception above.
I've never run into this issue before and I wonder if I'm missing something?
Based on doing a diff between the "Choices are: ..." on the web and in the shell it appears there are 7 fields that are available in the shell that aren't available if I do the query on the web. They appear to be ordinary ForeignKey fields pointing to User, with no difference from the other fields that work.
Tested So Far
INSTALLED_APPS are identical for both settings
runserver version also works (as would be expected)
User used is identical in both cases and is django.contrib.auth.models.User
related names for the shell's User and the web app's User are definitely different. User._meta.get_all_related_objects() in the shell displays around 7 more related fields than the if I dump that from the web app.
values for settings are also basically identical (one has the TEST_XYZ settings but those don't affect anything)
This is only sort-of an answer. Turns out the reason that the field is not available is because all of the installed apps' models do not correctly load in when the app is first compiled, so the app permanently believes certain fields don't exist, even after they recognize the models for those fields do exist. It appears to be related to this earlier, equally confusing problem:
SO: Internal Server error on the first request (and only the first request) after server reload
Oh, and so how I fixed it was to change areas of code that imported the models that the web server couldn't find on the first request. Somehow, omitting those meant that the server would recognize that the fields in question were present. Super weirdness!
Reverse foreign keys are only added to models if the app they are in is in INSTALLED_APPS. I know you say that your is the same as in development, but somehow it is the case that your foo app is in INSTALLED_APPS locally, but not on the server. Do you have a local_settings override perhaps?

django modeltranslation registers "0" models

I have a Django project that employs modeltranslation. On the development box, it registers 10 models and works flawlessly.
On the production server, when started it notifies that it has registered "0" models (instead of 10) and doesn't throw any exceptions. However when any admin page that shows a should-be-registered model is visited, the NotRegistered exception is thrown.
All non-admin pages, and admin pages that don't include translated models work without problems.
Suggestions are highly appreciated.
Moving the modeltranslation folder from the project folder into the packages folder resolved the issue.
have a look into your database, i would bet that "syncdb" did not add the required colums/tables
if you have no production data on the database: simple delete it and re-sync it